Class UnavailableGuildJoinedEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class UnavailableGuildJoinedEvent
    extends Event
    Indicates that you joined a Guild that is not yet available. This does not extend GenericGuildEvent
    This will be followed by a GuildAvailableEvent once the guild becomes available again.

    Can be used to retrieve id of new unavailable Guild.

    • Constructor Detail

      • UnavailableGuildJoinedEvent

        public UnavailableGuildJoinedEvent​(@Nonnull
                                           JDA api,
                                           long responseNumber,
                                           long guildId)
    • Method Detail

      • getGuildId

        public String getGuildId()
        The ID of the guild
        The ID of the guild
      • getGuildIdLong

        public long getGuildIdLong()
        The ID of the guild
        The ID of the guild