Enum Guild.BoostTier

    • Enum Constant Detail

      • NONE

        public static final Guild.BoostTier NONE
        The default tier.
        Unlocked at 0 boosters.
      • TIER_1

        public static final Guild.BoostTier TIER_1
        The first tier.
        Unlocked at 2 boosters.
      • TIER_2

        public static final Guild.BoostTier TIER_2
        The second tier.
        Unlocked at 7 boosters.
      • TIER_3

        public static final Guild.BoostTier TIER_3
        The third tier.
        Unlocked at 14 boosters.
      • UNKNOWN

        public static final Guild.BoostTier UNKNOWN
        Placeholder for future tiers.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static Guild.BoostTier[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (Guild.BoostTier c : Guild.BoostTier.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static Guild.BoostTier valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getKey

        public int getKey()
        The API key used to represent this tier, identical to the ordinal.
        The key
      • getMaxBitrate

        public int getMaxBitrate()
        The maximum bitrate that can be applied to voice channels when this tier is reached.
        The maximum bitrate
        See Also:
      • getMaxEmotes

        public int getMaxEmotes()
        The maximum amount of emotes a guild can have when this tier is reached.
        The maximum emotes
        See Also:
      • getMaxFileSize

        public long getMaxFileSize()
        The maximum size for files that can be uploaded to this Guild.
        The maximum file size of this Guild
        See Also:
      • fromKey

        public static Guild.BoostTier fromKey​(int key)
        Resolves the provided API key to the boost tier.
        key - The API key
        The BoostTier or UNKNOWN