Interface MemberCachePolicy

Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface MemberCachePolicy
Policy which decides whether a member (and respective user) should be kept in cache.
This will be called throughout JDA when a member gets constructed or modified and allows for a dynamically adjusting cache of users.

When Guild.pruneMemberCache() is called, the configured policy will be used to unload any members that the policy has decided not to cache.

If GUILD_MEMBERS intent is disabled you should not use ALL or ONLINE. This intent enables guild member leave events which are required to remove members from cache properly.

This can be configured with JDABuilder.setMemberCachePolicy(MemberCachePolicy).

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • NONE

      static final MemberCachePolicy NONE
      Disable all member caching
    • ALL

      static final MemberCachePolicy ALL
      Enable all member caching.

      Not recommended without GUILD_MEMBERS intent enabled. The api will only send the guild member leave events when this intent is enabled. Without those events the members will stay in cache indefinitely.

    • OWNER

      static final MemberCachePolicy OWNER
      Cache owner of the guild. This simply checks Member.isOwner().
    • ONLINE

      static final MemberCachePolicy ONLINE
      Cache online/idle/dnd users.
      Requires GatewayIntent.GUILD_PRESENCES and CacheFlag.ONLINE_STATUS to be enabled.

      This cannot cache online members immediately when they come online, due to discord limitations. Discord only sends presence information without member details so the member will be cached once they become active.

      Not recommended without GUILD_MEMBERS intent enabled. The api will only send the guild member leave events when this intent is enabled. Without those events the members will stay in cache indefinitely.

    • VOICE

      static final MemberCachePolicy VOICE
      Cache members who are connected to a voice channel.
      Requires GatewayIntent.GUILD_VOICE_STATES and CacheFlag.VOICE_STATE to be enabled.

      static final MemberCachePolicy BOOSTER
      Cache members who are boosting the guild. This checks Member.isBoosting()
      Requires GUILD_MEMBERS to be enabled.

      @Incubating static final MemberCachePolicy PENDING
      Caches members who haven't passed Membership Screening.

      Not recommended without GUILD_MEMBERS intent enabled. The api will only send the guild member update events when this intent is enabled. Without those events the members will stay in cache indefinitely.

      Discord is still trying to figure this out

      static final MemberCachePolicy DEFAULT
      The default policy to use with JDABuilder.createDefault(String).
      This is identical to VOICE.or(OWNER).
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • cacheMember

      boolean cacheMember(@Nonnull Member member)
      Idempotent (ideally pure) function which decided whether to cache the provided member or not.
      The function should avoid throwing any exceptions or blocking.
      member - The member
      True, if the member should be cached
    • or

      Convenience method to concatenate another policy.
      This is identical to (member) -> policy1.cacheMember(member) || policy2.cacheMember(member).
      policy - The policy to concat
      New policy which combines both using a logical OR
      IllegalArgumentException - If the provided policy is null
    • and

      Convenience method to require another policy.
      This is identical to (member) -> policy1.cacheMember(member) && policy2.cacheMember(member).
      policy - The policy to require in addition to this one
      New policy which combines both using a logical AND
      IllegalArgumentException - If the provided policy is null
    • any

      Composes a policy by concatenating multiple other policies.
      This is logically identical to policy1 || policy2 || policy3 || ... || policyN.
      policy - The first policy
      policies - The other policies
      New policy which combines all provided polices using a logical OR
    • all

      Composes a policy which requires multiple other policies.
      This is logically identical to policy1 && policy2 && policy3 && ... && policyN.
      policy - The first policy
      policies - The other policies
      New policy which combines all provided polices using a logical AND