
See theScalaMapBinder companion trait


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

inline def newMapBinder[K, V](binder: Binder): ScalaMapBinder[K, V]

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with no binding annotation.

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with no binding annotation.


inline def newMapBinder[K, V](binder: Binder, annotation: Annotation): ScalaMapBinder[K, V]

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with annotation.

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with annotation.


inline def newMapBinder[K, V, Ann <: Annotation : ClassTag](binder: Binder): ScalaMapBinder[K, V]

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with Ann

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with Ann


def newMapBinder[K, V](parentBinder: Binder, kTyp: TypeLiteral[K], vTyp: TypeLiteral[V]): ScalaMapBinder[K, V]

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with no binding annotation.

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with no binding annotation.


inline def newMapBinder[K, V](binder: Binder, kTyp: Class[K], vTyp: Class[V]): ScalaMapBinder[K, V]

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with no binding annotation. Note that kTyp and vTyp are ignored in favor of using the TypeTag to capture type arguments.

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with no binding annotation. Note that kTyp and vTyp are ignored in favor of using the TypeTag to capture type arguments.


def newMapBinder[K, V](parentBinder: Binder, kTyp: TypeLiteral[K], vTyp: TypeLiteral[V], annotation: Annotation): ScalaMapBinder[K, V]

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with annotation.

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with annotation.


inline def newMapBinder[K, V](binder: Binder, kTyp: Class[K], vTyp: Class[V], annotation: Annotation): ScalaMapBinder[K, V]

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with annotation. Note that kTyp and vTyp are ignored in favor of using the TypeTag to capture type arguments.

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with annotation. Note that kTyp and vTyp are ignored in favor of using the TypeTag to capture type arguments.


def newMapBinder[K, V](parentBinder: Binder, kTyp: TypeLiteral[K], vTyp: TypeLiteral[V], annotationType: Class[_ <: Annotation]): ScalaMapBinder[K, V]

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with annotationType.

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with annotationType.


inline def newMapBinder[K, V](binder: Binder, kTyp: Class[K], vTyp: Class[V], annotationType: Class[_ <: Annotation]): ScalaMapBinder[K, V]

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with annotationType. Note that kTyp and vTyp are ignored in favor of using the TypeTag to capture type arguments.

Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of K/V in a scala.collection.immutable.Map that is itself bound with annotationType. Note that kTyp and vTyp are ignored in favor of using the TypeTag to capture type arguments.
