
package html

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. object * extends Tag

  2. object _a_attr
  3. object _abbr_attr
  4. object _accept_attr
  5. object _action_attr
  6. object _address_attr
  7. object _alt_attr
  8. object _area_attr
  9. object _aria_attr
  10. object _article_attr
  11. object _aside_attr
  12. object _async_attr
  13. object _audio_attr
  14. object _autoComplete_attr
  15. object _autoFocus_attr
  16. object _b_attr
  17. object _base_attr
  18. object _bdi_attr
  19. object _bdo_attr
  20. object _big_attr
  21. object _blockquote_attr
  22. object _body_attr
  23. object _br_attr
  24. object _button_attr
  25. object _canvas_attr
  26. object _caption_attr
  27. object _capture_attr
  28. object _challenge_attr
  29. object _checked_attr
  30. object _cite_attr
  31. object _className_attr
  32. object _code_attr
  33. object _colSpan_attr
  34. object _col_attr
  35. object _colgroup_attr
  36. object _cols_attr
  37. object _contentEditable_attr
  38. object _content_attr
  39. object _controls_attr
  40. object _coords_attr
  41. object _dangerouslySetInnerHTML_attr
  42. object _data_attr
  43. object _datalist_attr
  44. object _defaultChecked_attr
  45. object _defaultValue_attr
  46. object _default_attr
  47. object _defer_attr
  48. object _del_attr
  49. object _details_attr
  50. object _dfn_attr
  51. object _dialog_attr
  52. object _dir_attr
  53. object _disabled_attr
  54. object _div_attr
  55. object _dl_attr
  56. object _download_attr
  57. object _draggable_attr
  58. object _em_attr
  59. object _embed_attr
  60. object _fieldset_attr
  61. object _figcaption_attr
  62. object _figure_attr
  63. object _footer_attr
  64. object _form_attr
  65. object _h1_attr
  66. object _h2_attr
  67. object _h3_attr
  68. object _h4_attr
  69. object _h5_attr
  70. object _h6_attr
  71. object _head_attr
  72. object _header_attr
  73. object _headers_attr
  74. object _height_attr
  75. object _hidden_attr
  76. object _high_attr
  77. object _hr_attr
  78. object _href_attr
  79. object _htmlFor_attr
  80. object _html_attr
  81. object _i_attr
  82. object _icon_attr
  83. object _id_attr
  84. object _iframe_attr
  85. object _img_attr
  86. object _input_attr
  87. object _ins_attr
  88. object _integrity_attr
  89. object _kbd_attr
  90. object _key_attr
  91. object _keygen_attr
  92. object _kind_attr
  93. object _label_attr
  94. object _lang_attr
  95. object _legend_attr
  96. object _li_attr
  97. object _link_attr
  98. object _list_attr
  99. object _loop_attr
  100. object _low_attr
  101. object _main_attr
  102. object _manifest_attr
  103. object _map_attr
  104. object _mark_attr
  105. object _max_attr
  106. object _media_attr
  107. object _menu_attr
  108. object _menuitem_attr
  109. object _meta_attr
  110. object _meter_attr
  111. object _method_attr
  112. object _min_attr
  113. object _multiple_attr
  114. object _muted_attr
  115. object _name_attr
  116. object _nav_attr
  117. object _noValidate_attr
  118. object _nonce_attr
  119. object _noscript_attr
  120. object _object_attr
  121. object _ol_attr
  122. object _onAbort_attr
  123. object _onAnimationEnd_attr
  124. object _onAnimationIteration_attr
  125. object _onAnimationStart_attr
  126. object _onBlur_attr
  127. object _onCanPlayThrough_attr
  128. object _onCanPlay_attr
  129. object _onCancel_attr
  130. object _onChange_attr
  131. object _onClick_attr
  132. object _onClose_attr
  133. object _onCompositionEnd_attr
  134. object _onCompositionStart_attr
  135. object _onCompositionUpdate_attr
  136. object _onContextMenu_attr
  137. object _onCopy_attr
  138. object _onCut_attr
  139. object _onDoubleClick_attr
  140. object _onDragEnd_attr
  141. object _onDragEnter_attr
  142. object _onDragExit_attr
  143. object _onDragLeave_attr
  144. object _onDragOver_attr
  145. object _onDragStart_attr
  146. object _onDrag_attr
  147. object _onDrop_attr
  148. object _onDurationChange_attr
  149. object _onEmptied_attr
  150. object _onEncrypted_attr
  151. object _onEnded_attr
  152. object _onError_attr
  153. object _onFocus_attr
  154. object _onGotPointerCapture_attr
  155. object _onInput_attr
  156. object _onInvalid_attr
  157. object _onKeyDown_attr
  158. object _onKeyPress_attr
  159. object _onKeyUp_attr
  160. object _onLoadStart_attr
  161. object _onLoad_attr
  162. object _onLoadedData_attr
  163. object _onLoadedMetadata_attr
  164. object _onLostPointerCapture_attr
  165. object _onMouseDown_attr
  166. object _onMouseEnter_attr
  167. object _onMouseLeave_attr
  168. object _onMouseMove_attr
  169. object _onMouseOut_attr
  170. object _onMouseOver_attr
  171. object _onMouseUp_attr
  172. object _onPaste_attr
  173. object _onPause_attr
  174. object _onPlay_attr
  175. object _onPlaying_attr
  176. object _onPointerCancel_attr
  177. object _onPointerDown_attr
  178. object _onPointerEnter_attr
  179. object _onPointerLeave_attr
  180. object _onPointerMove_attr
  181. object _onPointerOut_attr
  182. object _onPointerOver_attr
  183. object _onPointerUp_attr
  184. object _onProgress_attr
  185. object _onRateChange_attr
  186. object _onScroll_attr
  187. object _onSeeked_attr
  188. object _onSeeking_attr
  189. object _onSelect_attr
  190. object _onStalled_attr
  191. object _onSubmit_attr
  192. object _onSuspend_attr
  193. object _onTimeUpdate_attr
  194. object _onToggle_attr
  195. object _onTouchCancel_attr
  196. object _onTouchEnd_attr
  197. object _onTouchMove_attr
  198. object _onTouchStart_attr
  199. object _onTransitionEnd_attr
  200. object _onVolumeChange_attr
  201. object _onWaiting_attr
  202. object _onWheel_attr
  203. object _on_attr
  204. object _open_attr
  205. object _optgroup_attr
  206. object _optimum_attr
  207. object _option_attr
  208. object _output_attr
  209. object _p_attr
  210. object _param_attr
  211. object _pattern_attr
  212. object _picture_attr
  213. object _placeholder_attr
  214. object _poster_attr
  215. object _pre_attr
  216. object _preload_attr
  217. object _profile_attr
  218. object _progress_attr
  219. object _q_attr
  220. object _readOnly_attr
  221. object _ref_attr
  222. object _rel_attr
  223. object _required_attr
  224. object _reversed_attr
  225. object _role_attr
  226. object _rowSpan_attr
  227. object _rows_attr
  228. object _rp_attr
  229. object _rt_attr
  230. object _ruby_attr
  231. object _s_attr
  232. object _samp_attr
  233. object _sandbox_attr
  234. object _scope_attr
  235. object _scoped_attr
  236. object _script_attr
  237. object _scrolling_attr
  238. object _section_attr
  239. object _select_attr
  240. object _selected_attr
  241. object _shape_attr
  242. object _size_attr
  243. object _sizes_attr
  244. object _small_attr
  245. object _source_attr
  246. object _span_attr
  247. object _spellCheck_attr
  248. object _src_attr
  249. object _star_attr
  250. object _start_attr
  251. object _step_attr
  252. object _strong_attr
  253. object _style_attr
  254. object _sub_attr
  255. object _summary_attr
  256. object _sup_attr
  257. object _suppressContentEditableWarning_attr
  258. object _tabIndex_attr
  259. object _table_attr
  260. object _target_attr
  261. object _tbody_attr
  262. object _td_attr
  263. object _textarea_attr
  264. object _tfoot_attr
  265. object _th_attr
  266. object _thead_attr
  267. object _time_attr
  268. object _title_attr
  269. object _tr_attr
  270. object _track_attr
  271. object _type_attr
  272. object _u_attr
  273. object _ul_attr
  274. object _value_attr
  275. object _var_attr
  276. object _video_attr
  277. object _wbr_attr
  278. object _width_attr
  279. object _wrap_attr
  280. object a extends Tag

    The HTML <a> element (or anchor element) creates a hyperlink to other web pages, files, locations within the same page, email addresses, or any other URL.

  281. object abbr extends Tag

    The HTML <abbr> element represents an abbreviation and optionally provides a full description for it.

    The HTML <abbr> element represents an abbreviation and optionally provides a full description for it. If present, the title attribute must contain this full description and nothing else.

  282. object accept extends Attr

    form - A comma-separated list of content types that the server accepts.

    form - A comma-separated list of content types that the server accepts.

    Usage note: This attribute has been removed in HTML5 and should no longer be used. Instead, use the accept attribute of the specific <input> element. input - If the value of the type attribute is file, then this attribute will indicate the types of files that the server accepts, otherwise it will be ignored. The value must be a comma-separated list of unique content type specifiers:

    • A file extension starting with the STOP character (U+002E). (e.g. .jpg, .png, .doc).
    • A valid MIME type with no extensions.
    • audio// representing sound files. HTML5
    • video// representing video files. HTML5
    • image// representing image files. HTML5
  283. object action extends Attr

    The URI of a program that processes the form information.

    The URI of a program that processes the form information. This value can be overridden by a formaction attribute on a <button> or <input> element.

  284. object address extends Tag

    The HTML <address> element supplies contact information for its nearest <article> or <body> ancestor; in the latter case, it applies to the whole document.

  285. object alt extends Attr

    img - This attribute defines the alternative text describing the image.

    img - This attribute defines the alternative text describing the image. Users will see this text displayed if the image URL is wrong, the image is not in one of the supported formats, or if the image is not yet downloaded.

    Browsers do not always display the image referenced by the element. This is the case for non-graphical browsers (including those used by people with vision impairments), if the user chooses not to display images, or if the browser cannot display the image because it is invalid or an unsupported type. In these cases, the browser may replace the image with the text defined in this element's alt attribute. You should, for these reasons and others, provide a useful value for alt whenever possible.

    Omitting this attribute altogether indicates that the image is a key part of the content, and no textual equivalent is available. Setting this attribute to an empty string (alt="") indicates that this image is not a key part of the content, and that non-visual browsers may omit it from rendering. area - A text string alternative to display on browsers that do not display images. The text should be phrased so that it presents the user with the same kind of choice as the image would offer when displayed without the alternative text. In HTML4, this attribute is required, but may be the empty string (""). In HTML5, this attribute is required only if the href attribute is used.

  286. object area extends Tag

    The HTML <area> element defines a hot-spot region on an image, and optionally associates it with a hypertext link.

    The HTML <area> element defines a hot-spot region on an image, and optionally associates it with a hypertext link. This element is used only within a <map> element.

  287. object aria extends Attr

  288. object article extends Tag

    The HTML <article> element represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable (e.g., in syndication).

    The HTML <article> element represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable (e.g., in syndication). Examples include: a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, or a blog entry.

  289. object aside extends Tag

    The HTML <aside> element represents a section of a document with content connected tangentially to the main content of the document (often presented as a sidebar).

  290. object async extends Attr

    A boolean attribute indicating that the browser should, if possible, execute the script asynchronously.

    A boolean attribute indicating that the browser should, if possible, execute the script asynchronously. This attribute must not be used if the src attribute is absent (i.e. for inline scripts). If it is included in this case it will have no effect. 

    Dynamically inserted scripts execute asynchronously by default, so to turn on synchronous execution (i.e. scripts execute in the order they were loaded) set async=false See Browser compatibility for notes on browser support. See also Async scripts for asm.js.

  291. object audio extends Tag

    The HTML <audio> element is used to embed sound content in documents. It may contain one or more audio sources, represented using the src attribute or the <source> element: the browser will choose the most suitable one. It can also be the destination for streamed media, using a MediaStream.

  292. object autoComplete extends Attr

  293. object autoFocus extends Attr

  294. object b extends Tag

    The HTML <b> element represents a span of text stylistically different from normal text, without conveying any special importance or relevance, and that is typically rendered in boldface.

  295. object base extends Tag

    The HTML <base> element specifies the base URL to use for all relative URLs contained within a document.

    The HTML <base> element specifies the base URL to use for all relative URLs contained within a document. There can be only one <base> element in a document. 

  296. object bdi extends Tag

    The HTML <bdi> element (bidirectional isolation) isolates a span of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it.

  297. object bdo extends Tag

    The HTML <bdo> element (bidirectional override) is used to override the current directionality of text.

    The HTML <bdo> element (bidirectional override) is used to override the current directionality of text. It causes the directionality of the characters to be ignored in favor of the specified directionality.

  298. object big extends Tag

    The HTML Big Element (<big>) makes the text font size one size bigger (for example, from small to medium, or from large to x-large) up to the browser's maximum font size.

  299. object blockquote extends Tag

    The HTML <blockquote> Element (or HTML Block Quotation Element) indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation.

    The HTML <blockquote> Element (or HTML Block Quotation Element) indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation. Usually, this is rendered visually by indentation (see Notes for how to change it). A URL for the source of the quotation may be given using the cite attribute, while a text representation of the source can be given using the <cite> element.

  300. object body extends Tag

    The HTML <body> Element represents the content of an HTML document.

    The HTML <body> Element represents the content of an HTML document. There can be only one <body> element in a document.

  301. object br extends Tag

    The HTML <br> element produces a line break in text (carriage-return).

    The HTML <br> element produces a line break in text (carriage-return). It is useful for writing a poem or an address, where the division of lines is significant.

  302. object button extends Tag

    The HTML <button> element represents a clickable button.

  303. object canvas extends Tag

    Use the HTML <canvas> element with the canvas scripting API to draw graphics and animations.

  304. object caption extends Tag

    The HTML <caption> element represents the title of a table.

    The HTML <caption> element represents the title of a table. Though it is always the first descendant of a <table>, its styling, using CSS, may place it elsewhere, relative to the table.

  305. object capture extends Attr

    When the value of the type attribute is file, the presence of this Boolean attribute indicates that capture of media directly from the device's environment using a media capture mechanism is preferred.

  306. object challenge extends Attr

    A challenge string that is submitted along with the public key.

    A challenge string that is submitted along with the public key. Defaults to an empty string if not specified.

  307. object checked extends Attr

    menuitem - Boolean attribute which indicates whether the command is selected.

    menuitem - Boolean attribute which indicates whether the command is selected. May only be used when the type attribute is checkbox or radio. input -

    When the value of the type attribute is radio or checkbox, the presence of this Boolean attribute indicates that the control is selected by default, otherwise it is ignored.

    Unlike other browsers, Firefox will by default persist the dynamic checked state of an <input> across page loads. Use the autocomplete attribute to control this feature.

  308. object cite extends Tag with Attr

    The HTML <cite> element represents a reference to a creative work.

    The HTML <cite> element represents a reference to a creative work. It must include the title of a work or a URL reference, which may be in an abbreviated form according to the conventions used for the addition of citation metadata. ins - This attribute defines the URI of a resource that explains the change, such as a link to meeting minutes or a ticket in a troubleshooting sytem. q - The value of this attribute is a URL that designates a source document or message for the information quoted. This attribute is intended to point to information explaining the context or the reference for the quote. del - A URI for a resource that explains the change (for example, meeting minutes). blockquote - A URL that designates a source document or message for the information quoted. This attribute is intended to point to information explaining the context or the reference for the quote.

  309. object className extends Attr

    Is a space-separated list of the classes of the element.

    Is a space-separated list of the classes of the element. Classes allows CSS and JavaScript to select and access specific elements via the class selectors or functions like the method Document.getElementsByClassName().

  310. object code extends Tag

    The HTML <code> element represents a fragment of computer code.

    The HTML <code> element represents a fragment of computer code. By default, it is displayed in the browser's default monospace font.

  311. object col extends Tag

    The HTML <col> element defines a column within a table and is used for defining common semantics on all common cells.

    The HTML <col> element defines a column within a table and is used for defining common semantics on all common cells. It is generally found within a <colgroup> element.

  312. object colSpan extends Attr

    td - This attribute contains a positive integer indicating the number of consecutive columns the <td> element spans.

    td - This attribute contains a positive integer indicating the number of consecutive columns the <td> element spans. If not present, its default value is 1. th - This attribute contains a positive integer indicating the number of consecutive columns the <th> element spans. If not present, its default value is 1.

  313. object colgroup extends Tag

    The HTML <colgroup> element defines a group of columns within a table.

  314. object cols extends Attr

    pre - Contains the preferred count of characters that a line should have.

    pre - Contains the preferred count of characters that a line should have. It was a non-standard synonym of width. To achieve such an effect, use CSS width instead. textarea - The visible width of the text control, in average character widths. If it is specified, it must be a positive integer. If it is not specified, the default value is 20 (HTML5).

  315. object content extends Attr

    This attribute contains the value for the http-equiv or name attribute, depending on which was used.

  316. object contentEditable extends Attr

  317. object controls extends Attr

    audio - If this attribute is present, the browser will offer controls to allow the user to control audio playback, including volume, seeking, and pause/resume playback.

    audio - If this attribute is present, the browser will offer controls to allow the user to control audio playback, including volume, seeking, and pause/resume playback. video - If this attribute is present, the browser will offer controls to allow the user to control video playback, including volume, seeking, and pause/resume playback.

  318. object coords extends Attr

    a - For use with the below shape attribute, this attribute used a comma-separated list of numbers to define the coordinates of the link on the page.

    a - For use with the below shape attribute, this attribute used a comma-separated list of numbers to define the coordinates of the link on the page. area - A set of values specifying the coordinates of the hot-spot region. The number and meaning of the values depend upon the value specified for the shape attribute. For a rect or rectangle shape, the coords value is two x,y pairs: left, top, right, and bottom. For a circle shape, the value is x,y,r where x,y is a pair specifying the center of the circle and r is a value for the radius. For a poly or polygon shape, the value is a set of x,y pairs for each point in the polygon: x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3, and so on. In HTML4, the values are numbers of pixels or percentages, if a percent sign (%) is appended; in HTML5, the values are numbers of CSS pixels.

  319. object dangerouslySetInnerHTML extends Attr

  320. object data extends Tag with Attr

    The HTML <data> element links a given content with a machine-readable translation.

    The HTML <data> element links a given content with a machine-readable translation. If the content is time- or date-related, the <time> element must be used. object - The address of the resource as a valid URL. At least one of data and type must be defined. a, abbr, address, area, article, aside, audio, b, base, bdi, bdo, big, blockquote, body, br, button, canvas, caption, cite, code, col, colgroup, data, datalist, dd, del, details, dfn, dialog, div, dl, dt, em, embed, fieldset, figcaption, figure, footer, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, head, header, hr, html, i, iframe, img, input, ins, kbd, keygen, label, legend, li, link, main, map, mark, menu, menuitem, meta, meter, nav, noscript, object, ol, optgroup, option, output, p, param, picture, pre, progress, q, rp, rt, ruby, s, samp, script, section, select, small, source, span, strong, style, sub, summary, sup, table, tbody, td, textarea, tfoot, th, thead, time, title, tr, track, u, ul, var, video, wbr - Forms a class of attributes, called custom data attributes, that allow proprietary information to be exchanged between the HTML and its DOM representation that may be used by scripts. All such custom data are available via the HTMLElement interface of the element the attribute is set on. The HTMLElement.dataset property gives access to them.

  321. object datalist extends Tag

    The HTML <datalist> element contains a set of <option> elements that represent the values available for other controls.

    The HTML <datalist> element contains a set of <option> elements that represent the values available for other controls.

  322. object default extends Attr

    menuitem - This Boolean attribute indicates use of the same command as the menu's subject element (such as a button or input).

    menuitem - This Boolean attribute indicates use of the same command as the menu's subject element (such as a button or input). track - This attribute indicates that the track should be enabled unless the user's preferences indicate that another track is more appropriate. This may only be used on one track element per media element.

  323. object defaultChecked extends Attr

  324. object defaultValue extends Attr

  325. object defer extends Attr

    This Boolean attribute is set to indicate to a browser that the script is meant to be executed after the document has been parsed, but before firing DOMContentLoaded.

    This Boolean attribute is set to indicate to a browser that the script is meant to be executed after the document has been parsed, but before firing DOMContentLoaded. This attribute must not be used if the src attribute is absent (i.e. for inline scripts), in this case it would have no effect. To achieve a similar effect for dynamically inserted scripts use async=false instead. Scripts with the defer attribute will execute in the order in which they appear in the document.

  326. object del extends Tag

    The HTML <del> element represents a range of text that has been deleted from a document.

    The HTML <del> element represents a range of text that has been deleted from a document. This element is often (but need not be) rendered with strike-through text.

  327. object details extends Tag

    The HTML <details> element is used as a disclosure widget from which the user can retrieve additional information.

  328. object dfn extends Tag

    The HTML <dfn> element represents the defining instance of a term.

  329. object dialog extends Tag

    The HTML <dialog> element represents a dialog box or other interactive component, such as an inspector or window.

  330. object dir extends Attr

    bdo - Text direction in this element.

    bdo - Text direction in this element. Possible values are:

    • ltr: Indicates that the text should go in a left-to-right direction.
    • rtl: Indicates that the text should go in a right-to-left direction. a, abbr, address, area, article, aside, audio, b, base, bdi, bdo, big, blockquote, body, br, button, canvas, caption, cite, code, col, colgroup, data, datalist, dd, del, details, dfn, dialog, div, dl, dt, em, embed, fieldset, figcaption, figure, footer, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, head, header, hr, html, i, iframe, img, input, ins, kbd, keygen, label, legend, li, link, main, map, mark, menu, menuitem, meta, meter, nav, noscript, object, ol, optgroup, option, output, p, param, picture, pre, progress, q, rp, rt, ruby, s, samp, script, section, select, small, source, span, strong, style, sub, summary, sup, table, tbody, td, textarea, tfoot, th, thead, time, title, tr, track, u, ul, var, video, wbr - Is an enumerated attribute indicating the directionality of the element's text. It can have the following values:
    • ltr, which means left to right and is to be used for languages that are written from the left to the right (like English);
    • rtl, which means right to left and is to be used for languages that are written from the right to the left (like Arabic);
    • auto, which let the user agent decides. It uses a basic algorithm as it parses the characters inside the element until it finds a character with a strong directionality, then apply that directionality to the whole element.
  331. object disabled extends Attr

    option - If this Boolean attribute is set, this option is not checkable.

    option - If this Boolean attribute is set, this option is not checkable. Often browsers grey out such control and it won't receive any browsing event, like mouse clicks or focus-related ones. If this attribute is not set, the element can still be disabled if one of its ancestors is a disabled <optgroup> element. textarea - This Boolean attribute indicates that the user cannot interact with the control. (If this attribute is not specified, the control inherits its setting from the containing element, for example <fieldset>; if there is no containing element with the disabled attribute set, then the control is enabled.) menuitem - Boolean attribute which indicates that the command is not available in the current state. Note that disabled is distinct from hidden; the disabled attribute is appropriate in any context where a change in circumstances might render the command relevant. link - This attribute is used to disable a link relationship. In conjunction with scripting, this attribute could be used to turn on and off various style sheet relationships. Note: While there is no disabled attribute in the HTML standard, there is a disabled attribute on the HTMLLinkElement DOM object. The use of disabled as an HTML attribute is non-standard and only used by some browsers (W3 #27677). Do not use it. To achieve a similar effect, use one of the following techniques: - If the disabled attribute has been added directly to the element on the page, do not include the <link> element instead; - Set the disabled property of the StyleSheet DOM object via scripting. keygen - This Boolean attribute indicates that the form control is not available for interaction. fieldset - If this Boolean attribute is set, the form controls that are its descendants, except descendants of its first optional <legend> element, are disabled, i.e., not editable. They won't receive any browsing events, like mouse clicks or focus-related ones. Often browsers display such controls as gray. optgroup - If this Boolean attribute is set, none of the items in this option group is selectable. Often browsers grey out such control and it won't receive any browsing events, like mouse clicks or focus-related ones. select - This Boolean attribute indicates that the user cannot interact with the control. If this attribute is not specified, the control inherits its setting from the containing element, for example fieldset; if there is no containing element with the disabled attribute set, then the control is enabled. input - This Boolean attribute indicates that the form control is not available for interaction. In particular, the click event will not be dispatched on disabled controls. Also, a disabled control's value isn't submitted with the form. Unlike other browsers, Firefox will by default persist the dynamic disabled state of an <input> across page loads. Use the autocomplete attribute to control this feature. button - This Boolean attribute indicates that the user cannot interact with the button. If this attribute is not specified, the button inherits its setting from the containing element, for example <fieldset>; if there is no containing element with the disabled attribute set, then the button is enabled. Firefox will, unlike other browsers, by default, persist the dynamic disabled state of a <button> across page loads. Use the autocomplete attribute to control this feature.

  332. object div extends Tag

    The HTML <div> element is the generic container for flow content and does not inherently represent anything.

    The HTML <div> element is the generic container for flow content and does not inherently represent anything. Use it to group elements for purposes such as styling (using the class or id attributes), marking a section of a document in a different language (using the lang attribute), and so on.

  333. object dl extends Tag

    The HTML <dl> element represents a description list. The element encloses a list of groups of terms and descriptions.

    The HTML <dl> element represents a description list. The element encloses a list of groups of terms and descriptions. Common uses for this element are to implement a glossary or to display metadata (a list of key-value pairs).

  334. object download extends Attr

    area - This attribute, if present, indicates that the author intends the hyperlink to be used for downloading a resource.

    area - This attribute, if present, indicates that the author intends the hyperlink to be used for downloading a resource. See <a> for a full description of the download attribute. a - This attribute instructs browsers to download a URL instead of navigating to it, so the user will be prompted to save it as a local file. If the attribute has a value, it is used as the pre-filled file name in the Save prompt (the user can still change the file name if they want). There are no restrictions on allowed values, though / and \ are converted to underscores. Most file systems limit some punctuation in file names, and browsers will adjust the suggested name accordingly.


    • This attribute only works for same-origin URLs.
    • This attribute can be used with blob: URLs and data: URLs to download content generated by JavaScript, such as pictures created in an image-editor Web app.
    • If the HTTP header Content-Disposition: gives a different filename than this attribute, the HTTP header takes priority over this attribute.
    • If Content-Disposition: is set to inline, Firefox prioritizes Content-Disposition, like the filename case, while Chrome prioritizes the download attribute.
  335. object draggable extends Attr

    Is an enumerated attribute indicating whether the element can be dragged, using the Drag and Drop API.

    Is an enumerated attribute indicating whether the element can be dragged, using the Drag and Drop API. It can have the following values:

    • true, which indicates that the element may be dragged
    • false, which indicates that the element may not be dragged.
  336. object em extends Tag

    The HTML <em> element marks text that has stress emphasis.

    The HTML <em> element marks text that has stress emphasis. The <em> element can be nested, with each level of nesting indicating a greater degree of emphasis.

  337. object embed extends Tag

    The HTML <embed> element represents an integration point for an external application or interactive content (in other words, a plug-in).

  338. object fieldset extends Tag

    The HTML <fieldset> element is used to group several controls as well as labels (<label>) within a web form.

  339. object figcaption extends Tag

    The HTML <figcaption> element represents a caption or a legend associated with a figure or an illustration described by the rest of the data of the <figure> element which is its immediate ancestor.

  340. object figure extends Tag

    The HTML <figure> element represents self-contained content, frequently with a caption (<figcaption>), and is typically referenced as a single unit.

  341. object footer extends Tag

    The HTML <footer> element represents a footer for its nearest sectioning content or sectioning root element.

    The HTML <footer> element represents a footer for its nearest sectioning content or sectioning root element. A footer typically contains information about the author of the section, copyright data or links to related documents.

  342. object form extends Tag with Attr

    The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls to submit information to a web server.

    The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls to submit information to a web server. select - This attribute lets you specify the form element to which the select element is associated (that is, its "form owner"). If this attribute is specified, its value must be the ID of a form element in the same document. This enables you to place select elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of their form elements. object - The form element, if any, that the object element is associated with (its form owner). The value of the attribute must be an ID of a <form> element in the same document. input - The form element that the input element is associated with (its form owner). The value of the attribute must be an id of a <form> element in the same document. If this attribute is not specified, this <input> element must be a descendant of a <form> element. This attribute enables you to place <input> elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of their form elements. An input can only be associated with one form. button - The form element that the button is associated with (its form owner). The value of the attribute must be the id attribute of a <form> element in the same document. If this attribute is not specified, the <button> element will be associated to an ancestor <form> element, if one exists. This attribute enables you to associate <button> elements to <form> elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of <form> elements. output - The form element that this element is associated with (its "form owner"). The value of the attribute must be an ID of a form element in the same document. If this attribute is not specified, the output element must be a descendant of a form element. This attribute enables you to place output elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of their form elements. label - The form element with which the label is associated (its form owner). If specified, the value of the attribute is the ID of a <form> element in the same document. This lets you place label elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of their form elements.

    This content attribute was removed from the HTML specification on April 28, 2016. However, scripts still have access to a read-only HTMLLabelElement.form attribute; it returns the form of which the label's associated control is a member, or null if the label is not associated with a control or the control isn't part of a form. textarea - The form element that the <textarea> element is associated with (its "form owner"). The value of the attribute must be the ID of a form element in the same document. If this attribute is not specified, the <textarea> element must be a descendant of a form element. This attribute enables you to place <textarea> elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of their form elements. keygen - The form element that this element is associated with (its form owner). The value of the attribute must be an id of a <form> element in the same document. If this attribute is not specified, this element must be a descendant of a <form> element. This attribute enables you to place <keygen> elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of their form elements. meter - This attribute associates the element with a form element that has ownership of the meter element. For example, a meter might be displaying a range corresponding to an input element of type number. This attribute is only used if the meter element is being used as a form-associated element; even then, it may be omitted if the element appears as a descendant of a form element. fieldset - This attribute has the value of the id attribute of the <form> element it's related to. Its default value is the id of the nearest <form> element it is a descendant of.

  343. object h1 extends Tag

    A header element

  344. object h2 extends Tag

    A header element

  345. object h3 extends Tag

    A header element

  346. object h4 extends Tag

    A header element

  347. object h5 extends Tag

    A header element

  348. object h6 extends Tag

    A header element

  349. object head extends Tag

    The HTML <head> element provides general information (metadata) about the document, including its title and links to its scripts and style sheets.

  350. object header extends Tag

    The HTML <header> element represents introductory content, typically a group of introductory or navigational aids.

    The HTML <header> element represents introductory content, typically a group of introductory or navigational aids. It may contain some heading elements but also other elements like a logo, a search form, an author name, and so on.

  351. object headers extends Attr

    th - This attribute contains a list of space-separated strings, each corresponding to the id attributes of other <th> elements that relate to this element.

    th - This attribute contains a list of space-separated strings, each corresponding to the id attributes of other <th> elements that relate to this element. td - This attribute contains a list of space-separated strings, each corresponding to the id attribute of the <th> elements that apply to this element.

  352. object height extends Attr

    img - The intrinsic height of the image in pixels. In HTML 4, the height could be defined pixels or as a percentage.

    img - The intrinsic height of the image in pixels. In HTML 4, the height could be defined pixels or as a percentage. In HTML5, however, the value must be in pixels. embed - The displayed height of the resource, in CSS pixels.  -- (Absolute values only.  NO percentages) canvas - The height of the coordinate space in CSS pixels. Defaults to 150. input - If the value of the type attribute is image, this attribute defines the height of the image displayed for the button. iframe - Indicates the height of the frame HTML5 in CSS pixels, or HTML 4.01 in pixels or as a percentage. video - The height of the video's display area, in CSS pixels.  -- (Absolute values only.  NO percentages) object - The height of the displayed resource, in CSS pixels.  -- (Absolute values only.  NO percentages)

  353. object hidden extends Attr

    Is a Boolean attribute indicates that the element is not yet, or is no longer, relevant.

    Is a Boolean attribute indicates that the element is not yet, or is no longer, relevant. For example, it can be used to hide elements of the page that can't be used until the login process has been completed. The browser won't render such elements. This attribute must not be used to hide content that could legitimately be shown.

  354. object high extends Attr

    The lower numeric bound of the high end of the measured range.

    The lower numeric bound of the high end of the measured range. This must be less than the maximum value (max attribute), and it also must be greater than the low value and minimum value (low attribute and min attribute, respectively), if any are specified. If unspecified, or if greater than the maximum value, the high value is equal to the maximum value.

  355. object hr extends Tag

    The HTML <hr> element represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements (for example, a change of scene in a story, or a shift of topic with a section).

    The HTML <hr> element represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements (for example, a change of scene in a story, or a shift of topic with a section). In previous versions of HTML, it represented a horizontal rule. It may still be displayed as a horizontal rule in visual browsers, but is now defined in semantic terms, rather than presentational terms.

  356. object href extends Attr

    a - Contains a URL or a URL fragment that the hyperlink points to.

    a - Contains a URL or a URL fragment that the hyperlink points to. A URL fragment is a name preceded by a hash mark (#), which specifies an internal target location (an ID of an HTML element) within the current document. URLs are not restricted to Web (HTTP)-based documents, but can use any protocol supported by the browser. For example, file:, ftp:, and mailto: work in most browsers. This attribute may be omitted (as of HTML5) to create a placeholder link. A placeholder link resembles a traditional hyperlink, but does not lead anywhere.

    Note: You can use href="#top" or the empty fragment href="#" to link to the top of the current page. This behavior is specified by HTML5. area - The hyperlink target for the area. Its value is a valid URL. In HTML4, either this attribute or the nohref attribute must be present in the element. In HTML5, this attribute may be omitted; if so, the area element does not represent a hyperlink. link - This attribute specifies the URL of the linked resource. A URL might be absolute or relative. base - The base URL to be used throughout the document for relative URL addresses. If this attribute is specified, this element must come before any other elements with attributes whose values are URLs. Absolute and relative URLs are allowed.

  357. object html extends Tag

    The HTML <html> element represents the root (top-level element) of an HTML document, so it is also referred to as the root element.

    The HTML <html> element represents the root (top-level element) of an HTML document, so it is also referred to as the root element. All other elements must be descendants of this element.

  358. object htmlFor extends Attr

    label - The ID of a labelable form-related element in the same document as the label element.

    label - The ID of a labelable form-related element in the same document as the label element. The first such element in the document with an ID matching the value of the for attribute is the labeled control for this label element.

    A label element can have both a for attribute and a contained control element, as long as the for attribute points to the contained control element. output - A list of IDs of other elements, indicating that those elements contributed input values to (or otherwise affected) the calculation.

  359. object i extends Tag

    The HTML <i> element represents a range of text that is set off from the normal text for some reason, for example, technical terms, foreign language phrases, or fictional character thoughts.

    The HTML <i> element represents a range of text that is set off from the normal text for some reason, for example, technical terms, foreign language phrases, or fictional character thoughts. It is typically displayed in italic type.

  360. object icon extends Attr

    Image URL, used to provide a picture to represent the command.

  361. object id extends Attr

    Defines a unique identifier (ID) which must be unique in the whole document.

    Defines a unique identifier (ID) which must be unique in the whole document. Its purpose is to identify the element when linking (using a fragment identifier), scripting, or styling (with CSS).

  362. object iframe extends Tag

    The HTML <iframe> element represents a nested browsing context, effectively embedding another HTML page into the current page.

    The HTML <iframe> element represents a nested browsing context, effectively embedding another HTML page into the current page. In HTML 4.01, a document may contain a head and a body or a head and a frameset, but not both a body and a frameset. However, an <iframe> can be used within a normal document body. Each browsing context has its own session history and active document. The browsing context that contains the embedded content is called the parent browsing context. The top-level browsing context (which has no parent) is typically the browser window.

  363. object img extends Tag

    The HTML <img> element represents an image in the document.

  364. object input extends Tag

    The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user.

  365. object ins extends Tag

    The HTML <ins> element represents a range of text that has been added to a document.

  366. object integrity extends Attr

    script - Contains inline metadata that a user agent can use to verify that a fetched resource has been delivered free of unexpected manipulation.

    script - Contains inline metadata that a user agent can use to verify that a fetched resource has been delivered free of unexpected manipulation. See Subresource Integrity. link - Contains inline metadata, a base64-encoded cryptographic hash of a resource (file) you’re telling the browser to fetch, that a user agent can use to verify that a fetched resource has been delivered free of unexpected manipulation. See Subresource Integrity.

  367. object kbd extends Tag

    The HTML <kbd> element represents user input and produces an inline element displayed in the browser's default monospace font.

  368. object key extends Attr

  369. object keygen extends Tag

    The HTML <keygen> element exists to facilitate generation of key material, and submission of the public key as part of an HTML form.

    The HTML <keygen> element exists to facilitate generation of key material, and submission of the public key as part of an HTML form. This mechanism is designed for use with Web-based certificate management systems. It is expected that the <keygen> element will be used in an HTML form along with other information needed to construct a certificate request, and that the result of the process will be a signed certificate.

  370. object kind extends Attr

    How the text track is meant to be used.

    How the text track is meant to be used. If omitted the default kind is subtitles. If the attribute is not present, it will use the subtitles. If the attribute contains an invalid value, it will use metadata. (Versions of Chrome earlier than 52 treated an invalid value as subtitles.) The following keywords are allowed:

    • subtitles
    • Subtitles provide translation of content that cannot be understood by the viewer. For example dialogue or text that is not English in an English language film.
    • Subtitles may contain additional content, usually extra background information. For example the text at the beginning of the Star Wars films, or the date, time, and location of a scene.
    • captions
    • Closed captions provide a transcription and possibly a translation of audio.
    • It may include important non-verbal information such as music cues or sound effects. It may indicate the cue's source (e.g. music, text, character).
    • Suitable for users who are deaf or when the sound is muted.
    • descriptions
    • Textual description of the video content.
    • Suitable for users who are blind or where the video cannot be seen.
    • chapters
    • Chapter titles are intended to be used when the user is navigating the media resource.
    • metadata
    • Tracks used by scripts. Not visible to the user.
  371. object label extends Tag with Attr

    The HTML <label> element represents a caption for an item in a user interface.

    The HTML <label> element represents a caption for an item in a user interface. menuitem - The name of the command as shown to the user. Required when a command attribute is not present. optgroup - The name of the group of options, which the browser can use when labeling the options in the user interface. This attribute is mandatory if this element is used. menu - The name of the menu as shown to the user. Used within nested menus, to provide a label through which the submenu can be accessed. Must only be specified when the parent element is a <menu> in the context menu state. option - This attribute is text for the label indicating the meaning of the option. If the label attribute isn't defined, its value is that of the element text content. track - A user-readable title of the text track which is used by the browser when listing available text tracks.

  372. object lang extends Attr

    Participates in defining the language of the element, the language that non-editable elements are written in or the language that editable elements should be written in.

    Participates in defining the language of the element, the language that non-editable elements are written in or the language that editable elements should be written in. The tag contains one single entry value in the format defined in the Tags for Identifying Languages (BCP47) IETF document. xml:lang has priority over it.

  373. object legend extends Tag

    The HTML <legend> element represents a caption for the content of its parent <fieldset>.

    The HTML <legend> element represents a caption for the content of its parent <fieldset>.

  374. object li extends Tag

    The HTML <li> element is used to represent an item in a list.

    The HTML <li> element is used to represent an item in a list. It must be contained in a parent element: an ordered list (<ol>), an unordered list (<ul>), or a menu (<menu>). In menus and unordered lists, list items are usually displayed using bullet points. In ordered lists, they are usually displayed with an ascending counter on the left, such as a number or letter.

  375. object link extends Tag

    The HTML <link> element specifies relationships between the current document and an external resource.

    The HTML <link> element specifies relationships between the current document and an external resource. Possible uses for this element include defining a relational framework for navigation. This element is most used to link to style sheets.

  376. object list extends Attr

    Identifies a list of pre-defined options to suggest to the user.

    Identifies a list of pre-defined options to suggest to the user. The value must be the id of a <datalist> element in the same document. The browser displays only options that are valid values for this input element. This attribute is ignored when the type attribute's value is hidden, checkbox, radio, file, or a button type.

  377. object loop extends Attr

    video - A Boolean attribute; if specified, we will, upon reaching the end of the video, automatically seek back to the start.

    video - A Boolean attribute; if specified, we will, upon reaching the end of the video, automatically seek back to the start. audio - A Boolean attribute: if specified, will automatically seek back to the start upon reaching the end of the audio.

  378. object low extends Attr

    The upper numeric bound of the low end of the measured range.

    The upper numeric bound of the low end of the measured range. This must be greater than the minimum value (min attribute), and it also must be less than the high value and maximum value (high attribute and max attribute, respectively), if any are specified. If unspecified, or if less than the minimum value, the low value is equal to the minimum value.

  379. object main extends Tag

    The HTML <main> element represents the main content of the <body> of a document, portion of a document, or application.

    The HTML <main> element represents the main content of the <body> of a document, portion of a document, or application. The main content area consists of content that is directly related to, or expands upon the central topic of, a document or the central functionality of an application.

  380. object manifest extends Attr

    Specifies the URI of a resource manifest indicating resources that should be cached locally.

    Specifies the URI of a resource manifest indicating resources that should be cached locally. See Using the application cache for details.

  381. object map extends Tag

    The HTML <map> element is used with <area> elements to define an image map (a clickable link area).

    The HTML <map> element is used with <area> elements to define an image map (a clickable link area).

  382. object mark extends Tag

    The HTML <mark> element represents highlighted text, i.e., a run of text marked for reference purpose, due to its relevance in a particular context. For example it can be used in a page showing search results to highlight every instance of the searched-for word.

  383. object max extends Attr

    meter - The upper numeric bound of the measured range.

    meter - The upper numeric bound of the measured range. This must be greater than the minimum value (min attribute), if specified. If unspecified, the maximum value is 1. progress - This attribute describes how much work the task indicated by the progress element requires. The max attribute, if present, must have a value greater than zero and be a valid floating point number. The default value is 1. input - The maximum (numeric or date-time) value for this item, which must not be less than its minimum (min attribute) value.

  384. object media extends Attr

    source - Media query of the resource's intended media; this should be used only in a <picture> element. style - This attribute defines which media the style should apply to. Its value is a media query, which defaults to all if the attribute is missing. link - This attribute specifies the media which the linked resource applies to. Its value must be a media query. This attribute is mainly useful when linking to external stylesheets by allowing the user agent to pick the best adapted one for the device it runs on. Usage note: - In HTML 4, this can only be a simple white-space-separated list of media description literals, i.e., media types and groups, where defined and allowed as values for this attribute, such as print, screen, aural, braille. HTML5 extended this to any kind of media queries, which are a superset of the allowed values of HTML 4. - Browsers not supporting the CSS3 Media Queries won't necessarily recognize the adequate link; do not forget to set fallback links, the restricted set of media queries defined in HTML 4. area - A hint of the media for which the linked resource was designed, for example print and screen. If omitted, it defaults to all. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.

    source - Media query of the resource's intended media; this should be used only in a <picture> element. style - This attribute defines which media the style should apply to. Its value is a media query, which defaults to all if the attribute is missing. link - This attribute specifies the media which the linked resource applies to. Its value must be a media query. This attribute is mainly useful when linking to external stylesheets by allowing the user agent to pick the best adapted one for the device it runs on. Usage note: - In HTML 4, this can only be a simple white-space-separated list of media description literals, i.e., media types and groups, where defined and allowed as values for this attribute, such as print, screen, aural, braille. HTML5 extended this to any kind of media queries, which are a superset of the allowed values of HTML 4. - Browsers not supporting the CSS3 Media Queries won't necessarily recognize the adequate link; do not forget to set fallback links, the restricted set of media queries defined in HTML 4. area - A hint of the media for which the linked resource was designed, for example print and screen. If omitted, it defaults to all. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.

  385. object menu extends Tag

    The HTML <menu> element represents a group of commands that a user can perform or activate.

    The HTML <menu> element represents a group of commands that a user can perform or activate. This includes both list menus, which might appear across the top of a screen, as well as context menus, such as those that might appear underneath a button after it has been clicked.

  386. object menuitem extends Tag

    The HTML <menuitem> element represents a command that a user is able to invoke through a popup menu.

    The HTML <menuitem> element represents a command that a user is able to invoke through a popup menu. This includes context menus, as well as menus that might be attached to a menu button.

  387. object meta extends Tag

    The HTML <meta> element represents metadata that cannot be represented by other HTML meta-related elements, like <base>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <title>.

  388. object meter extends Tag

    The HTML <meter> element represents either a scalar value within a known range or a fractional value.

  389. object method extends Attr

    The HTTP method that the browser uses to submit the form.

    The HTTP method that the browser uses to submit the form. Possible values are:

    • post: Corresponds to the HTTP POST method ; form data are included in the body of the form and sent to the server.
    • get: Corresponds to the HTTP GET method; form data are appended to the action attribute URI with a '?' as separator, and the resulting URI is sent to the server. Use this method when the form has no side-effects and contains only ASCII characters.

    This value can be overridden by a formmethod attribute on a <button> or <input> element.

  390. object min extends Attr

    input - The minimum (numeric or date-time) value for this item, which must not be greater than its maximum (max attribute) value.

    input - The minimum (numeric or date-time) value for this item, which must not be greater than its maximum (max attribute) value. meter - The lower numeric bound of the measured range. This must be less than the maximum value (max attribute), if specified. If unspecified, the minimum value is 0.

  391. object multiple extends Attr

    input - This Boolean attribute indicates whether the user can enter more than one value.

    input - This Boolean attribute indicates whether the user can enter more than one value. This attribute applies when the type attribute is set to email or file, otherwise it is ignored. select - This Boolean attribute indicates that multiple options can be selected in the list. If it is not specified, then only one option can be selected at a time.

  392. object muted extends Attr

    audio - A Boolean attribute which indicates whether the audio will be initially silenced.

    audio - A Boolean attribute which indicates whether the audio will be initially silenced. Its default value is false. video - A Boolean attribute which indicates the default setting of the audio contained in the video. If set, the audio will be initially silenced. Its default value is false, meaning that the audio will be played when the video is played.

  393. object name extends Attr

    param - Name of the parameter.

    param - Name of the parameter. a - This attribute was required for anchors defining a possible target location within a page. In HTML 4.01, id and name could be used simultaneously on a <a> element as long as they have identical values.

    Usage note: This attribute is obsolete in HTML5, use the global attribute id instead. input, keygen - The name of the control, which is submitted with the form data. button - The name of the button, which is submitted with the form data. iframe - A name for the embedded browsing context (or frame). This can be used as the value of the target attribute of an <a>, <form> or <base> element, or the formtarget attribute of an <input> or <button> element. It can also be used as the value of the windowName parameter in the method. map - The name attribute gives the map a name so that it can be referenced. The attribute must be present and must have a non-empty value with no space characters. The value of the name attribute must not be a compatibility-caseless match for the value of the name attribute of another map element in the same document. If the id attribute is also specified, both attributes must have the same value. img - A name for the element. It is supported in HTML 4 only for backward compatibility. Use the id attribute instead. output - The name of the element. fieldset - The name associated with the group.

    The label for the field set is given by the first <legend> element that is a child of this field set. form - The name of the form. In HTML 4, its use is deprecated (id should be used instead). It must be unique among the forms in a document and not just an empty string in HTML 5. area - Define a names for the clickable area so that it can be scripted by older browsers. textarea - The name of the control. select - This attribute is used to specify the name of the control. object - The name of valid browsing context (HTML5), or the name of the control (HTML 4). meta - This attribute defines the name of a piece of document-level metadata. It should not be set if one of the attributes itemprop, http-equiv or charset is also set. This metadata name is associated with the value contained by the content attribute. The possible values for the name attribute are: - application-name defines the name of the application running in the web page. Note: - Browsers may use this to identify the application. It is different from the <title> element, which usually contain the application name, but may also contain information like the document name or a status. - Simple web pages shouldn't define an application-name. - author defines the name of the document's author. - description contains a short and accurate summary of the content of the page. Several browsers, like Firefox and Opera, use this as the default description of bookmarked pages. - generator contains the identifier of the software that generated the page. - keywords contains words relevant to the page's content, separated by commas. - referrer controls the Referer HTTP header attached to requests sent from the document:

    Values for the content attribute of <meta name="referrer">
    no-referrer Do not send a HTTP Referer header.
    origin Send the origin of the document.
    no-referrer-when-downgrade Send the origin as referrer to URLs as secure as the current page, (https→https), but don't send a referrer to less secure URLs (https→http). This is the default behavior.
    origin-when-crossorigin Send the full URL (stripped of parameters) for same-origin requests, but only send the origin for other cases.
    unsafe-URL Send the full URL (stripped of parameters) for same-origin or cross-origin requests.
    - Some browsers support the deprecated values always, default, and never for referrer. - Dynamically inserting <meta name="referrer"> (with document.write or appendChild) makes referrer behavior unpredictable. - When several conflicting policies are defined, the no-referrer policy is applied. The attribute may also have a value taken from the extended list defined on WHATWG Wiki MetaExtensions page. Although none have been formally accepted yet, a few commonly used names are: Finally, a few names are in common use, though not in the process of being standardized: - creator defines the name of the creator of the document, such as an organization or institution. If there are more than one, several <meta> elements should be used. - googlebot, a synonym of robots, but is only followed by Googlebot, the indexing crawler for Google. - publisher defines the name of the document's publisher. - robots defines the behavior that cooperative crawlers, or "robots", should use with the page. It is a comma-separated list of the values below:
    Values for the content of <meta name="robots">
    Value Description Used by
    index Allows the robot to index the page (default). All
    noindex Requests the robot to not index the page. All
    follow Allows the robot to follow the links on the page (default). All
    nofollow Requests the robot to not follow the links on the page. All
    none Equivalent to noindex, nofollow Google
    noodp Prevents using the Open Directory Project description, if any, as the page description in search engine results. Google, Yahoo, Bing
    noarchive Requests the search engine not cache the page content. Google, Yahoo, Bing
    nosnippet Prevents displaying any description of the page in search engine results. Google, Bing
    noimageindex Requests this page not appear as the referring page of an indexed image. Google
    nocache Synonym of noarchive. Bing
    Notes: - Only cooperative robots follow these rules. Do not expect to prevent e-mail harvesters with them. - The robot still needs to access the page in order to read these rules. To prevent bandwidth consumption, use a robots.txt file. - If you want to remove a page, noindex will work, but only after the robot visits the page again. Ensure that the robots.txt file is not preventing revisits. - Some values are mutually exclusive, like index and noindex, or follow and nofollow. In these cases the robot's behavior is undefined and may vary between them. - Some crawler robots, like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, support the same values for the HTTP header X-Robot-Tags; this allows non-HTML documents like images to use these rules. - slurp, a synonym of robots, but only for Slurp, the crawler for Yahoo Search. - viewport, which gives hints about the size of the initial size of the viewport. Used by mobile devices only.
    Values for the content of <meta name="viewport">
    Value Possible subvalues Description
    width A positive integer number, or the text device-width Defines the pixel width of the viewport, or allows the viewport to adapt to the device's screen width.
    height A positive integer, or the text device-height Defines the height of the viewport. Not used by any browser.
    initial-scale A positive number between 0.0 and 10.0 Defines the ratio between the device width (device-width in portrait mode or device-height in landscape mode) and the viewport size.
    maximum-scale A positive number between 0.0 and 10.0 Defines the maximum amount to zoom in. It must be greater or equal to the minimum-scale or the behavior is undefined. Browser settings can ignore this rule, and iOS10+ ignores it by default.
    minimum-scale A positive number between 0.0 and 10.0 Defines the minimum zoom level. It must be smaller or equal to the maximum-scale or the behavior is undefined. Browser settings can ignore this rule, and iOS10+ ignores it by default.
    user-scalable yes or no If set to no, the user is not able to zoom in the webpage. The default is yes. Browser settings can ignore this rule, and iOS10+ ignores it by default.
    Specification Status Comment
    CSS Device Adaptation
    The definition of '<meta name="viewport">' in that specification.
    Working Draft Non-normatively describes the Viewport META element
    See also: @viewport Notes: - Though unstandardized, this declaration is respected by most mobile browsers due to de-facto dominance. - The default values may vary between devices and browsers. - To learn about this declaration in Firefox for Mobile, see this article.

  394. object nav extends Tag

    The HTML <nav> element represents a section of a page whose purpose is to provide navigation links, either within the current document or to other documents. Common examples of navigation sections are menus, tables of contents, and indexes.

  395. object noValidate extends Attr

    This Boolean attribute indicates that the form shouldn't be validated when submitted.

    This Boolean attribute indicates that the form shouldn't be validated when submitted. If this attribute is not set (and therefore the form is validated), it can be overridden by a formnovalidate attribute on a <button>, formnovalidate attribute on a <input type="submit">, or <input type="image"> element belonging to the form.

  396. object nonce extends Attr

    style - A cryptographic nonce (number used once) to whitelist inline styles in a style-src Content-Security-Policy.

    style - A cryptographic nonce (number used once) to whitelist inline styles in a style-src Content-Security-Policy. The server must generate a unique nonce value each time it transmits a policy. It is critical to provide an unguessable nonce, as bypassing a resource’s policy is otherwise trivial. script - A cryptographic nonce (number used once) to whitelist inline scripts in a script-src Content-Security-Policy. The server must generate a unique nonce value each time it transmits a policy. It is critical to provide an unguessable nonce, as bypassing a resource’s policy is otherwise trivial.

  397. object noscript extends Tag

    The HTML <noscript> element defines a section of HTML to be inserted if a script type on the page is unsupported or if scripting is currently turned off in the browser.

  398. object object extends Tag

    The HTML <object> element represents an external resource, which can be treated as an image, a nested browsing context, or a resource to be handled by a plugin.

  399. object ol extends Tag

    The HTML <ol> element represents an ordered list of items, typically rendered as a numbered list.

  400. object on extends Attr

  401. object onAbort extends Attr

  402. object onAnimationEnd extends Attr

  403. object onAnimationIteration extends Attr

  404. object onAnimationStart extends Attr

  405. object onBlur extends Attr

  406. object onCanPlay extends Attr

  407. object onCanPlayThrough extends Attr

  408. object onCancel extends Attr

  409. object onChange extends Attr

  410. object onClick extends Attr

  411. object onClose extends Attr

  412. object onCompositionEnd extends Attr

  413. object onCompositionStart extends Attr

  414. object onCompositionUpdate extends Attr

  415. object onContextMenu extends Attr

  416. object onCopy extends Attr

  417. object onCut extends Attr

  418. object onDoubleClick extends Attr

  419. object onDrag extends Attr

  420. object onDragEnd extends Attr

  421. object onDragEnter extends Attr

  422. object onDragExit extends Attr

  423. object onDragLeave extends Attr

  424. object onDragOver extends Attr

  425. object onDragStart extends Attr

  426. object onDrop extends Attr

  427. object onDurationChange extends Attr

  428. object onEmptied extends Attr

  429. object onEncrypted extends Attr

  430. object onEnded extends Attr

  431. object onError extends Attr

  432. object onFocus extends Attr

  433. object onGotPointerCapture extends Attr

  434. object onInput extends Attr

  435. object onInvalid extends Attr

  436. object onKeyDown extends Attr

  437. object onKeyPress extends Attr

  438. object onKeyUp extends Attr

  439. object onLoad extends Attr

  440. object onLoadStart extends Attr

  441. object onLoadedData extends Attr

  442. object onLoadedMetadata extends Attr

  443. object onLostPointerCapture extends Attr

  444. object onMouseDown extends Attr

  445. object onMouseEnter extends Attr

  446. object onMouseLeave extends Attr

  447. object onMouseMove extends Attr

  448. object onMouseOut extends Attr

  449. object onMouseOver extends Attr

  450. object onMouseUp extends Attr

  451. object onPaste extends Attr

  452. object onPause extends Attr

  453. object onPlay extends Attr

  454. object onPlaying extends Attr

  455. object onPointerCancel extends Attr

  456. object onPointerDown extends Attr

  457. object onPointerEnter extends Attr

  458. object onPointerLeave extends Attr

  459. object onPointerMove extends Attr

  460. object onPointerOut extends Attr

  461. object onPointerOver extends Attr

  462. object onPointerUp extends Attr

  463. object onProgress extends Attr

  464. object onRateChange extends Attr

  465. object onScroll extends Attr

  466. object onSeeked extends Attr

  467. object onSeeking extends Attr

  468. object onSelect extends Attr

  469. object onStalled extends Attr

  470. object onSubmit extends Attr

  471. object onSuspend extends Attr

  472. object onTimeUpdate extends Attr

  473. object onToggle extends Attr

  474. object onTouchCancel extends Attr

  475. object onTouchEnd extends Attr

  476. object onTouchMove extends Attr

  477. object onTouchStart extends Attr

  478. object onTransitionEnd extends Attr

  479. object onVolumeChange extends Attr

  480. object onWaiting extends Attr

  481. object onWheel extends Attr

  482. object open extends Attr

    dialog - Indicates that the dialog is active and available for interaction.

    dialog - Indicates that the dialog is active and available for interaction. When the open attribute is not set, it shouldn't be shown to the user. details - This Boolean attribute indicates whether the details will be shown to the user on page load. Default is false and so details will be hidden.

  483. object optgroup extends Tag

    The HTML <optgroup> element creates a grouping of options within a <select> element.

  484. object optimum extends Attr

    This attribute indicates the optimal numeric value.

    This attribute indicates the optimal numeric value. It must be within the range (as defined by the min attribute and max attribute). When used with the low attribute and high attribute, it gives an indication where along the range is considered preferable. For example, if it is between the min attribute and the low attribute, then the lower range is considered preferred.

  485. object option extends Tag

    The HTML <option> element is used to define an item contained in a <select>, an <optgroup>, or a <datalist> element. As such, <option> can represent menu items in popups and other lists of items in an HTML document.

    The HTML <option> element is used to define an item contained in a <select>, an <optgroup>, or a <datalist> element. As such, <option> can represent menu items in popups and other lists of items in an HTML document.

  486. object output extends Tag

    The HTML <output> element represents the result of a calculation or user action.

  487. object p extends Tag

    The HTML <p> element represents a paragraph of text. Paragraphs are usually represented in visual media as blocks of text that are separated from adjacent blocks by vertical blank space and/or first-line indentation. Paragraphs are block-level elements.

  488. object param extends Tag

    The HTML <param> element defines parameters for an <object> element.

  489. object pattern extends Attr

    A regular expression that the control's value is checked against.

    A regular expression that the control's value is checked against. The pattern must match the entire value, not just some subset. Use the title attribute to describe the pattern to help the user. This attribute applies when the value of the type attribute is text, search, tel, url, email, or password, otherwise it is ignored. The regular expression language is the same as JavaScript RegExp algorithm, with the 'u' parameter that makes it treat the pattern as a sequence of unicode code points. The pattern is not surrounded by forward slashes.

  490. object picture extends Tag

    The HTML <picture> element is a container used to specify multiple <source> elements for a specific <img> contained in it.

    The HTML <picture> element is a container used to specify multiple <source> elements for a specific <img> contained in it. The browser will choose the most suitable source according to the current layout of the page (the constraints of the box the image will appear in) and the device it will be displayed on (e.g. a normal or hiDPI device.)

  491. object placeholder extends Attr

    textarea - A hint to the user of what can be entered in the control.

    textarea - A hint to the user of what can be entered in the control. Carriage returns or line-feeds within the placeholder text must be treated as line breaks when rendering the hint. input - A hint to the user of what can be entered in the control . The placeholder text must not contain carriage returns or line-feeds. 

    Note: Do not use the placeholder attribute instead of a <label> element, their purposes are different. The <label> attribute describes the role of the form element (i.e. it indicates what kind of information is expected), and the placeholder attribute is a hint about the format that the content should take. There are cases in which the placeholder attribute is never displayed to the user, so the form must be understandable without it.

  492. object poster extends Attr

    A URL indicating a poster frame to show until the user plays or seeks.

    A URL indicating a poster frame to show until the user plays or seeks. If this attribute isn't specified, nothing is displayed until the first frame is available; then the first frame is shown as the poster frame.

  493. object pre extends Tag

    The HTML <pre> element represents preformatted text.

    The HTML <pre> element represents preformatted text. Text within this element is typically displayed in a non-proportional ("monospace") font exactly as it is laid out in the file. Whitespace inside this element is displayed as typed.

  494. object preload extends Attr

    audio - This enumerated attribute is intended to provide a hint to the browser about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience.

    audio - This enumerated attribute is intended to provide a hint to the browser about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience. It may have one of the following values:

    • none: indicates that the audio should not be preloaded;
    • metadata: indicates that only audio metadata (e.g. length) is fetched;
    • auto: indicates that the whole audio file could be downloaded, even if the user is not expected to use it;
    • the empty string: synonym of the auto value.

    If not set, its default value is browser-defined (i.e. each browser may have its own default value). The spec advises it to be set to metadata.

    Usage notes:

    • The autoplay attribute has precedence over preload. If autoplay is specified, the browser would obviously need to start downloading the audio for playback.
    • The browser is not forced by the specification to follow the value of this attribute; it is a mere hint. video - This enumerated attribute is intended to provide a hint to the browser about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience. It may have one of the following values:
    • none: indicates that the video should not be preloaded.
    • metadata: indicates that only video metadata (e.g. length) is fetched.
    • auto: indicates that the whole video file could be downloaded, even if the user is not expected to use it.
    • the empty string: synonym of the auto value.

    If not set, its default value is browser-defined (i.e. each browser may have its default value). The spec advises it to be set to metadata.

    Usage notes:

    • The autoplay attribute has precedence over preload. If autoplay is specified, the browser would obviously need to start downloading the video for playback.
    • The specification does not force the browser to follow the value of this attribute; it is a mere hint.
  495. object profile extends Attr

    The URIs of one or more metadata profiles, separated by white space.

  496. object progress extends Tag

    The HTML <progress> element represents the completion progress of a task, typically displayed as a progress bar.

  497. object q extends Tag

    The HTML <q> element indicates that the enclosed text is a short inline quotation.

    The HTML <q> element indicates that the enclosed text is a short inline quotation. This element is intended for short quotations that don't require paragraph breaks; for long quotations use the <blockquote> element.

  498. object readOnly extends Attr

  499. object ref extends Attr

  500. object rel extends Attr

    area - For anchors containing the href attribute, this attribute specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object.

    area - For anchors containing the href attribute, this attribute specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a comma-separated list of link types values. The values and their semantics will be registered by some authority that might have meaning to the document author. The default relationship, if no other is given, is void. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present. link - This attribute names a relationship of the linked document to the current document. The attribute must be a space-separated list of the link types values. The most common use of this attribute is to specify a link to an external style sheet: the rel attribute is set to stylesheet, and the href attribute is set to the URL of an external style sheet to format the page. WebTV also supports the use of the value next for rel to preload the next page in a document series. a - Specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a space-separated list of link types.

  501. object required extends Attr

    textarea - This attribute specifies that the user must fill in a value before submitting a form.

    textarea - This attribute specifies that the user must fill in a value before submitting a form. select - A Boolean attribute indicating that an option with a non-empty string value must be selected. input - This attribute specifies that the user must fill in a value before submitting a form. It cannot be used when the type attribute is hidden, image, or a button type (submit, reset, or button). The :optional and :required CSS pseudo-classes will be applied to the field as appropriate.

  502. object reversed extends Attr

    This Boolean attribute specifies that the items of the list are specified in reversed order.

  503. object role extends Attr

  504. object rowSpan extends Attr

    td - This attribute contains a positive integer indicating the number of consecutive rows the <td> element spans.

    td - This attribute contains a positive integer indicating the number of consecutive rows the <td> element spans. If not present, its default value is 1. th - This attribute contains a positive integer indicating the number of consecutive rows the <th> element spans. If not present, its default value is 1.

  505. object rows extends Attr

    The number of visible text lines for the control.

  506. object rp extends Tag

    The HTML <rp> element is used to provide fall-back parentheses for browsers that do not support display of ruby annotations using the <ruby> element.

  507. object rt extends Tag

    The HTML <rt> element embraces pronunciation of characters presented in a ruby annotations, which are used to describe the pronunciation of East Asian characters.

    The HTML <rt> element embraces pronunciation of characters presented in a ruby annotations, which are used to describe the pronunciation of East Asian characters. This element is always used inside a <ruby> element.

  508. object ruby extends Tag

    The HTML <ruby> element represents a ruby annotation.

    The HTML <ruby> element represents a ruby annotation. Ruby annotations are for showing pronunciation of East Asian characters.

  509. object s extends Tag

    The HTML <s> element renders text with a strikethrough, or a line through it.

    The HTML <s> element renders text with a strikethrough, or a line through it. Use the <s> element to represent things that are no longer relevant or no longer accurate. However, <s> is not appropriate when indicating document edits; for that, use the <del> and <ins> elements, as appropriate.

  510. object samp extends Tag

    The HTML <samp> element is an element intended to identify sample output from a computer program.

    The HTML <samp> element is an element intended to identify sample output from a computer program. It is usually displayed in the browser's default monotype font (such as Lucida Console).

  511. object sandbox extends Attr

    If specified as an empty string, this attribute enables extra restrictions on the content that can appear in the inline frame.

    If specified as an empty string, this attribute enables extra restrictions on the content that can appear in the inline frame. The value of the attribute can either be an empty string (all the restrictions are applied), or a space-separated list of tokens that lift particular restrictions. Valid tokens are:

    • allow-forms: Allows the embedded browsing context to submit forms. If this keyword is not used, this operation is not allowed.
    • allow-modals: Allows the embedded browsing context to open modal windows.
    • allow-orientation-lock: Allows the embedded browsing context to disable the ability to lock the screen orientation.
    • allow-pointer-lock: Allows the embedded browsing context to use the Pointer Lock API.
    • allow-popups: Allows popups (like from, target="_blank", showModalDialog). If this keyword is not used, that functionality will silently fail.
    • allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox:  Allows a sandboxed document to open new windows without forcing the sandboxing flags upon them. This will allow, for example, a third-party advertisement to be safely sandboxed without forcing the same restrictions upon a landing page.
    • allow-presentation: Allows embedders to have control over whether an iframe can start a presentation session.
    • allow-same-origin: Allows the content to be treated as being from its normal origin. If this keyword is not used, the embedded content is treated as being from a unique origin.
    • allow-scripts: Allows the embedded browsing context to run scripts (but not create pop-up windows). If this keyword is not used, this operation is not allowed.
    • allow-top-navigation: Allows the embedded browsing context to navigate (load) content to the top-level browsing context. If this keyword is not used, this operation is not allowed.
    • allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation: Allows the embedded browsing context to navigate (load) content to the top-level browsing context only when initiated by a user gesture. If this keyword is not used, this operation is not allowed.


    • When the embedded document has the same origin as the main page, it is strongly discouraged to use both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin at the same time, as that allows the embedded document to programmatically remove the sandbox attribute. Although it is accepted, this case is no more secure than not using the sandbox attribute.
    • Sandboxing in general is only of minimal help if the attacker can arrange for the potentially hostile content to be displayed in the user's browser outside a sandboxed iframe. It is recommended that such content should be served from a separate dedicated domain, to limit the potential damage.
    • The sandbox attribute is not supported in Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions.
  512. object scope extends Attr

    th - This enumerated attribute defines the cells that the header (defined in the <th>) element relates to.

    th - This enumerated attribute defines the cells that the header (defined in the <th>) element relates to. It may have the following values:

    • row:  The header relates to all cells of the row it belongs to.
    • col: The header relates to all cells of the column it belongs to.
    • rowgroup: The header belongs to a rowgroup and relates to all of its cells. These cells can be placed to the right or the left of the header, depending on the value of the dir attribute in the <table> element.
    • colgroup: The header belongs to a colgroup and relates to all of its cells.
    • auto td -  
  513. object scoped extends Attr

    Specifies that the styles only apply to this element's parent element and that element's child elements.

  514. object script extends Tag

    The HTML <script> element is used to embed or reference an executable script.

  515. object scrolling extends Attr

    Enumerated attribute indicating when the browser should provide a scroll bar (or other scrolling device) for the frame:

    Enumerated attribute indicating when the browser should provide a scroll bar (or other scrolling device) for the frame:

    • auto: Only when needed.
    • yes: Always provide a scroll bar.
    • no: Never provide a scroll bar.
  516. object section extends Tag

    The HTML <section> element represents a standalone section of functionality contained within an HTML document, typically with a heading, which doesn't have a more specific semantic element to represent it.

  517. object select extends Tag

    The HTML <select> element represents a control that provides a menu of options:

  518. object selected extends Attr

    If present, this Boolean attribute indicates that the option is initially selected.

    If present, this Boolean attribute indicates that the option is initially selected. If the <option> element is the descendant of a <select> element whose multiple attribute is not set, only one single <option> of this <select> element may have the selected attribute.

  519. object shape extends Attr

    a - This attribute was used to define a region for hyperlinks to create an image map.

    a - This attribute was used to define a region for hyperlinks to create an image map. The values are circle, default, polygon, and rect. The format of the coords attribute depends on the value of shape. For circle, the value is x,y,r where x and y are the pixel coordinates for the center of the circle and r is the radius value in pixels. For rect, the coords attribute should be x,y,w,h. The x,y values define the upper-left-hand corner of the rectangle, while w and h define the width and height respectively. A value of polygon for shape requires x1,y1,x2,y2,... values for coords. Each of the x,y pairs defines a point in the polygon, with successive points being joined by straight lines and the last point joined to the first. The value default for shape requires that the entire enclosed area, typically an image, be used.

    Note: Use the usemap attribute for the <img> element and the associated <map> element to define hotspots instead of the shape attribute. area - The shape of the associated hot spot. The specifications for HTML 5 and HTML 4 define the values rect, which defines a rectangular region; circle, which defines a circular region; poly, which defines a polygon; and default, which indicates the entire region beyond any defined shapes. Many browsers, notably Internet Explorer 4 and higher, support circ, polygon, and rectangle as valid values for shape; these values are .

  520. object size extends Attr

    select - If the control is presented as a scrolled list box, this attribute represents the number of rows in the list that should be visible at one time.

    select - If the control is presented as a scrolled list box, this attribute represents the number of rows in the list that should be visible at one time. Browsers are not required to present a select element as a scrolled list box. The default value is 0. input - The initial size of the control. This value is in pixels unless the value of the type attribute is text or password, in which case it is an integer number of characters. Starting in HTML5, this attribute applies only when the type attribute is set to text, search, tel, url, email, or password, otherwise it is ignored. In addition, the size must be greater than zero. If you do not specify a size, a default value of 20 is used. HTML5 simply states "the user agent should ensure that at least that many characters are visible", but different characters can have different widths in certain fonts. In some browsers, a certain string with x characters will not be entirely visible even if size is defined to at least x. hr - Sets the height, in pixels, of the rule.

  521. object sizes extends Attr

    img - A list of one or more strings separated by commas indicating a set of source sizes.

    img - A list of one or more strings separated by commas indicating a set of source sizes. Each source size consists of:

    • a media condition. This must be omitted for the last item.
    • a source size value.

    Source size values specify the intended display size of the image. User agents use the current source size to select one of the sources supplied by the srcset attribute, when those sources are described using width ('w') descriptors. The selected source size affects the intrinsic size of the image (the image’s display size if no CSS styling is applied). If the srcset attribute is absent, or contains no values with a width (w) descriptor, then the sizes attribute has no effect. source - Is a list of source sizes that describes the final rendered width of the image represented by the source. Each source size consists of a comma-separated list of media condition-length pairs. This information is used by the browser to determine, before laying the page out, which image defined in srcset to use.
    The sizes attribute has an effect only when the <source> element is the direct child of a <picture> element. link - This attribute defines the sizes of the icons for visual media contained in the resource. It must be present only if the rel contains the icon link types value. It may have the following values: - any, meaning that the icon can be scaled to any size as it is in a vectorial format, like image/svg+xml. - a white-space separated list of sizes, each in the format <width in pixels>x<height in pixels> or <width in pixels>X<height in pixels>. Each of these sizes must be contained in the resource. Usage note: - Most icon format are only able to store one single icon; therefore most of the time the sizes contains only one entry. MS's ICO format does, as well as Apple's ICNS. ICO being more ubiquitous, you should use it. - Apple's iOS does not support this attribute, hence Apple's iPhone and iPad use special, non-standard link types values to define icon to be used as Web Clip or start-up placeholder: apple-touch-icon and apple-touch-startup-icon.

  522. object small extends Tag

    The HTML <small> element makes the text font size one size smaller (for example, from large to medium, or from small to x-small) down to the browser's minimum font size.  In HTML5, this element is repurposed to represent side-comments and small print, including copyright and legal text, independent of its styled presentation.

  523. object source extends Tag

    The HTML <source> element specifies multiple media resources for either the <picture>, the <audio> or the <video> element. It is an empty element. It is commonly used to serve the same media content in multiple formats supported by different browsers.

    The HTML <source> element specifies multiple media resources for either the <picture>, the <audio> or the <video> element. It is an empty element. It is commonly used to serve the same media content in multiple formats supported by different browsers.

  524. object span extends Tag with Attr

    The HTML <span> element is a generic inline container for phrasing content, which does not inherently represent anything. It can be used to group elements for styling purposes (using the class or id attributes), or because they share attribute values, such as lang. It should be used only when no other semantic element is appropriate.

    The HTML <span> element is a generic inline container for phrasing content, which does not inherently represent anything. It can be used to group elements for styling purposes (using the class or id attributes), or because they share attribute values, such as lang. It should be used only when no other semantic element is appropriate. <span> is very much like a <div> element, but <div> is a block-level element whereas a <span> is an inline element. col - This attribute contains a positive integer indicating the number of consecutive columns the <col> element spans. If not present, its default value is 1. colgroup - This attribute contains a positive integer indicating the number of consecutive columns the <colgroup> element spans. If not present, its default value is 1.

    Note: This attribute is applied on the attributes of the column group, it has no effect on the CSS styling rules associated with it or, even more, to the cells of the column's members of the group.

    • The span attribute may not be present if there are one or more <col> elements within the <colgroup>.
  525. object spellCheck extends Attr

  526. object src extends Attr

    track - Address of the track (.vtt file).

    track - Address of the track (.vtt file). Must be a valid URL. This attribute must be defined. source - Required for <audio> and <video>, address of the media resource. The value of this attribute is ignored when the <source> element is placed inside a <picture> element. video - The URL of the video to embed. This is optional; you may instead use the <source> element within the video block to specify the video to embed. audio - The URL of the audio to embed. This is subject to HTTP access controls. This is optional; you may instead use the <source> element within the audio block to specify the audio to embed. img - The image URL. This attribute is mandatory for the <img> element. On browsers supporting srcset, src is treated like a candidate image with a pixel density descriptor 1x unless an image with this pixel density descriptor is already defined in srcset, or unless srcset contains 'w' descriptors. input - If the value of the type attribute is image, this attribute specifies a URI for the location of an image to display on the graphical submit button, otherwise it is ignored. iframe - The URL of the page to embed. Use 'about:blank' for empty pages that conform to Same-Origin Policy. embed - The URL of the resource being embedded. script - This attribute specifies the URI of an external script; this can be used as an alternative to embedding a script directly within a document. If a script element has a src attribute specified, it should not have a script embedded inside its tags.

  527. object start extends Attr

    This integer attribute specifies the start value for numbering the individual list items.

    This integer attribute specifies the start value for numbering the individual list items. Although the ordering type of list elements might be Roman numerals, such as XXXI, or letters, the value of start is always represented as a number. To start numbering elements from the letter "C", use <ol start="3">.

    Note: This attribute was deprecated in HTML4, but reintroduced in HTML5.

  528. object step extends Attr

    Works with the min and max attributes to limit the increments at which a numeric or date-time value can be set.

    Works with the min and max attributes to limit the increments at which a numeric or date-time value can be set. It can be the string any or a positive floating point number. If this attribute is not set to any, the control accepts only values at multiples of the step value greater than the minimum.

  529. object strong extends Tag

    The HTML <strong> element gives text strong importance, and is typically displayed in bold.

  530. object style extends Tag with Attr

    The HTML <style> element contains style information for a document, or part of a document.

    The HTML <style> element contains style information for a document, or part of a document. By default, the style instructions written inside that element are expected to be CSS. Contains CSS styling declarations to be applied to the element. Note that it is recommended for styles to be defined in a separate file or files. This attribute and the <style> element have mainly the purpose of allowing for quick styling, for example for testing purposes.

  531. object sub extends Tag

    The HTML <sub> element defines a span of text that should be displayed, for typographic reasons, lower, and often smaller, than the main span of text.

  532. object summary extends Tag with Attr

    The HTML <summary> element is used as a summary, caption, or legend for the content of a <details> element.

    The HTML <summary> element is used as a summary, caption, or legend for the content of a <details> element. This attribute defines an alternative text that summarizes the content of the table. Typically, it allows visually impaired people who are browsing the web with a Braille screen, to acquire information about the table. If the information added by this attribute is also useful to people who are not visually impaired, consider using the <caption> instead. The summary attribute is not mandatory and may be omitted when a <caption> element fulfills its role. Usage Note: Do not use this attribute, as it has been deprecated. Instead, choose one of these methods to add a description of a table: - Use prose around the table (this method is less semantic). - Add a description in the table's <caption> element. - Add a description in a <details> element, inside the table's <caption> element. - Include the <table> element in a <figure> element and add the description in prose next to it. - Include the <table> element in a <figure> element and add the description in prose inside a <figcaption> element. - Adjust the table so that a description is not needed (e.g. use <th> and <thead> elements).

  533. object sup extends Tag

    The HTML <sup> element defines a span of text that should be displayed, for typographic reasons, higher, and often smaller, than the main span of text.

  534. object suppressContentEditableWarning extends Attr

  535. object tabIndex extends Attr

  536. object table extends Tag

    The HTML <table> element represents tabular data — that is, information expressed via a two-dimensional data table.

  537. object target extends Attr

    a - Specifies where to display the linked URL.

    a - Specifies where to display the linked URL. It is a name of, or keyword for, a browsing context: a tab, window, or <iframe>. The following keywords have special meanings:

    • _self: Load the URL into the same browsing context as the current one. This is the default behavior.
    • _blank: Load the URL into a new browsing context. This is usually a tab, but users can configure browsers to use new windows instead.
    • _parent: Load the URL into the parent browsing context of the current one. If there is no parent, this behaves the same way as _self.
    • _top: Load the URL into the top-level browsing context (that is, the "highest" browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one, and has no parent). If there is no parent, this behaves the same way as _self.

    Note: When using target, consider adding rel="noopener noreferrer" to avoid exploitation of the window.opener API. base - A name or keyword indicating the default location to display the result when hyperlinks or forms cause navigation, for elements that do not have an explicit target reference. It is a name of, or keyword for, a browsing context (for example: tab, window, or inline frame). The following keywords have special meanings:

    • _self: Load the result into the same browsing context as the current one. This value is the default if the attribute is not specified.
    • _blank: Load the result into a new unnamed browsing context.
    • _parent: Load the result into the parent browsing context of the current one. If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self.
    • _top: Load the result into the top-level browsing context (that is, the browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one, and has no parent). If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self. area - This attribute specifies where to display the linked resource. In HTML4, this is the name of, or a keyword for, a frame. In HTML5, it is a name of, or keyword for, a browsing context (for example, tab, window, or inline frame). The following keywords have special meanings:
    • _self: Load the response into the same HTML4 frame (or HTML5 browsing context) as the current one. This value is the default if the attribute is not specified.
    • _blank: Load the response into a new unnamed HTML4 window or HTML5 browsing context.
    • _parent: Load the response into the HTML4 frameset parent of the current frame or HTML5 parent browsing context of the current one. If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self.
    • _top: In HTML4: Load the response into the full, original window, canceling all other frames. In HTML5: Load the response into the top-level browsing context (that is, the browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one, and has no parent). If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present. form - A name or keyword indicating where to display the response that is received after submitting the form. In HTML 4, this is the name/keyword for a frame. In HTML5, it is a name/keyword for a browsing context (for example, tab, window, or inline frame). The following keywords have special meanings:
    • _self: Load the response into the same HTML 4 frame (or HTML5 browsing context) as the current one. This value is the default if the attribute is not specified.
    • _blank: Load the response into a new unnamed HTML 4 window or HTML5 browsing context.
    • _parent: Load the response into the HTML 4 frameset parent of the current frame, or HTML5 parent browsing context of the current one. If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self.
    • _top: HTML 4: Load the response into the full original window, and cancel all other frames. HTML5: Load the response into the top-level browsing context (i.e., the browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one, and has no parent). If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self.
    • iframename: The response is displayed in a named <iframe>.

    HTML5: This value can be overridden by a formtarget attribute on a <button> or <input> element. link - Defines the frame or window name that has the defined linking relationship or that will show the rendering of any linked resource.

  538. object tbody extends Tag

    The HTML <tbody> element groups one or more <tr> elements as the body of a <table> element.

    The HTML <tbody> element groups one or more <tr> elements as the body of a <table> element.

  539. object td extends Tag

    The HTML <td> element defines a cell of a table that contains data.

    The HTML <td> element defines a cell of a table that contains data. It participates in the table model.

  540. object textarea extends Tag

    The HTML <textarea> element represents a multi-line plain-text editing control.

  541. object tfoot extends Tag

    The HTML <tfoot> element defines a set of rows summarizing the columns of the table.

  542. object th extends Tag

    The HTML <th> element defines a cell as header of a group of table cells. The exact nature of this group is defined by the scope and headers attributes.

  543. object thead extends Tag

    The HTML <thead> element defines a set of rows defining the head of the columns of the table.

  544. object time extends Tag

    The HTML <time> element represents either a time on a 24-hour clock or a precise date in the Gregorian calendar (with optional time and timezone information).

  545. object title extends Tag with Attr

    The HTML <title> element defines the title of the document, shown in a browser's title bar or on the page's tab.

    The HTML <title> element defines the title of the document, shown in a browser's title bar or on the page's tab. It can only contain text, and any contained tags are ignored. a, abbr, address, area, article, aside, audio, b, base, bdi, bdo, big, blockquote, body, br, button, canvas, caption, cite, code, col, colgroup, data, datalist, dd, del, details, dfn, dialog, div, dl, dt, em, embed, fieldset, figcaption, figure, footer, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, head, header, hr, html, i, iframe, img, input, ins, kbd, keygen, label, legend, li, link, main, map, mark, menu, menuitem, meta, meter, nav, noscript, object, ol, optgroup, option, output, p, param, picture, pre, progress, q, rp, rt, ruby, s, samp, script, section, select, small, source, span, strong, style, sub, summary, sup, table, tbody, td, textarea, tfoot, th, thead, time, title, tr, track, u, ul, var, video, wbr - Contains a text representing advisory information related to the element it belongs to. Such information can typically, but not necessarily, be presented to the user as a tooltip. style - Specifies alternative style sheet sets. link - The title attribute has special semantics on the <link> element. When used on a <link rel="stylesheet"> it defines a preferred or an alternate stylesheet. Incorrectly using it may cause the stylesheet to be ignored.

  546. object tr extends Tag

    The HTML <tr> element defines a row of cells in a table.

    The HTML <tr> element defines a row of cells in a table. Those can be a mix of <td> and <th> elements.

  547. object track extends Tag

    The HTML <track> element is used as a child of the media elements <audio> and <video>.

    The HTML <track> element is used as a child of the media elements <audio> and <video>. It lets you specify timed text tracks (or time-based data), for example to automatically handle subtitles. The tracks are formatted in WebVTT format (.vtt files) — Web Video Text Tracks.

  548. object type extends Attr

    style - This attribute defines the styling language as a MIME type (charset should not be specified).

    style - This attribute defines the styling language as a MIME type (charset should not be specified). This attribute is optional and defaults to text/css if it's missing. object - The content type of the resource specified by data. At least one of data and type must be defined. li - This character attribute indicates the numbering type:

    • a: lowercase letters
    • A: uppercase letters
    • i: lowercase Roman numerals
    • I: uppercase Roman numerals
    • 1: numbers This type overrides the one used by its parent <ol> element, if any.

    Usage note: This attribute has been deprecated: use the CSS list-style-type property instead. param - Only used if the valuetype is set to "ref". Specifies the MIME type of values found at the URI specified by value. source - The MIME-type of the resource, optionally with a codecs parameter. See RFC 4281 for information about how to specify codecs. button - The type of the button. Possible values are:

    • submit: The button submits the form data to the server. This is the default if the attribute is not specified, or if the attribute is dynamically changed to an empty or invalid value.
    • reset: The button resets all the controls to their initial values.
    • button: The button has no default behavior. It can have client-side scripts associated with the element's events, which are triggered when the events occur. script -

    Indicates the type of script represented. The value of this attribute will be in one of the following categories:

    • Omitted or a JavaScript MIME type: For HTML5-compliant browsers this indicates the script is JavaScript. HTML5 spec urges authors to omit the attribute rather than provided a redundant MIME type. In earlier browsers, this identified the scripting language of the embedded or imported (via the src attribute) code. JavaScript MIME types are listed in the specification.
    • module: HTML5 For HTML5-compliant browsers the code is treated as a JavaScript module. Processing of the script contents are not affected by the charset and defer attributes. For information on using module, see ES6 in Depth: Modules
    • Any other value or MIME type: Embedded content is treated as a data block which won't be processed by the browser. The src attribute will be ignored.

    Note that in Firefox you can use advanced features such as let statements and other features in later JS versions, by using type=application/javascript;version=1.8  . Beware, however, that as this is a non-standard feature, this will most likely break support for other browsers, in particular Chromium-based browsers.

    For how to include exotic programming languages, read about Rosetta. link - This attribute is used to define the type of the content linked to. The value of the attribute should be a MIME type such as text/html, text/css, and so on. The common use of this attribute is to define the type of style sheet linked and the most common current value is text/css, which indicates a Cascading Style Sheet format. It is also used on rel="preload" link types, to make sure the browser only downloads file types that it supports. embed - The MIME type to use to select the plug-in to instantiate. ul - Used to set the bullet style for the list. The values defined under HTML3.2 and the transitional version of HTML 4.0/4.01 are:

    • circle,
    • disc,
    • and square.

    A fourth bullet type has been defined in the WebTV interface, but not all browsers support it: triangle.

    If not present and if no CSS list-style-type property does apply to the element, the user agent decide to use a kind of bullets depending on the nesting level of the list.

    Usage note: Do not use this attribute, as it has been deprecated; use the CSS list-style-type property instead. a - Specifies the media type in the form of a MIME type for the linked URL. It is purely advisory, with no built-in functionality. input - The type of control to render. See Form <input> types for the individual types, with links to more information about each. area - This attribute specifies the media type in the form of a MIME type for the link target. Generally, this is provided strictly as advisory information; however, in the future a browser might add a small icon for multimedia types. For example, a browser might add a small speaker icon when type is set to audio/wav. For a complete list of recognized MIME types, see Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present. ol - Indicates the numbering type:

    • 'a' indicates lowercase letters,
    • 'A' indicates uppercase letters,
    • 'i' indicates lowercase Roman numerals,
    • 'I' indicates uppercase Roman numerals,
    • and '1' indicates numbers (default).

    The type set is used for the entire list unless a different type attribute is used within an enclosed <li> element.

    Note: This attribute was deprecated in HTML4, but reintroduced in HTML5. Unless the value of the list number matters (e.g. in legal or technical documents where items are to be referenced by their number/letter), the CSS list-style-type property should be used instead. menu - This attribute indicates the kind of menu being declared, and can be one of two values.

    • context: Indicates the popup menu state, which represents a group of commands activated through another element. This might be as a button menu referenced by a menu attribute of a <button> element, or as context menu for an element with a contextmenu attribute. This value is the default if the attribute is missing and the parent element is also a <menu> element.
    • toolbar: Indicates the toolbar state, which represents a toolbar consisting of a series of commands for user interaction. This might be in the form of an unordered list of <li> elements, or, if the element has no <li> element children, flow content describing available commands. This value is the default if the attribute is missing. menuitem - This attribute indicates the kind of command, and can be one of three values.
    • command: A regular command with an associated action. This is the missing value default.
    • checkbox: Represents a command that can be toggled between two different states.
    • radio: Represent one selection from a group of commands that can be toggled as radio buttons.
  549. object u extends Tag

    The HTML <u> element renders text with an underline, a line under the baseline of its content.

    The HTML <u> element renders text with an underline, a line under the baseline of its content. In HTML5, this element represents a span of text with an unarticulated, though explicitly rendered, non-textual annotation, such as labeling the text as being a proper name in Chinese text (a Chinese proper name mark), or labeling the text as being misspelled.

  550. object ul extends Tag

    The HTML <ul> element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list.

  551. object value extends Attr

    meter - The current numeric value.

    meter - The current numeric value. This must be between the minimum and maximum values (min attribute and max attribute) if they are specified. If unspecified or malformed, the value is 0. If specified, but not within the range given by the min attribute and max attribute, the value is equal to the nearest end of the range.

    Usage note: Unless the value attribute is between 0 and 1 (inclusive), the min and max attributes should define the range so that the value attribute's value is within it. input - The initial value of the control. This attribute is optional except when the value of the type attribute is radio or checkbox.
    Note that when reloading the page, Gecko and IE will ignore the value specified in the HTML source, if the value was changed before the reload. li - This integer attribute indicates the current ordinal value of the list item as defined by the <ol> element. The only allowed value for this attribute is a number, even if the list is displayed with Roman numerals or letters. List items that follow this one continue numbering from the value set. The value attribute has no meaning for unordered lists (<ul>) or for menus (<menu>).

    Note: This attribute was deprecated in HTML4, but reintroduced in HTML5.

    Note: Prior to Gecko 9.0, negative values were incorrectly converted to 0. Starting in Gecko 9.0 all integer values are correctly parsed. param - Specifies the value of the parameter. progress - This attribute specifies how much of the task that has been completed. It must be a valid floating point number between 0 and max, or between 0 and 1 if max is omitted. If there is no value attribute, the progress bar is indeterminate; this indicates that an activity is ongoing with no indication of how long it is expected to take. button - The initial value of the button. It defines the value associated with the button which is submitted with the form data.  This value is passed to the server in params when the form is submitted. data - This attribute specifies the machine-readable translation of the content of the element. option - The content of this attribute represents the value to be submitted with the form, should this option be selected. If this attribute is omitted, the value is taken from the text content of the option element.

  552. object var extends Tag

    The HTML <var> element represents a variable in a mathematical expression or a programming context.

  553. object video extends Tag

    Use the HTML <video> element to embed video content in a document.

  554. object wbr extends Tag

    The HTML <wbr> element represents a word break opportunity—a position within text where the browser may optionally break a line, though its line-breaking rules would not otherwise create a break at that location.

  555. object width extends Attr

    th - This attribute is used to define a recommended cell width.

    th - This attribute is used to define a recommended cell width.  Additional space can be added with the cellspacing and cellpadding properties and the width of the <col> element can also create extra width. But, if a column's width is too narrow to show a particular cell properly, it will be widened when displayed. Usage Note: Do not use this attribute in the latest standard: use the CSS width property instead. object - The width of the display resource, in CSS pixels.  -- (Absolute values only.  NO percentages) col, colgroup - This attribute specifies a default width for each column in the current column group. In addition to the standard pixel and percentage values, this attribute might take the special form 0/, which means that the width of each column in the group should be the minimum width necessary to hold the column's contents. Relative widths such as 0.5/ also can be used. video - The width of the video's display area, in CSS pixels.  -- (Absolute values only.  NO percentages) td - This attribute is used to define a recommended cell width.  Properties cellspacing and cellpadding may add additional space, and element <col> width may also have some effect. In general, if a column's width is too narrow to show a particular cell properly, it, and thus the cells in it, may be widened when displayed. Note: Do not use this attribute in the latest standard: instead set the CSS width property. iframe - Indicates the width of the frame HTML5 in CSS pixels, or HTML 4.01 in pixels or as a percentage. canvas - The width of the coordinate space in CSS pixels. Defaults to 300. pre - Contains the preferred count of characters that a line should have. Though technically still implemented, this attribute has no visual effect; to achieve such an effect, use CSS width instead. hr - Sets the length of the rule on the page through a pixel or percentage value. img - The intrinsic width of the image in pixels. In HTML 4, either a percentage or pixels were acceptable values. In HTML5, however, only pixels are acceptable. table - This attribute defines the width of the table. The width may be defined by pixels or a percentage value. A percentage value will be defined by the width of the container in which the table is placed. Usage Note: Do not use this attribute, as it has been deprecated. The rules should be defined and styled using CSS. Use the width property instead. embed - The displayed width of the resource, in CSS pixels.  -- (Absolute values only.  NO percentages) input - If the value of the type attribute is image, this attribute defines the width of the image displayed for the button.

  556. object wrap extends Attr

    textarea - Indicates how the control wraps text.

    textarea - Indicates how the control wraps text. Possible values are:

    • hard: The browser automatically inserts line breaks (CR+LF) so that each line has no more than the width of the control; the cols attribute must be specified.
    • soft: The browser ensures that all line breaks in the value consist of a CR+LF pair, but does not insert any additional line breaks.
    • off: Like soft but changes appearance to white-space: pre so line segments exceeding cols are not wrapped and area becomes horizontally scrollable.

    If this attribute is not specified, soft is its default value. pre - Is a hint indicating how the overflow must happen. In modern browser this hint is ignored and no visual effect results in its present; to achieve such an effect, use CSS white-space instead.
