A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X 


abortWith(Response) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Abort the filter chain with a response.
abortWith(Response) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Abort the filter chain with a response.
AbstractMultivaluedMap<K,V> - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
Abstract skeleton implementation of a MultivaluedMap that is backed by a [key, multi-value] store represented as a Map<K, List<V>>.
AbstractMultivaluedMap(Map<K, List<V>>) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
Initialize the backing store in the abstract parent multivalued map implementation.
accept(String...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Add the accepted response media types.
accept(MediaType...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Add the accepted response media types.
ACCEPT - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
ACCEPT_CHARSET - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
ACCEPT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
ACCEPT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
accepted() - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder with an ACCEPTED status.
accepted(Object) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder with an ACCEPTED status that contains a representation.
acceptEncoding(String...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Add acceptable encodings.
acceptLanguage(Locale...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Add acceptable languages.
acceptLanguage(String...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Add acceptable languages.
add(K, V) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
Add a value to the current list of values for the supplied key.
add(K, V) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap
Add a value to the current list of values for the supplied key.
add() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant.VariantListBuilder
Add the current combination of metadata to the list of supported variants, after this method is called the current combination of metadata is emptied.
addAll(K, V...) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
Add multiple values to the current list of values for the supplied key.
addAll(K, List<V>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
Add all the values from the supplied value list to the current list of values for the supplied key.
addAll(K, V...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap
Add multiple values to the current list of values for the supplied key.
addAll(K, List<V>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap
Add all the values from the supplied value list to the current list of values for the supplied key.
addFirst(K, V) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
Add a value to the first position in the current list of values for the supplied key.
addFirst(K, V) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap
Add a value to the first position in the current list of values for the supplied key.
addFirstNull(List<V>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
Define the behavior for adding a null values to the first position in the value list.
addNull(List<V>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
Define the behavior for adding a null values to the value list.
ALLOW - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
allow(String...) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the list of allowed methods for the resource.
allow(Set<String>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the list of allowed methods for the resource.
Application - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
Defines the components of a JAX-RS application and supplies additional meta-data.
Application() - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Application
APPLICATION_ATOM_XML - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A String constant representing "application/atom+xml" media type.
APPLICATION_ATOM_XML_TYPE - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing "application/atom+xml" media type.
APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A String constant representing "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" media type.
APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" media type.
APPLICATION_JSON - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A String constant representing "application/json" media type.
APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing "application/json" media type.
APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A String constant representing "application/octet-stream" media type.
APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing "application/octet-stream" media type.
APPLICATION_SVG_XML - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A String constant representing "application/svg+xml" media type.
APPLICATION_SVG_XML_TYPE - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing "application/svg+xml" media type.
APPLICATION_XHTML_XML - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A String constant representing "application/xhtml+xml" media type.
APPLICATION_XHTML_XML_TYPE - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing "application/xhtml+xml" media type.
APPLICATION_XML - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A String constant representing "application/xml" media type.
APPLICATION_XML_TYPE - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing "application/xml" media type.
ApplicationPath - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Identifies the application path that serves as the base URI for all resource URIs provided by Path.
aroundReadFrom(ReaderInterceptorContext) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.ReaderInterceptor
aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.WriterInterceptor
asMap() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Form
Returns multivalued map representation of the form.
async() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Access the asynchronous uniform request invocation interface to asynchronously invoke the built request.
AsyncInvoker - Interface in javax.ws.rs.client
Uniform interface for asynchronous invocation of HTTP methods.
AsyncResponse - Interface in javax.ws.rs.container
An injectable JAX-RS asynchronous response that provides means for asynchronous server side response processing.
AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.Priorities
Security authentication filter/interceptor priority.
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.Priorities
Security authorization filter/interceptor priority.


BadRequestException - Exception in javax.ws.rs
A runtime exception indicating a bad client request.
BadRequestException() - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.BadRequestException
Construct a new bad client request exception.
BadRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.BadRequestException
Construct a new bad client request exception.
BadRequestException(Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.BadRequestException
Construct a new bad client request exception.
BadRequestException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.BadRequestException
Construct a new bad client request exception.
BadRequestException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.BadRequestException
Construct a new bad client request exception.
BadRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.BadRequestException
Construct a new bad client request exception.
BadRequestException(Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.BadRequestException
Construct a new bad client request exception.
BadRequestException(String, Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.BadRequestException
Construct a new bad client request exception.
baseUri(URI) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Link.Builder
Set the base URI for resolution of relative URIs.
baseUri(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Link.Builder
Set the base URI as a string for resolution of relative URIs.
BASIC_AUTH - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext
String identifier for Basic authentication.
BeanParam - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
The annotation that may be used to inject custom JAX-RS "parameter aggregator" value object into a resource class field, property or resource method parameter.
bufferEntity() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Buffer the message entity data.
build() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder
Build a new client instance using all the configuration previously specified in this client builder.
build(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Build a request invocation using an arbitrary request method name.
build(String, Entity<?>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Build a request invocation using an arbitrary request method name and request entity.
build(Object...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Link.Builder
Finish building this link using the supplied values as URI parameters.
build() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Create a Response instance from the current ResponseBuilder.
build(Object...) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Build a URI, using the supplied values in order to replace any URI template parameters.
build(Object[], boolean) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Build a URI, using the supplied values in order to replace any URI template parameters.
build() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant.VariantListBuilder
Add the current combination of metadata to the list of supported variants (provided the current combination of metadata is not empty) and build a list of representation variants from the current state of the builder.
buildDelete() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Build a DELETE request invocation.
buildFromEncoded(Object...) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Build a URI.
buildFromEncodedMap(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Build a URI.
buildFromMap(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Build a URI.
buildFromMap(Map<String, ?>, boolean) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Build a URI.
buildGet() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Build a GET request invocation.
buildPost(Entity<?>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Build a POST request invocation.
buildPut(Entity<?>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Build a PUT request invocation.
buildRelativized(URI, Object...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Link.Builder
Finish building this link using the supplied values as URI parameters and relativize the result with respect to the supplied URI.


CACHE_CONTROL - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
cacheControl(CacheControl) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Set the cache control data of the message.
CacheControl - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
An abstraction for the value of a HTTP Cache-Control response header.
CacheControl() - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Create a new instance of CacheControl.
cacheControl(CacheControl) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the cache control data of the message.
cancel() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
Cancel the suspended request processing.
cancel(int) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
Cancel the suspended request processing.
cancel(Date) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
Cancel the suspended request processing.
CHARSET_PARAMETER - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
The media type charset parameter name.
clear() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
Client - Interface in javax.ws.rs.client
Client is the main entry point to the fluent API used to build and execute client requests in order to consume responses returned.
CLIENT_CERT_AUTH - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext
String identifier for Client Certificate authentication.
ClientBuilder - Class in javax.ws.rs.client
Main entry point to the client API used to bootstrap Client instances.
ClientBuilder() - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder
Allows custom implementations to extend the ClientBuilder class.
ClientErrorException - Exception in javax.ws.rs
A base runtime application exception indicating a client request error (HTTP 4xx status codes).
ClientErrorException(Response.Status) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ClientErrorException
Construct a new client error exception.
ClientErrorException(String, Response.Status) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ClientErrorException
Construct a new client error exception.
ClientErrorException(int) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ClientErrorException
Construct a new client error exception.
ClientErrorException(String, int) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ClientErrorException
Construct a new client error exception.
ClientErrorException(Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ClientErrorException
Construct a new client error exception.
ClientErrorException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ClientErrorException
Construct a new client error exception.
ClientErrorException(Response.Status, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ClientErrorException
Construct a new client error exception.
ClientErrorException(String, Response.Status, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ClientErrorException
Construct a new client error exception.
ClientErrorException(int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ClientErrorException
Construct a new client error exception.
ClientErrorException(String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ClientErrorException
Construct a new client error exception.
ClientErrorException(Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ClientErrorException
Construct a new client error exception.
ClientErrorException(String, Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ClientErrorException
Construct a new client error exception.
ClientRequestContext - Interface in javax.ws.rs.client
Client request filter context.
ClientRequestFilter - Interface in javax.ws.rs.client
An extension interface implemented by client request filters.
ClientResponseContext - Interface in javax.ws.rs.client
Client response filter context.
ClientResponseFilter - Interface in javax.ws.rs.client
An extension interface implemented by client response filters.
clone() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
clone() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Create a copy of the UriBuilder preserving its state.
close() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Client
Close client instance and all it's associated resources.
close() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Close the underlying message entity input stream (if available and open) as well as releases any other resources associated with the response (e.g.
completed(RESPONSE) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.InvocationCallback
Called when the invocation was successfully completed.
CompletionCallback - Interface in javax.ws.rs.container
A request processing callback that receives request processing completion events.
Configurable<C extends Configurable> - Interface in javax.ws.rs.core
Represents a client or server-side configurable context in JAX-RS.
Configuration - Interface in javax.ws.rs.core
A configuration state associated with a configurable JAX-RS context.
configure(ResourceInfo, FeatureContext) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.DynamicFeature
A callback method called by the JAX-RS runtime during the application deployment to register provider instances or classes in a runtime configuration scope of a particular resource or sub-resource method; i.e.
configure(FeatureContext) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Feature
A call-back method called when the feature is to be enabled in a given runtime configuration scope.
ConnectionCallback - Interface in javax.ws.rs.container
Asynchronous request processing lifecycle callback that receives connection related asynchronous response lifecycle events.
ConstrainedTo - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Indicates the run-time context in which an annotated JAX-RS provider is applicable.
Consumes - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Defines the media types that the methods of a resource class or MessageBodyReader can accept.
ContainerRequestContext - Interface in javax.ws.rs.container
Container request filter context.
ContainerRequestFilter - Interface in javax.ws.rs.container
An extension interface implemented by container request filters.
ContainerResponseContext - Interface in javax.ws.rs.container
Container response filter context.
ContainerResponseFilter - Interface in javax.ws.rs.container
An extension interface implemented by container response filters.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
CONTENT_DISPOSITION - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
CONTENT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
CONTENT_ID - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
CONTENT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
CONTENT_LOCATION - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
contentLocation(URI) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the content location.
Context - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs.core
This annotation is used to inject information into a class field, bean property or method parameter.
ContextResolver<T> - Interface in javax.ws.rs.ext
Contract for a provider that supplies context information to resource classes and other providers.
cookie(Cookie) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Add a cookie to be set.
cookie(String, String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Add a cookie to be set.
Cookie - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
Represents the value of a HTTP cookie, transferred in a request.
Cookie(String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie
Create a new instance.
Cookie(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie
Create a new instance.
Cookie(String, String) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie
Create a new instance.
COOKIE - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
cookie(NewCookie...) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Add cookies to the response message.
CookieParam - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Binds the value of a HTTP cookie to a resource method parameter, resource class field, or resource class bean property.
created(URI) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder for a created resource, set the location header using the supplied value.
createEndpoint(Application, Class<T>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate
Create a configured instance of the supplied endpoint type.
createHeaderDelegate(Class<T>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate
Obtain an instance of a RuntimeDelegate.HeaderDelegate for the supplied class.
createLinkBuilder() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate
Create a new instance of a Link.Builder.
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate
Create a new instance of a Response.ResponseBuilder.
createUriBuilder() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate
Create a new instance of a UriBuilder.
createVariantListBuilder() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate
Create a new instance of a Variant.VariantListBuilder.


DATE - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
DEFAULT_MAX_AGE - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Specifies that the cookie expires with the current application/browser session.
DEFAULT_VERSION - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie
Cookies using the default version correspond to RFC 2109.
DefaultValue - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Defines the default value of request meta-data that is bound using one of the following annotations: PathParam, QueryParam, MatrixParam, CookieParam, FormParam, or HeaderParam.
delete() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request asynchronously.
delete(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request asynchronously.
delete(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request asynchronously.
delete(InvocationCallback<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request asynchronously.
delete() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request synchronously.
delete(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request synchronously.
delete(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request synchronously.
DELETE - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Indicates that the annotated method responds to HTTP DELETE requests.
DELETE - Static variable in annotation type javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod
DIGEST_AUTH - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext
String identifier for Digest authentication.
DynamicFeature - Interface in javax.ws.rs.container
A JAX-RS meta-provider for dynamic registration of post-matching providers during a JAX-RS application setup at deployment time.


Encoded - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Disables automatic decoding of parameter values bound using QueryParam, PathParam, FormParam or MatrixParam.
encoding(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the message entity content encoding.
encodings(String...) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant
Create a Variant.VariantListBuilder initialized with a set of supported encodings.
encodings(String...) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant.VariantListBuilder
Set the encoding(s) for this variant.
Entity<T> - Class in javax.ws.rs.client
Encapsulates message entity including the associated variant information.
entity(T, MediaType) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Create an entity using a supplied content media type.
entity(T, MediaType, Annotation[]) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Create an entity using a supplied content media type.
entity(T, String) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Create an entity using a supplied content media type.
entity(T, Variant) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Create an entity using a supplied content media type.
entity(T, Variant, Annotation[]) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Create an entity using a supplied content media type.
entity(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the response entity in the builder.
entity(Object, Annotation[]) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the response entity in the builder.
ENTITY_CODER - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.Priorities
Message encoder or decoder filter/interceptor priority.
EntityTag - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
An abstraction for the value of a HTTP Entity Tag, used as the value of an ETag response header.
EntityTag(String) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.EntityTag
Creates a new instance of a strong EntityTag.
EntityTag(String, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.EntityTag
Creates a new instance of an EntityTag.
entrySet() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap

This implementation delegates the method call to to the the underlying [key, multi-value] store.

equals(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Compares object argument to this cache control to see if they are the same considering all property values.
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie
Compare for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.EntityTag
Compares obj to this tag to see if they are the same considering weakness and value.
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.GenericEntity
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.GenericType
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link.JaxbLink
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
Compares obj to this media type to see if they are the same by comparing type, subtype and parameters.
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Compare for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant
Compares obj to this variant to see if they are the same considering all property values.
equalsIgnoreValueOrder(MultivaluedMap<K, V>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
equalsIgnoreValueOrder(MultivaluedMap<K, V>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap
Compare the specified map with this map for equality modulo the order of values for each key.
ETAG - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
evaluatePreconditions(EntityTag) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Request
Evaluate request preconditions based on the passed in value.
evaluatePreconditions(Date) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Request
Evaluate request preconditions based on the passed in value.
evaluatePreconditions(Date, EntityTag) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Request
Evaluate request preconditions based on the passed in value.
evaluatePreconditions() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Request
Evaluate request preconditions for a resource that does not currently exist.
ExceptionMapper<E extends Throwable> - Interface in javax.ws.rs.ext
Contract for a provider that maps Java exceptions to Response.
EXPIRES - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
expires(Date) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the response expiration date.


failed(Throwable) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.InvocationCallback
Called when the invocation has failed for any reason.
familyOf(int) - Static method in enum javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status.Family
Get the response status family for the status code.
Feature - Interface in javax.ws.rs.core
A feature extension contract.
FeatureContext - Interface in javax.ws.rs.core
A configurable context passed to Feature and DynamicFeature instances by JAX-RS runtime during the phase of their configuration.
filter(ClientRequestContext) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestFilter
Filter method called before a request has been dispatched to a client transport layer.
filter(ClientRequestContext, ClientResponseContext) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseFilter
Filter method called after a response has been provided for a request (either by a request filter or when the HTTP invocation returns.
filter(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestFilter
Filter method called before a request has been dispatched to a resource.
filter(ContainerRequestContext, ContainerResponseContext) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseFilter
Filter method called after a response has been provided for a request (either by a request filter or by a matched resource method.
ForbiddenException - Exception in javax.ws.rs
A runtime exception indicating that an access to a resource requested by a client has been forbidden by the server.
ForbiddenException() - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ForbiddenException
Construct a new "forbidden" exception.
ForbiddenException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ForbiddenException
Construct a new "forbidden" exception.
ForbiddenException(Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ForbiddenException
Construct a new "forbidden" exception.
ForbiddenException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ForbiddenException
Construct a new "forbidden" exception.
ForbiddenException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ForbiddenException
Construct a new "forbidden" exception.
ForbiddenException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ForbiddenException
Construct a new "forbidden" exception.
ForbiddenException(Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ForbiddenException
Construct a new "forbidden" exception.
ForbiddenException(String, Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ForbiddenException
Construct a new "forbidden" exception.
form(Form) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
form(MultivaluedMap<String, String>) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Form - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
Represents the the HTML form data request entity encoded using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" content type.
Form() - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Form
Create a new form data instance.
Form(String, String) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Form
Create a new form data instance with a single parameter entry.
Form(MultivaluedMap<String, String>) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Form
Create a new form data instance and register a custom underlying parameter store.
FORM_AUTH - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext
String identifier for Form authentication.
FormParam - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Binds the value(s) of a form parameter contained within a request entity body to a resource method parameter.
fragment(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Set the URI fragment.
fromLink(Link) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Create a new builder instance initialized from another link.
fromLink(Link) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Create a new instance initialized from a Link.
fromMethod(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Convenience method to build a link from a resource.
fromMethod(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Create a new instance representing a relative URI initialized from a Path-annotated method.
fromPath(String) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Convenience method to build a link from a path.
fromPath(String) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Create a new instance representing a relative URI initialized from a URI path.
fromResource(Class<?>) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Convenience method to build a link from a resource.
fromResource(Class<?>) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Create a new instance representing a relative URI initialized from a root resource class.
fromResponse(Response) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder by performing a shallow copy of an existing Response.
fromStatusCode(int) - Static method in enum javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status
Convert a numerical status code into the corresponding Status.
fromString(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.ParamConverter
Parse the supplied value and create an instance of T.
fromString(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate.HeaderDelegate
Parse the supplied value and create an instance of T.
fromUri(URI) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Create a new builder instance initialized from an existing URI.
fromUri(String) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Create a new builder instance initialized from an existing URI represented as a string.
fromUri(URI) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Create a new instance initialized from an existing URI.
fromUri(String) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Create a new instance initialized from an existing URI.
fromUriBuilder(UriBuilder) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Create a new builder instance initialized from a URI builder.


GenericEntity<T> - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
Represents a message entity of a generic type T.
GenericEntity(T) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.GenericEntity
Constructs a new generic entity.
GenericEntity(T, Type) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.GenericEntity
Create a new instance of GenericEntity, supplying the generic type information.
GenericType<T> - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
Represents a generic message entity type T.
GenericType() - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.GenericType
Constructs a new generic type, deriving the generic type and class from type parameter.
GenericType(Type) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.GenericType
Constructs a new generic type, supplying the generic type information and deriving the class.
get() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP GET method for the current request asynchronously.
get(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP GET method for the current request asynchronously.
get(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP GET method for the current request asynchronously.
get(InvocationCallback<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP GET method for the current request asynchronously.
get() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP GET method for the current request synchronously.
get(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP GET method for the current request synchronously.
get(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP GET method for the current request synchronously.
get(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
GET - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Indicates that the annotated method responds to HTTP GET requests.
GET - Static variable in annotation type javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod
HTTP GET method.
getAbsolutePath() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get the absolute path of the request.
getAbsolutePathBuilder() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get the absolute path of the request in the form of a UriBuilder.
getAcceptableLanguages() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get a list of languages that are acceptable for the response.
getAcceptableLanguages() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Get a list of languages that are acceptable for the response.
getAcceptableLanguages() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
Get a list of languages that are acceptable for the response.
getAcceptableMediaTypes() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get a list of media types that are acceptable for the response.
getAcceptableMediaTypes() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Get a list of media types that are acceptable for the response.
getAcceptableMediaTypes() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
Get a list of media types that are acceptable for the response.
getAllowedMethods() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get the allowed HTTP methods from the Allow HTTP header.
getAllowedMethods() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the allowed HTTP methods from the Allow HTTP header.
getAllowedMethods() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get the allowed HTTP methods from the Allow HTTP header.
getAnnotations() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Get the entity annotations.
getAnnotations() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.InterceptorContext
Get an array of the annotations formally declared on the artifact that initiated the intercepted entity provider invocation.
getAuthenticationScheme() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext
Returns the string value of the authentication scheme used to protect the resource.
getBaseUri() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get the base URI of the application.
getBaseUriBuilder() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get the base URI of the application in the form of a UriBuilder.
getCacheExtension() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to a set of extension cache control directives.
getChallenges() - Method in exception javax.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException
Get the list of authorization challenges associated with the exception and applicable to the resource requested by the client.
getClasses() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Application
Get a set of root resource, provider and feature classes.
getClasses() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configuration
Get the immutable set of registered JAX-RS component (such as provider or feature) classes to be instantiated, injected and utilized in the scope of the configurable instance.
getClient() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get the client instance associated with the request.
getComment() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Get the comment associated with the cookie.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get the immutable configuration of the request.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configurable
Get a live view of an internal configuration state of this configurable instance.
getContext(Class<?>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.ContextResolver
Get a context of type T that is applicable to the supplied type.
getContextResolver(Class<T>, MediaType) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.Providers
Get a context resolver for a particular type of context and media type.
getContracts(Class<?>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configuration
Get the extension contract registration information for a component of a given class.
getConverter(Class<T>, Type, Annotation[]) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.ParamConverterProvider
Obtain a ParamConverter that can provide from/to string conversion for an instance of a particular Java type.
getCookies() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get any cookies that accompanied the request.
getCookies() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get any new cookies set on the response message.
getCookies() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Get any cookies that accompanied the request.
getCookies() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get any new cookies set on the response message.
getCookies() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
Get any cookies that accompanied the request.
getCookies() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get any new cookies set on the response message.
getDate() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get message date.
getDate() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get message date.
getDate() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Get message date.
getDate() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get message date.
getDate() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
Get message date.
getDate() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get message date.
getDomain() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie
Get the domain of the cookie.
getEncoding() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Get entity encoding.
getEncoding() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant
Get the encoding of the variant.
getEntity() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get the message entity Java instance.
getEntity() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Get entity data.
getEntity() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the message entity Java instance.
getEntity() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.GenericEntity
Get the enclosed entity.
getEntity() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get the message entity Java instance.
getEntity() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.WriterInterceptorContext
Get object to be written as HTTP entity.
getEntityAnnotations() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get the annotations attached to the entity instance.
getEntityAnnotations() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the annotations attached to the entity instance.
getEntityClass() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get the raw entity type information.
getEntityClass() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the raw entity type information.
getEntityStream() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get the entity output stream.
getEntityStream() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get the entity input stream.
getEntityStream() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Get the entity input stream.
getEntityStream() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the entity output stream.
getEntityTag() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get the entity tag.
getEntityTag() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the entity tag.
getEntityTag() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get the entity tag.
getEntityType() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get the generic entity type information.
getEntityType() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the generic entity type information.
getExceptionMapper(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.Providers
Get an exception mapping provider for a particular class of exception.
getExpiry() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Get the cookie expiry date.
getFamily() - Method in enum javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status
Get the class of status code.
getFamily() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Response.StatusType
Get the class of status code.
getFirst(K) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
getFirst(K) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap
A shortcut to get the first value of the supplied key.
getGenericType() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.InterceptorContext
Get the type of the object to be produced or written.
getHeaders() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get the mutable request headers multivalued map.
getHeaders() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get the mutable response headers multivalued map.
getHeaders() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Get the mutable request headers multivalued map.
getHeaders() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the mutable response headers multivalued map.
getHeaders() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get view of the response headers and their object values.
getHeaders() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.ReaderInterceptorContext
Get mutable map of HTTP headers.
getHeaders() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.WriterInterceptorContext
Get mutable map of HTTP headers.
getHeaderString(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get a message header as a single string value.
getHeaderString(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get a message header as a single string value.
getHeaderString(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Get a message header as a single string value.
getHeaderString(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get a message header as a single string value.
getHeaderString(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
Get a HTTP header as a single string value.
getHeaderString(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get a message header as a single string value.
getHostnameVerifier() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Client
Get the hostname verifier configured in the client or null in case no hostname verifier has been configured.
getInputStream() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.ReaderInterceptorContext
Get the input stream of the object to be read.
getInstance() - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate
Obtain a RuntimeDelegate instance.
getInstances() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configuration
Get the immutable set of registered JAX-RS component (such as provider or feature) instances to be utilized by the configurable instance.
getLanguage() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get the language of the entity.
getLanguage() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get the language of the entity.
getLanguage() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Get entity language.
getLanguage() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Get the language of the entity.
getLanguage() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the language of the entity.
getLanguage() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
Get the language of the request entity.
getLanguage() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get the language of the message entity.
getLanguage() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant
Get the language of the variant.
getLanguageString() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant
Get the string representation of the variant language, or null if no language has been set.
getLastModified() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get the last modified date.
getLastModified() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the last modified date.
getLastModified() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get the last modified date.
getLength() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get Content-Length value.
getLength() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Get Content-Length value.
getLength() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get Content-Length value.
getLength() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
Get Content-Length value.
getLength() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get Content-Length value.
getLink(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get the link for the relation.
getLink(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the link for the relation.
getLink(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get the link for the relation.
getLinkBuilder(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Convenience method that returns a Link.Builder for the relation.
getLinkBuilder(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Convenience method that returns a Link.Builder for the relation.
getLinkBuilder(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Convenience method that returns a Link.Builder for the relation.
getLinks() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get the links attached to the message as header.
getLinks() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the links attached to the message as header.
getLinks() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get the links attached to the message as headers.
getLocation() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get the location.
getLocation() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the location.
getLocation() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get the location.
getLocation() - Method in exception javax.ws.rs.RedirectionException
Get the redirection response location.
getMatchedResources() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get a read-only list of the currently matched resource class instances.
getMatchedURIs() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get a read-only list of URIs for matched resources.
getMatchedURIs(boolean) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get a read-only list of URIs for matched resources.
getMatrixParameters() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.PathSegment
Get a map of the matrix parameters associated with the path segment.
getMaxAge() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the max-age cache control directive.
getMaxAge() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Get the maximum age of the the cookie in seconds.
getMediaType() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get the media type of the entity.
getMediaType() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get the media type of the entity.
getMediaType() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Get entity media type.
getMediaType() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Get the media type of the entity.
getMediaType() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the media type of the entity.
getMediaType() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
Get the media type of the request entity.
getMediaType() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get the media type of the message entity.
getMediaType() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant
Get the media type of the variant.
getMediaType() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.InterceptorContext
Get media type of HTTP entity.
getMessageBodyReader(Class<T>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.Providers
Get a message body reader that matches a set of criteria.
getMessageBodyWriter(Class<T>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.Providers
Get a message body writer that matches a set of criteria.
getMetadata() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
getMethod() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get the request method.
getMethod() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Get the request method.
getMethod() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Request
Get the request method, e.g.
getName() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie
Get the name of the cookie.
getNoCacheFields() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the value of the no-cache cache control directive.
getOutputStream() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.WriterInterceptorContext
Get the output stream for the object to be written.
getParameters() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
Getter for a read-only parameter map.
getParams() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Returns an immutable map that includes all the link parameters defined on this link.
getParams() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link.JaxbLink
Get the parameter map for this link.
getPath() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie
Get the path of the cookie.
getPath() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.PathSegment
Get the path segment.
getPath() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get the path of the current request relative to the base URI as a string.
getPath(boolean) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get the path of the current request relative to the base URI as a string.
getPathParameters() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get the values of any embedded URI template parameters.
getPathParameters(boolean) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get the values of any embedded URI template parameters.
getPathSegments() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get the path of the current request relative to the base URI as a list of PathSegment.
getPathSegments(boolean) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get the path of the current request relative to the base URI as a list of PathSegment.
getPrivateFields() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the value of the private cache control directive.
getProperties() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Application
Get a map of custom application-wide properties.
getProperties() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configuration
Get the immutable bag of configuration properties.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Returns the property with the given name registered in the current request/response exchange context, or null if there is no property by that name.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Returns the property with the given name registered in the current request/response exchange context, or null if there is no property by that name.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configuration
Get the value for the property with a given name.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.InterceptorContext
Returns the property with the given name registered in the current request/response exchange context, or null if there is no property by that name.
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Returns an immutable collection containing the property names available within the context of the current request/response exchange context.
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Returns an immutable collection containing the property names available within the context of the current request/response exchange context.
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configuration
Returns an immutable collection containing the property names available within the context of the current configuration instance.
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.InterceptorContext
Returns an immutable collection containing the property names available within the context of the current request/response exchange context.
getQueryParameters() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get the URI query parameters of the current request.
getQueryParameters(boolean) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get the URI query parameters of the current request.
getRawType() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.GenericEntity
Gets the raw type of the enclosed entity.
getRawType() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.GenericType
Returns the object representing the class or interface that declared the type represented by this generic type instance.
getReasonPhrase() - Method in enum javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status
Get the reason phrase.
getReasonPhrase() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Response.StatusType
Get the reason phrase.
getRel() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Returns the value associated with the link rel param, or null if this param is not specified.
getRels() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Returns the value associated with the link rel param as a list of strings or the empty list if rel is not defined.
getRequest() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Get the injectable request information.
getRequestHeader(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
Get the values of a HTTP request header.
getRequestHeaders() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
Get the values of HTTP request headers.
getRequestUri() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get the absolute request URI including any query parameters.
getRequestUriBuilder() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Get the absolute request URI in the form of a UriBuilder.
getResource(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ResourceContext
Get a resolved instance of a resource or sub-resource class.
getResourceClass() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ResourceInfo
Get the resource class that is the target of a request, or null if this information is not available.
getResourceMethod() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ResourceInfo
Get the resource method that is the target of a request, or null if this information is not available.
getResponse() - Method in exception javax.ws.rs.client.ResponseProcessingException
Get the HTTP response for which the processing has failed.
getResponse() - Method in exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Get the HTTP response.
getRetryTime(Date) - Method in exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Get the retry time for the failed request.
getRuntimeType() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configuration
Get the runtime type of this configuration context.
getSecurityContext() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Get the injectable security context information for the current request.
getSingletons() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Application
Get a set of root resource, provider and feature instances.
getSize(T, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.MessageBodyWriter
Originally, the method has been called before writeTo to ascertain the length in bytes of the serialized form of t.
getSMaxAge() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the s-maxage cache control directive.
getSslContext() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Client
Get the SSL context configured to be used with the current client run-time.
getStatus() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get the status code associated with the response.
getStatus() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the status code associated with the response.
getStatus() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get the status code associated with the response.
getStatusCode() - Method in enum javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status
Get the associated status code.
getStatusCode() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Response.StatusType
Get the associated status code.
getStatusInfo() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Get the complete status information associated with the response.
getStatusInfo() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get the complete status information associated with the response.
getStatusInfo() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get the complete status information associated with the response.
getStringHeaders() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get a string view of header values associated with the message.
getStringHeaders() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Get a string view of header values associated with the message.
getStringHeaders() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Get view of the response headers and their string values.
getSubtype() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
Getter for subtype.
getTitle() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Returns the value associated with the link title param, or null if this param is not specified.
getType() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.GenericEntity
Gets underlying Type instance.
getType() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.GenericType
Retrieve the type represented by the generic type instance.
getType() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Returns the value associated with the link type param, or null if this param is not specified.
getType() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
Getter for primary type.
getType() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.InterceptorContext
Get Java type supported by corresponding message body provider.
getUri() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Get the request URI.
getUri() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget
Get the URI identifying the resource.
getUri() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Returns the underlying URI associated with this link.
getUri() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link.JaxbLink
Get the underlying URI for this link.
getUriBuilder() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget
Get the URI builder initialized with the URI of the current resource target.
getUriBuilder() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Convenience method that returns a UriBuilder initialized with this link's underlying URI.
getUriInfo() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Get request URI information.
getUserPrincipal() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext
Returns a java.security.Principal object containing the name of the current authenticated user.
getValue() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie
Get the value of the cookie.
getValue() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.EntityTag
Get the value of an EntityTag.
getValues(K) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
Return a non-null list of values for a given key.
getVariant() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Get entity variant information.
getVersion() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie
Get the version of the cookie.


handleTimeout(AsyncResponse) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.TimeoutHandler
Invoked when the suspended asynchronous response is about to time out.
hasEntity() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Check if there is an entity available in the request.
hasEntity() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Check if there is a non-empty entity input stream is available in the response message.
hasEntity() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Check if there is a non-empty entity input stream available in the request message.
hasEntity() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Check if there is an entity available in the response.
hasEntity() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Check if there is an entity available in the response.
hashCode() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
hashCode() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap

This implementation delegates the method call to to the the underlying [key, multi-value] store.

hashCode() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Generate hash code from cache control properties.
hashCode() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie
Generate a hash code by hashing all of the cookies properties.
hashCode() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.EntityTag
Generate hashCode based on value and weakness.
hashCode() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.GenericEntity
hashCode() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.GenericType
hashCode() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link.JaxbLink
hashCode() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
Generate a hash code from the type, subtype and parameters.
hashCode() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Generate a hash code by hashing all of the properties.
hashCode() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant
Generate hash code from variant properties.
hasLink(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Check if link for relation exists.
hasLink(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Check if link for relation exists.
hasLink(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Check if link for relation exists.
hasRetryAfter() - Method in exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Check if the underlying response contains the information on when is it possible to retry the request.
head() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP HEAD method for the current request asynchronously.
head(InvocationCallback<Response>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP HEAD method for the current request asynchronously.
head() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP HEAD method for the current request synchronously.
HEAD - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Indicates that the annotated method responds to HTTP HEAD requests.
HEAD - Static variable in annotation type javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod
HTTP HEAD method.
header(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Add an arbitrary header.
header(String, Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Add an arbitrary header.
HEADER_DECORATOR - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.Priorities
Header decorator filter/interceptor priority.
HeaderParam - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Binds the value(s) of a HTTP header to a resource method parameter, resource class field, or resource class bean property.
headers(MultivaluedMap<String, Object>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Replaces all existing headers with the newly supplied headers.
HOST - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
host(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Set the URI host.
hostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder
Set the hostname verifier to be used by the client to verify the endpoint's hostname against it's identification information.
html(T) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Create a "text/html" entity.
HttpHeaders - Interface in javax.ws.rs.core
An injectable interface that provides access to HTTP header information.
HttpMethod - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Associates the name of a HTTP method with an annotation.


IF_MATCH - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
IF_MODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
IF_NONE_MATCH - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
initResource(T) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ResourceContext
Initialize the resource or sub-resource instance.
InterceptorContext - Interface in javax.ws.rs.ext
InternalServerErrorException - Exception in javax.ws.rs
A runtime exception indicating an internal server error.
InternalServerErrorException() - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.InternalServerErrorException
Construct a new internal server error exception.
InternalServerErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.InternalServerErrorException
Construct a new internal server error exception.
InternalServerErrorException(Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.InternalServerErrorException
Construct a new internal server error exception.
InternalServerErrorException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.InternalServerErrorException
Construct a new internal server error exception.
InternalServerErrorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.InternalServerErrorException
Construct a new internal server error exception.
InternalServerErrorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.InternalServerErrorException
Construct a new internal server error exception.
InternalServerErrorException(Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.InternalServerErrorException
Construct a new internal server error exception.
InternalServerErrorException(String, Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.InternalServerErrorException
Construct a new internal server error exception.
invocation(Link) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Client
Build an invocation builder from a link.
Invocation - Interface in javax.ws.rs.client
A client request invocation.
Invocation.Builder - Interface in javax.ws.rs.client
A client request invocation builder.
InvocationCallback<RESPONSE> - Interface in javax.ws.rs.client
Callback that can be implemented to receive the asynchronous processing events from the invocation processing.
invoke() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation
Synchronously invoke the request and receive a response back.
invoke(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation
Synchronously invoke the request and receive a response of the specified type back.
invoke(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation
Synchronously invoke the request and receive a response of the specified generic type back.
isCancelled() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
Check if the asynchronous response instance has been cancelled.
isCompatible(MediaType) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
Check if this media type is compatible with another media type.
isDone() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
Check if the processing of a request this asynchronous response instance belongs to has finished.
isEmpty() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
isEnabled(Feature) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configuration
Check if a particular feature instance has been previously enabled in the runtime configuration context.
isEnabled(Class<? extends Feature>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configuration
Check if a feature instance of featureClass class has been previously enabled in the runtime configuration context.
isHttpOnly() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Returns true if this cookie contains the HttpOnly attribute.
isMustRevalidate() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the must-revalidate cache control directive.
isNoCache() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the no-cache cache control directive.
isNoStore() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the no-store cache control directive.
isNoTransform() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the no-transform cache control directive.
isPrivate() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the private cache control directive.
isProxyRevalidate() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the proxy-revalidate cache control directive.
isReadable(Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.MessageBodyReader
Ascertain if the MessageBodyReader can produce an instance of a particular type.
isRegistered(Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configuration
Check if a particular JAX-RS component instance (such as providers or features) has been previously registered in the runtime configuration context.
isRegistered(Class<?>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configuration
Check if a JAX-RS component of the supplied componentClass class has been previously registered in the runtime configuration context.
isSecure() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Whether the cookie will only be sent over a secure connection.
isSecure() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext
Returns a boolean indicating whether this request was made using a secure channel, such as HTTPS.
isSuspended() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
Check if the asynchronous response instance is in a suspended state.
isUserInRole(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext
Returns a boolean indicating whether the authenticated user is included in the specified logical "role".
isWeak() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.EntityTag
Check the strength of an EntityTag.
isWildcardSubtype() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
Checks if the subtype is a wildcard.
isWildcardType() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
Checks if the primary type is a wildcard.
isWriteable(Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.MessageBodyWriter
Ascertain if the MessageBodyWriter supports a particular type.


javax.ws.rs - package javax.ws.rs
High-level interfaces and annotations used to create RESTful service resources.
javax.ws.rs.client - package javax.ws.rs.client
The JAX-RS client API
javax.ws.rs.container - package javax.ws.rs.container
Container-specific JAX-RS API.
javax.ws.rs.core - package javax.ws.rs.core
Low-level interfaces and annotations used to create RESTful service resources.
javax.ws.rs.ext - package javax.ws.rs.ext
APIs that provide extensions to the types supported by the JAX-RS API.
JAXRS_DEFAULT_CLIENT_BUILDER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder
Name of the property identifying the ClientBuilder implementation to be returned from ClientBuilder.newBuilder().
JAXRS_RUNTIME_DELEGATE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate
Name of the property identifying the RuntimeDelegate implementation to be returned from RuntimeDelegate.getInstance().
json(T) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Create an "application/json" entity.


keySet() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
keyStore(KeyStore, char[]) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder
Set the client-side key store.
keyStore(KeyStore, String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder
Set the client-side key store.


language(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the message entity language.
language(Locale) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the message entity language.
languages(Locale...) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant
Create a Variant.VariantListBuilder initialized with a set of supported languages.
languages(Locale...) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant.VariantListBuilder
Set the language(s) for this variant.
LAST_MODIFIED - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
lastModified(Date) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the response entity last modification date.
LINK - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
Link - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
Class representing hypermedia links.
Link() - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
link(Link) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Link.Builder
Initialize builder using another link.
link(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Link.Builder
Initialize builder using another link represented as a string.
link(URI, String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Add a link header.
link(String, String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Add a link header.
Link.Builder - Interface in javax.ws.rs.core
Builder class for hypermedia links.
Link.JaxbAdapter - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
An implementation of JAXB XmlAdapter that maps the JAX-RS Link type to a value that can be marshalled and unmarshalled by JAXB.
Link.JaxbAdapter() - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Link.JaxbAdapter
Link.JaxbLink - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
Value type for Link that can be marshalled and unmarshalled by JAXB.
Link.JaxbLink() - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Link.JaxbLink
Default constructor needed during unmarshalling.
Link.JaxbLink(URI) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Link.JaxbLink
Construct an instance from a URI and no parameters.
Link.JaxbLink(URI, Map<QName, Object>) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Link.JaxbLink
Construct an instance from a URI and some parameters.
links(Link...) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Add one or more link headers.
LOCATION - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
location(URI) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the location.


marshal(Link) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link.JaxbAdapter
Convert a Link into a Link.JaxbLink.
matrixParam(String, Object...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget
Create a new WebTarget instance by appending a matrix parameter to the existing set of matrix parameters of the current final segment of the URI of the current target instance.
matrixParam(String, Object...) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Append a matrix parameter to the existing set of matrix parameters of the current final segment of the URI path.
MatrixParam - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Binds the value(s) of a URI matrix parameter to a resource method parameter, resource class field, or resource class bean property.
MEDIA_TYPE_WILDCARD - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
The value of a type or subtype wildcard "*".
MediaType - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
An abstraction for a media type.
MediaType(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
Creates a new instance of MediaType with the supplied type, subtype and parameters.
MediaType(String, String) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
Creates a new instance of MediaType with the supplied type and subtype.
MediaType(String, String, String) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
Creates a new instance of MediaType with the supplied type, subtype and "charset" parameter.
MediaType() - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
Creates a new instance of MediaType, both type and subtype are wildcards.
mediaTypes(MediaType...) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant
Create a Variant.VariantListBuilder initialized with a set of supported media types.
mediaTypes(MediaType...) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant.VariantListBuilder
Set the media type(s) for this variant.
MessageBodyReader<T> - Interface in javax.ws.rs.ext
Contract for a provider that supports the conversion of a stream to a Java type.
MessageBodyWriter<T> - Interface in javax.ws.rs.ext
Contract for a provider that supports the conversion of a Java type to a stream.
method(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke an arbitrary method for the current request asynchronously.
method(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke an arbitrary method for the current request asynchronously.
method(String, GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke an arbitrary method for the current request asynchronously.
method(String, InvocationCallback<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke an arbitrary method for the current request asynchronously.
method(String, Entity<?>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke an arbitrary method for the current request asynchronously.
method(String, Entity<?>, Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke an arbitrary method for the current request asynchronously.
method(String, Entity<?>, GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke an arbitrary method for the current request asynchronously.
method(String, Entity<?>, InvocationCallback<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke an arbitrary method for the current request asynchronously.
method(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke an arbitrary method for the current request synchronously.
method(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke an arbitrary method for the current request synchronously.
method(String, GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke an arbitrary method for the current request synchronously.
method(String, Entity<?>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke an arbitrary method for the current request synchronously.
method(String, Entity<?>, Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke an arbitrary method for the current request synchronously.
method(String, Entity<?>, GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke an arbitrary method for the current request synchronously.
MULTIPART_FORM_DATA - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A String constant representing "multipart/form-data" media type.
MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing "multipart/form-data" media type.
MultivaluedHashMap<K,V> - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
A hash table based implementation of MultivaluedMap interface.
MultivaluedHashMap() - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedHashMap
Constructs an empty multivalued hash map with the default initial capacity (16) and the default load factor (0.75).
MultivaluedHashMap(int) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedHashMap
Constructs an empty multivalued hash map with the specified initial capacity and the default load factor (0.75).
MultivaluedHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedHashMap
Constructs an empty multivalued hash map with the specified initial capacity and load factor.
MultivaluedHashMap(MultivaluedMap<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedHashMap
Constructs a new multivalued hash map with the same mappings as the specified MultivaluedMap.
MultivaluedHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedHashMap
Constructs a new multivalued hash map with the same mappings as the specified single-valued Map.
MultivaluedMap<K,V> - Interface in javax.ws.rs.core
A map of key-values pairs.


NameBinding - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Meta-annotation used to create name binding annotations for filters and interceptors.
newBuilder() - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder
Create a new ClientBuilder instance using the default client builder implementation class provided by the JAX-RS implementation provider.
newClient() - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder
Create a new Client instance using the default client builder implementation class provided by the JAX-RS implementation provider.
newClient(Configuration) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder
Create a new custom-configured Client instance using the default client builder implementation class provided by the JAX-RS implementation provider.
NewCookie - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
Used to create a new HTTP cookie, transferred in a response.
NewCookie(String, String) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Create a new instance.
NewCookie(String, String, String, String, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Create a new instance.
NewCookie(String, String, String, String, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Create a new instance.
NewCookie(String, String, String, String, int, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Create a new instance.
NewCookie(String, String, String, String, int, String, int, Date, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Create a new instance.
NewCookie(Cookie) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Create a new instance copying the information in the supplied cookie.
NewCookie(Cookie, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Create a new instance supplementing the information in the supplied cookie.
NewCookie(Cookie, String, int, Date, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Create a new instance supplementing the information in the supplied cookie.
newInstance() - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Create a new builder instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Creates a new instance of UriBuilder.
newInstance() - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant.VariantListBuilder
Create a new builder instance.
NO_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
Constant specifying no suspend timeout value.
noContent() - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder for an empty response.
NoContentException - Exception in javax.ws.rs.core
An I/O exception thrown by MessageBodyReader implementations when reading a zero-length message content to indicate that the message body reader is not able to produce an instance representing an zero-length message content.
NoContentException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.core.NoContentException
Construct a new NoContentException instance.
NoContentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.core.NoContentException
Construct a new NoContentException instance.
NoContentException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.core.NoContentException
Construct a new NoContentException instance.
notAcceptable(List<Variant>) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder for a not acceptable response.
NotAcceptableException - Exception in javax.ws.rs
A runtime exception indicating that a client request is not acceptable by the server.
NotAcceptableException() - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAcceptableException
Construct a new "request not acceptable" exception.
NotAcceptableException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAcceptableException
Construct a new "request not acceptable" exception.
NotAcceptableException(Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAcceptableException
Construct a new "request not acceptable" exception.
NotAcceptableException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAcceptableException
Construct a new "request not acceptable" exception.
NotAcceptableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAcceptableException
Construct a new "request not acceptable" exception.
NotAcceptableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAcceptableException
Construct a new "request not acceptable" exception.
NotAcceptableException(Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAcceptableException
Construct a new "request not acceptable" exception.
NotAcceptableException(String, Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAcceptableException
Construct a new "request not acceptable" exception.
NotAllowedException - Exception in javax.ws.rs
A runtime exception indicating a client requesting a resource method that is not allowed.
NotAllowedException(String, String...) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAllowedException
Construct a new method not allowed exception.
NotAllowedException(String, String, String...) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAllowedException
Construct a new method not allowed exception.
NotAllowedException(Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAllowedException
Construct a new method not allowed exception.
NotAllowedException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAllowedException
Construct a new method not allowed exception.
NotAllowedException(Throwable, String...) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAllowedException
Construct a new method not allowed exception.
NotAllowedException(String, Throwable, String...) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAllowedException
Construct a new method not allowed exception.
NotAllowedException(Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAllowedException
Construct a new method not allowed exception.
NotAllowedException(String, Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAllowedException
Construct a new method not allowed exception.
NotAuthorizedException - Exception in javax.ws.rs
A runtime exception indicating request authorization failure caused by one of the following scenarios: a client did not send the required authorization credentials to access the requested resource, i.e.
NotAuthorizedException(Object, Object...) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException
Construct a new "not authorized" exception.
NotAuthorizedException(String, Object, Object...) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException
Construct a new "not authorized" exception.
NotAuthorizedException(Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException
Construct a new "not authorized" exception.
NotAuthorizedException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException
Construct a new "not authorized" exception.
NotAuthorizedException(Throwable, Object, Object...) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException
Construct a new "not authorized" exception.
NotAuthorizedException(String, Throwable, Object, Object...) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException
Construct a new "not authorized" exception.
NotAuthorizedException(Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException
Construct a new "not authorized" exception.
NotAuthorizedException(String, Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException
Construct a new "not authorized" exception.
NotFoundException - Exception in javax.ws.rs
A runtime exception indicating a resource requested by a client was not found on the server.
NotFoundException() - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotFoundException
Construct a new "not found" exception.
NotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotFoundException
Construct a new "not found" exception.
NotFoundException(Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotFoundException
Construct a new "not found" exception.
NotFoundException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotFoundException
Construct a new "not found" exception.
NotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotFoundException
Construct a new "not found" exception.
NotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotFoundException
Construct a new "not found" exception.
NotFoundException(Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotFoundException
Construct a new "not found" exception.
NotFoundException(String, Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotFoundException
Construct a new "not found" exception.
notModified() - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder with a not-modified status.
notModified(EntityTag) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder with a not-modified status.
notModified(String) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder with a not-modified status and a strong entity tag.
NotSupportedException - Exception in javax.ws.rs
A runtime exception indicating that the client request entity media type is not supported.
NotSupportedException() - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotSupportedException
Construct a new unsupported media type exception.
NotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotSupportedException
Construct a new unsupported media type exception.
NotSupportedException(Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotSupportedException
Construct a new unsupported media type exception.
NotSupportedException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotSupportedException
Construct a new unsupported media type exception.
NotSupportedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotSupportedException
Construct a new unsupported media type exception.
NotSupportedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotSupportedException
Construct a new unsupported media type exception.
NotSupportedException(Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotSupportedException
Construct a new unsupported media type exception.
NotSupportedException(String, Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.NotSupportedException
Construct a new unsupported media type exception.


ok() - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder with an OK status.
ok(Object) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder that contains a representation.
ok(Object, MediaType) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder that contains a representation.
ok(Object, String) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder that contains a representation.
ok(Object, Variant) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder that contains a representation.
onComplete(Throwable) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.CompletionCallback
A completion callback notification method that will be invoked when the request processing is finished, after a response is processed and is sent back to the client or when an unmapped throwable has been propagated to the hosting I/O container.
onDisconnect(AsyncResponse) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ConnectionCallback
This callback notification method is invoked in case the container detects that the remote client connection associated with the asynchronous response has been disconnected.
options() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request asynchronously.
options(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request asynchronously.
options(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request asynchronously.
options(InvocationCallback<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request asynchronously.
options() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request synchronously.
options(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request synchronously.
options(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP OPTIONS method for the current request synchronously.
OPTIONS - Static variable in annotation type javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod
OPTIONS - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Indicates that the annotated method responds to HTTP OPTIONS requests.


param(String, String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Form
Adds a new value to the specified form parameter.
param(String, String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Link.Builder
Set an arbitrary parameter on this link.
ParamConverter<T> - Interface in javax.ws.rs.ext
Defines a contract for a delegate responsible for converting between a String form of a message parameter value and the corresponding custom Java type T.
ParamConverter.Lazy - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs.ext
Mandates that a conversion of any default value delegated to a parameter converter annotated with @Lazy annotation SHOULD occur only once the value is actually required (e.g.
ParamConverterProvider - Interface in javax.ws.rs.ext
Contract for a provider of ParamConverter instances.
path(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget
Create a new WebTarget instance by appending path to the URI of the current target instance.
path(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Append path to the existing path.
path(Class) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Append the path from a Path-annotated class to the existing path.
path(Class, String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Append the path from a Path-annotated method to the existing path.
path(Method) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Append the path from a Path-annotated method to the existing path.
Path - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Identifies the URI path that a resource class or class method will serve requests for.
PathParam - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Binds the value of a URI template parameter or a path segment containing the template parameter to a resource method parameter, resource class field, or resource class bean property.
PathSegment - Interface in javax.ws.rs.core
Represents a URI path segment and any associated matrix parameters.
port(int) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Set the URI port.
post(Entity<?>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP POST method for the current request asynchronously.
post(Entity<?>, Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP POST method for the current request asynchronously.
post(Entity<?>, GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP POST method for the current request asynchronously.
post(Entity<?>, InvocationCallback<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP POST method for the current request asynchronously.
post(Entity<?>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP POST method for the current request synchronously.
post(Entity<?>, Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP POST method for the current request synchronously.
post(Entity<?>, GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP POST method for the current request synchronously.
POST - Static variable in annotation type javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod
HTTP POST method.
POST - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Indicates that the annotated method responds to HTTP POST requests.
PreMatching - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs.container
Global binding annotation that can be applied to a container request filter to indicate that such filter should be applied globally on all resources in the application before the actual resource matching occurs.
Priorities - Class in javax.ws.rs
A collection of built-in priority constants for the JAX-RS components that are supposed to be ordered based on their javax.annotation.Priority class-level annotation value when used or applied by JAX-RS runtime.
proceed() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.ReaderInterceptorContext
Proceed to the next interceptor in the chain.
proceed() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.WriterInterceptorContext
Proceed to the next interceptor in the chain.
ProcessingException - Exception in javax.ws.rs
A base JAX-RS runtime processing exception.
ProcessingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ProcessingException
Constructs a new JAX-RS runtime processing exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
ProcessingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ProcessingException
Constructs a new JAX-RS runtime processing exception with the specified detail message and cause.
ProcessingException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ProcessingException
Constructs a new JAX-RS runtime processing exception with the specified detail message.
Produces - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Defines the media type(s) that the methods of a resource class or MessageBodyWriter can produce.
property(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation.Builder
Set a new property in the context of a request represented by this invocation builder.
property(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation
Set a new property in the context of a request represented by this invocation.
property(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configurable
Set the new configuration property, if already set, the existing value of the property will be updated.
Provider - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs.ext
Marks an implementation of an extension interface that should be discoverable by JAX-RS runtime during a provider scanning phase.
Providers - Interface in javax.ws.rs.ext
An injectable interface providing runtime lookup of provider instances.
put(Entity<?>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP PUT method for the current request asynchronously.
put(Entity<?>, Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP PUT method for the current request asynchronously.
put(Entity<?>, GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP PUT method for the current request asynchronously.
put(Entity<?>, InvocationCallback<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP PUT method for the current request asynchronously.
put(Entity<?>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP PUT method for the current request synchronously.
put(Entity<?>, Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP PUT method for the current request synchronously.
put(Entity<?>, GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP PUT method for the current request synchronously.
put(K, List<V>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
PUT - Static variable in annotation type javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod
HTTP PUT method.
PUT - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Indicates that the annotated method responds to HTTP PUT requests.
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends List<V>>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
putSingle(K, V) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
Set the value for the key to be a one item list consisting of the supplied value.
putSingle(K, V) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap
Set the key's value to be a one item list consisting of the supplied value.


queryParam(String, Object...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget
Create a new WebTarget instance by configuring a query parameter on the URI of the current target instance.
queryParam(String, Object...) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Append a query parameter to the existing set of query parameters.
QueryParam - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs
Binds the value(s) of a HTTP query parameter to a resource method parameter, resource class field, or resource class bean property.


readEntity(Class<T>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Read the message entity input stream as an instance of specified Java type using a MessageBodyReader that supports mapping the message entity stream onto the requested type.
readEntity(GenericType<T>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Read the message entity input stream as an instance of specified Java type using a MessageBodyReader that supports mapping the message entity stream onto the requested type.
readEntity(Class<T>, Annotation[]) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Read the message entity input stream as an instance of specified Java type using a MessageBodyReader that supports mapping the message entity stream onto the requested type.
readEntity(GenericType<T>, Annotation[]) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Read the message entity input stream as an instance of specified Java type using a MessageBodyReader that supports mapping the message entity stream onto the requested type.
ReaderInterceptor - Interface in javax.ws.rs.ext
ReaderInterceptorContext - Interface in javax.ws.rs.ext
Context class used by ReaderInterceptor to intercept calls to (@link javax.ws.rs.ext.MessageBodyReader#readFrom}.
readFrom(Class<T>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, String>, InputStream) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.MessageBodyReader
Read a type from the InputStream.
RedirectionException - Exception in javax.ws.rs
A runtime application exception indicating a request redirection (HTTP 3xx status codes).
RedirectionException(Response.Status, URI) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.RedirectionException
Construct a new redirection exception.
RedirectionException(String, Response.Status, URI) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.RedirectionException
Construct a new redirection exception.
RedirectionException(int, URI) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.RedirectionException
Construct a new redirection exception.
RedirectionException(String, int, URI) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.RedirectionException
Construct a new redirection exception.
RedirectionException(Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.RedirectionException
Construct a new redirection exception.
RedirectionException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.RedirectionException
Construct a new redirection exception.
register(Class<?>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
Register an asynchronous processing lifecycle callback class to receive lifecycle events for the asynchronous response based on the implemented callback interfaces.
register(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
Register asynchronous processing lifecycle callback classes to receive lifecycle events for the asynchronous response based on the implemented callback interfaces.
register(Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
Register an asynchronous processing lifecycle callback instance to receive lifecycle events for the asynchronous response based on the implemented callback interfaces.
register(Object, Object...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
Register an asynchronous processing lifecycle callback instances to receive lifecycle events for the asynchronous response based on the implemented callback interfaces.
register(Class<?>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configurable
Register a class of a custom JAX-RS component (such as an extension provider or a feature meta-provider) to be instantiated and used in the scope of this configurable context.
register(Class<?>, int) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configurable
Register a class of a custom JAX-RS component (such as an extension provider or a feature meta-provider) to be instantiated and used in the scope of this configurable context.
register(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configurable
Register a class of a custom JAX-RS component (such as an extension provider or a feature meta-provider) to be instantiated and used in the scope of this configurable context.
register(Class<?>, Map<Class<?>, Integer>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configurable
Register a class of a custom JAX-RS component (such as an extension provider or a feature meta-provider) to be instantiated and used in the scope of this configurable context.
register(Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configurable
Register an instance of a custom JAX-RS component (such as an extension provider or a feature meta-provider) to be instantiated and used in the scope of this configurable context.
register(Object, int) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configurable
Register an instance of a custom JAX-RS component (such as an extension provider or a feature meta-provider) to be instantiated and used in the scope of this configurable context.
register(Object, Class<?>...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configurable
Register an instance of a custom JAX-RS component (such as an extension provider or a feature meta-provider) to be instantiated and used in the scope of this configurable context.
register(Object, Map<Class<?>, Integer>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Configurable
Register an instance of a custom JAX-RS component (such as an extension provider or a feature meta-provider) to be instantiated and used in the scope of this configurable context.
rel(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Link.Builder
Convenience method to set a link relation.
REL - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Rel link param from RFC 5988.
relativize(URI) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Relativize a URI with respect to the current request URI.
remove(Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
removeProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Removes a property with the given name from the current request/response exchange context.
removeProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Removes a property with the given name from the current request/response exchange context.
removeProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.InterceptorContext
Removes a property with the given name from the current request/response exchange context.
replaceAll(MultivaluedMap<String, Object>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Replaces all existing headers with the newly supplied headers.
replaceMatrix(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Set the matrix parameters of the current final segment of the current URI path.
replaceMatrixParam(String, Object...) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Replace the existing value(s) of a matrix parameter on the current final segment of the URI path.
replacePath(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Set the URI path.
replaceQuery(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Set the URI query string.
replaceQueryParam(String, Object...) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Replace the existing value(s) of a query parameter.
request() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget
Start building a request to the targeted web resource.
request(String...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget
Start building a request to the targeted web resource and define the accepted response media types.
request(MediaType...) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget
Start building a request to the targeted web resource and define the accepted response media types.
Request - Interface in javax.ws.rs.core
An injectable helper for request processing, all methods throw an IllegalStateException if called outside the scope of a request (e.g.
resolve(URI) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
Resolve a relative URI with respect to the base URI of the application.
resolveTemplate(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget
Create a new WebTarget instance by resolving a URI template with a given name in the URI of the current target instance using a supplied value.
resolveTemplate(String, Object, boolean) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget
Create a new WebTarget instance by resolving a URI template with a given name in the URI of the current target instance using a supplied value.
resolveTemplate(String, Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Resolve a URI template with a given name in this UriBuilder instance using a supplied value.
resolveTemplate(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Resolve a URI template with a given name in this UriBuilder instance using a supplied value.
resolveTemplateFromEncoded(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget
Create a new WebTarget instance by resolving a URI template with a given name in the URI of the current target instance using a supplied encoded value.
resolveTemplateFromEncoded(String, Object) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Resolve a URI template with a given name in this UriBuilder instance using a supplied encoded value.
resolveTemplates(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget
Create a new WebTarget instance by resolving one or more URI templates in the URI of the current target instance using supplied name-value pairs.
resolveTemplates(Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget
Create a new WebTarget instance by resolving one or more URI templates in the URI of the current target instance using supplied name-value pairs.
resolveTemplates(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Resolve one or more URI templates in this UriBuilder instance using supplied name-value pairs.
resolveTemplates(Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Resolve one or more URI templates in this UriBuilder instance using supplied name-value pairs.
resolveTemplatesFromEncoded(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget
Create a new WebTarget instance by resolving one or more URI templates in the URI of the current target instance using supplied name-encoded value pairs.
resolveTemplatesFromEncoded(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Resolve one or more URI templates in this UriBuilder instance using supplied name-value pairs.
ResourceContext - Interface in javax.ws.rs.container
The resource context provides access to instances of resource classes.
ResourceInfo - Interface in javax.ws.rs.container
An injectable class to access the resource class and resource method matched by the current request.
Response - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
Defines the contract between a returned instance and the runtime when an application needs to provide meta-data to the runtime.
Response() - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Protected constructor, use one of the static methods to obtain a Response.ResponseBuilder instance and obtain a Response from that.
Response.ResponseBuilder - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
A class used to build Response instances that contain metadata instead of or in addition to an entity.
Response.ResponseBuilder() - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Protected constructor, use one of the static methods of Response to obtain an instance.
Response.Status - Enum in javax.ws.rs.core
Commonly used status codes defined by HTTP, see HTTP/1.1 documentation for the complete list.
Response.Status.Family - Enum in javax.ws.rs.core
An enumeration representing the class of status code.
Response.StatusType - Interface in javax.ws.rs.core
Base interface for statuses used in responses.
ResponseProcessingException - Exception in javax.ws.rs.client
JAX-RS client-side runtime processing exception thrown to indicate that response processing has failed (e.g.
ResponseProcessingException(Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.client.ResponseProcessingException
Constructs a new JAX-RS runtime response processing exception for a specific response with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
ResponseProcessingException(Response, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.client.ResponseProcessingException
Constructs a new JAX-RS runtime response processing exception with the specified detail message and cause.
ResponseProcessingException(Response, String) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.client.ResponseProcessingException
Constructs a new JAX-RS runtime processing exception with the specified detail message.
resume(Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
Resume the suspended request processing using the provided response data.
resume(Throwable) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
Resume the suspended request processing using the provided throwable.
RETRY_AFTER - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
RuntimeDelegate - Class in javax.ws.rs.ext
Implementations of JAX-RS provide a concrete subclass of RuntimeDelegate and various JAX-RS API methods defer to methods of RuntimeDelegate for their functionality.
RuntimeDelegate() - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate
Allows custom implementations to extend the RuntimeDelegate class.
RuntimeDelegate.HeaderDelegate<T> - Interface in javax.ws.rs.ext
Defines the contract for a delegate that is responsible for converting between the String form of a HTTP header and the corresponding JAX-RS type T.
RuntimeType - Enum in javax.ws.rs
Enumeration of JAX-RS runtime types.


scheme(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Set the URI scheme.
schemeSpecificPart(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Set the URI scheme-specific-part (see URI).
SecurityContext - Interface in javax.ws.rs.core
An injectable interface that provides access to security related information.
seeOther(URI) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder for a redirection.
segment(String...) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Append path segments to the existing path.
selectVariant(List<Variant>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Request
Select the representation variant that best matches the request.
serverError() - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder with an server error status.
ServerErrorException - Exception in javax.ws.rs
A base runtime application exception indicating a server error (HTTP 5xx status codes).
ServerErrorException(Response.Status) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServerErrorException
Construct a new server error exception.
ServerErrorException(String, Response.Status) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServerErrorException
Construct a new server error exception.
ServerErrorException(int) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServerErrorException
Construct a new server error exception.
ServerErrorException(String, int) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServerErrorException
Construct a new server error exception.
ServerErrorException(Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServerErrorException
Construct a new server error exception.
ServerErrorException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServerErrorException
Construct a new server error exception.
ServerErrorException(Response.Status, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServerErrorException
Construct a new server error exception.
ServerErrorException(String, Response.Status, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServerErrorException
Construct a new server error exception.
ServerErrorException(int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServerErrorException
Construct a new server error exception.
ServerErrorException(String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServerErrorException
Construct a new server error exception.
ServerErrorException(Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServerErrorException
Construct a new server error exception.
ServerErrorException(String, Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServerErrorException
Construct a new server error exception.
ServiceUnavailableException - Exception in javax.ws.rs
A runtime exception indicating that the requested resource cannot be served.
ServiceUnavailableException() - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Construct a new "service unavailable" exception without any "Retry-After" information specified for the failed request.
ServiceUnavailableException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Construct a new "service unavailable" exception without any "Retry-After" information specified for the failed request.
ServiceUnavailableException(Long) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Construct a new "service unavailable" exception with an interval specifying the "Retry-After" information for the failed request.
ServiceUnavailableException(String, Long) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Construct a new "service unavailable" exception with an interval specifying the "Retry-After" information for the failed request.
ServiceUnavailableException(Date) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Construct a new "service unavailable" exception with an interval specifying the "Retry-After" information for the failed request.
ServiceUnavailableException(String, Date) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Construct a new "service unavailable" exception with an interval specifying the "Retry-After" information for the failed request.
ServiceUnavailableException(Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Construct a new "service unavailable" exception.
ServiceUnavailableException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Construct a new "service unavailable" exception.
ServiceUnavailableException(Date, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Construct a new "service unavailable" exception with a date specifying the "Retry-After" information for the failed request and an underlying request failure cause.
ServiceUnavailableException(String, Date, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Construct a new "service unavailable" exception with a date specifying the "Retry-After" information for the failed request and an underlying request failure cause.
ServiceUnavailableException(Long, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Construct a new "service unavailable" exception with an interval specifying the "Retry-After" information for the failed request and an underlying request failure cause.
ServiceUnavailableException(String, Long, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Construct a new "service unavailable" exception with an interval specifying the "Retry-After" information for the failed request and an underlying request failure cause.
ServiceUnavailableException(Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Construct a new "service unavailable" exception.
ServiceUnavailableException(String, Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.ServiceUnavailableException
Construct a new "service unavailable" exception.
SET_COOKIE - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
setAnnotations(Annotation[]) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.InterceptorContext
Update annotations on the formal declaration of the artifact that initiated the intercepted entity provider invocation.
setEntity(Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Set a new message entity.
setEntity(Object, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Set a new message entity, including the attached annotations and the media type.
setEntity(Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Set a new message entity.
setEntity(Object, Annotation[], MediaType) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Set a new message entity, including the attached annotations and the media type.
setEntity(Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.WriterInterceptorContext
Update object to be written as HTTP entity.
setEntityStream(OutputStream) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Set a new entity output stream.
setEntityStream(InputStream) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Set a new entity input stream.
setEntityStream(InputStream) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Set a new entity input stream.
setEntityStream(OutputStream) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Set a new entity output stream.
setGenericType(Type) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.InterceptorContext
Update type of the object to be produced or written.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.ReaderInterceptorContext
Set the input stream of the object to be read.
setInstance(RuntimeDelegate) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate
Set the runtime delegate that will be used by JAX-RS classes.
setMaxAge(int) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the max-age cache control directive.
setMediaType(MediaType) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.InterceptorContext
Update media type of HTTP entity.
setMethod(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Set the request method.
setMethod(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Set the request method.
setMustRevalidate(boolean) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the must-revalidate cache control directive.
setNoCache(boolean) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the no-cache cache control directive.
setNoStore(boolean) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the no-store cache control directive.
setNoTransform(boolean) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the no-transform cache control directive.
setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.WriterInterceptorContext
Set a new output stream for the object to be written.
setPrivate(boolean) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the private cache control directive.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Binds an object to a given property name in the current request/response exchange context.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Binds an object to a given property name in the current request/response exchange context.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.InterceptorContext
Binds an object to a given property name in the current request/response exchange context.
setProxyRevalidate(boolean) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the must-revalidate cache control directive.
setRequestUri(URI) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Set a new request URI using the current base URI of the application to resolve the application-specific request URI part.
setRequestUri(URI, URI) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Set a new request URI using a new base URI to resolve the application-specific request URI part.
setSecurityContext(SecurityContext) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext
Set a new injectable security context information for the current request.
setSMaxAge(int) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Corresponds to the s-maxage cache control directive.
setStatus(int) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Set a new response status code.
setStatus(int) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Set a new response status code.
setStatusInfo(Response.StatusType) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientResponseContext
Set the complete status information (status code and reason phrase) associated with the response.
setStatusInfo(Response.StatusType) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerResponseContext
Set the complete status information (status code and reason phrase) associated with the response.
setTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
Set/update the suspend timeout.
setTimeoutHandler(TimeoutHandler) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
Set/replace a time-out handler for the suspended asynchronous response.
setType(Class<?>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.InterceptorContext
Update Java type before calling message body provider.
setUri(URI) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.ClientRequestContext
Set a new request URI.
size() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
sslContext(SSLContext) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder
Set the SSL context that will be used when creating secured transport connections to server endpoints from web targets created by the client instance that is using this SSL context.
status(int) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the status on the ResponseBuilder.
status(Response.StatusType) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the status on the ResponseBuilder.
status(Response.Status) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the status on the ResponseBuilder.
status(Response.StatusType) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder with the supplied status.
status(Response.Status) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder with the supplied status.
status(int) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder with the supplied status.
store - Variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
Backing store for the [key, multi-value] pairs.
StreamingOutput - Interface in javax.ws.rs.core
A type that may be used as a resource method return value or as the entity in a Response when the application wishes to stream the output.
submit() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation
Submit the request for an asynchronous invocation and receive a future response back.
submit(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation
Submit the request for an asynchronous invocation and receive a future response of the specified type back.
submit(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation
Submit the request for an asynchronous invocation and receive a future response of the specified generic type back.
submit(InvocationCallback<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation
Submit the request for an asynchronous invocation and register an InvocationCallback to process the future result of the invocation.
Suspended - Annotation Type in javax.ws.rs.container
Inject a suspended AsyncResponse into a parameter of an invoked JAX-RS resource or sub-resource method.
SyncInvoker - Interface in javax.ws.rs.client
Uniform interface for synchronous invocation of HTTP methods.


tag(EntityTag) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set a response entity tag.
tag(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set a strong response entity tag.
target(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Client
Build a new web resource target.
target(URI) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Client
Build a new web resource target.
target(UriBuilder) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Client
Build a new web resource target.
target(Link) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.Client
Build a new web resource target.
temporaryRedirect(URI) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response
Create a new ResponseBuilder for a temporary redirection.
text(T) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Create a "text/plain" entity.
TEXT_HTML - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A String constant representing "text/html" media type.
TEXT_HTML_TYPE - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing "text/html" media type.
TEXT_PLAIN - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A String constant representing "text/plain" media type.
TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing "text/plain" media type.
TEXT_XML - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A String constant representing "text/xml" media type.
TEXT_XML_TYPE - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing "text/xml" media type.
TimeoutHandler - Interface in javax.ws.rs.container
Asynchronous response suspend time-out handler.
title(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Link.Builder
Convenience method to set a title on this link.
TITLE - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Title link param from RFC 5988.
toCookie() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Obtain a new instance of a Cookie with the same name, value, path, domain and version as this NewCookie.
toResponse(E) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.ExceptionMapper
Map an exception to a Response.
toString() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
toString() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
toString() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Convert the cache control to a string suitable for use as the value of the corresponding HTTP header.
toString() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie
Convert the cookie to a string suitable for use as the value of the corresponding HTTP header.
toString() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.EntityTag
Convert the entity tag to a string suitable for use as the value of the corresponding HTTP header.
toString() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.GenericEntity
toString() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.GenericType
toString() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Returns a string representation as a link header (RFC 5988).
toString() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
Convert the media type to a string suitable for use as the value of a corresponding HTTP header.
toString() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Convert the cookie to a string suitable for use as the value of the corresponding HTTP header.
toString() - Method in enum javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status
Get the reason phrase.
toString() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant
toString(T) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.ParamConverter
Convert the supplied value to a String.
toString(T) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate.HeaderDelegate
Convert the supplied value to a String.
toTemplate() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Get the URI template string represented by this URI builder.
trace() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP TRACE method for the current request asynchronously.
trace(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP TRACE method for the current request asynchronously.
trace(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP TRACE method for the current request asynchronously.
trace(InvocationCallback<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.AsyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP TRACE method for the current request asynchronously.
trace() - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP TRACE method for the current request synchronously.
trace(Class<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP TRACE method for the current request synchronously.
trace(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.client.SyncInvoker
Invoke HTTP TRACE method for the current request synchronously.
trustStore(KeyStore) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder
Set the client-side trust store.
type(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Link.Builder
Convenience method to set a type on this link.
TYPE - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Type link param from RFC 5988.
type(MediaType) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the message entity media type.
type(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set the message entity media type.


unmarshal(Link.JaxbLink) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link.JaxbAdapter
Convert a Link.JaxbLink into a Link.
uri(URI) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Link.Builder
Set underlying URI template for the link being constructed.
uri(String) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Link.Builder
Set underlying string representing URI template for the link being constructed.
uri(URI) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Copies the non-null components of the supplied URI to the UriBuilder replacing any existing values for those components.
uri(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Parses the uriTemplate string and copies the parsed components of the supplied URI to the UriBuilder replacing any existing values for those components.
uriBuilder(UriBuilder) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.Link.Builder
Set underlying URI builder representing the URI template for the link being constructed.
UriBuilder - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
URI template-aware utility class for building URIs from their components.
UriBuilder() - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Protected constructor, use one of the static fromXxx(...) methods to obtain an instance.
UriBuilderException - Exception in javax.ws.rs.core
A runtime exception thrown by UriBuilder.build(Object...) methods when a URI cannot be constructed based on the current state of the builder.
UriBuilderException() - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilderException
Creates a new instance of UriBuilderException without detail message.
UriBuilderException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilderException
Constructs an instance of UriBuilderException with the specified detail message.
UriBuilderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilderException
Constructs an instance of UriBuilderException with the specified detail message and cause.
UriBuilderException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilderException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
UriInfo - Interface in javax.ws.rs.core
An injectable interface that provides access to application and request URI information.
USER - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.Priorities
User-level filter/interceptor priority.
USER_AGENT - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders
userInfo(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder
Set the URI user-info.


valueOf(String) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl
Creates a new instance of CacheControl by parsing the supplied string.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie
Creates a new instance of Cookie by parsing the supplied string.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.EntityTag
Creates a new instance of EntityTag by parsing the supplied string.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Link
Simple parser to convert link header string representations into a link.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
Creates a new instance of MediaType by parsing the supplied string.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie
Creates a new instance of NewCookie by parsing the supplied string.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status.Family
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javax.ws.rs.RuntimeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.AbstractMultivaluedMap
values() - Static method in enum javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status.Family
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum javax.ws.rs.RuntimeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
variant(Variant) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Set message entity representation metadata.
Variant - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
Abstraction for a resource representation variant.
Variant(MediaType, String, String) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant
Create a new instance of Variant.
Variant(MediaType, String, String, String) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant
Create a new instance of Variant.
Variant(MediaType, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant
Create a new instance of Variant.
Variant(MediaType, Locale, String) - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant
Create a new instance of Variant.
Variant.VariantListBuilder - Class in javax.ws.rs.core
A builder for a list of representation variants.
Variant.VariantListBuilder() - Constructor for class javax.ws.rs.core.Variant.VariantListBuilder
Protected constructor, use the static newInstance method to obtain an instance.
variants(Variant...) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Add a Vary header that lists the available variants.
variants(List<Variant>) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder
Add a Vary header that lists the available variants.
VARY - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders


WebApplicationException - Exception in javax.ws.rs
Runtime exception for applications.
WebApplicationException() - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance with a default HTTP status code of 500 and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance with the supplied message and a default HTTP status code of 500.
WebApplicationException(Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance using the supplied response and a default message generated from the response's HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance using the supplied message and response.
WebApplicationException(int) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance with the supplied HTTP status code and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(String, int) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance with a supplied message and HTTP status code.
WebApplicationException(Response.Status) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance with the supplied HTTP status and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(String, Response.Status) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance with the supplied message and HTTP status.
WebApplicationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance with the supplied root cause, default HTTP status code of 500 and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance with the supplied message, root cause and default HTTP status code of 500.
WebApplicationException(Throwable, Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance with the supplied root cause, response and a default message generated from the response's HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(String, Throwable, Response) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance with the supplied message, root cause and response.
WebApplicationException(Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance with the supplied root cause, HTTP status code and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance with the supplied message, root cause and HTTP status code.
WebApplicationException(Throwable, Response.Status) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance with the supplied root cause, HTTP status code and a default message generated from the HTTP status code and the associated HTTP status reason phrase.
WebApplicationException(String, Throwable, Response.Status) - Constructor for exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException
Construct a new instance with a the supplied message, root cause and HTTP status code.
WebTarget - Interface in javax.ws.rs.client
A resource target identified by the resource URI.
WILDCARD - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A String constant representing wildcard "*/*" media type .
WILDCARD_TYPE - Static variable in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
A MediaType constant representing wildcard "*/*" media type.
withCharset(String) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
Create a new MediaType instance with the same type, subtype and parameters copied from the original instance and the supplied "charset" parameter.
withConfig(Configuration) - Method in class javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder
Set the internal configuration state to an externally provided configuration state.
write(OutputStream) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.core.StreamingOutput
Called to write the message body.
WriterInterceptor - Interface in javax.ws.rs.ext
WriterInterceptorContext - Interface in javax.ws.rs.ext
writeTo(T, Class<?>, Type, Annotation[], MediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, Object>, OutputStream) - Method in interface javax.ws.rs.ext.MessageBodyWriter
Write a type to an HTTP message.
WWW_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in interface javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders


xhtml(T) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Create an "application/xhtml+xml" entity.
xml(T) - Static method in class javax.ws.rs.client.Entity
Create an "application/xml" entity.
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