类 Inputs

  • 直接已知子类:

    public class Inputs
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utils for InputStreams.
    • 构造器概要

      构造器 说明
    • 方法概要

      所有方法 静态方法 具体方法 
      修饰符和类型 方法 说明
      static java.io.InputStream concat​(byte[] data, java.io.InputStream in)
      Return a new InputStream that concat additional prepended data and InputStream.
      static java.io.InputStream concat​(java.io.InputStream... inputs)
      Return a new InputStream that concat multi sub InputStreams.
      static java.io.InputStream concat​(java.util.List<java.io.InputStream> inputs)
      Return a new InputStream that concat multi sub InputStreams.
      static long discardAll​(java.io.InputStream in)
      Skip or read all data till EOF from InputStream.
      static java.io.InputStream empty()
      Return a empty input stream with no data.
      static byte[] readAll​(java.io.InputStream in)
      Read all data in InputStream.
      static int readExact​(java.io.InputStream in, byte[] data, int offset, int len)
      Read exact data with size, into data.
      static byte[] readExact​(java.io.InputStream in, int len)
      Read exact data with size.
      static void transferTo​(java.io.InputStream in, java.io.OutputStream out)
      Copy all data in InputStream to OutputStream.
      • 从类继承的方法 java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • 构造器详细资料

      • Inputs

        public Inputs()
    • 方法详细资料

      • transferTo

        public static void transferTo​(java.io.InputStream in,
                                      java.io.OutputStream out)
        Copy all data in InputStream to OutputStream. Both in and out are left unclosed when copy finished, or Exception occurred.
        java.io.UncheckedIOException - If an IOException is thrown when accessing the underlying input or output stream
      • readAll

        public static byte[] readAll​(java.io.InputStream in)
        Read all data in InputStream. The Stream is left unclosed when read finished, or Exception occurred.
        java.io.UncheckedIOException - If an IOException is thrown when accessing the underlying input stream
      • readExact

        public static int readExact​(java.io.InputStream in,
                                    byte[] data,
                                    int offset,
                                    int len)
        Read exact data with size, into data. The InputStream is not close after read or Exception occurred.
        The real data size read. If InputStream does not has enough data for read, will return a size less than desired.
        java.io.UncheckedIOException - If an IOException is thrown when accessing the underlying input or output stream
      • readExact

        public static byte[] readExact​(java.io.InputStream in,
                                       int len)
        Read exact data with size. The InputStream is not close after read or Exception occurred.
        The data read. If InputStream does not has enough data for read, will return a byte array which len less than desired size.
        java.io.UncheckedIOException - If an IOException is thrown when accessing the underlying input or output stream
      • discardAll

        public static long discardAll​(java.io.InputStream in)
        Skip or read all data till EOF from InputStream. The InputStream is left unclosed.
        the total data size read
        java.io.UncheckedIOException - If an IOException is thrown when accessing the underlying input or output stream
      • empty

        public static java.io.InputStream empty()
        Return a empty input stream with no data.
      • concat

        public static java.io.InputStream concat​(java.util.List<java.io.InputStream> inputs)
        Return a new InputStream that concat multi sub InputStreams. The close() method of returned InputStream will close all sub InputStreams.
      • concat

        public static java.io.InputStream concat​(java.io.InputStream... inputs)
        Return a new InputStream that concat multi sub InputStreams. The close() method of returned InputStream will close all sub InputStreams.
      • concat

        public static java.io.InputStream concat​(byte[] data,
                                                 java.io.InputStream in)
        Return a new InputStream that concat additional prepended data and InputStream. The close() method of returned InputStream will close the passed in InputStream.