Class EmbedBuilder

  • public class EmbedBuilder
    extends Object
    Builder system used to build MessageEmbeds.
    A visual breakdown of an Embed and how it relates to this class is available at Embed Overview.
    John A. Grosh
    • Constructor Detail

      • EmbedBuilder

        public EmbedBuilder​(@Nullable
                            EmbedBuilder builder)
        Creates an EmbedBuilder using fields from an existing builder
        builder - the existing builder
      • EmbedBuilder

        public EmbedBuilder​(@Nullable
                            MessageEmbed embed)
        Creates an EmbedBuilder using fields in an existing embed.
        embed - the existing embed
    • Method Detail

      • clear

        public EmbedBuilder clear()
        Resets this builder to default state.
        All parts will be either empty or null after this method has returned.
        The current EmbedBuilder with default values
      • copyFrom

        public void copyFrom​(@Nullable
                             EmbedBuilder builder)
        Copies the data from the given builder into this builder.
        All the parts of the given builder will be applied to this one.
        builder - the existing builder
      • copyFrom

        public void copyFrom​(@Nullable
                             MessageEmbed embed)
        Copies the data from the given embed into this builder.
        All the parts of the given embed will be applied to this builder.
        embed - the existing embed
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Checks if the given embed is empty. Empty embeds will throw an exception if built.
        true if the embed is empty and cannot be built
      • length

        public int length()
        The overall length of the current EmbedBuilder in displayed characters.
        Represents the MessageEmbed.getLength() value.
        length of the current builder state
      • appendDescription

        public EmbedBuilder appendDescription​(@Nonnull
                                              CharSequence description)
        Appends to the description of the embed. This is where the main chunk of text for an embed is typically placed.


        description - the string to append to the description of the embed
        the builder after the description has been set
        IllegalArgumentException -
      • setThumbnail

        public EmbedBuilder setThumbnail​(@Nullable
                                         String url)
        Sets the Thumbnail of the embed.


        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image (using MessageChannel.sendFile(...)) you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         MessageChannel channel; // = reference of a MessageChannel
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         InputStream file = new URL("").openStream();
         embed.setThumbnail("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         channel.sendFile(file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;
        url - the url of the thumbnail of the embed
        the builder after the thumbnail has been set
        IllegalArgumentException -
        • If the character limit for url, defined by MessageEmbed.URL_MAX_LENGTH as 2000, is exceeded.
        • If the provided url is not a properly formatted http or https url.
      • setImage

        public EmbedBuilder setImage​(@Nullable
                                     String url)
        Sets the Image of the embed.


        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image (using MessageChannel.sendFile(...)) you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         MessageChannel channel; // = reference of a MessageChannel
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         InputStream file = new URL("").openStream();
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         channel.sendFile(file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;
        url - the url of the image of the embed
        the builder after the image has been set
        IllegalArgumentException -
        • If the character limit for url, defined by MessageEmbed.URL_MAX_LENGTH as 2000, is exceeded.
        • If the provided url is not a properly formatted http or https url.
        See Also:
      • setAuthor

        public EmbedBuilder setAuthor​(@Nullable
                                      String name)
        Sets the Author of the embed. The author appears in the top left of the embed and can have a small image beside it along with the author's name being made clickable by way of providing a url. This convenience method just sets the name.


        name - the name of the author of the embed. If this is not set, the author will not appear in the embed
        the builder after the author has been set
        IllegalArgumentException - If name is longer than 256 characters, as defined by MessageEmbed.AUTHOR_MAX_LENGTH
      • setAuthor

        public EmbedBuilder setAuthor​(@Nullable
                                      String name,
                                      String url)
        Sets the Author of the embed. The author appears in the top left of the embed and can have a small image beside it along with the author's name being made clickable by way of providing a url. This convenience method just sets the name and the url.


        name - the name of the author of the embed. If this is not set, the author will not appear in the embed
        url - the url of the author of the embed
        the builder after the author has been set
        IllegalArgumentException -
      • setAuthor

        public EmbedBuilder setAuthor​(@Nullable
                                      String name,
                                      String url,
                                      String iconUrl)
        Sets the Author of the embed. The author appears in the top left of the embed and can have a small image beside it along with the author's name being made clickable by way of providing a url.


        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image (using MessageChannel.sendFile(...)) you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         MessageChannel channel; // = reference of a MessageChannel
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         InputStream file = new URL("").openStream();
         embed.setAuthor("Minn", null, "attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         channel.sendFile(file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;
        name - the name of the author of the embed. If this is not set, the author will not appear in the embed
        url - the url of the author of the embed
        iconUrl - the url of the icon for the author
        the builder after the author has been set
        IllegalArgumentException -
      • setFooter

        public EmbedBuilder setFooter​(@Nullable
                                      String text,
                                      String iconUrl)
        Sets the Footer of the embed.


        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image (using MessageChannel.sendFile(...)) you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         MessageChannel channel; // = reference of a MessageChannel
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         InputStream file = new URL("").openStream();
         embed.setFooter("Cool footer!", "attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         channel.sendFile(file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;
        text - the text of the footer of the embed. If this is not set, the footer will not appear in the embed.
        iconUrl - the url of the icon for the footer
        the builder after the footer has been set
        IllegalArgumentException -