Interface ShortReferencePair<V>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ShortReferenceImmutablePair, ShortReferenceMutablePair

public interface ShortReferencePair<V>
extends Pair<Short,​V>
A type-specific Pair; provides some additional methods that use polymorphism to avoid (un)boxing.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    default Short first()
    Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead.
    default ShortReferencePair<V> first​(short l)
    Sets the left element of this pair (optional operation).
    default ShortReferencePair<V> first​(Short l)
    Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead.
    default short firstShort()
    Returns the left element of this pair.
    default Short key()
    Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead.
    default ShortReferencePair<V> key​(short l)
    Sets the left element of this pair (optional operation).
    default ShortReferencePair<V> key​(Short l)
    default short keyShort()
    Returns the left element of this pair.
    default Short left()
    Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead.
    default ShortReferencePair<V> left​(short l)
    Sets the left element of this pair (optional operation).
    default ShortReferencePair<V> left​(Short l)
    Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead.
    short leftShort()
    Returns the left element of this pair.
    static <V> ShortReferencePair<V> of​(short left, V right)
    Returns a new type-specific immutable Pair with given left and right value.

    Methods inherited from interface it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.Pair

    right, right, second, second, value, value
  • Method Details

    • leftShort

      short leftShort()
      Returns the left element of this pair.
      the left element of this pair.
    • left

      @Deprecated default Short left()
      Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead.
      Returns the left element of this pair.
      Specified by:
      left in interface Pair<Short,​V>
      the left element of this pair.
    • left

      default ShortReferencePair<V> left​(short l)
      Sets the left element of this pair (optional operation).
      l - a new value for the left element.
      Implementation Specification:
      This implementation throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
    • left

      @Deprecated default ShortReferencePair<V> left​(Short l)
      Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead.
      Sets the left element of this pair (optional operation).
      Specified by:
      left in interface Pair<Short,​V>
      l - a new value for the left element.
    • firstShort

      default short firstShort()
      Returns the left element of this pair.
      the left element of this pair.
      Implementation Specification:
      This implementation delegates to left().
    • first

      @Deprecated default Short first()
      Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead.
      Returns the left element of this pair.
      Specified by:
      first in interface Pair<Short,​V>
      the left element of this pair.
    • first

      default ShortReferencePair<V> first​(short l)
      Sets the left element of this pair (optional operation).
      l - a new value for the left element.
      Implementation Specification:
      This implementation delegates to Pair.left(Object).
    • first

      @Deprecated default ShortReferencePair<V> first​(Short l)
      Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead.
      Sets the left element of this pair (optional operation).
      Specified by:
      first in interface Pair<Short,​V>
      l - a new value for the left element.
    • keyShort

      default short keyShort()
      Returns the left element of this pair.
      the left element of this pair.
      Implementation Specification:
      This implementation delegates to left().
    • key

      @Deprecated default Short key()
      Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead.
      Returns the left element of this pair.
      Specified by:
      key in interface Pair<Short,​V>
      the left element of this pair.
    • key

      default ShortReferencePair<V> key​(short l)
      Sets the left element of this pair (optional operation).
      l - a new value for the left element.
      Implementation Specification:
      This implementation delegates to Pair.left(Object).
    • key

      @Deprecated default ShortReferencePair<V> key​(Short l)
      Description copied from interface: Pair
      Sets the left element of this pair (optional operation).
      Specified by:
      key in interface Pair<Short,​V>
      l - a new value for the left element.
    • of

      static <V> ShortReferencePair<V> of​(short left, V right)
      Returns a new type-specific immutable Pair with given left and right value.
      left - the left value.
      right - the right value.