Annotation Type BindingPriority

public @interface BindingPriority

Filters and interceptors are grouped in chains for each of the extension points: Pre, PreMatch, Post as well as ReadFrom and WriteTo. Each of these chains is sorted by binding priorities which are represented as integer numbers. All chains except Post are sorted in ascending order; the lower the number the higher the priority. The Post filter chain is sorted in descending order to ensure that response filters are executed in reverse order.

This class defines a few built-in priority classes. Filters and interceptors that belong to the same priority class (same integer value) are executed in an implementation-defined manner. By default, i.e. when this annotation is absent, a filter or interceptor is defined in the USER class.

Santiago Pericas-Geertsen

Required Element Summary
 int value
          Priority defined for a filter or interceptor.

Element Detail


public abstract int value
Priority defined for a filter or interceptor.

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