Interface CrossCurrencyTermStructureMonteCarloSimulationModel

    • Method Detail

      • getForwardRate

        RandomVariable getForwardRate​(String curve,
                                      double time,
                                      double periodStart,
                                      double periodEnd)
                               throws CalculationException
        Return the forward rate for a given simulation time and a given period start and period end.
        curve - The identifier specifying the curve or currency.
        time - Simulation time
        periodStart - Start time of period
        periodEnd - End time of period
        The forward rate as a random variable as seen on simulation time for the specified period.
        CalculationException - Thrown if the valuation fails, specific cause may be available via the cause() method.
      • getExchangeRate

        RandomVariable getExchangeRate​(String fromCurve,
                                       String toCurve,
                                       double time)
                                throws CalculationException
        Return the (cross curve or currency) exchange rate for a given simulation time.
        fromCurve - The identifier specifying the curve or currency for the denominator.
        toCurve - The identifier specifying the curve or currency for the numerator.
        time - Simulation time
        The (cross curve or currency) exchange rate for a given simulation time.
        CalculationException - Thrown if the valuation fails, specific cause may be available via the cause() method.
      • getNumeraire

        RandomVariable getNumeraire​(double time)
                             throws CalculationException
        Return the numeraire at a given time.
        time - Time at which the process should be observed
        The numeraire at the specified time as RandomVariableFromDoubleArray
        CalculationException - Thrown if the valuation fails, specific cause may be available via the cause() method.
      • getModel

        ProcessModel getModel()
        Returns the underlying model. The model specifies the measure, the initial value, the drift, the factor loadings (covariance model), etc.
        The underlying model
      • getProcess

        MonteCarloProcess getProcess()
        The implementation of the process