Class MonteCarloMultiAssetBlackScholesModel

    • Constructor Detail

      • MonteCarloMultiAssetBlackScholesModel

        public MonteCarloMultiAssetBlackScholesModel​(RandomVariableFactory randomVariableFactory,
                                                     BrownianMotion brownianMotion,
                                                     double[] initialValues,
                                                     double riskFreeRate,
                                                     double[][] factorLoadings)
        Create a Monte-Carlo simulation using given time discretization.
        randomVariableFactory - The RandomVariableFactory used to construct model parameters as random variables.
        brownianMotion - The Brownian motion to be used for the numerical scheme.
        initialValues - Spot values.
        riskFreeRate - The risk free rate.
        factorLoadings - The matrix of factor loadings, where factorLoadings[underlyingIndex][factorIndex] is the coefficient of the Brownian driver factorIndex used for the underlying underlyingIndex.
      • MonteCarloMultiAssetBlackScholesModel

        public MonteCarloMultiAssetBlackScholesModel​(BrownianMotion brownianMotion,
                                                     double[] initialValues,
                                                     double riskFreeRate,
                                                     double[] volatilities,
                                                     double[][] correlations)
        Create a Monte-Carlo simulation using given time discretization.
        brownianMotion - The Brownian motion to be used for the numerical scheme.
        initialValues - Spot values.
        riskFreeRate - The risk free rate.
        volatilities - The log volatilities.
        correlations - A correlation matrix.
      • MonteCarloMultiAssetBlackScholesModel

        public MonteCarloMultiAssetBlackScholesModel​(TimeDiscretization timeDiscretization,
                                                     int numberOfPaths,
                                                     double[] initialValues,
                                                     double riskFreeRate,
                                                     double[] volatilities,
                                                     double[][] correlations)
        Create a Monte-Carlo simulation using given time discretization.
        timeDiscretization - The time discretization.
        numberOfPaths - The number of Monte-Carlo path to be used.
        initialValues - Spot values.
        riskFreeRate - The risk free rate.
        volatilities - The log volatilities.
        correlations - A correlation matrix.
      • MonteCarloMultiAssetBlackScholesModel

        public MonteCarloMultiAssetBlackScholesModel​(TimeDiscretization timeDiscretization,
                                                     int numberOfPaths,
                                                     int seed,
                                                     double[] initialValues,
                                                     double riskFreeRate,
                                                     double[] volatilities,
                                                     double[][] correlations)
        Create a Monte-Carlo simulation using given time discretization.
        timeDiscretization - The time discretization.
        numberOfPaths - The number of Monte-Carlo path to be used.
        seed - The seed to be used.
        initialValues - Spot values.
        riskFreeRate - The risk free rate.
        volatilities - The log volatilities.
        correlations - A correlation matrix.
    • Method Detail

      • getInitialState

        public RandomVariable[] getInitialState​(MonteCarloProcess process)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessModel
        Returns the initial value of the state variable of the process Y, not to be confused with the initial value of the model X (which is the state space transform applied to this state value.
        Specified by:
        getInitialState in interface ProcessModel
        process - The discretization process generating this model. The process provides call backs for TimeDiscretization and allows calls to getProcessValue for timeIndices less or equal the given one.
        The initial value of the state variable of the process Y(t=0).
      • getDrift

        public RandomVariable[] getDrift​(MonteCarloProcess process,
                                         int timeIndex,
                                         RandomVariable[] realizationAtTimeIndex,
                                         RandomVariable[] realizationPredictor)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessModel
        This method has to be implemented to return the drift, i.e. the coefficient vector
        μ = (μ1, ..., μn) such that X = f(Y) and
        dYj = μj dt + λ1,j dW1 + ... + λm,j dWm
        in an m-factor model. Here j denotes index of the component of the resulting process. Since the model is provided only on a time discretization, the method may also (should try to) return the drift as \( \frac{1}{t_{i+1}-t_{i}} \int_{t_{i}}^{t_{i+1}} \mu(\tau) \mathrm{d}\tau \).
        Specified by:
        getDrift in interface ProcessModel
        process - The discretization process generating this model. The process provides call backs for TimeDiscretization and allows calls to getProcessValue for timeIndices less or equal the given one.
        timeIndex - The time index (related to the model times discretization).
        realizationAtTimeIndex - The given realization at timeIndex
        realizationPredictor - The given realization at timeIndex+1 or null if no predictor is available.
        The drift or average drift from timeIndex to timeIndex+1, i.e. \( \frac{1}{t_{i+1}-t_{i}} \int_{t_{i}}^{t_{i+1}} \mu(\tau) \mathrm{d}\tau \) (or a suitable approximation).
      • getFactorLoading

        public RandomVariable[] getFactorLoading​(MonteCarloProcess process,
                                                 int timeIndex,
                                                 int component,
                                                 RandomVariable[] realizationAtTimeIndex)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessModel
        This method has to be implemented to return the factor loadings, i.e. the coefficient vector
        λj = (λ1,j, ..., λm,j) such that X = f(Y) and
        dYj = μj dt + λ1,j dW1 + ... + λm,j dWm
        in an m-factor model. Here j denotes index of the component of the resulting process.
        Specified by:
        getFactorLoading in interface ProcessModel
        process - The discretization process generating this model. The process provides call backs for TimeDiscretization and allows calls to getProcessValue for timeIndices less or equal the given one.
        timeIndex - The time index (related to the model times discretization).
        component - The index j of the driven component.
        realizationAtTimeIndex - The realization of X at the time corresponding to timeIndex (in order to implement local and stochastic volatlity models).
        The factor loading for given factor and component.
      • applyStateSpaceTransform

        public RandomVariable applyStateSpaceTransform​(MonteCarloProcess process,
                                                       int timeIndex,
                                                       int componentIndex,
                                                       RandomVariable randomVariable)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessModel
        Applies the state space transform fi to the given state random variable such that Yi → fi(Yi) =: Xi.
        Specified by:
        applyStateSpaceTransform in interface ProcessModel
        process - The discretization process generating this model. The process provides call backs for TimeDiscretization and allows calls to getProcessValue for timeIndices less or equal the given one.
        timeIndex - The time index (related to the model times discretization).
        componentIndex - The component index i.
        randomVariable - The state random variable Yi.
        New random variable holding the result of the state space transformation.
      • applyStateSpaceTransformInverse

        public RandomVariable applyStateSpaceTransformInverse​(MonteCarloProcess process,
                                                              int timeIndex,
                                                              int componentIndex,
                                                              RandomVariable randomVariable)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessModel
        Applies the inverse state space transform f-1i to the given random variable such that Xi → f-1i(Xi) =: Yi.
        Specified by:
        applyStateSpaceTransformInverse in interface ProcessModel
        process - The discretization process generating this model. The process provides call backs for TimeDiscretization and allows calls to getProcessValue for timeIndices less or equal the given one.
        timeIndex - The time index (related to the model times discretization).
        componentIndex - The component index i.
        randomVariable - The state random variable Xi.
        New random variable holding the result of the state space transformation.
      • getNumeraire

        public RandomVariable getNumeraire​(MonteCarloProcess process,
                                           double time)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessModel
        Return the numeraire at a given time index. Note: The random variable returned is a defensive copy and may be modified.
        Specified by:
        getNumeraire in interface ProcessModel
        process - The discretization process generating this model. The process provides call backs for TimeDiscretization and allows calls to getProcessValue for timeIndices less or equal the given one.
        time - The time t for which the numeraire N(t) should be returned.
        The numeraire at the specified time as RandomVariable
      • getNumberOfComponents

        public int getNumberOfComponents()
        Description copied from interface: ProcessModel
        Returns the number of components
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfComponents in interface ProcessModel
        The number of components
      • getRiskFreeRate

        public double getRiskFreeRate()
        Returns the risk free rate parameter of this model.
        Returns the riskFreeRate.
      • getFactorLoadings

        public double[][] getFactorLoadings()
        Returns the factorLoadings parameters of this model.
        Returns the factorLoadings.
      • getVolatilities

        public double[] getVolatilities()
        Returns the volatility parameters of this model.
        Returns the volatilities.
      • getCorrelations

        public double[][] getCorrelations()
        Returns the volatility parameters of this model.
        Returns the volatilities.
      • getTime

        public double getTime​(int timeIndex)
        Description copied from interface: MonteCarloSimulationModel
        Returns the time for a given time index.
        Specified by:
        getTime in interface MonteCarloSimulationModel
        timeIndex - Time index
        Returns the time for a given time index.
      • getNumberOfFactors

        public int getNumberOfFactors()
        Description copied from interface: ProcessModel
        Returns the number of factors m, i.e., the number of independent Brownian drivers.
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfFactors in interface ProcessModel
        The number of factors.