


package native

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AlertButton(text: String, onPress: () ⇒ Unit) extends Product with Serializable
  2. case class AlertOptions(cancelable: UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined) extends Product with Serializable
  3. case class BoundingBox(top: Double, left: Double, bottom: Double, right: Double) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class ContentOffset(x: Int, y: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  5. case class ContentOffsetEvent(contentOffset: ContentOffset) extends Product with Serializable
  6. case class ContentSize(width: Int, height: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  7. case class ContentSizeEvent(contentSize: ContentSize) extends Product with Serializable
  8. trait FlatListInstance[T] extends Object
    @RawJSType() @native()
  9. case class ImageErrorEvent(error: Error) extends Product with Serializable
  10. trait ImageInterface extends Object
    @RawJSType() @native()
  11. case class ImageProgressEvent(loaded: Int, total: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  12. case class ImageURISource(uri: UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, bundle: UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, method: UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, headers: UndefOr[Object] = js.undefined, body: UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, cache: UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, width: UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined, height: UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined, scale: UndefOr[Double] = js.undefined) extends Product with Serializable
  13. case class ItemLayout(length: Int, offset: Int, index: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  14. case class KeyPressEvent(key: String) extends Product with Serializable
  15. case class LayoutChangeEvent(layout: LayoutRectangle) extends Product with Serializable
  16. case class LayoutRectangle(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  17. case class NativeSyntheticEvent[T](nativeEvent: T) extends Product with Serializable
  18. case class NativeTouchEvent(changedTouches: Seq[Any], identifier: String, locationX: Int, locationY: Int, pageX: Int, pageY: Int, target: String, timestamp: Int, touches: Seq[Any]) extends Product with Serializable
  19. case class OnEndReachedEvent(distanceFromEnd: Double) extends Product with Serializable
  20. case class RenderItemInfo[T](item: T, index: Int, separators: Separators) extends Product with Serializable
  21. case class RenderSectionInfo[T](section: Section[T]) extends Product with Serializable
  22. case class ScrollOptions(animated: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  23. case class ScrollTarget(x: Int, y: Int, animated: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  24. case class ScrollToEndParams(animated: UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined) extends Product with Serializable
  25. case class ScrollToIndexParams(index: Int, viewOffset: Int, animated: UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, viewPosition: UndefOr[Double] = js.undefined) extends Product with Serializable
  26. case class ScrollToItemParams[T](item: T, animated: UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, viewPosition: UndefOr[Double] = js.undefined) extends Product with Serializable
  27. case class ScrollToOffsetParams(offset: Int, animated: UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined) extends Product with Serializable
  28. trait ScrollViewInstance extends Object
    @RawJSType() @native()
  29. case class Section[T](data: Seq[T], key: UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, renderItem: UndefOr[(SectionRenderItemInfo[T]) ⇒ ReactElement] = js.undefined, ItemSeparatorComponent: UndefOr[ReactComponentClass[_]] = js.undefined, keyExtractor: UndefOr[(T, Int) ⇒ String] = js.undefined, extraData: Any = js.undefined) extends Product with Serializable
  30. trait SectionListInstance[T] extends Object
    @RawJSType() @native()
  31. case class SectionRenderItemInfo[T](item: T, index: Int, section: Section[T], separators: Separators) extends Product with Serializable
  32. case class Selection(start: Int, end: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  33. case class SelectionEvent(selection: Selection) extends Product with Serializable
  34. case class Separators(highlight: () ⇒ Unit, unhighlight: () ⇒ Unit, updateProps: (String, Object) ⇒ ReactElement) extends Product with Serializable
  35. trait TextInputInstance extends Object
    @RawJSType() @native()
  36. case class ViewToken[T](item: T, key: String, index: UndefOr[Int], isViewable: Boolean, section: UndefOr[Section[T]]) extends Product with Serializable
  37. case class ViewableItemsChangedEvent[T](info: ViewableItemsChangedInfo[T]) extends Product with Serializable
  38. case class ViewableItemsChangedInfo[T](viewableItems: Seq[Object], changed: Seq[Object]) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object ActivityIndicator extends ExternalComponentWithAttributesWithRefType[Nothing, Object]
  2. object Alert extends Object
    @native() @JSImport( "react-native" , "Alert" )
  3. object AppRegistry extends Object
    @native() @JSImport( "react-native" , "AppRegistry" )
  4. object Button extends ExternalComponentWithAttributesWithRefType[Nothing, Object]
  5. object Clipboard
  6. object FlatList extends ExternalComponentWithRefType[FlatListInstance[Any]]
  7. object Image extends ExternalComponentWithAttributesWithRefType[Nothing, Object]
  8. object Keyboard extends Object
    @native() @JSImport( "react-native" , "Keyboard" )
  9. object NativeSyntheticEvent extends Serializable
  10. object Picker extends ExternalComponentWithAttributesWithRefType[Nothing, Object]
  11. object Platform extends Object
    @JSImport( "react-native" , "Platform" ) @native()
  12. object RawClipboard extends Object
    @native() @JSImport( "react-native" , "Clipboard" )
  13. object SafeAreaView extends ExternalComponentWithAttributesWithRefType[Nothing, Object]
  14. object ScrollView extends ExternalComponentWithAttributesWithRefType[Nothing, ScrollViewInstance]
  15. object SectionList extends ExternalComponentWithRefType[SectionListInstance[Any]]
  16. object Slider extends ExternalComponentWithAttributesWithRefType[Nothing, Object]
  17. object Switch extends ExternalComponentWithAttributesWithRefType[Nothing, Object]
  18. object Text extends ExternalComponentWithAttributesWithRefType[Nothing, Object]
  19. object TextInput extends ExternalComponentWithAttributesWithRefType[Nothing, TextInputInstance]
  20. object TouchableHighlight extends ExternalComponentWithAttributesWithRefType[Nothing, Object]
  21. object TouchableOpacity extends ExternalComponentWithAttributesWithRefType[Nothing, Object]
  22. object View extends ExternalComponentWithAttributesWithRefType[Nothing, Object]
