Interface EmoteManager

    • Method Detail

      • reset

        EmoteManager reset​(long fields)
        Resets the fields specified by the provided bit-flag pattern. You can specify a combination by using a bitwise OR concat of the flag constants.
        Example: manager.reset(EmoteManager.NAME | EmoteManager.ROLES);

        Flag Constants:

        Specified by:
        reset in interface Manager<EmoteManager>
        fields - Integer value containing the flags to reset.
        EmoteManager for chaining convenience
      • reset

        EmoteManager reset​(long... fields)
        Resets the fields specified by the provided bit-flag pattern. You can specify a combination by using a bitwise OR concat of the flag constants.
        Example: manager.reset(EmoteManager.NAME, EmoteManager.ROLES);

        Flag Constants:

        Specified by:
        reset in interface Manager<EmoteManager>
        fields - Integer values containing the flags to reset.
        EmoteManager for chaining convenience
      • getGuild

        default Guild getGuild()
        The Guild this Manager's Emote is in.
        This is logically the same as calling getEmote().getGuild()
        The parent Guild
      • getEmote

        Emote getEmote()
        The target Emote that will be modified by this Manager
        The target Emote
      • setName

        EmoteManager setName​(@Nonnull
                             String name)
        Sets the name of the selected Emote.

        An emote name must be between 2-32 characters long!
        Emote names may only be populated with alphanumeric (with underscore and dash).

        Example: tatDab or fmgSUP

        name - The new name for the selected Emote
        EmoteManager for chaining convenience
        IllegalArgumentException - If the provided name is null or not between 2-32 characters long
      • setRoles

        EmoteManager setRoles​(@Nullable
                              Set<Role> roles)
        Sets the restriction roles of the selected Emote.
        If these are empty the Emote will be available to everyone otherwise only available to the specified roles.

        An emote's restriction roles must not contain null!

        roles - The new set of Roles for the selected Emote to be restricted to, or null to clear the roles
        EmoteManager for chaining convenience
        IllegalArgumentException - If any of the provided values is null