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Acceleration - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Rate of change of velocity with respect to time.
Action - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Energy multiplied by a duration (quantity associated to the Planck Constant).
add(Quantity<Q>) - Method in interface javax.measure.Quantity
Returns the sum of this Quantity with the one specified.
alternate(String) - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns a system unit equivalent to this unscaled standard unit but used in expressions to distinguish between quantities of a different nature but of the same dimensions.
AmountOfSubstance - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Number of elementary entities (molecules, for example) of a substance.
Angle - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Figure formed by two lines diverging from a common point.
AngularAcceleration - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Rate of change of angular velocity with respect to time.
AngularSpeed - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Rate of change of angular displacement with respect to time.
Area - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Extent of a planar region or of the surface of a solid measured in square units.
asType(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.measure.Quantity
Casts this quantity to a parameterized unit of specified nature or throw a ClassCastException if the dimension of the specified quantity and this measure unit's dimension do not match.
asType(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Casts this unit to a parameterized unit of specified nature or throw a ClassCastException if the dimension of the specified quantity and this unit's dimension do not match.


CatalyticActivity - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Catalytic activity.
concatenate(UnitConverter) - Method in interface javax.measure.UnitConverter
Concatenates this converter with another converter.
convert(Number) - Method in interface javax.measure.UnitConverter
Converts a Number value.
convert(double) - Method in interface javax.measure.UnitConverter
Converts a double value.
create(Number, Unit<Q>) - Method in interface javax.measure.spi.QuantityFactory
Returns the quantity for the specified number stated in the specified unit.


Dimension - Interface in javax.measure
Represents the dimension of a unit.
Dimensionless - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Dimensionless quantity.
divide(Dimension) - Method in interface javax.measure.Dimension
Returns the quotient of this dimension with the one specified.
divide(Quantity<?>) - Method in interface javax.measure.Quantity
Returns the product of this Quantity divided by the Quantity specified.
divide(Number) - Method in interface javax.measure.Quantity
Returns the product of this Quantity divided by the Number specified.
divide(double) - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns the result of dividing this unit by an approximate divisor.
divide(Unit<?>) - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns the quotient of this unit with the one specified.
DynamicViscosity - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Dynamic viscosity.


ElectricCapacitance - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Electric capacitance.
ElectricCharge - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Electric charge.
ElectricConductance - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Electric conductance.
ElectricCurrent - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Amount of electric charge flowing past a specified circuit point per unit time.
ElectricInductance - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Electric inductance.
ElectricPermittivity - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
How an electric field affects, and is affected, by a dielectric medium.
ElectricPotential - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Electric potential or electromotive force.
ElectricResistance - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Electric resistance.
Energy - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Capacity of a physical system to do work.


Force - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Quantity that tends to produce an acceleration of a body in the direction of its application.
format(Unit<?>, Appendable) - Method in interface javax.measure.format.UnitFormat
Formats the specified unit.
Frequency - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Number of times a specified phenomenon occurs within a specified interval.


getConversionSteps() - Method in interface javax.measure.UnitConverter
Returns the steps of fundamental converters making up this converter or this if the converter is a fundamental converter.
getConverterTo(Unit<Q>) - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns a converter of numeric values from this unit to another unit of same type.
getConverterToAny(Unit<?>) - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns a converter from this unit to the specified unit of type unknown.
getDimension() - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns the dimension of this unit.
getName() - Method in interface javax.measure.spi.SystemOfUnits
getName() - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns the name (if any) of this unit.
getParsedString() - Method in exception javax.measure.format.ParserException
Returns the string that was being parsed.
getPosition() - Method in exception javax.measure.format.ParserException
Returns the position where the error was found.
getProductDimensions() - Method in interface javax.measure.Dimension
Returns the fundamental dimensions and their exponent whose product is this dimension, or null if this dimension is a fundamental dimension.
getProductUnits() - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns the base units and their exponent whose product is this unit, or null if this unit is a base unit (not a product of existing units).
getSymbol() - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns the symbol (if any) of this unit.
getSystemOfUnits() - Method in interface javax.measure.spi.SystemOfUnitsService
Returns the default International System of Units.
getSystemOfUnits(String) - Method in interface javax.measure.spi.SystemOfUnitsService
Returns the system of units having the specified name or null if none.
getSystemUnit() - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns the unscaled system unit from which this unit is derived.
getUnit() - Method in interface javax.measure.Quantity
Returns the unit of this Quantity.
getUnit(Class<Q>) - Method in interface javax.measure.spi.SystemOfUnits
Returns the default unit for the specified quantity.
getUnitFormat() - Method in interface javax.measure.spi.UnitFormatService
Returns the default unit format.
getUnitFormat(String) - Method in interface javax.measure.spi.UnitFormatService
Returns the unit format having the specified name or null if none.
getUnits() - Method in interface javax.measure.spi.SystemOfUnits
Returns a read only view over the units defined in this system.
getUnits(Dimension) - Method in interface javax.measure.spi.SystemOfUnits
Returns the units defined in this system having the specified dimension (convenience method).
getValue() - Method in interface javax.measure.Quantity
Returns the value of this Quantity.


Illuminance - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
IncommensurableException - Exception in javax.measure
Signals that a problem of some sort has occurred due to incommensurable of some quantities/units.
IncommensurableException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.measure.IncommensurableException
Constructs a IncommensurableException with the given message.
IncommensurableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.measure.IncommensurableException
Constructs a IncommensurableException with the given cause.
IncommensurableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.measure.IncommensurableException
Constructs a IncommensurableException with the given message and cause.
Information - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Measure of information.
InformationRate - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Speed of data-transmission.
inverse() - Method in interface javax.measure.Quantity
Returns a Quantity whose unit is unit.inverse().
inverse() - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns the inverse of this unit.
inverse() - Method in interface javax.measure.UnitConverter
Returns the inverse of this converter.
IonizingRadiation - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Quantity of subatomic particles or electromagnetic waves that are energetic enough to detach electrons from atoms or molecules, ionizing them.
isCompatible(Unit<?>) - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Indicates if this unit is compatible with the unit specified.
isIdentity() - Method in interface javax.measure.UnitConverter
Indicates if this converter is an identity converter.
isLinear() - Method in interface javax.measure.UnitConverter
Indicates if this converter is linear.


javax.measure - package javax.measure
Specifies Java packages for the programmatic, type safe handling of quantities and their expression as values of units.
javax.measure.format - package javax.measure.format
[OPTIONAL] Provides Formatting and Parsing functionality for units, quantities, dimensions or their textual representation.
javax.measure.quantity - package javax.measure.quantity
[OPTIONAL] Provides quantitative properties or attributes of thing such as mass, time, distance, heat, and angular separation.
javax.measure.spi - package javax.measure.spi
[OPTIONAL] Provides services for units, quantities or their textual representation.


KinematicViscosity - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Diffusion of momentum.


Length - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Extent of something along its greatest dimension or the extent of space between two objects or places.
Luminance - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Luminous intensity per unit area of light traveling in a given direction.
LuminousFlux - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Luminous flux.
LuminousIntensity - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Luminous flux density per solid angle as measured in a given direction relative to the emitting source.


MagneticFieldStrength - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Magnetic field strength.
MagneticFlux - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Magnetic flux.
MagneticFluxDensity - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Magnetic flux density.
MagneticPermeability - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Degree of magnetization of a material that responds linearly to an applied magnetic field.
MagnetomotiveForce - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Force that produces magnetic flux.
Mass - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Measure of the quantity of matter that a body or an object contains.
MassFlowRate - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Movement of mass per time.
MeasurementException - Exception in javax.measure
Exception thrown when errors occur during measurement operations.
MeasurementException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.measure.MeasurementException
Constructs a MeasurementException with the given message.
MeasurementException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.measure.MeasurementException
Constructs a MeasurementException with the given cause.
MeasurementException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.measure.MeasurementException
Constructs a MeasurementException with the given message and cause.
MeasurementException() - Constructor for exception javax.measure.MeasurementException
Constructs a MeasurementException with no given message.
multiply(Dimension) - Method in interface javax.measure.Dimension
Returns the product of this dimension with the one specified.
multiply(Length) - Method in interface javax.measure.quantity.Length
Returns the product of this Length with the one specified resulting in Area
multiply(Quantity<?>) - Method in interface javax.measure.Quantity
Returns the product of this Quantity with the one specified.
multiply(Number) - Method in interface javax.measure.Quantity
Returns the product of this Quantity with the Number value specified.
multiply(double) - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns the result of multiplying this unit by the specified factor.
multiply(Unit<?>) - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns the product of this unit with the one specified.


parse(I) - Method in interface javax.measure.format.Parser
Parses the specified I to produce a O.
parse(CharSequence) - Method in interface javax.measure.format.UnitFormat
Parses a portion of the specified CharSequence from the specified position to produce a unit.
Parser<I,O> - Interface in javax.measure.format
Represents a function that parses an input value and produces an output.
ParserException - Exception in javax.measure.format
Signals that an error has been reached unexpectedly while parsing.
ParserException(String, CharSequence, int) - Constructor for exception javax.measure.format.ParserException
Constructs a ParserException with the specified detail message, parsed text and index.
ParserException(CharSequence, int) - Constructor for exception javax.measure.format.ParserException
Constructs a ParserException with the parsed text and offset.
ParserException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.measure.format.ParserException
Constructs a ParserException with the specified cause.
pow(int) - Method in interface javax.measure.Dimension
Returns this dimension raised to an exponent.
pow(int) - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns a unit equals to this unit raised to an exponent.
Power - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Rate at which work is done.
Pressure - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Force applied uniformly over a surface.


Quantity<Q extends Quantity<Q>> - Interface in javax.measure
Represents a quantitative property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, that can be quantified by measurement.
QuantityFactory<Q extends Quantity<Q>> - Interface in javax.measure.spi
Represents a factory that accepts Number and Unit arguments to create a Quantity result.


RadiationDoseAbsorbed - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Amount of energy deposited per unit of mass.
RadiationDoseEffective - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Effective (or "equivalent") dose of radiation received by a human or some other living organism.
Radioactivity - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Radioactive activity.
root(int) - Method in interface javax.measure.Dimension
Returns the given root of this dimension.
root(int) - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns a unit equals to the given root of this unit.


shift(double) - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns the result of setting the origin of the scale of measurement to the given value.
SolidAngle - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Angle formed by three or more planes intersecting at a common point.
Speed - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Distance traveled divided by the time of travel.
subtract(Quantity<Q>) - Method in interface javax.measure.Quantity
Returns the difference between this Quantity and the one specified.
SystemOfUnits - Interface in javax.measure.spi
A system of units grouped together for historical or cultural reasons.
SystemOfUnitsService - Interface in javax.measure.spi
This interface represents the service to obtain a system of units.


Temperature - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Degree of hotness or coldness of a body or an environment.
Time - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Period of existence or persistence.
to(Unit<Q>) - Method in interface javax.measure.Quantity
Returns this Quantity converted into another (compatible) Unit.
Torque - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Moment of a force.
toString() - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns a string representation of this unit.
transform(UnitConverter) - Method in interface javax.measure.Unit
Returns the unit derived from this unit using the specified converter.


UnconvertibleException - Exception in javax.measure
Signals that a problem of some sort has occurred due to the impossibility of constructing a converter between two units.
UnconvertibleException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.measure.UnconvertibleException
Constructs a UnconvertibleException with the given message.
UnconvertibleException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.measure.UnconvertibleException
Constructs a UnconvertibleException with the given cause.
UnconvertibleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.measure.UnconvertibleException
Constructs a UnconvertibleException with the given message and cause.
Unit<Q extends Quantity<Q>> - Interface in javax.measure
Represents a determinate quantity (as of length, time, heat, or value) adopted as a standard of measurement.
UnitConverter - Interface in javax.measure
A converter of numeric values between different units.
UnitFormat - Interface in javax.measure.format
Formats instances of Unit to a String or an Appendable and parses a CharSequence to a Unit.
UnitFormatService - Interface in javax.measure.spi
This interface represent the service to obtain UnitFormat instances.


Volume - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object or region of space.
VolumetricDensity - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Mass per unit volume of a substance under specified conditions of pressure and temperature.
VolumetricFlowRate - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
Volume of fluid passing a point in a system per unit of time.


WaveNumber - Interface in javax.measure.quantity
This interface represents a wave property inversely related to wavelength.
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