Interface LIBORModel

    • Method Detail

      • getLiborPeriodDiscretization

        TimeDiscretization getLiborPeriodDiscretization()
        The tenor time discretization of the forward rate curve.
        The tenor time discretization of the forward rate curve.
      • getNumberOfLibors

        int getNumberOfLibors()
        Get the number of LIBORs in the LIBOR discretization.
        The number of LIBORs in the LIBOR discretization
      • getLiborPeriod

        double getLiborPeriod​(int timeIndex)
        The period start corresponding to a given forward rate discretization index.
        timeIndex - The index corresponding to a given time (interpretation is start of period)
        The period start corresponding to a given forward rate discretization index.
      • getLiborPeriodIndex

        int getLiborPeriodIndex​(double time)
        Same as java.util.Arrays.binarySearch(liborPeriodDiscretization,time). Will return a negative value if the time is not found, but then -index-1 corresponds to the index of the smallest time greater than the given one.
        time - The period start.
        The index corresponding to a given time (interpretation is start of period)