Class JumpProcessIncrements

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, IndependentIncrements

    public class JumpProcessIncrements
    extends Object
    implements IndependentIncrements, Serializable
    Implementation of a time-discrete n-dimensional jump process J = (J1,...,Jn) where Ji is a Poisson jump process and Ji, Jj are independent for i not equal j. Here the dimension n is called factors since the increments are used to generate multi-dimensional multi-factor processes and there one might use a different number of factors to generate processes of different dimension. The quadruppel (time discretization, jumpIntensities, number of paths, seed) defines the state of an object of this class. The class is immutable and thread safe. It uses lazy initialization.
    Christian Fries
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • JumpProcessIncrements

        public JumpProcessIncrements​(TimeDiscretization timeDiscretization,
                                     double[] jumpIntensities,
                                     int numberOfPaths,
                                     int seed,
                                     RandomVariableFactory abstractRandomVariableFactory)
        Construct a jump process. The constructor allows to set the factory to be used for the construction of random variables. This allows to generate increments represented by different implementations of the RandomVariable (e.g. the RandomVariableFromFloatArray internally using float representations).
        timeDiscretization - The time discretization used for the increments.
        jumpIntensities - The jump intensities, one for each factor.
        numberOfPaths - Number of paths to simulate.
        seed - The seed of the random number generator.
        abstractRandomVariableFactory - Factory to be used to create random variable.
      • JumpProcessIncrements

        public JumpProcessIncrements​(TimeDiscretization timeDiscretization,
                                     double[] jumpIntensities,
                                     int numberOfPaths,
                                     int seed)
        Construct a jump process.
        timeDiscretization - The time discretization used for the Brownian increments.
        jumpIntensities - The vector of jump intensities, one intensity for each factor.
        numberOfPaths - Number of paths to simulate.
        seed - The seed of the random number generator.
    • Method Detail

      • getCloneWithModifiedSeed

        public JumpProcessIncrements getCloneWithModifiedSeed​(int seed)
        Description copied from interface: IndependentIncrements
        Return a new object implementing BrownianMotion having the same specifications as this object but a different seed for the random number generator. This method is useful if you like to make Monte-Carlo samplings by changing the seed.
        Specified by:
        getCloneWithModifiedSeed in interface IndependentIncrements
        seed - New value for the seed.
        New object implementing BrownianMotion.
      • getIncrement

        public RandomVariable getIncrement​(int timeIndex,
                                           int factor)
        Description copied from interface: IndependentIncrements
        Return the increment for a given timeIndex and given factor. The method returns the random variable Δ Xj(ti) := Xj(ti+1)-X(ti) for the given time index i and a given factor (index) j
        Specified by:
        getIncrement in interface IndependentIncrements
        timeIndex - The time index (corresponding to the this class's time discretization)
        factor - The index of the factor (independent scalar increment)
        The factor (component) of the increments (a random variable)
      • getRandomVariableForConstant

        public RandomVariable getRandomVariableForConstant​(double value)
        Description copied from interface: IndependentIncrements
        Returns a random variable which is initialized to a constant, but has exactly the same number of paths or discretization points as the ones used by this BrownianMotion.
        Specified by:
        getRandomVariableForConstant in interface IndependentIncrements
        value - The constant value to be used for initialized the random variable.
        A new random variable.
      • getSeed

        public int getSeed()
        Returns the seed.