Class AbstractProcessModel

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractProcessModel

        public AbstractProcessModel()
    • Method Detail

      • getInitialValue

        public RandomVariable[] getInitialValue​(MonteCarloProcess process)
        Returns the initial value of the model.
        process - The discretization process generating this model. The process provides call backs for TimeDiscretization and allows calls to getProcessValue for timeIndices less or equal the given one.
        The initial value of the model.
      • getReferenceDate

        public LocalDateTime getReferenceDate()
        Description copied from interface: ProcessModel
        Returns the model's date corresponding to the time discretization's \( t = 0 \). Note: Currently not all models provide a reference date. This will change in future versions.
        Specified by:
        getReferenceDate in interface ProcessModel
        The model's date corresponding to the time discretization's \( t = 0 \).