



package nodejs

nodejs package object

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. nodejs
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package buffer

    buffer package object

  2. package child_process
  3. package cluster

    cluster package object

  4. package console_module
  5. package crypto
  6. package dgram
  7. package dns

    dns package object

  8. package events
  9. package fs

    fs package object

  10. package http

    http package object

  11. package http2
  12. package https

    https package object

  13. package net

    net package object

  14. package os
  15. package path
  16. package process
  17. package punycode
  18. package querystring

    query string package object

  19. package readline
  20. package repl

    repl package object

  21. package stream
  22. package timers
  23. package tls
  24. package tty

    tty package object

  25. package url
  26. package util
  27. package v8
  28. package vm
  29. package worker_threads
  30. package zlib

    zlib package object

Type Members

  1. trait Assert extends Object with IEventEmitter

    The assert module provides a simple set of assertion tests that can be used to test invariants.

    The assert module provides a simple set of assertion tests that can be used to test invariants. The module is intended for internal use by Node.js, but can be used in application code via require('assert'). However, assert is not a testing framework, and is not intended to be used as a general purpose assertion library.

    The API for the assert module is Locked. This means that there will be no additions or changes to any of the methods implemented and exposed by the module.

    @RawJSType() @native()
  2. class Error extends Object

    Creates a new Error object and sets the error.message property to the provided text message.

    Creates a new Error object and sets the error.message property to the provided text message. If an object is passed as message, the text message is generated by calling message.toString(). The error.stack property will represent the point in the code at which new Error() was called. Stack traces are dependent on V8's stack trace API. Stack traces extend only to either (a) the beginning of synchronous code execution, or (b) the number of frames given by the property Error.stackTraceLimit, whichever is smaller.

    @RawJSType() @native() @JSImport("errors", "Error")
  3. type EventType = String
  4. type FileDescriptor = Integer

    Represents a file descriptor

  5. type FileIOError = SystemError
  6. type FileMode = Int
  7. type FileType = Int
  8. type Flags = |[String, Int]
  9. type FsCallback0 = Function1[FileIOError, Any]
  10. type FsCallback1[A] = Function2[FileIOError, A, Any]
  11. type FsCallback2[A, B] = Function3[FileIOError, A, B, Any]
  12. type FsCallback3[A, B, C] = Function4[FileIOError, A, B, C, Any]
  13. type GID = Int
  14. type Handle = |[|[Function, HasHandle], HasFileDescriptor]
  15. trait HasFileDescriptor extends Object
    @ScalaJSDefined() @RawJSType()
  16. trait HasHandle extends Object
    @ScalaJSDefined() @RawJSType()
  17. trait Module extends Object

    In each module, the module free variable is a reference to the object representing the current module.

    In each module, the module free variable is a reference to the object representing the current module. For convenience, module.exports is also accessible via the exports module-global. module isn't actually a global but rather local to each module.

    @RawJSType() @native()
    See also

  18. sealed trait Require extends Object
    @RawJSType() @native()
  19. trait RequireResolver extends Object
    @RawJSType() @native()
  20. class ResolveOptions extends Object
    @ScalaJSDefined() @RawJSType()
  21. class StringDecoder extends Object with IEventEmitter

    To use this module, do require('string_decoder').

    To use this module, do require('string_decoder'). StringDecoder decodes a buffer to a string. It is a simple interface to Buffer.toString() but provides additional support for utf8.

    @RawJSType() @native() @JSImport("string_decoder", "StringDecoder")
  22. class SystemError extends Error

    System Error

    System Error

    @RawJSType() @native() @JSImport("errors", "SystemError")
  23. type UID = Int

Value Members

  1. def __dirname: String

    The directory name of the current module.

    The directory name of the current module. This the same as the path.dirname() of the __filename.

  2. def __filename: String

    The file name of the current module.

    The file name of the current module. This is the resolved absolute path of the current module file. For a main program this is not necessarily the same as the file name used in the command line. See __dirname for the directory name of the current module.

  3. object Assert extends Object with Assert

    Assert Singleton

    Assert Singleton

    @native() @JSImport("assert", JSImport.Namespace)
  4. object Error extends Object

    Error Singleton

    Error Singleton

    @native() @JSGlobal()
  5. object ErrorCodes
  6. object Module extends Object with Module

    Module Companion

    Module Companion

    @native() @JSImport("module", JSImport.Namespace)
  7. object Require extends Object with Require
    @native() @JSGlobal("require")
  8. object SystemError extends Error

    System Error Singleton

    System Error Singleton

    @native() @JSImport("errors", JSImport.Namespace)
  9. object SystemErrorCodes
  10. object clearImmediate extends Object with ClearImmediate
    @native() @JSGlobal("clearImmediate")
  11. object clearInterval extends Object with ClearInterval
    @native() @JSGlobal("clearInterval")
  12. object clearTimeout extends Object with ClearTimeout
    @native() @JSGlobal("clearTimeout")
  13. object setImmediate extends Object with SetImmediate
    @native() @JSGlobal("setImmediate")
  14. object setInterval extends Object with SetInterval
    @native() @JSGlobal("setInterval")
  15. object setTimeout extends Object with SetTimeout
    @native() @JSGlobal("setTimeout")

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
