• All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable

    public class BATCS
    extends ATCS
    This class implements a version of the Batch ATC with Setups rule by Mason et al. (2002). The implementation is an analogous batch extension of the ATCS rule by Lee and Pinedo (1997). Variant1 is another BATCS implementation motivated by a paper by Mehta and Uzsoy (1998). The main difference lies within the calculation of the slack of a batch, where the Variant1 takes into account all jobs in the batch instead of only the most urgent one.

    BATCS is supposed to be applied together with BestOfFamilyBatching to choose among batches of different families.

    Christoph Pickardt, 2011-11-14
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • BATCS

        public BATCS​(double k1,
                     double k2)
    • Method Detail

      • calcPrio

        public double calcPrio​(PrioRuleTarget prt)
        Description copied from class: PR
        Returns the priority value of entry. This method has to be overwritten by a priority rule.
        calcPrio in class ATCS