Interface MonteCarloSimulationModel

    • Method Detail

      • getNumberOfPaths

        int getNumberOfPaths()
        Returns the numberOfPaths.
        Returns the numberOfPaths.
      • getReferenceDate

        default LocalDateTime getReferenceDate()
        Returns the model's date corresponding to the time discretization's \( t = 0 \).
        The model's date corresponding to the time discretization's \( t = 0 \).
      • getTimeDiscretization

        TimeDiscretization getTimeDiscretization()
        Returns the timeDiscretizationFromArray.
        Returns the timeDiscretizationFromArray.
      • getTime

        double getTime​(int timeIndex)
        Returns the time for a given time index.
        timeIndex - Time index
        Returns the time for a given time index.
      • getTimeIndex

        int getTimeIndex​(double time)
        Returns the time index for a given time.
        time - The time.
        Returns the time index for a given time.
      • getRandomVariableForConstant

        RandomVariable getRandomVariableForConstant​(double value)
        Returns a random variable which is initialized to a constant, but has exactly the same number of paths or discretization points as the ones used by this MonteCarloSimulationModel.
        value - The constant value to be used for initialized the random variable.
        A new random variable.
      • getMonteCarloWeights

        RandomVariable getMonteCarloWeights​(int timeIndex)
                                     throws CalculationException
        This method returns the weights of a weighted Monte Carlo method (the probability density).
        timeIndex - Time index at which the process should be observed
        A vector of positive weights which sums up to one
        CalculationException - Thrown if the valuation fails, specific cause may be available via the cause() method.
      • getMonteCarloWeights

        RandomVariable getMonteCarloWeights​(double time)
                                     throws CalculationException
        This method returns the weights of a weighted Monte Carlo method (the probability density).
        time - Time at which the process should be observed
        A vector of positive weights which sums up to one
        CalculationException - Thrown if the valuation fails, specific cause may be available via the cause() method.
      • getCloneWithModifiedData

        MonteCarloSimulationModel getCloneWithModifiedData​(Map<String,​Object> dataModified)
                                                    throws CalculationException
        Create a clone of this simulation modifying some of its properties (if any). The properties that should be modified correspond to arguments of constructors. A constructor is then called with where all arguments that are not found in the key value map are being set to this objects values.
        dataModified - The data which should be changed in the new model. This is a key value may, where the key corresponds to the name of a property in one of the objects constructors.
        Returns a clone of this object, with some data modified (then it is no longer a clone :-)
        CalculationException - Thrown if the valuation fails, specific cause may be available via the cause() method.