Class Job

    • Constructor Detail

      • Job

        public Job​(Shop shop)
    • Method Detail

      • setArriveTime

        public void setArriveTime​(double fl)
      • setJobType

        public void setJobType​(int job)
      • getJobType

        public int getJobType()
      • setTaskNumber

        public void setTaskNumber​(int tn)
      • setCurrMachine

        public void setCurrMachine​(WorkStation currMachine)
      • notifyNextMachine

        public void notifyNextMachine()
        Notify next machine of future arrival. This mehod is called whenever an operation is started. This method assumes isFinished to be set to the correct value before this method is called.
      • getMyFuture

        public Job getMyFuture()
        Returns a clone of this Job switched to the next operation.
        The future clone of this job.
      • isLastOperation

        public boolean isLastOperation()
      • setDueDate

        public void setDueDate​(double dueDate)
      • setWeight

        public void setWeight​(double weight)
      • getFuture

        public Job getFuture()
      • setFuture

        public void setFuture​(Job future)
      • setRelDate

        public void setRelDate​(double relDate)
      • setJobNum

        public void setJobNum​(int jobNum)
      • setFinishTime

        public void setFinishTime​(double finishTime)
        Sets the completion time of the current operation. This is called by a machine whenever processing starts.
        finishTime - The finish time of the current Operation.
      • getFinishTime

        public double getFinishTime()
      • getStartTime

        public double getStartTime()
      • setStartTime

        public void setStartTime​(double startTime)
        Sets the start time of the current operation. This is used internally and called by a machine whenever processing starts.
        startTime - The start time of the current operation.
      • setOpDueDates

        public void setOpDueDates​(double[] opDueDates)
      • getOpDueDates

        public double[] getOpDueDates()
      • setOps

        public void setOps​(Operation[] ops)
      • computeDueDatesTWC

        public static double[] computeDueDatesTWC​(Job j,
                                                  double ff)
        Computes operational due dates based on the total work content method, /* i.e., proportional to an operation's processing time.
        j - The job for which to compute operation due dates.
        ff - The due date factor to use.
        An array containing operation due dates for each operation of j.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
      • getRoute

        public Route getRoute()
        The route this object is following (might be null).
      • setRoute

        public void setRoute​(Route route)
        Sets the Route this object is following. This might be null, as not every job has to be created using a Route (e.g. in a dynamic job shop where each Job has its unique rule).
        route - The route this Job is following.
      • valueStoreImpl

        public ValueStore valueStoreImpl()
        Description copied from interface: ValueStore
        Returns the implementation to use for adding ValueStore functionality.
        Specified by:
        valueStoreImpl in interface ValueStore