Class ForwardCurveInterpolation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, ParameterObject, Curve, ForwardCurve

    public class ForwardCurveInterpolation
    extends AbstractForwardCurve
    implements Serializable
    A container for a forward (rate) curve. The forward curve is based on the CurveInterpolation class. It thus features all interpolation and extrapolation methods and interpolation entities as CurveInterpolation. The forward F(t) of an index is such that * F(t) * D(t+p) equals the market price of the corresponding index fixed in t and paid in t+d, where t is the fixing time of the index and t+p is the payment time of the index. F(t) is the corresponding forward and D is the associated discount curve.
    Christian Fries
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ForwardCurveInterpolation

        public ForwardCurveInterpolation​(String name,
                                         LocalDate referenceDate,
                                         String paymentOffsetCode,
                                         BusinessdayCalendar paymentBusinessdayCalendar,
                                         BusinessdayCalendar.DateRollConvention paymentDateRollConvention,
                                         CurveInterpolation.InterpolationMethod interpolationMethod,
                                         CurveInterpolation.ExtrapolationMethod extrapolationMethod,
                                         CurveInterpolation.InterpolationEntity interpolationEntity,
                                         ForwardCurveInterpolation.InterpolationEntityForward interpolationEntityForward,
                                         String discountCurveName)
        Generate a forward curve using a given discount curve and payment offset.
        name - The name of this curve.
        referenceDate - The reference date for this code, i.e., the date which defines t=0.
        paymentOffsetCode - The maturity of the index modeled by this curve.
        paymentBusinessdayCalendar - The business day calendar used for adjusting the payment date.
        paymentDateRollConvention - The date roll convention used for adjusting the payment date.
        interpolationMethod - The interpolation method used for the curve.
        extrapolationMethod - The extrapolation method used for the curve.
        interpolationEntity - The entity interpolated/extrapolated.
        interpolationEntityForward - Interpolation entity used for forward rate interpolation.
        discountCurveName - The name of a discount curve associated with this index (associated with it's funding or collateralization), if any.
      • ForwardCurveInterpolation

        public ForwardCurveInterpolation​(String name,
                                         LocalDate referenceDate,
                                         String paymentOffsetCode,
                                         ForwardCurveInterpolation.InterpolationEntityForward interpolationEntityForward,
                                         String discountCurveName)
        Generate a forward curve using a given discount curve and payment offset.
        name - The name of this curve.
        referenceDate - The reference date for this code, i.e., the date which defines t=0.
        paymentOffsetCode - The maturity of the index modeled by this curve.
        interpolationEntityForward - Interpolation entity used for forward rate interpolation.
        discountCurveName - The name of a discount curve associated with this index (associated with it's funding or collateralization), if any.
      • ForwardCurveInterpolation

        public ForwardCurveInterpolation​(String name,
                                         LocalDate referenceDate,
                                         String paymentOffsetCode,
                                         String discountCurveName)
        Generate a forward curve using a given discount curve and payment offset.
        name - The name of this curve.
        referenceDate - The reference date for this code, i.e., the date which defines t=0.
        paymentOffsetCode - The maturity of the index modeled by this curve.
        discountCurveName - The name of a discount curve associated with this index (associated with it's funding or collateralization), if any.
      • ForwardCurveInterpolation

        public ForwardCurveInterpolation​(String name,
                                         double paymentOffset,
                                         ForwardCurveInterpolation.InterpolationEntityForward interpolationEntityForward,
                                         String discountCurveName)
        Generate a forward curve using a given discount curve and payment offset.
        name - The name of this curve.
        paymentOffset - The maturity of the underlying index modeled by this curve.
        interpolationEntityForward - Interpolation entity used for forward rate interpolation.
        discountCurveName - The name of a discount curve associated with this index (associated with it's funding or collateralization), if any.
    • Method Detail

      • createForwardCurveFromForwards

        public static ForwardCurveInterpolation createForwardCurveFromForwards​(String name,
                                                                               LocalDate referenceDate,
                                                                               String paymentOffsetCode,
                                                                               BusinessdayCalendar paymentBusinessdayCalendar,
                                                                               BusinessdayCalendar.DateRollConvention paymentDateRollConvention,
                                                                               CurveInterpolation.InterpolationMethod interpolationMethod,
                                                                               CurveInterpolation.ExtrapolationMethod extrapolationMethod,
                                                                               CurveInterpolation.InterpolationEntity interpolationEntity,
                                                                               ForwardCurveInterpolation.InterpolationEntityForward interpolationEntityForward,
                                                                               String discountCurveName,
                                                                               AnalyticModel model,
                                                                               double[] times,
                                                                               double[] givenForwards)
        Create a forward curve from given times and given forwards.
        name - The name of this curve.
        referenceDate - The reference date for this code, i.e., the date which defines t=0.
        paymentOffsetCode - The maturity of the index modeled by this curve.
        paymentBusinessdayCalendar - The business day calendar used for adjusting the payment date.
        paymentDateRollConvention - The date roll convention used for adjusting the payment date.
        interpolationMethod - The interpolation method used for the curve.
        extrapolationMethod - The extrapolation method used for the curve.
        interpolationEntity - The entity interpolated/extrapolated.
        interpolationEntityForward - Interpolation entity used for forward rate interpolation.
        discountCurveName - The name of a discount curve associated with this index (associated with it's funding or collateralization), if any.
        model - The model to be used to fetch the discount curve, if needed.
        times - A vector of given time points.
        givenForwards - A vector of given forwards (corresponding to the given time points).
        A new ForwardCurve object.
      • createForwardCurveFromForwards

        public static ForwardCurveInterpolation createForwardCurveFromForwards​(String name,
                                                                               Date referenceDate,
                                                                               String paymentOffsetCode,
                                                                               BusinessdayCalendar paymentBusinessdayCalendar,
                                                                               BusinessdayCalendar.DateRollConvention paymentDateRollConvention,
                                                                               CurveInterpolation.InterpolationMethod interpolationMethod,
                                                                               CurveInterpolation.ExtrapolationMethod extrapolationMethod,
                                                                               CurveInterpolation.InterpolationEntity interpolationEntity,
                                                                               ForwardCurveInterpolation.InterpolationEntityForward interpolationEntityForward,
                                                                               String discountCurveName,
                                                                               AnalyticModel model,
                                                                               double[] times,
                                                                               double[] givenForwards)
        Create a forward curve from given times and given forwards.
        name - The name of this curve.
        referenceDate - The reference date for this code, i.e., the date which defines t=0.
        paymentOffsetCode - The maturity of the index modeled by this curve.
        paymentBusinessdayCalendar - The business day calendar used for adjusting the payment date.
        paymentDateRollConvention - The date roll convention used for adjusting the payment date.
        interpolationMethod - The interpolation method used for the curve.
        extrapolationMethod - The extrapolation method used for the curve.
        interpolationEntity - The entity interpolated/extrapolated.
        interpolationEntityForward - Interpolation entity used for forward rate interpolation.
        discountCurveName - The name of a discount curve associated with this index (associated with it's funding or collateralization), if any.
        model - The model to be used to fetch the discount curve, if needed.
        times - A vector of given time points.
        givenForwards - A vector of given forwards (corresponding to the given time points).
        A new ForwardCurve object.
      • createForwardCurveFromForwards

        public static ForwardCurveInterpolation createForwardCurveFromForwards​(String name,
                                                                               LocalDate referenceDate,
                                                                               String paymentOffsetCode,
                                                                               String interpolationEntityForward,
                                                                               String discountCurveName,
                                                                               AnalyticModel model,
                                                                               double[] times,
                                                                               double[] givenForwards)
        Create a forward curve from given times and given forwards.
        name - The name of this curve.
        referenceDate - The reference date for this code, i.e., the date which defines t=0.
        paymentOffsetCode - The maturity of the index modeled by this curve.
        interpolationEntityForward - Interpolation entity used for forward rate interpolation.
        discountCurveName - The name of a discount curve associated with this index (associated with it's funding or collateralization), if any.
        model - The model to be used to fetch the discount curve, if needed.
        times - A vector of given time points.
        givenForwards - A vector of given forwards (corresponding to the given time points).
        A new ForwardCurve object.
      • createForwardCurveFromForwards

        public static ForwardCurveInterpolation createForwardCurveFromForwards​(String name,
                                                                               LocalDate referenceDate,
                                                                               String paymentOffsetCode,
                                                                               ForwardCurveInterpolation.InterpolationEntityForward interpolationEntityForward,
                                                                               String discountCurveName,
                                                                               AnalyticModel model,
                                                                               double[] times,
                                                                               double[] givenForwards)
        Create a forward curve from given times and given forwards.
        name - The name of this curve.
        referenceDate - The reference date for this code, i.e., the date which defines t=0.
        paymentOffsetCode - The maturity of the index modeled by this curve.
        interpolationEntityForward - Interpolation entity used for forward rate interpolation.
        discountCurveName - The name of a discount curve associated with this index (associated with it's funding or collateralization), if any.
        model - The model to be used to fetch the discount curve, if needed.
        times - A vector of given time points.
        givenForwards - A vector of given forwards (corresponding to the given time points).
        A new ForwardCurve object.
      • createForwardCurveFromForwards

        public static ForwardCurveInterpolation createForwardCurveFromForwards​(String name,
                                                                               double[] times,
                                                                               double[] givenForwards,
                                                                               double paymentOffset)
        Create a forward curve from given times and given forwards.
        name - The name of this curve.
        times - A vector of given time points.
        givenForwards - A vector of given forwards (corresponding to the given time points).
        paymentOffset - The maturity of the underlying index modeled by this curve.
        A new ForwardCurve object.
      • createForwardCurveFromDiscountFactors

        public static ForwardCurveInterpolation createForwardCurveFromDiscountFactors​(String name,
                                                                                      double[] times,
                                                                                      double[] givenDiscountFactors,
                                                                                      double paymentOffset)
        Create a forward curve from given times and discount factors. The forward curve will have times.length-1 fixing times from times[0] to times[times.length-2] where the forwards are calculated via forward[timeIndex] = (givenDiscountFactors[timeIndex]/givenDiscountFactors[timeIndex+1]-1.0) / (times[timeIndex+1] - times[timeIndex]); Note: If time[0] > 0, then the discount factor 1.0 will inserted at time 0.0
        name - The name of this curve.
        times - A vector of given time points.
        givenDiscountFactors - A vector of given discount factors (corresponding to the given time points).
        paymentOffset - The maturity of the underlying index modeled by this curve.
        A new ForwardCurve object.
      • createForwardCurveFromForwards

        public static ForwardCurveInterpolation createForwardCurveFromForwards​(String name,
                                                                               double[] times,
                                                                               double[] givenForwards,
                                                                               AnalyticModel model,
                                                                               String discountCurveName,
                                                                               double paymentOffset)
        Create a forward curve from given times and given forwards with respect to an associated discount curve and payment offset.
        name - The name of this curve.
        times - A vector of given time points.
        givenForwards - A vector of given forwards (corresponding to the given time points).
        model - An analytic model providing a context. The discount curve (if needed) is obtained from this model.
        discountCurveName - Name of the discount curve associated with this index (associated with it's funding or collateralization).
        paymentOffset - Time between fixing and payment.
        A new ForwardCurve object.
      • getForward

        public double getForward​(AnalyticModel model,
                                 double fixingTime)
        Description copied from interface: ForwardCurve
        Returns the forward for the corresponding fixing time.
        Specified by:
        getForward in interface ForwardCurve
        model - An analytic model providing a context. Some curves do not need this (can be null).
        fixingTime - The fixing time of the index associated with this forward curve.
        The forward.
      • getForward

        public double getForward​(AnalyticModel model,
                                 double fixingTime,
                                 double paymentOffset)
        Returns the forward for the corresponding fixing time. Note: This implementation currently ignores the provided paymentOffset. Instead it uses the payment offset calculate from the curve specification.
        Specified by:
        getForward in interface ForwardCurve
        model - An analytic model providing a context. Some curves do not need this (can be null).
        fixingTime - The fixing time of the index associated with this forward curve.
        paymentOffset - The payment offset (as internal day count fraction) specifying the payment of this index. Used only as a fallback and/or consistency check.
        The forward.