A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z 
所有类 所有程序包


accept(long, T) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.function.IndexedConsumer
consume value
accept(T) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked.EConsumer
accept(T) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.CollectConsumer
Consume value, may be called zero, one, or multi time.
accept(T, U) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked.EBiConsumer
acquire() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.RateLimiter
Acquire one permit, block if needed
acquire(int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.RateLimiter
Acquire n permits, block if needed
adapterIndexed(IndexedConsumer<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Consumers
Adaptor for consuming with index
addRetryListener(RetryListener) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.Retry.Builder
advance(Buffer, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Buffers
Increase buffer position to new position, by step. if step is less than zero, the position is moved back.
after(Systems.SpecificationVersion) - 枚举 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
If this version is after the given version
allMatch(Predicate<? super T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
If all elements in this sequence meet the predicate.
allOf(CompletableFuture<T>...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Futures
Wait all future finished, and return a new Future hold the result.
allowCoreThreadTimeOut(boolean) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadPoolBuilder
If true, core threads use keepAliveTime to time out waiting for work.
anyMatch(Predicate<? super T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
If any element in this sequence meet the predicate.
anyOf(CompletableFuture<T>...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Futures
Wait till any one finished, and return a new Future hold the result.
append(C) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Pair
Append a new value.
append(IntFunction<T[]>, T[], T...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Arrays2
Append new elements to array, return a new array.
appendIfMissing(String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
If str do not has specific suffix, return a new String appending the suffix; return str its self otherwise.
apply(T) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked.EFunction
apply(T, U) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked.EBiFunction
array(byte...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Bytes
Convenient method to make a byte array
Arrays2 - net.dongliu.commons中的类
Utils for Array.
Arrays2() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.Arrays2
asBase64() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.hash.Digests.DigestResult
Digest result as base64ed value.
asBytes() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.hash.Digests.DigestResult
Digest result as bytes.
asConsumer() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.function.IndexedConsumer
Return a consumer instance, which delegate consume logic to this IndexedConsumer, with an index.
asHex() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.hash.Digests.DigestResult
Digest result as uppercase hex string.
asHex(boolean) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.hash.Digests.DigestResult
Digest result as hex string.
asIterable() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Return a iterable that wrap this sequence, and can iterate only once.
asStream() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Return a Stream that wrap this sequence.
asStream(Iterable<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Iterables
Creates a new sequential stream fro iterable.
asStream(Iterator<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Iterators
Wrap iterator as Stream
AsyncFunction<T,​R> - net.dongliu.commons.concurrent中的接口
Alias for Function>
at(long) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Return the element at index, return empty Optional if this Sequence do not have enough elements.
available() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferInputStream
averageDouble(ToDoubleFunction<T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Calculate the average value of values calculated by the elements.
averageLong(ToLongFunction<T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Calculate the average value of values calculated by the elements.


before(Systems.SpecificationVersion) - 枚举 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
If this version is before the given version
biConsumer(Unchecked.EBiConsumer<T, U>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked
Wrap to BiConsumer interface
biFunction(Unchecked.EBiFunction<T, U, R>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked
Wrap to BiFunction interface
Bits - net.dongliu.commons.io中的类
Util for bit operation.
Bits() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
blackHole() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Outputs
Return a OutputStream which discard all written data
Buffers - net.dongliu.commons.io中的类
Utils for buffers
Buffers() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.io.Buffers
build() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder
Build a thread factory.
build() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadPoolBuilder
Build ThreadPoolExecutor
build() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.Retry.Builder
buildURL() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLBuilder
Build a new URL
buildURLString() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLBuilder
Build a new url string
ByteBufferInputStream - net.dongliu.commons.io中的类
Wrap a byte buffer as input stream.
ByteBufferInputStream(ByteBuffer) - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferInputStream
ByteBufferOutputStream - net.dongliu.commons.io中的类
A OutputStream that write date to ByteBuffer.
ByteBufferOutputStream(boolean) - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
Create a new ByteBufferOutputStream.
Bytes - net.dongliu.commons中的类
Byte array utils
Bytes() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.Bytes


call(Callable<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Callables
Run the Callable, and return result contains the value produced by callable, or an exception if callable run failed.
call(Supplier<T>) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.Retry
Retry call a block of code, util success or max retry times exceeded.
call(Supplier<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.Retry
Retry call a block of code, util success or max retry times exceeded.
call(Unchecked.ESupplier<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked
Call a block of code, return result
Callables - net.dongliu.commons.function中的类
Utils method for Callable
Callables() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.function.Callables
callAndThrowSneaky(Callable<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Callables
Call the callable.
callAndThrowWrapped(Callable<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Callables
Call the callable.
callAsync(Callable<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Threads
Start a thread, run task async, and return future contains the result.
capitalize(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return str, with first char is uppercase.
cast(Class<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Classes
Method for suppress generic class type cast warning.
Characters - net.dongliu.commons中的类
Utils for chars
Characters() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.Characters
checkArrayIndex(boolean[], int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayIndex(byte[], int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayIndex(char[], int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayIndex(double[], int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayIndex(float[], int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayIndex(int[], int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayIndex(long[], int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayIndex(short[], int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayIndex(Object[], int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayRange(boolean[], int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayRange(byte[], int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayRange(char[], int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayRange(double[], int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayRange(float[], int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayRange(int[], int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayRange(long[], int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayRange(short[], int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkArrayRange(Object[], int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
checkIndex(List<?>, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Predications
chunked(int) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Buffer this sequence into a sequence of lists each not exceeding the given size.
Classes - net.dongliu.commons.reflect中的类
Utils method for Class reflection.
Classes() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Classes
classLoader(ClassLoader) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder
Set context ClassLoader for thread created.
clear(int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Clear the bit in value
clear(int, int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Clear bits of value, in range [from, to).The indexes are starts with 0, from low to high.
clear(long, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Clear the bit in value
clear(long, int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Clear bits of value, in range [from, to).
close() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferInputStream
close() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
close() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.TeeOutputStream
Closeables - net.dongliu.commons.io中的类
Utils for deal with Closeables and AutoCloseables
Closeables() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.io.Closeables
closeAll(Throwable, List<AutoCloseable>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Closeables
Close all resources.
closeAll(Throwable, AutoCloseable...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Closeables
Close all resources.
closeQuietly(AutoCloseable) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Closeables
Close the closeable, if exception occurred, silently swallow it.
closeQuietly(AutoCloseable...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Closeables
Close the closeable, if exception occurred, silently swallow it.
collect(CollectConsumer<? super T, ? extends R>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Collect elements to collection.
CollectConsumer<T,​R> - net.dongliu.commons.sequence中的接口
Interface to consume elements, and return a result finally.
Collections2 - net.dongliu.commons.collection中的类
Util method for Collection.
Collections2() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.collection.Collections2
combine(CompletableFuture<A>, CompletableFuture<B>, CompletableFuture<C>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Futures
Combine three futures to one future return a Triple Future.
combine(CompletableFuture<S>, CompletableFuture<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Futures
Combine two futures to one future return a Pair Future.
concat(byte[]...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Bytes
Merge byte arrays
concat(byte[], byte...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Bytes
Merge byte array
concat(byte[], InputStream) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Inputs
Return a new InputStream that concat additional prepended data and InputStream.
concat(InputStream...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Inputs
Return a new InputStream that concat multi sub InputStreams.
concat(Collection<? extends Sequence<T>>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Return a Sequence contains elements in all Sequences.
concat(IntFunction<T[]>, T[], T[]) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Arrays2
Concat two arrays to new array.
concat(IntFunction<T[]>, T[], T[], T[]...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Arrays2
Concat multi arrays to new array.
concat(List<? extends T>, List<? extends T>, List<? extends T>...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Concat multi lists, to one new immutable List.
concat(List<InputStream>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Inputs
Return a new InputStream that concat multi sub InputStreams.
concat(List<T>, List<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Concat two lists, to one new immutable list.
concat(Sequence<T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Return a Sequence contains elements in both Sequence.
consumer(Unchecked.EConsumer<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked
Wrap to Consumer interface
Consumers - net.dongliu.commons.function中的类
Utils for Consumer
Consumers() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.function.Consumers
convert(Collection<S>, Function<? super S, ? extends T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Convert origin list to new immutable List, the elements are converted by mapper.
convert(Collection<S>, Function<? super S, ? extends T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
Convert origin set to new immutable set.
convert(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>, Function<? super K, ? extends R>, Function<? super V, ? extends U>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
Convert map to new immutable map, with key converted by keyMapper, and value converted by valueMapper.
convert(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>, Function<? super V, ? extends U>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
Convert map to new immutable map, with key not modified, and value converted by function.
convert(S[], IntFunction<T[]>, Function<? super S, ? extends T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Arrays2
Convert source array to target array.
convertTo(List<S>, Function<? super S, ? extends T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
convertTo(Set<S>, Function<? super S, ? extends T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
convertToList(Collection<S>, Function<? super S, ? extends T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Collections2
Convert origin collection to new immutable List, with elements mapped by mapper.
copy(List<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
using List.copyOf(Collection)
copyFile(Path, Path, CopyOption...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Files2
Copy source file to target file, make target dirs if need.
copyOf(List<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
using List.copyOf(Collection)
count() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
return the count of elements
countOf(String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Calculate the count of sub string.
countOf(String, String, boolean) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Calculate the count of sub string.
create() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Stopwatch
Create a stopwatch, not started.


daemon(boolean) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder
Set the daemon property of created thread.
DateTimeFormatters - net.dongliu.commons.time中的类
Common DateTimeFormatters
DateTimeFormatters() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.time.DateTimeFormatters
deCapitalize(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return str, with first char is lowercase.
decode(byte[]) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Decode string to byte array using utf8 charset
decode(byte[], Charset) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Decode string to byte array using specified charset
decode(CharSequence) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes.Decoder
Converts a sequence of chars representing hexadecimal values into an array of bytes of those same values.
decode(String) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes.Decoder
Converts a string representing hexadecimal values into an array of bytes of those same values.
decode(String, Charset) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLUtils
decoder() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes
Return a hex decoder
Decoder() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.Hexes.Decoder
delay(CompletableFuture<T>, Duration) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Futures
Create a new Future, which delay some time after the original future complete.
delay(T, Duration) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Futures
Create a new Future, which delay some time to complete.
destroy() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ReferenceCounted
Destroy the resource
digest(byte[]) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.hash.Digests.Encoder
Calculate digest for byte array data.
digest(InputStream) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.hash.Digests.Encoder
Calculate digest which digest all data in InputStream.
digest(String) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.hash.Digests.Encoder
Calculate digest for string using utf-8 charset.
digest(String, Charset) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.hash.Digests.Encoder
Calculate digest for string.
DigestEncodeException - net.dongliu.commons.exception中的异常错误
Thrown when do digest.
DigestEncodeException(NoSuchAlgorithmException) - 异常错误 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.exception.DigestEncodeException
Digests - net.dongliu.commons.hash中的类
Message Digest operations.
Digests() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.hash.Digests
Digests.DigestResult - net.dongliu.commons.hash中的类
For hold digest result, and convert to result of various types.
Digests.Encoder - net.dongliu.commons.hash中的类
For digest encoding.
directExecutor() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Executors2
Return an Executor that run task on thread that invoke Executor.execute(Runnable).
discardAll(InputStream) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Inputs
Skip or read all data till EOF from InputStream.
discardAll(Reader) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Readers
Read and discard all data in reader till EOF.
distinct() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Return a sequence do not contains duplicated elements.
distinctBy(Function<? super T, E>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Return a sequence do not contains duplicated elements.
domain - net.dongliu.commons.net.HostType
doNothing() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Consumers
Return a consumer that do noting.
drop(long) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Drop first N elements
dropWhile(Predicate<? super T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Drop elements while all meet elements pass the predicate


elapsed() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Stopwatch
Return elapsed duration.
elapsed(TimeUnit) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Stopwatch
Return elapsed duration as specific time unit value.
elapsedMillis() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Stopwatch
Return clasped duration as milli seconds.
elapsedNanos() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Stopwatch
Return clasped duration as nano seconds.
empty - 类 中的静态变量net.dongliu.commons.Bytes
empty() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Inputs
Return a empty input stream with no data.
encode(byte[]) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes.Encoder
Converts an array of bytes into a String representing the hexadecimal values of each byte in order.
encode(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Encode str to byte array use utf8 charset.
encode(String, Charset) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLUtils
encode(String, Charset) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Encode str to byte array use specified charset.
encodeByte(byte) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes.Encoder
encodeByteTo(short, Appendable) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes.Encoder
encodeChar(char) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes.Encoder
encodeCharTo(char, Appendable) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes.Encoder
encodeInt(int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes.Encoder
encodeIntTo(int, Appendable) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes.Encoder
encodeLong(long) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes.Encoder
encodeLongTo(long, Appendable) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes.Encoder
encodeParams(Appendable, List<Map.Entry<String, String>>, Charset) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLUtils
Encode params to encoded query or form string.
encodeParams(List<Map.Entry<String, String>>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLUtils
Encode params to encoded query or form string, with charset UTF8.
encodeParams(List<Map.Entry<String, String>>, Charset) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLUtils
Encode params to encoded query or form string.
encoder() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes
Return a hex encoder which encode bytes to upper case hex string.
encoder(boolean) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes
Return a hex encoder.
encodeShort(short) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes.Encoder
encodeShortTo(short, Appendable) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes.Encoder
encodeTo(byte[], Appendable) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Hexes.Encoder
Converts an array of bytes into a String representing the hexadecimal values of each byte in order, write to String appendable.
ensureArrayList(List<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
If list is ArrayList, return list self; else copy the content of list to an ArrayList
ensureGetUInt(ByteBuffer) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Buffers
Get four bytes, as unsigned long value from buffer.
ensureGetULong(ByteBuffer) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Buffers
Get eight bytes, as unsigned long value from buffer.
ensurePort() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostPort
If has port, return port; else throw IllegalStateException
equals(Object) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Pair
equals(Object) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.PartitionResult
equals(Object) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Triple
equals(Object) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostPort
equals(Object) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Result
error() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Result
Get the error of failed Result.
Executors2 - net.dongliu.commons.concurrent中的类
Utils methods for Executor
Executors2() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Executors2
exists(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Classes
Use Reflection to see if class exists, using context classloader of current thread.
exists(String, ClassLoader) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Classes
Use Reflection to see if class exists, using specified classloader.


failed() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Result
Return if Result is failed.
failed(Throwable) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Result
Create a failed Result with an error.
fallback(CompletableFuture<T>, AsyncFunction<Throwable, ? extends T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Futures
Async version CompletableFuture.exceptionally(Function).
Fields - net.dongliu.commons.reflect中的类
Utils for field.
Fields() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Fields
Files2 - net.dongliu.commons.io中的类
More utils for file
Files2() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.io.Files2
filter(Predicate<? super T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
filter operator
filter(List<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Filter list, return a new list which contains the elements in origin list which accepted by predicate.
filter(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>, BiPredicate<? super K, ? super V>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
Filter map to new immutable map, contains the entries accepted by predicate.
filter(Set<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
Filter set, to new immutable set.
filterNonNull() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Return a Sequence only contains non-null values.
filterOrConsume(Predicate<? super T>, Consumer<T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
filter operator.
find(T[], Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Arrays2
Find the first element accepted by predicate in array.
find(Iterable<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Iterables
Fetch the first element accepted by predicate in Iterable.
find(Predicate<? super T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Find and return the first element meet the predicate in Sequence.
find(List<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Fetch the first element accepted by predicate in list.
findIndex(T[], int, Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Arrays2
Find the first element index accepted by predicate in array.
findIndex(T[], Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Arrays2
Find the first element index accepted by predicate in array.
findLast(Predicate<? super T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Find and return the lat element meet the predicate in Sequence.
findOrNull(Iterable<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Iterables
Fetch the first element accepted by predicate in Iterable.
findOrNull(List<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Fetch the first element accepted by predicate in list.
finish() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.CollectConsumer
Elements emit finished.
first() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Pair
The first value of this tuple
first() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Triple
The first value of this tuple
first() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Return the first element of Sequence.
first(Iterable<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Iterables
Fetch the first element of iterable.
first(List<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Fetch the first element of list.
firstNonEmpty(String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return the str if str is not null nor empty, return the non-empty fallback str value otherwise.
firstNonNull(T, Supplier<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Objects2
Return first non-null value.
firstNonNull(T, Supplier<T>...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Objects2
Return first non-null value.
firstNonNull(T, Supplier<T>, Supplier<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Objects2
Return first non-null value.
firstNonNull(T, T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Objects2
Return first non-null value.
firstNonNull(T, T...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Objects2
Return first non-null value.
firstNonNull(T, T, T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Objects2
Return first non-null value.
firstOrNull(Iterable<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Iterables
Fetch the first element of iterable.
firstOrNull(List<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Fetch the first element of list.
flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Sequence<R>>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
flat map operator
flip(int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Set the bit in value to the complement of current.
flip(int, int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Set bits of value, in range [from, to), to the complement of current values.
flip(long, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Set the bit in value to the complement of current.
flip(long, int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Set bits of value, in range [from, to), to the complement of current values.
flush() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
flush() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.TeeOutputStream
forEach(Collection<T>, LastAwareConsumer<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Collections2
Traverse on a collection.
forEach(Consumer<? super T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Consumer the remained element in this Sequence.
forEachIndexed(Iterable<T>, IndexedConsumer<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Iterables
Traverse on a collection.
forEachIndexed(Collection<T>, IndexedConsumer<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Collections2
Traverse on a collection, with element index.
forEachIndexed(List<T>, IndexedConsumer<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Traverse on a list, with index for each element.
forEachLastAware(Iterable<T>, LastAwareConsumer<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Iterables
Traverse on a collection.
forEachLastAware(List<T>, LastAwareConsumer<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Traverse on a list.
fragment(String) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLBuilder
Set fragment(or called ref) of url.
from(Collection<? extends T>, Function<? super T, ? extends K>, Function<? super T, ? extends V>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
Create new immutable map from a collection of keys, the values are constructed by valueMaker.
fromKeys(Collection<? extends K>, Function<? super K, ? extends V>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
Create new immutable map from a collection of keys, the values are constructed by valueMaker.
fromLocalDateTime(LocalDateTime) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
LocalDateTime to Instant with current system zone
fromLocalDateTime(LocalDateTime, ZoneId) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
LocalDateTime to Instant with specified zone
fromValues(Collection<? extends V>, Function<? super V, ? extends K>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
Create new immutable map from a collection of values, the values are constructed by keyMaker.
function(Unchecked.EFunction<T, R>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked
Wrap to Function interface
Functions - net.dongliu.commons.function中的类
Utils for Function
Functions() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.function.Functions
Futures - net.dongliu.commons.concurrent中的类
Utils method for futures.
Futures() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Futures


generate(int, IntFunction<? extends T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Create immutable with size, and function to provide values.
generate(LongFunction<T>) - 接口 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Generate a sequence, according to current index
generate(Supplier<T>) - 接口 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Generate a sequence, from value supplier
generate(Supplier<T>, UnaryOperator<T>) - 接口 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Generate a sequence, from initial value
get() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked.ESupplier
get() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Lazy
get() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Result
Get the value of Result.
getAllMemberFields(Class<?>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Classes
Get all non-static, non-Synthetic fields, declared in this class and all it's parent classes.
getAsStream(ClassLoader, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Resources
Get resource file as a InputStream, using the classloader specified.
getAsStream(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Resources
Get resource file as a InputStream, using the classloader that load this class.
getBuffer() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
Get the underlying ByteBuffer contains the result data ready for read.
getCauseOf(Throwable, Class<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Throwables
Get ancestor cause, util the cause is specific type, or throwable has no cause.
getKey() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Pair
getLambdaException() - 异常错误 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.exception.UndeclaredLambdaException
Return the wrapped checked exception thrown in lambda expression body.
getOneExactly(Iterable<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Iterables
Return the element in iterable, if iterable has one and only one element.
getOneExactly(List<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Return the element in list, if list has one and only one element.
getOrElse(T) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Result
Get the value of Result, or return the fallback value if Result is failed.
getRootCause(Throwable) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Throwables
Get root cause of throwable.
getStackTrace(Throwable) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Throwables
Get stack trace as string.
getType() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.TypeInfer
Gets underlying Type instance.
getUByte(ByteBuffer) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Buffers
Get a byte, as unsigned byte from buffer.
getUInt(ByteBuffer) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Buffers
Get four bytes, as unsigned int value from buffer.
getUrl(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Resources
Get resource file URL, using the classloader that load this class.
getUrlString(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Resources
Get resource file URL as String, using the classloader that load this class.
getUShort(ByteBuffer) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Buffers
Get two bytes, as unsigned short value from buffer.
getValue() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Pair
groupAndCollect(Function<? super T, ? extends K>, Supplier<? extends CollectConsumer<? super T, ? extends R>>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Group the element by key mapper; for per single key, collect elements with this key to the result value.
groupAndReduce(Function<? super T, ? extends K>, Supplier<R>, BiFunction<? super R, ? super T, ? extends R>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Group the element by key mapper; for per single key, reduce elements with this key to the result value.
groupToCollection(Function<? super T, ? extends K>, Supplier<R>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Group the element by key mapper; for per single key, reduce elements with this key to the result value.
groupToList(Function<? super T, ? extends K>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Group the element by key mapper; for per single key, a immutable list contains all elements with this key is constructed.


hashCode() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Pair
hashCode() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.PartitionResult
hashCode() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Triple
hashCode() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostPort
hashCode() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Result
hasMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Classes
If class has specified method.
hasNext() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
hasPort() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostPort
If has port part
HexDecodeException - net.dongliu.commons.exception中的异常错误
Thrown when decode hex error occurred.
HexDecodeException(String) - 异常错误 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.exception.HexDecodeException
Hexes - net.dongliu.commons中的类
Hex utils.
Hexes() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.Hexes
Hexes.Decoder - net.dongliu.commons中的类
Hex decoder.
Hexes.Encoder - net.dongliu.commons中的类
The class for configuring and performing hex encode, using fluent api.
host() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostPort
The host part of address
host(String) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLBuilder
Set host of url
HostPort - net.dongliu.commons.net中的类
Host and Port for a net address
HostType - net.dongliu.commons.net中的枚举
Host type


IndexedConsumer<T> - net.dongliu.commons.function中的接口
A consumer with index.
Inputs - net.dongliu.commons.io中的类
Utils for InputStreams.
Inputs() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.io.Inputs
InputStreams - net.dongliu.commons.io中的类
using Inputs
InputStreams() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.io.InputStreams
Instants - net.dongliu.commons.time中的类
Utils for instant
Instants() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
invoke(Object...) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.MethodCall
Call the method
IPv4 - net.dongliu.commons.net.HostType
IPv6 - net.dongliu.commons.net.HostType
isAbstract(Class<?>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Classes
If is abstract class
isAbstract(Method) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Methods
If is abstract method
isAsciiDigit(char) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Characters
isAsciiLetter(char) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Characters
isAsciiLetterOrDigit(char) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Characters
isFinal(Class<?>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Classes
If is final class
isFinal(Field) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Fields
If is final field
isFinal(Method) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Methods
If is final method
isInterface(Class<?>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Classes
If is interface class
isNative(Method) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Methods
If is native method
isNotEmpty(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return whether string is not null, nor empty str.
isNotEmpty(Collection<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Collections2
Return true if collection is not null and has elements
isNotEmpty(List<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Return true if list is not null and has elements
isNotEmpty(Map<K, V>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
Return true if map is not null and has elements
isNotEmpty(Set<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
Return true if set is not null and has elements
isNullOrEmpty(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return whether string is null, or empty str.
isNullOrEmpty(Collection<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Collections2
Return true if collection is null or empty
isNullOrEmpty(List<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Return true if list is null or empty
isNullOrEmpty(Map<K, V>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
Return true if map is null or empty
isNullOrEmpty(Set<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
Return true if set is null or empty
ISO_SIMPLE_MILLS - 类 中的静态变量net.dongliu.commons.time.DateTimeFormatters
A simple DateTimeFormatter use iso 8601 format but omit the 'T' char and the timezone part.
ISO_SIMPLE_NANOS - 类 中的静态变量net.dongliu.commons.time.DateTimeFormatters
A simple DateTimeFormatter use iso 8601 format but omit the 'T' char and the timezone part.
ISO_SIMPLE_SECONDS - 类 中的静态变量net.dongliu.commons.time.DateTimeFormatters
A simple DateTimeFormatter use iso 8601 format but omit the 'T' char and the timezone part.
isPrimitiveWrapper(Class<?>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Classes
If class is primitive wrapper class(Integer, Boolean, etc).
isPrivate(Class<?>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Classes
If is private class
isPrivate(Field) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Fields
If is private field
isPrivate(Method) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Methods
If is private method
isProtected(Class<?>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Classes
If is protected class
isProtected(Field) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Fields
If is protected field
isProtected(Method) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Methods
If is protected method
isPublic(Class<?>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Classes
If is public class
isPublic(Field) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Fields
If is public field
isPublic(Method) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Methods
If is public method
isStatic(Field) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Fields
If is static field
isStatic(Method) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Methods
If is static method
isSynchronized(Method) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Methods
If is synchronized method
isTransient(Field) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Fields
If is transient field
isVolatile(Field) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Fields
If is volatile field
Iterables - net.dongliu.commons.collection中的类
Utils methods for Iterable
Iterables() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.collection.Iterables
Iterators - net.dongliu.commons.collection中的类
Utils methods for Iterator
Iterators() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.collection.Iterators


javaSpecVersion() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems
Get Java Runtime Environment specification version
javaSpecVersionName() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems
Get Java Runtime Environment specification version, the return string as 1.5, 1.8, 9, 11
javaVersionName() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems
Get Jdk version name
join(Iterable<?>) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Joiner
Join strings, with prefix, suffix, and delimiter
join(Object...) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Joiner
Join strings, with prefix, suffix, and delimiter
join(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
use Joiner
join(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence, Iterable<? extends CharSequence>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
use Joiner
join(Future<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Futures
Wait until future finished uninterruptedly, and return the value.
join(Future<T>, Duration) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Futures
Wait until future finished uninterruptedly, till timeout, and return the value.
Joiner - net.dongliu.commons中的类
A immutable value class for joining strings.
joinLines(Iterable<? extends CharSequence>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Join string lines with '\n'
joinTo(Appendable, CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Join the elements to String out
joinToString(CharSequence) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Join the elements to String
joinToString(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Join the elements to String
just(T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Futures
Return a new immediately success future
justFailed(Throwable) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Futures
Return a new immediately failed future


keepAliveTime(Duration) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadPoolBuilder
Time to keep thread when thread count max than corePoolSize.


last() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Return the last element of Sequence.
last(List<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Fetch the last element of list.
LastAwareConsumer<T> - net.dongliu.commons.function中的接口
A Consumer, which knows if the value is the last one send to this consumer.
Lazy<T> - net.dongliu.commons中的接口
Supplier that only compute value only once.
lines(Reader) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Readers
Wrap Reader as a closable line stream.
lineSeparator() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems
Get the line lineSeparator of current os, or process
Lists - net.dongliu.commons.collection中的类
Utils method for List
Lists() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists


macOS - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.OSType
map(Function<? super T, ? extends R>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Lazy
Create a new lazy value, with value is calculated using function
map(Function<? super T, ? extends R>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
map operator
Maps - net.dongliu.commons.collection中的类
Utils method for Map
Maps() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
mapTo(OptionalDouble, DoubleFunction<? extends T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
Map optional double to optional value.
mapTo(OptionalInt, IntFunction<? extends T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
Map optional int to optional value.
mapTo(OptionalLong, LongFunction<? extends T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
Map optional long to optional value.
mapToDouble(Optional<T>, ToDoubleFunction<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
Map optional value to optional double.
mapToInt(Optional<T>, ToIntFunction<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
Map optional value to optional int.
mapToInt(OptionalDouble, DoubleToIntFunction) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
Map optional double to optional int.
mapToInt(OptionalInt, IntToDoubleFunction) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
Map optional int to optional double.
mapToInt(OptionalLong, LongToDoubleFunction) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
Map optional long to optional double.
mapToInt(OptionalLong, LongToIntFunction) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
Map optional long to optional int.
mapToLong(Optional<T>, ToLongFunction<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
Map optional value to optional long.
mapToLong(OptionalDouble, DoubleToLongFunction) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
Map optional double to optional long.
mapToLong(OptionalInt, IntToLongFunction) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
Map optional int to optional long.
mark(int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferInputStream
markSupported() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferInputStream
matched() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.PartitionResult
The result reduced by elements pass the partition predicate
max() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.SeqCollectors
Return a collector that return the max value in sequence as Result.
max() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Get the max value by natural order comparator.
maxBy(Comparator<? super T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Get the max value by comparator.
maxRetryTimes(int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.Retry.Builder
max retry times
MaxRetryTimesExceedException - net.dongliu.commons.exception中的异常错误
MaxRetryTimesExceedException() - 异常错误 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.exception.MaxRetryTimesExceedException
MaxRetryTimesExceedException(String) - 异常错误 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.exception.MaxRetryTimesExceedException
MaxRetryTimesExceedException(String, Throwable) - 异常错误 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.exception.MaxRetryTimesExceedException
MaxRetryTimesExceedException(Throwable) - 异常错误 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.exception.MaxRetryTimesExceedException
md5() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.hash.Digests
Return a md5 digest encoder.
memoize(Function<T, R>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Functions
Return a thread-safe Function which only calculate once for each key.
merge(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>, Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
Merge tow maps, to a new immutable map, contains key-value in both map.
MethodCall<R> - net.dongliu.commons.reflect中的接口
Method wrapper for reflection
Methods - net.dongliu.commons.reflect中的类
Util class for method
Methods() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Methods
min() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.SeqCollectors
Return a collector that return the min value in sequence as Result.
min() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Get the min value by natural order comparator.
minBy(Comparator<? super T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Get the min value by comparator.
missed() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.PartitionResult
The result reduced by elements miss the partition predicate
moveFile(Path, Path, CopyOption...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Files2
Copy source file to target file, make target dirs if need.


name() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.MethodCall
Return the method name
name(String) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder
Set the name for this thread factory.
net.dongliu.commons - 模块 net.dongliu.commons
net.dongliu.commons - 程序包 net.dongliu.commons
Common utils for java
net.dongliu.commons.collection - 程序包 net.dongliu.commons.collection
Utils for collection.
net.dongliu.commons.concurrent - 程序包 net.dongliu.commons.concurrent
Utils for concurrent
net.dongliu.commons.exception - 程序包 net.dongliu.commons.exception
net.dongliu.commons.function - 程序包 net.dongliu.commons.function
net.dongliu.commons.hash - 程序包 net.dongliu.commons.hash
Utils for hash operations.
net.dongliu.commons.io - 程序包 net.dongliu.commons.io
Common utils for IO
net.dongliu.commons.net - 程序包 net.dongliu.commons.net
net.dongliu.commons.reflect - 程序包 net.dongliu.commons.reflect
Utils for java reflection operations.
net.dongliu.commons.retry - 程序包 net.dongliu.commons.retry
net.dongliu.commons.sequence - 程序包 net.dongliu.commons.sequence
net.dongliu.commons.time - 程序包 net.dongliu.commons.time
newArrayList() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Create new empty ArrayList
newArrayList(int, IntFunction<? extends T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Create new ArrayList with size, and function to provide values.
newArrayList(T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Create new ArrayList.
newArrayList(T...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Create new array List.
newArrayList(T, T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Create new ArrayList.
newArrayList(T, T, T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Create new ArrayList.
newArrayList(T, T, T, T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Create new ArrayList.
newArrayList(T, T, T, T, T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Create new ArrayList.
newBuilder() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.Retry
return a new Builder
newBuilder(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadFactories
Create a new ThreadFactoryBuilder.
newCaseInsensitiveMap() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
Create a mutable, case insensitive map.
newCaseInsensitiveMap(Map.Entry<String, ? extends V>...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
Create a mutable, case insensitive map.
newDaemonThreadFactory(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadFactories
Create a thread factory, with thread name as pattern $factoryName-worker-$seq.
newExponentialBackOff(long, long) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.RetryBackOffs
return an exponential back off impl.
newFixBackOff(long) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.RetryBackOffs
backoff with fix time
newFixedThreadPool(int, int, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Executors2
Create a new thread pool with fixed pool size, and max task queue size.
newFixedThreadPool(int, int, ThreadFactory) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Executors2
Create a new thread pool with fixed pool size, and max task queue size.
newFixedThreadPool(int, int, ThreadFactory, RejectedExecutionHandler) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Executors2
Create a new thread pool with fixed pool size, and max task queue size.
newHashMap() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
Create new HashMap.
newHashMap(Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
Create new HashMap.
newHashSet() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
Create new empty HashSet
newHashSet(T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
Create new HashSet.
newHashSet(T...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
Create new immutable List.
newHashSet(T, T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
Create new HashSet.
newHashSet(T, T, T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
Create new HashSet.
newHashSet(T, T, T, T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
Create new HashSet.
newHashSet(T, T, T, T, T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
Create new HashSet.
newList(Supplier<R>, T...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
For easy list creation with initial values.
newMap(Supplier<R>, Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
For easy map creation with initial values.
newProxy(Class<T>, InvocationHandler) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Proxies
Create Proxy form interface.
newSet(Supplier<R>, T...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
For easy set creation with initial values.
next() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
next(Iterator<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Iterators
Return next element data of iterator.
nextOrNull(Iterator<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Iterators
Return next element data of iterator.
noneMatch(Predicate<? super T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
If no elements in this sequence meet the predicate.
nullToEmpty() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Joiner
Return a new Joiner which treat null elements as empty str instead of "null".
nullToEmpty(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
If str is null, return empty str; else return str self.
nullToEmpty(List<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
If list is null, return immutable empty list; else return list self.
nullToEmpty(Map<K, V>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
If map is null, return immutable empty map; else return map self.
nullToEmpty(Set<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
If set is null, return immutable empty set; else return set self.


Objects2 - net.dongliu.commons中的类
Jdk already has one Objects class, So named as Objects2
Objects2() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.Objects2
Objects2.ToStringHelper - net.dongliu.commons中的类
of() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
using List.of()
of() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
using Map.of()
of() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
using Set.of()
of() - 接口 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Return a empty sequence
of(double) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.RateLimiter
Create a new RateLimiter
of(A, B, C) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Triple
Create new Triple.
of(CharSequence) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Joiner
Create new String Joiner.
of(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Joiner
Create new String Joiner.
of(Iterable<T>) - 接口 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Create sequence from iterable
of(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostPort
Construct a HostPort with only host
of(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Splitter
Create a splitter which split string by plain raw string delimiter.
of(String, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostPort
Construct a HostPort with host and port
of(Collection<T>) - 接口 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Create sequence from collection.
of(Supplier<T>) - 接口 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Lazy
Create one new Lazy instance.
of(Iterator<T>) - 接口 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Create sequence from iterator
of(Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
using Map.of(Object, Object)
of(Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
using Map.ofEntries(Entry[])
of(Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>, Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
using Map.of(Object, Object, Object, Object)
of(Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>, Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>, Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Maps
using Map.of(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)
of(Optional<T>) - 接口 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Create a sequence from Optional.
of(Stream<T>) - 接口 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Create a new Sequence from stream.
of(K, V) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Pair
Create a new pair
of(T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
using List.of(Object)
of(T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
using Set.of(Object)
of(T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Result
Create a Result with a value.
of(T) - 接口 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Return a empty sequence
of(T...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Arrays2
Used to create a new array, with values.
of(T...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
using List.of(Object[])
of(T...) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
using Set.of(Object[])
of(T...) - 接口 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Create sequence from values, or array.
of(T, T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
using List.of(Object, Object)
of(T, T, T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
using List.of(Object, Object, Object)
of(T, T, T, T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
using List.of(Object, Object, Object, Object)
of(T, T, T, T, T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
using List.of(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)
of(T, T, T, T, T, T) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
using List.of(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)
ofRegex(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Splitter
Create a splitter which split string by regular expression delimiter.
ofRegex(Pattern) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Splitter
Create a splitter which split string by regular expression delimiter.
ofURL(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLBuilder
Create a new URLBuilder from URL
ofURL(URL) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLBuilder
Create a new URLBuilder from URL
on(T, boolean) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.function.LastAwareConsumer
Called when meet a new element
onException(Runnable, Throwable) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadPoolBuilder.TaskExceptionListener
Get called when task exception throw, passing a runnable task, and the exception.
onMaxRetryTimesExceeded() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.RetryListener
called when retry exceed max times
onRetryBegin(int) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.RetryListener
called when one retry begin
onRetryEnd(int) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.RetryListener
called when one retry end
Optionals - net.dongliu.commons中的类
Utils method for Optional
Optionals() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
or(Optional<T>, Supplier<Optional<T>>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
using Optional.or(Supplier)
or(Optional<T>, Optional<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
If optional1 is present, return a optional with value of optional1; else return optional which equals optional2.
osName() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems
Get operator system name
osType() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems
Get operator system type
other - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.OSType
Outputs - net.dongliu.commons.io中的类
Utils for output stream
Outputs() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.io.Outputs
OutputStreams - net.dongliu.commons.io中的类
using Outputs
OutputStreams() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.io.OutputStreams


padLeft(String, int, char) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Pad the string, at left, to len, with padding char.
padRight(String, int, char) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Pad the string, at right, to len, with padding char.
padToCenter(String, int, char) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return a centered string of length width.Padding is done using the specified padding character.
Pair<K,​V> - net.dongliu.commons.collection中的类
Immutable Pair/Tuple2.
parse(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostPort
Parse net address, return HostPort.
parseParams(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLUtils
Parse a encoded query or form string with charset UTF8, return params.
parseParams(String, Charset) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLUtils
Parse a encoded query or form string, return params.
partition(List<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Divide list to two immutable Lists, the first list contains elements accepted by predicate, the other contains other elements.
partitionAndCollect(Predicate<? super T>, Supplier<R>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Partition the elements by predicate, and then collect elements.
partitionAndReduce(Predicate<? super T>, Supplier<R>, BiFunction<? super R, ? super T, ? extends R>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Partition the elements by predicate, and then do reducer for both Seq of elements.
PartitionResult<R> - net.dongliu.commons.collection中的类
Partition result
PartitionResult(R, R) - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.collection.PartitionResult
partitionToList(Collection<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Collections2
Divide collection to two immutable list, the first list contains elements accepted by predicate, the other contains other elements.
partitionToList(Predicate<? super T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Partition the elements by predicate, and then collect elements to immutable list.
path(String) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLBuilder
Set path of url.
peek(Consumer<? super T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Return a Sequence, with has a side effect when a element is take out, it is consume by specified consumer.
permitsPerSecond() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.RateLimiter
poolSize(int, int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadPoolBuilder
Set corePoolSize and maxPoolSize.
port() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostPort
The port part of address
port(int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLBuilder
Set port of url. -1 to clear port
predicate(Unchecked.EPredicate<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked
Wrap to Predicate interface
Predications - net.dongliu.commons中的类
Utils for Predication
Predications() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.Predications
prepend(A) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Pair
Prepend a new value.
prependIfMissing(String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
If str do not has specific prefix, return a new String prepending the prefix; return str its self otherwise.
priority(int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder
Set the priority of created thread.
protocol(String) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLBuilder
Set protocol of url
Proxies - net.dongliu.commons.reflect中的类
Utils method for reflect Proxy
Proxies() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.reflect.Proxies


query(String) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLBuilder
Set query part of url.
query(List<Map.Entry<String, String>>) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLBuilder
Set query part of url, by a list of query params.
query(List<Map.Entry<String, String>>, Charset) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLBuilder
Set query part of url, by a list of query params.


random(double) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Sampler
Return a sampler sample by random
random(Random, double) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Sampler
Return a random sampler, with specific random instance, and rate
randomAccessed(Collection<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
If collection is random access list, return it self; else return a new random access list contains the element from collection.
RateLimiter - net.dongliu.commons中的类
A very simple RateLimiter impl, For limiting ops count in specific time span
read() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferInputStream
read(byte[]) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferInputStream
readAll(InputStream) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Inputs
Read all data in InputStream.
readAll(Reader) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Readers
Read all data in Reader.
readAll(ClassLoader, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Resources
Read resource file to binary data, using the classloader that load this class.
readAll(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Resources
Read resource file to binary data, using the classloader specified.
readAllString(ClassLoader, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Resources
Read resource file to String with UTF-8 charset, using the classloader specified.
readAllString(ClassLoader, String, Charset) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Resources
Read resource file to String, using the classloader specified.
readAllString(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Resources
Read resource file to String with UTF-8 charset, using the classloader that load this class.
readAllString(String, Charset) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Resources
Read resource file to String, using the classloader that load this class.
readAllString(Path) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Files2
Read all file data, to string, with utf-8 encoding.
readAllString(Path, Charset) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Files2
Read all file data, to string.
Readers - net.dongliu.commons.io中的类
Util Methods for Reader
Readers() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.io.Readers
readExact(InputStream, byte[], int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Inputs
Read exact data with size, into data.
readExact(InputStream, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Inputs
Read exact data with size.
reduce(R, BiFunction<? super R, ? super T, ? extends R>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
reduce operator
refCount() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ReferenceCounted
Return current reference count
ReferenceCounted<T extends ReferenceCounted<T>> - net.dongliu.commons.concurrent中的类
Abstract class for reference counted resources.
ReferenceCounted() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ReferenceCounted
rejectedHandler(RejectedExecutionHandler) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadPoolBuilder
Provide Reject Handler. default use ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy.
release() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ReferenceCounted
Release the resource, this method make reference count decrease by 1.
release(int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ReferenceCounted
Release the resource, this method make reference count decrease by n.
remove() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
removePrefix(String, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Remove string prefix with len. if len larger than str size, return empty string.
removePrefix(String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
If str start with prefix, remove prefix
removePrefixAndSuffix(String, String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
If str start with prefix, remove prefix; If str end with suffix, remove suffix; If prefix and suffix overlapped, return empty str.
removeSuffix(String, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Remove string suffix with len. if len larger than str size, return empty string.
removeSuffix(String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
If str end with suffix, remove suffix
repeat(String, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return a new string, which content is repeat times of origin str.
reset() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferInputStream
resolve(String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLUtils
Resolve URL, return a new url.
resolve(URL, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.URLUtils
Resolve URL, return a new url.
Resources - net.dongliu.commons中的类
Utils method for accessing resource file in classpath, using the classloader that load this class.
Resources() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.Resources
Result<T> - net.dongliu.commons中的类
A Result hold a non-null value, or a exception if error occurred.
retain() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ReferenceCounted
Retain the resource, this method make reference count increase by 1.
retain(int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ReferenceCounted
Retain the resource, this method make reference count increase by n.
Retry - net.dongliu.commons.retry中的类
A utils class for do retry.
Retry.Builder - net.dongliu.commons.retry中的类
retryBackOff(RetryBackOff) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.Retry.Builder
set back off strategy
RetryBackOffs - net.dongliu.commons.retry中的类
A utils class to get RetryBackOff
retryIfExceptionIs(Class<? extends Throwable>) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.Retry.Builder
Retry if thrown match the given exception
retryIfExceptionMatch(Predicate<Throwable>) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.Retry.Builder
if retry when thrown given exception
RetryListener - net.dongliu.commons.retry中的接口
Retry Listener.
reverse(String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return a reversed string
reverse(List<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Return a new reversed immutable List.
reverseFind(T[], Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Arrays2
Find the last element accepted by predicate in array.
reverseFind(List<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Fetch the last element of list.
reverseFindIndex(T[], int, Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Arrays2
Find the last element index accepted by predicate in array.
reverseFindIndex(T[], Predicate<? super T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Arrays2
Find the last element index accepted by predicate in array.
roundRobin(double) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Sampler
Return a sampler sample by round robin
run() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked.ERunnable
run(Runnable) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.Retry
retry run a block of code.
run(Runnable) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Sampler
Run code by sampling
run(Supplier<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Suppliers
Run a Supplier, and return Result.
run(Unchecked.ERunnable) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked
Run a block of code
runAsync(Runnable) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Threads
Start a thread, run task async, and return a future.
runnable(Unchecked.ERunnable) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked
Wrap to Runnable interface
Runnables - net.dongliu.commons.function中的类
Utils method for Runnable
Runnables() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.function.Runnables
runQuietly(Unchecked.ERunnable) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Runnables
Run the runnable, and silent swallow all Exceptions throw by runnable.


Sampler - net.dongliu.commons中的类
Utils for run code by sampling.
Sampler() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.Sampler
scheduleAt(ScheduledExecutorService, Runnable, Instant) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Executors2
Schedule task at specific time.
scheduleAt(ScheduledExecutorService, Callable<T>, Instant) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Executors2
Schedule task at specific time.
second() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Pair
The second value of this tuple
second() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Triple
The second value of this tuple
SeqCollectors - net.dongliu.commons.sequence中的类
Common collectors for Sequence.
Sequence<T> - net.dongliu.commons.sequence中的接口
A sequence of elements supporting support map and reduce operations.
set(int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Set the bit in value
set(int, int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Set bits of value, in range [from, to).
set(long, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Set the bit in value
set(long, int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Set bits of value, in range [from, to).
Sets - net.dongliu.commons.collection中的类
Util methods for Set
Sets() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.collection.Sets
setValue(V) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Pair
sha1() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.hash.Digests
Return a sha1 digest encoder.
sha256() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.hash.Digests
Return a sha256 digest encoder.
sha512() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.hash.Digests
Return a sha512 digest encoder.
shouldRun() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Sampler
If should really run for this time
shutdownAndAwait(ExecutorService, Duration) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Executors2
Shutdown Executor and wait task finished.
skip(long) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferInputStream
skipEmpty() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Joiner
Return a new Joiner which skip empty strings.
skipEmpty() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Splitter
Return a new Splitter which skip empty results.
skipNulls() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Joiner
Return a new Joiner with skip the null elements.
skipPrefix(String) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Splitter
Return a new Splitter which when do split, skip the prefix of given string if it has the prefix
skipSuffix(String) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Splitter
Return a new Splitter which when do split, skip the suffix of given string if it has the suffix
sleep(Duration) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Threads
Sleep with nanos uniterruptablly
sleepMills(long) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Threads
Sleep with millis uniterruptablly
sleepNanos(long) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Threads
Sleep with nanos uniterruptablly
sleepSeconds(double) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Threads
Sleep with seconds uniterruptablly
slice(ByteBuffer) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Buffers
This method return a subsequent buffer as ByteBuffer.slice(), with additional set the byte order of sliced new ByteBuffer to the same of original buffer.
sneakyThrow(Throwable) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Throwables
Throw the throwable without need to add throws clause to method signature.
sort(List<? extends T>, Function<? super T, R>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Return a new sorted immutable List, the element is compared by comparator.
sort(List<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Return a new sorted immutable List.
sorted() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Return a sorted Sequence, Sequence element type T should implement Comparable interface.
sortedBy(Comparator<? super T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Return a sorted Sequence.
split(String) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Splitter
Split the str as a String Stream.
split(List<T>, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
Split list, into multi subLists, each subList has the specified subSize, except the last one.
Splitter - net.dongliu.commons中的类
A immutable value class for splitting strings, with plain raw string or regular expression delimiter.
splitToList(String) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Splitter
Split the str to a RandomAccess String List.
start() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Stopwatch
Start the watch
start(Runnable) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Threads
Start a new thread to run the runnable
stop() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Stopwatch
Stop the stopwatch, the following calls to elapsed will return elapsed time as this time.
Stopwatch - net.dongliu.commons中的类
A tool for measuring elapsed time.
stream(Iterable<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Iterables
stream(Iterator<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Iterators
stream(Optional<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Optionals
using Optional.stream()
Strings - net.dongliu.commons中的类
Utils methods for String
Strings() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.Strings
subStringAfter(String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return subString after first matched separator.
subStringAfter(String, String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return subString after first matched separator.
subStringAfterLast(String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return subString after last separator.
subStringAfterLast(String, String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return subString after last separator.
subStringBefore(String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return subString before first matched separator.
subStringBefore(String, String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return subString before first matched separator.
subStringBeforeLast(String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return subString before last matched separator.
subStringBeforeLast(String, String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Return subString before last matched separator.
subtract(Instant, Instant) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
subtract two instant
succeeded() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Result
Return if Result is succeeded.
sumDouble(ToDoubleFunction<T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Sum the double values calculated by the elements.
sumInt(ToIntFunction<T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Sum the int values calculated by the elements.
sumLong(ToLongFunction<T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Sum the long values calculated by the elements.
supplier(Unchecked.ESupplier<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked
Wrap to Supplier interface
Suppliers - net.dongliu.commons.function中的类
Utils method for Supplier
Suppliers() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.function.Suppliers
Systems - net.dongliu.commons中的类
Util methods to get sys properties.
Systems() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.Systems
Systems.OSType - net.dongliu.commons中的枚举
Operation system type
Systems.SpecificationVersion - net.dongliu.commons中的枚举
Java specification version


take(int, int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Take bits of value, in range [from, to), to be a new value.
take(long) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Only take first n elements
take(long, int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Take bits of value, in range [from, to), to be a new value.
takeDown(int, int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Take bits of value, in range [from, to), and then shift to lowest bits, to be a new value.
takeDown(long, int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
Take bits of value, in range [from, to), and then shift to lowest bits, to be a new value.
takeWhile(Predicate<? super T>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Take elements while all meet elements pass the predicate
taskExceptionListener(ThreadPoolBuilder.TaskExceptionListener) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadPoolBuilder
Set Exception listener for this thread pool.
TeeOutputStream - net.dongliu.commons.io中的类
A output stream write data to multi underlying delegate OutputStreams.
TeeOutputStream(OutputStream...) - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.io.TeeOutputStream
TeeOutputStream(List<OutputStream>) - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.io.TeeOutputStream
test(int, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
If the bit in value is set.
test(long, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Bits
If the bit in value is set.
test(T) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.function.Unchecked.EPredicate
third() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Triple
The third value of this tuple
ThreadFactories - net.dongliu.commons.concurrent中的类
Utils method for ThreadFactory
ThreadFactories() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadFactories
threadFactory(ThreadFactory) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadPoolBuilder
Provide threadFactory.
ThreadFactoryBuilder - net.dongliu.commons.concurrent中的类
For creating custom thread-factory
threadNameBuilder(ThreadFactoryBuilder.ThreadNameBuilder) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder
Set thread name builder for this thread factory.
threadPoolBuilder() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Executors2
Return a new ThreadPoolBuilder
ThreadPoolBuilder - net.dongliu.commons.concurrent中的类
For building ThreadPoolExecutor.
ThreadPoolBuilder.TaskExceptionListener - net.dongliu.commons.concurrent中的接口
Listener that receive the exception of failed task.
Threads - net.dongliu.commons.concurrent中的类
Utils for thread
Threads() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Threads
Throwables - net.dongliu.commons中的类
Utils method for throwable
Throwables() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.Throwables
throwIf(Throwable, Class<T>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Throwables
If throwable is type T, throw it.
throwIfUnchecked(Throwable) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Throwables
If is unchecked (Error, or RuntimeException), throw the throwable
timeout(CompletableFuture<T>, Duration) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.Futures
using CompletableFuture.orTimeout(long, TimeUnit)
tmpDir() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems
Get tmp dir current process use
tmpDirPath() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems
Get tmp dir as Path
toArray(Collection<? extends T>, IntFunction<T[]>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Collections2
using Collection.toArray(IntFunction)
toArray(List<? extends T>, IntFunction<T[]>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Lists
using Collection.toArray(IntFunction)
toArrayList() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
reduce to array list.
toBeginningOfDay(Instant) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
Return the begin time of the day implied by original instant in system default timezone.
toBeginningOfDay(Instant, ZoneId) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
Return the begin time of the day implied by original instant.
toBeginningOfHour(Instant) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
Return the begin time of the day implied by original instant in system default timezone.
toBeginningOfHour(Instant, ZoneId) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
Return the begin time of the day implied by original instant.
toBeginningOfMinute(Instant) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
Return the begin time of the Minute implied by original instant.
toBeginningOfMonth(Instant) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
Return the begin time of first day in the Month implied by original instant in system default timezone.
toBeginningOfMonth(Instant, ZoneId) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
Return the begin time of first day in the Month implied by original instant.
toBeginningOfSecond(Instant) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
Return the begin time of the Second implied by original instant.
toBeginningOfWeek(Instant) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
Return the begin time of first day in the Month implied by original instant in system default timezone and locale.
toBeginningOfWeek(Instant, ZoneId, Locale) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
Return the begin time of first day in the Month implied by original instant.
toBeginningOfYear(Instant) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
Return the begin time of first day in the Year implied by original instant in system default timezone.
toBeginningOfYear(Instant, ZoneId) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
Return the begin time of first day in the Year implied by original instant.
toBuilder() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.Retry
Create a builder with setting of current retry instance.
toCollection(Supplier<R>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Collect elements to collection.
toDouble(String, double) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Parse str to double.
toEpochNanos(Instant) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
Nanos since epoch
toFloat(String, float) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Parse str to float.
toHashMap() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.SeqCollectors
Collect entry Sequence to HashMap.
toHashMap(Function<? super T, ? extends K>, Function<? super T, ? extends V>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
reduce to hash map
toHashSet() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
reduce to hash set
toImmutableList() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
reduce to immutable List.
toImmutableMap() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.SeqCollectors
Collect entry Sequence to immutable map.
toImmutableMap(Function<? super T, ? extends K>, Function<? super T, ? extends V>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
collect elements to immutable Map.
toImmutableSet() - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
reduce to immutable Set.
toInt(String, int) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Parse str to int.
toLines(Reader) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Readers
Read all from Reader to lines.
toLocalDateTime(Instant) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
Instant to LocalDateTime with current system zone
toLocalDateTime(Instant, ZoneId) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.time.Instants
Instant to LocalDateTime with specified zone
toLong(String, long) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Parse str to long.
toMap(Supplier<Map<K, V>>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.SeqCollectors
Collect entry Sequence to Map.
toMap(Supplier<R>, Function<? super T, ? extends K>, Function<? super T, ? extends V>) - 接口 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
collect elements to map
TooManyElementsException - net.dongliu.commons.exception中的异常错误
Thrown when has more elements than expected.
TooManyElementsException() - 异常错误 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.exception.TooManyElementsException
TooManyElementsException(String) - 异常错误 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.exception.TooManyElementsException
toOptional() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Result
Convert Result to Optional, discard the error Exception.
toString() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Pair
toString() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.PartitionResult
toString() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Triple
toString() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostPort
toString() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Result
toString(Object) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Objects2
Convert object to string, by concat each filed name and value, using reflection.
toString(Object) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Objects2.ToStringHelper
Convert object to string.
toStringHelper(Class<?>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Objects2
ToStringHelper(Class<?>) - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.Objects2.ToStringHelper
toStringWithDefault(int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostPort
Convert to String representation.
toStringWithPort(int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostPort
Convert to String representation with port part.
transferTo(InputStream, OutputStream) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Inputs
Copy all data in InputStream to OutputStream.
transferTo(Reader, Writer) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Readers
Copy all data in Reader to Writer.
transferTo(Reader, Appendable) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.io.Readers
Copy all data in Reader to Appendable.
trimPrefix(String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
trimResults() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Splitter
Return a new Splitter which trim split results
trimSuffix(String, String) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Strings
Triple<A,​B,​C> - net.dongliu.commons.collection中的类
Immutable Tuple with three elements.
tryAcquire() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.RateLimiter
Try to acquire one permit, not block.
tryAcquire(int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.RateLimiter
Try to acquire n permits, not block.
type() - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostPort
the type
TypeInfer<T> - net.dongliu.commons.reflect中的类
For Representing a generic type T.
TypeInfer() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.reflect.TypeInfer
Constructs a new type literal.


uncaughtExceptionHandler(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder
Set uncaughtExceptionHandler for the thread this factory created.
Unchecked - net.dongliu.commons.function中的类
Wrap checked interface to unchecked interface.
Unchecked.EBiConsumer<T,​U> - net.dongliu.commons.function中的接口
Unchecked.EBiFunction<T,​U,​R> - net.dongliu.commons.function中的接口
Unchecked.EConsumer<T> - net.dongliu.commons.function中的接口
Unchecked.EFunction<T,​R> - net.dongliu.commons.function中的接口
Unchecked.EPredicate<T> - net.dongliu.commons.function中的接口
Unchecked.ERunnable - net.dongliu.commons.function中的接口
Unchecked.ESupplier<T> - net.dongliu.commons.function中的接口
UncheckedFunctions - net.dongliu.commons.function中的类
using Unchecked
UncheckedFunctions() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.function.UncheckedFunctions
UncheckedReflectException - net.dongliu.commons.exception中的异常错误
Wrapper exception for ReflectiveOperationException
UncheckedReflectException() - 异常错误 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.exception.UncheckedReflectException
UncheckedReflectException(ReflectiveOperationException) - 异常错误 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.exception.UncheckedReflectException
UncheckedReflectException(String) - 异常错误 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.exception.UncheckedReflectException
UndeclaredLambdaException - net.dongliu.commons.exception中的异常错误
Used for wrap un-declared checked exception in lambda expression body.
UndeclaredLambdaException(Throwable) - 异常错误 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.exception.UndeclaredLambdaException
unix - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.OSType
UnknownSpecificationVersionException - net.dongliu.commons.exception中的异常错误
Thrown when meet a unknown java specification version
UnknownSpecificationVersionException(String) - 异常错误 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.exception.UnknownSpecificationVersionException
unwrapUntil(Throwable, Predicate<Throwable>) - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Throwables
Unwrap the throwable using getCause, util the unwrapped exception match the give predicate
URLBuilder - net.dongliu.commons.net中的类
For building URL
URLUtils - net.dongliu.commons.net中的类
Utils for URL
URLUtils() - 类 的构造器net.dongliu.commons.net.URLUtils
userHome() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems
Get user home dir
userHomePath() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems
Get user home dir as Path
userName() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems
Get current login user name


v10 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
v11 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
v12 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
v13 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
v14 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
v15 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
v16 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
v17 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
v2 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
v3 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
v4 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
v5 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
v6 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
v7 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
v8 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
v9 - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
valueOf(String) - 枚举 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostType
valueOf(String) - 枚举 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems.OSType
valueOf(String) - 枚举 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
values() - 枚举 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostType
按照声明该枚举类型的常量的顺序, 返回 包含这些常量的数组。
values() - 枚举 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems.OSType
按照声明该枚举类型的常量的顺序, 返回 包含这些常量的数组。
values() - 枚举 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
按照声明该枚举类型的常量的顺序, 返回 包含这些常量的数组。
versionName() - 枚举 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems.SpecificationVersion
the version name string


waitBeforeRetry(long) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.retry.Retry.Builder
set back off with fix delay
windows - net.dongliu.commons.Systems.OSType
withFirst(A) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Triple
Create one new tuple, replace first value with new value.
withFirst(K) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Pair
Create one new pair, replace the first value with new value.
withKey(K) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Pair
Create one new pair, replace the key with newKey.
withPort(int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.net.HostPort
Return a new HostPort with new port
withPrefix(CharSequence) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Joiner
Return a new Joiner which using the given prefix for joined string result.
withSecond(B) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Triple
Create one new tuple, replace second value with new value.
withSecond(V) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Pair
Create one new pair, replace the second value with new value.
withSuffix(CharSequence) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.Joiner
Return a new Joiner which using the given suffix for joined string result.
withThird(C) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Triple
Create one new tuple, replace second value with new value.
withValue(V) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.collection.Pair
Create one new pair, replace the value with newValue.
workDir() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems
The work directory of current java process
workDirPath() - 类 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.Systems
Get work directory of current java process as Path
workingQueue(BlockingQueue<Runnable>) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.concurrent.ThreadPoolBuilder
Provide working Queue.
write(byte[]) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
write(byte[]) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.TeeOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.TeeOutputStream
write(int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.ByteBufferOutputStream
write(int) - 类 中的方法net.dongliu.commons.io.TeeOutputStream


zip(Sequence<S>, Sequence<T>) - 接口 中的静态方法net.dongliu.commons.sequence.Sequence
Returns a sequence of values built from the elements of this sequence and the other sequence with the same index.
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