Class DataTableLinear

    • Constructor Detail

      • DataTableLinear

        public DataTableLinear​(String name,
                               DataTable.TableConvention convention,
                               LocalDate referenceDate,
                               SchedulePrototype scheduleMetaData)
        Create an empty table.
        name - The name of the table.
        convention - The convention of the table.
        referenceDate - The referenceDate of the table.
        scheduleMetaData - The schedule meta data of the table.
      • DataTableLinear

        public DataTableLinear​(String name,
                               DataTable.TableConvention convention,
                               LocalDate referenceDate,
                               SchedulePrototype scheduleMetaData,
                               int[] maturities,
                               int[] terminations,
                               double[] values)
        Create a table.
        name - The name of the table.
        convention - The convention of the table.
        referenceDate - The referenceDate of the table.
        scheduleMetaData - The schedule meta data of the table.
        maturities - The maturities of the points as offset with respect to the reference date.
        terminations - The terminations of the points as offset with respect to the maturity date.
        values - The values at the points.
      • DataTableLinear

        public DataTableLinear​(String name,
                               DataTable.TableConvention convention,
                               LocalDate referenceDate,
                               SchedulePrototype scheduleMetaData,
                               List<Integer> maturities,
                               List<Integer> terminations,
                               List<Double> values)
        Create a table.
        name - The name of the table.
        convention - The convention of the table.
        referenceDate - The referenceDate of the table.
        scheduleMetaData - The schedule meta data of the table.
        maturities - The maturities of the points as offset with respect to the reference date.
        terminations - The terminations of the points as offset with respect to the maturity date.
        values - The values at the points.
    • Method Detail

      • interpolateDataTable

        public static DataTableLinear interpolateDataTable​(DataTableBasic baseTable)
        Create an interpolated table from a basic table.
        baseTable - The table to receive interpolation.
        The table with interpolation.
      • getValue

        public double getValue​(int maturity,
                               int termination)
        Description copied from interface: DataTable
        Returns the value of the table at a given time. Interpolates if the table is set up to do so.
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface DataTable
        getValue in class DataTableBasic
        maturity - The maturity as offset with respect to the reference date.
        termination - The termination as offset with respect to the maturity date.
        Value at the given time.
      • getValue

        public double getValue​(double maturity,
                               double termination)
        Description copied from interface: DataTable
        Returns the value of the table at a given time. Interpolates if the table is set up to do so.
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface DataTable
        getValue in class DataTableBasic
        maturity - Maturity in double as year fraction with respect to reference date.
        termination - Termination in double as year fraction with respect to reference date.
        Value at the given time.