Class Event

    • Constructor Detail

      • Event

        public Event​(@Nonnull
                     JDA api,
                     long responseNumber)
        Creates a new Event from the given JDA instance
        api - Current JDA instance
        responseNumber - The sequence number for this event
        See Also:
      • Event

        public Event​(@Nonnull
                     JDA api)
        Creates a new Event from the given JDA instance
        Uses the current JDA.getResponseTotal() as sequence
        api - Current JDA instance
    • Method Detail

      • getJDA

        public JDA getJDA()
        Description copied from interface: GenericEvent
        The current JDA instance corresponding to this Event
        Specified by:
        getJDA in interface GenericEvent
        The corresponding JDA instance
      • getResponseNumber

        public long getResponseNumber()
        Description copied from interface: GenericEvent
        The current sequence for this event.
        This can be used to keep events in order when making sequencing system.
        Specified by:
        getResponseNumber in interface GenericEvent
        The current sequence number for this event