s without
loading any classes.See: Description
Interface | Description |
TypePool |
A type pool allows the retrieval of
TypeDescription by its name. |
TypePool.AbstractBase.RawDescriptionArray.ComponentTypeReference |
A lazy representation of the component type of an array.
TypePool.CacheProvider |
A cache provider for a
TypePool . |
TypePool.Default.AnnotationRegistrant |
An annotation registrant implements a visitor pattern for reading an unknown amount of values of annotations.
TypePool.Default.ComponentTypeLocator |
A component type locator allows for the lazy location of an array's component type.
TypePool.Default.GenericTypeExtractor.IncompleteToken |
An incomplete
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken . |
TypePool.Default.GenericTypeRegistrant |
A type registrant allows to register a generic type token.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken.Resolution |
A resolution for an annotation tokens.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken |
A token that represents a generic Java type.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.OfFormalTypeVariable |
Represents a generic type token for a formal type variable.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution |
A resolution of a type's, method's or field's generic types.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForField |
A resolution of the generic types of a
FieldDescription . |
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForMethod |
A resolution of the generic types of a
MethodDescription . |
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForType |
A resolution of the generic types of a
TypeDescription . |
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.TypeContainment |
A declaration context encapsulates information about whether a type was declared within another type
or within a method of another type.
TypePool.Resolution |
A resolution of a
TypePool which was queried for a description. |
Class | Description |
TypePool.AbstractBase |
A base implementation of a
TypePool that is managing a cache provider and
that handles the description of array and primitive types. |
TypePool.AbstractBase.ArrayTypeResolution |
A resolution for a type that, if resolved, represents an array type.
TypePool.AbstractBase.Hierarchical |
Implements a hierarchical view of type pools, similarly to class loader hierarchies.
TypePool.AbstractBase.RawAnnotationValue |
Represents a nested annotation value.
TypePool.AbstractBase.RawDescriptionArray |
Represents an array that is referenced by an annotation which does not contain primitive values or
String s. |
TypePool.AbstractBase.RawDescriptionArray.Loaded |
Represents a loaded annotation property representing a complex array.
TypePool.AbstractBase.RawEnumerationValue |
Represents an enumeration value of an annotation.
TypePool.AbstractBase.RawTypeValue |
Represents a type value of an annotation.
TypePool.AbstractBase.RawTypeValue.Loaded |
Represents a loaded annotation property that represents a type.
TypePool.CacheProvider.Simple |
A simple, thread-safe type cache based on a
ConcurrentHashMap . |
TypePool.ClassLoading |
A type pool that attempts to load a class.
TypePool.Default |
A default implementation of a
TypePool that models binary data in the Java byte code format
into a TypeDescription . |
TypePool.Default.AnnotationRegistrant.AbstractBase |
An abstract base implementation of an annotation registrant.
TypePool.Default.AnnotationRegistrant.AbstractBase.ForTypeVariable |
A base implementation for a collector for a type variable.
TypePool.Default.AnnotationRegistrant.AbstractBase.ForTypeVariable.WithIndex |
A base implementation for a collector for a type variable with an index.
TypePool.Default.AnnotationRegistrant.AbstractBase.ForTypeVariable.WithIndex.DoubleIndexed |
A base implementation for a collector for a type variable with two indices.
TypePool.Default.AnnotationRegistrant.ForByteCodeElement |
An annotation collector for a byte code element.
TypePool.Default.AnnotationRegistrant.ForByteCodeElement.WithIndex |
An annotation collector for a byte code element with an index.
TypePool.Default.AnnotationRegistrant.ForTypeVariable |
An annotation collector for a type variable.
TypePool.Default.AnnotationRegistrant.ForTypeVariable.WithIndex |
An annotation collector for a type variable with an index.
TypePool.Default.AnnotationRegistrant.ForTypeVariable.WithIndex.DoubleIndexed |
An annotation collector for a type variable with two indices.
TypePool.Default.ComponentTypeLocator.ForAnnotationProperty |
A component type locator that lazily analyses an annotation for resolving an annotation property's
array value's component type.
TypePool.Default.ComponentTypeLocator.ForArrayType |
A component type locator that locates an array type by a method's return value from its method descriptor.
TypePool.Default.GenericTypeExtractor |
A generic type extractor allows for an iterative extraction of generic type information.
TypePool.Default.GenericTypeExtractor.ForSignature<T extends TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution> |
A signature visitor for extracting a generic type resolution.
TypePool.Default.GenericTypeExtractor.ForSignature.OfField |
A parser for a generic field signature.
TypePool.Default.GenericTypeExtractor.ForSignature.OfMethod |
A parser for a generic method signature.
TypePool.Default.GenericTypeExtractor.ForSignature.OfType |
A parser for a generic type signature.
TypePool.Default.GenericTypeExtractor.IncompleteToken.AbstractBase |
An abstract base implementation of an incomplete token.
TypePool.Default.GenericTypeExtractor.IncompleteToken.ForInnerClass |
An incomplete generic type token representing a type with an outer type.
TypePool.Default.GenericTypeExtractor.IncompleteToken.ForTopLevelType |
An incomplete token representing a generic type without an outer type.
TypePool.Default.GenericTypeRegistrant.RejectingSignatureVisitor |
A signature visitor that rejects any discovered generic type.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription |
A type description that looks up any referenced
ByteCodeElement or
AnnotationDescription by querying a type pool at lookup time. |
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken |
A token for representing collected data on an annotation.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken.Resolution.Illegal |
An illegal resolution.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken.Resolution.Simple |
A simple resolved annotation.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.FieldToken |
A token for representing collected data on a field.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForGenericArray |
A generic type token that represents a generic array.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForGenericArray.LazyGenericArray |
A generic type representation of a generic array.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForLowerBoundWildcard |
A generic type token for a wildcard that is bound below.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForLowerBoundWildcard.LazyLowerBoundWildcard |
A generic type representation of a lower bound wildcard.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForParameterizedType |
A generic type token that represents a parameterized type.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForParameterizedType.LazyParameterizedType |
A generic type description that represents a parameterized type without an enclosing generic owner type.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForParameterizedType.Nested |
A generic type token to describe a parameterized type description with a generic owner type.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForParameterizedType.Nested.LazyParameterizedType |
A lazy description of a parameterized type with an owner type.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForPrimitiveType.LazyPrimitiveType |
A representation of a lazy primitive type.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForRawType |
A generic type token that represents a non-generic type.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForTypeVariable |
A generic type token that represents a type variable.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForTypeVariable.AnnotatedTypeVariable |
An annotated representation of a formal type variable.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForTypeVariable.Formal |
A generic type token that represent a formal type variable, i.e. a type variable including its upper bounds.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForTypeVariable.Formal.LazyTypeVariable |
A type description that represents a type variable with bounds that are resolved lazily.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForTypeVariable.Formal.LazyTypeVariable.LazyBoundTokenList |
A list representing a formal type variable's bounds.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForUnboundWildcard.LazyUnboundWildcard |
A generic type representation of a generic unbound wildcard.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForUpperBoundWildcard |
A generic type token for a wildcard that is bound above.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForUpperBoundWildcard.LazyUpperBoundWildcard |
A generic type representation of a tokenized wildcard with an upper bound.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.LazyTokenList |
A lazy list of type tokens.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.LazyTokenList.ForWildcardBound |
A generic type description representing a tokenized wildcard bound.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForField.Tokenized |
An implementation of a tokenized resolution of the generic type of a
FieldDescription . |
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForMethod.Tokenized |
An implementation of a tokenized resolution of generic types of a
MethodDescription . |
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.ForType.Tokenized |
An implementation of a tokenized resolution of generic types of a
TypeDescription . |
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.Raw.RawAnnotatedType |
Represents a non-generic type that defines type annotations.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.Raw.RawAnnotatedType.LazyRawAnnotatedTypeList |
A generic type list representing raw types.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.MethodToken |
A token for representing collected data on a method.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.MethodToken.ParameterToken |
A token representing a method's parameter.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.TypeContainment.WithinMethod |
Describes a type that is contained within a method or constructor.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.TypeContainment.WithinType |
Describes a type that is contained within another type.
TypePool.Default.ParameterBag |
A bag for collecting parameter meta information that is stored as debug information for implemented
TypePool.Default.WithLazyResolution |
A variant of
TypePool.Default that resolves type descriptions lazily. |
TypePool.Explicit |
A type pool that supplies explicitly known type descriptions.
TypePool.LazyFacade |
A lazy facade of a type pool that delegates any lookups to another type pool only if another value than the type's name is looked up.
TypePool.LazyFacade.LazyResolution |
The lazy resolution for a lazy facade for a type pool.
TypePool.LazyFacade.LazyTypeDescription |
A description of a type that delegates to another type pool once a property that is not the name is resolved.
TypePool.Resolution.Illegal |
A canonical representation of a non-successful resolution of a
TypePool . |
TypePool.Resolution.Simple |
A simple resolution that represents a given
TypeDescription . |
Enum | Description |
TypePool.CacheProvider.NoOp |
A non-operational cache that does not store any type descriptions.
TypePool.Default.ComponentTypeLocator.Illegal |
A component type locator which cannot legally resolve an array's component type.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForPrimitiveType |
A generic type token that represents a primitive type.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.ForUnboundWildcard |
A generic type token that represents an unbound wildcard.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.Malformed |
A resolution of a type's, method's or field's generic types if its generic signature is malformed.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.GenericTypeToken.Resolution.Raw |
A resolution of a type's, method's or field's generic types if all of the represented element's are raw.
TypePool.Default.LazyTypeDescription.TypeContainment.SelfContained |
Describes a type that is not contained within another type, a method or a constructor.
TypePool.Default.ReaderMode |
Determines the granularity of the class file parsing that is conducted by a
TypePool.Default . |
TypePool.Empty |
An empty type pool that cannot describe any type.
s without
loading any classes.Copyright © 2014–2016. All rights reserved.