Class LIBORVolatilityModelTwoParameterExponentialForm

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class LIBORVolatilityModelTwoParameterExponentialForm
    extends LIBORVolatilityModel
    Implements the volatility model σi(tj) = a * exp(-b (Ti-tj))
    Christian Fries
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • LIBORVolatilityModelTwoParameterExponentialForm

        public LIBORVolatilityModelTwoParameterExponentialForm​(RandomVariableFactory abstractRandomVariableFactory,
                                                               TimeDiscretization timeDiscretization,
                                                               TimeDiscretization liborPeriodDiscretization,
                                                               RandomVariable a,
                                                               RandomVariable b,
                                                               boolean isCalibrateable)
        Creates the volatility model σi(tj) = a * exp(-b (Ti-tj))
        abstractRandomVariableFactory - The random variable factor used to construct random variables from the parameters.
        timeDiscretization - The simulation time discretization tj.
        liborPeriodDiscretization - The period time discretization Ti.
        a - The parameter a: an initial volatility level.
        b - The parameter b: exponential decay of the volatility.
        isCalibrateable - Set this to true, if the parameters are available for calibration.
      • LIBORVolatilityModelTwoParameterExponentialForm

        public LIBORVolatilityModelTwoParameterExponentialForm​(RandomVariableFactory abstractRandomVariableFactory,
                                                               TimeDiscretization timeDiscretization,
                                                               TimeDiscretization liborPeriodDiscretization,
                                                               double a,
                                                               double b,
                                                               boolean isCalibrateable)
        Creates the volatility model σi(tj) = a * exp(-b (Ti-tj))
        abstractRandomVariableFactory - The random variable factor used to construct random variables from the parameters.
        timeDiscretization - The simulation time discretization tj.
        liborPeriodDiscretization - The period time discretization Ti.
        a - The parameter a: an initial volatility level.
        b - The parameter b: exponential decay of the volatility.
        isCalibrateable - Set this to true, if the parameters are available for calibration.
      • LIBORVolatilityModelTwoParameterExponentialForm

        public LIBORVolatilityModelTwoParameterExponentialForm​(TimeDiscretization timeDiscretization,
                                                               TimeDiscretization liborPeriodDiscretization,
                                                               double a,
                                                               double b)
        Creates the volatility model σi(tj) = a * exp(-b (Ti-tj))
        timeDiscretization - The simulation time discretization tj.
        liborPeriodDiscretization - The period time discretization Ti.
        a - The parameter a: an initial volatility level.
        b - The parameter b: exponential decay of the volatility.
    • Method Detail

      • getVolatility

        public RandomVariable getVolatility​(int timeIndex,
                                            int liborIndex)
        Description copied from class: LIBORVolatilityModel
        Implement this method to complete the implementation.
        Specified by:
        getVolatility in class LIBORVolatilityModel
        timeIndex - The time index (for timeDiscretizationFromArray)
        liborIndex - The libor index (for liborPeriodDiscretization)
        A random variable (e.g. as a vector of doubles) representing the volatility for each path.
      • getCloneWithModifiedData

        public LIBORVolatilityModel getCloneWithModifiedData​(Map<String,​Object> dataModified)
        Description copied from class: LIBORVolatilityModel
        Returns a clone of this model where the specified properties have been modified. Note that there is no guarantee that a model reacts on a specification of a properties in the parameter map dataModified. If data is provided which is ignored by the model no exception may be thrown. Furthermore the structure of the correlation model has to match changed data. A change of the time discretizations may requires a change in the parameters but this function will just insert the new time discretization without changing the parameters. An exception may not be thrown.
        Specified by:
        getCloneWithModifiedData in class LIBORVolatilityModel
        dataModified - Key-value-map of parameters to modify.
        A clone of this model (or a new instance of this model if no parameter was modified).