Interface ShortShortSortedPair

All Superinterfaces:
Pair<Short,​Short>, Serializable, ShortShortPair, SortedPair<Short>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ShortShortSortedPair
extends ShortShortPair, SortedPair<Short>, Serializable
A type-specific immutable SortedPair.
  • Method Details

    • of

      static ShortShortSortedPair of​(short left, short right)
      Returns a new type-specific immutable SortedPair with given left and right value.

      Note that if left and right are in the wrong order, they will be exchanged.

      left - the left value.
      right - the right value.
      Implementation Specification:
      This factory method delegates to the factory method of the corresponding immutable implementation.
    • contains

      default boolean contains​(short e)
      Returns true if one of the two elements of this sorted pair is equal to a given element.
      e - an element.
      true if one of the two elements of this sorted pair is equal to e.
      See Also:
    • contains

      @Deprecated default boolean contains​(Object o)
      Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead.
      Returns true if one of the two elements of this sorted pair is equal to a given object.
      Specified by:
      contains in interface SortedPair<Short>
      o - an object, or null-
      true if one of the two elements of this sorted pair is equal to o.