Class Variant.VariantListBuilder

  extended by
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class Variant.VariantListBuilder
extends java.lang.Object

A builder for a list of representation variants.

Constructor Summary
protected Variant.VariantListBuilder()
          Protected constructor, use the static newInstance method to obtain an instance.
Method Summary
abstract  Variant.VariantListBuilder add()
          Add the current combination of metadata to the list of supported variants, after this method is called the current combination of metadata is emptied.
abstract  java.util.List<Variant> build()
          Add the current combination of metadata to the list of supported variants (provided the current combination of metadata is not empty) and build a list of representation variants from the current state of the builder.
abstract  Variant.VariantListBuilder encodings(java.lang.String... encodings)
          Set the encoding(s) for this variant.
abstract  Variant.VariantListBuilder languages(java.util.Locale... languages)
          Set the language(s) for this variant.
abstract  Variant.VariantListBuilder mediaTypes(MediaType... mediaTypes)
          Set the media type(s) for this variant.
static Variant.VariantListBuilder newInstance()
          Create a new builder instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected Variant.VariantListBuilder()
Protected constructor, use the static newInstance method to obtain an instance.

Method Detail


public static Variant.VariantListBuilder newInstance()
Create a new builder instance.

a new builder instance.


public abstract java.util.List<Variant> build()
Add the current combination of metadata to the list of supported variants (provided the current combination of metadata is not empty) and build a list of representation variants from the current state of the builder. After this method is called the builder is reset to an empty state.

a list of representation variants.


public abstract Variant.VariantListBuilder add()
Add the current combination of metadata to the list of supported variants, after this method is called the current combination of metadata is emptied.

If more than one value is supplied for one or more of the variant properties then a variant will be generated for each possible combination. E.g. in the following list would have five (4 + 1) members:

List list = VariantListBuilder.newInstance()
         .languages(Locale.ENGLISH, Locale.FRENCH).encodings("zip", "identity").add()

Note that it is not necessary to call the add() method immediately before the build method is called. E.g. the resulting list produced in the example above would be identical to the list produced by the following code:

List list = VariantListBuilder.newInstance()
         .languages(Locale.ENGLISH, Locale.FRENCH).encodings("zip", "identity").add()

the updated builder.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if there is not at least one mediaType, language or encoding set for the current variant.


public abstract Variant.VariantListBuilder languages(java.util.Locale... languages)
Set the language(s) for this variant.

languages - the available languages.
the updated builder.


public abstract Variant.VariantListBuilder encodings(java.lang.String... encodings)
Set the encoding(s) for this variant.

encodings - the available encodings.
the updated builder.


public abstract Variant.VariantListBuilder mediaTypes(MediaType... mediaTypes)
Set the media type(s) for this variant.

mediaTypes - the available mediaTypes. If specific charsets are supported they should be included as parameters of the respective media type.
the updated builder.

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