Class ATCS

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    BATCS, BATCS.Variant1

    public class ATCS
    extends PR

    This class implements the Apparent Tardiness Costs with Setups rule, developed by Lee and Pinedo (1997). This implementation uses an operation due date computed by ODD instead of the global slack.

    The class directly inherits from MaxWaitThresholdRule and the threshold value is also used to calculate queue terminals that only consider jobs which arrive before that the threshold value.

    Christoph Pickardt, 2011-11-15, Torsten Hildebrandt
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • setupMatrix

        protected double[][] setupMatrix
      • slackNorm

        protected double slackNorm
      • setupNorm

        protected double setupNorm
    • Constructor Detail

      • ATCS

        public ATCS()
      • ATCS

        public ATCS​(double k1,
                    double k2)
    • Method Detail

      • beforeCalc

        public void beforeCalc​(PriorityQueue<?> q)
        Update procAvg and setupAvg before inherited method is called which in turn calls calcPrio(job).
        beforeCalc in class PR
        q - The current queue.
      • calcPrio

        public double calcPrio​(PrioRuleTarget job)
        Description copied from class: PR
        Returns the priority value of entry. This method has to be overwritten by a priority rule.
        Specified by:
        calcPrio in class PR
      • getK1

        public double getK1()
      • setK1

        public void setK1​(double k1)
      • getK2

        public double getK2()
      • setK2

        public void setK2​(double k2)