Uses of Class

Packages that use RunNotifier
junit.framework Provides JUnit v3.x core classes. 
org.junit.runner Provides classes used to describe, collect, run and analyze multiple tests. 
org.junit.runners Provides standard Runner implementations. 

Uses of RunNotifier in junit.framework

Methods in junit.framework that return RunNotifier
 RunNotifier JUnit4TestAdapterCache.getNotifier(TestResult result, JUnit4TestAdapter adapter)

Uses of RunNotifier in org.junit.runner

Methods in org.junit.runner with parameters of type RunNotifier
abstract  void notifier)
          Run the tests for this runner.

Uses of RunNotifier in org.junit.runners

Methods in org.junit.runners with parameters of type RunNotifier
protected  Statement ParentRunner.childrenInvoker(RunNotifier notifier)
          Returns a Statement: Call ParentRunner.runChild(Object, RunNotifier) on each object returned by ParentRunner.getChildren() (subject to any imposed filter and sort)
protected  Statement ParentRunner.classBlock(RunNotifier notifier)
          Constructs a Statement to run all of the tests in the test class.
 void notifier)
protected  void BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(FrameworkMethod method, RunNotifier notifier)
protected  void Suite.runChild(Runner runner, RunNotifier notifier)
protected abstract  void ParentRunner.runChild(T child, RunNotifier notifier)
          Runs the test corresponding to child, which can be assumed to be an element of the list returned by ParentRunner.getChildren().
protected  void ParentRunner.runLeaf(Statement statement, Description description, RunNotifier notifier)
          Runs a Statement that represents a leaf (aka atomic) test.

Uses of RunNotifier in org.junit.runners.parameterized

Methods in org.junit.runners.parameterized with parameters of type RunNotifier
protected  Statement BlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParameters.classBlock(RunNotifier notifier)

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