
Interface Summary
DisposableDataSource This is a simple data source with one more method Disposable.dispose() to clean up any resources associated with this data source.
Entity A specific extension of RawEntity providing the Entity.getID() method.
EntityManagerConfiguration This represents a configuration for entity manager creation.
EntityProxyAccessor Allows access to the underlying EntityProxy instance for an entity object
PolymorphicTypeMapper Represents a strategy for bi-directional mapping between entity types and their corresponding polymorphic type flag value (if any).
RawEntity<T> The superinterface for all entities, regardless of primary key.
RelatedEntity<T extends RelatedEntity<T> & RawEntity<?>> A superinterface for entities which are related to each other using Lucene heuristics.
SchemaConfiguration This interface represents the configuration to be used when Active Objects works with database schemas.
ValueGenerator<T> A super-interface designed to allow auto-generated values to be inserted into database fields on INSERT.

Class Summary
AnnotationDelegate WARNING: Not part of the public API.
Common WARNING: Not part of the public API.
DatabaseProvider The superclass parent of all DatabaseProvider implementations.
DBParam Class designed to encapsulate a single field/value parameter to be passed to EntityManager.create(Class, DBParam...).
DefaultPolymorphicTypeMapper Boiler-plate implementation of PolymorphicTypeMapper which requires all mappings to be manually specified.
DefaultSchemaConfiguration Default implementation of SchemaConfiguration that doesn't have any constraints regarding the database schema.
EntityManager The root control class for the entire ActiveObjects API.
EntityProxy<T extends RawEntity<K>,K>  
SearchableEntityManager Required to manage entities with enabled full-text searching.
Transaction<T> Allows for the syntactically simple use of database transactions within the ActiveObjects API.

Enum Summary
DatabaseFunction An enum containing database agnostic representations of common functions.

Exception Summary
ActiveObjectsException This is a generic Active Objects exception.

Annotation Types Summary
Accessor Used to mark a particular field as an accessor.
Generator Marks a specific method (and thus, database field) to contain a generated value on INSERT.
Implementation Used to specify a defined implementation for an entity.
ManyToMany Marks a method as relevant only to a many-to-many relation.
Mutator Marks a specific method as a mutator of a database field.
OneToMany Marks a method as relevant only to a one-to-many relation.
OneToOne Marks a method as relevant only to a one-to-one relation.
Polymorphic Tags a given entity type as polymorphically abstract.
Preload Specifies a list of fields which should be appended to the SELECT clause every time a row of the type in question is retrieved.
Searchable Used to tag methods as being full-text searchable within a Lucene index.
Transient Marks a method such that its field should not be stored within the value cache.

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