
package data

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. data
  2. ImageDataDefs
  3. ImageHashDefs
  4. PermissionsDefs
  5. SnowflakeDefs
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package base

Type Members

  1. class AllowedMentions extends DiscordObject
  2. class Application extends DiscordObject

    A Discord application

  3. type ApplicationId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[Application]
    Definition Classes
  4. class ApplicationRoleConnection extends DiscordObject

    The role connection object that an application has attached to a user.

  5. class ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata extends DiscordObject
  6. class Attachment extends DiscordObject
  7. class AuditLog extends DiscordObject
  8. class AutoModerationRule extends DiscordObject
  9. class Ban extends DiscordObject
  10. sealed trait Channel extends DiscordObject
  11. type ChannelId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[Channel]
    Definition Classes
  12. sealed trait Component extends DiscordObject
  13. class Connection extends DiscordObject

    The connection object that the user has attached.

  14. class DMChannel extends DiscordObject with TextChannel
  15. type DMChannelId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[DMChannel]
    Definition Classes
  16. class Embed extends DiscordObject
  17. class Emoji extends DiscordObject

    A custom emoji

  18. type EmojiId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[Emoji]
    Definition Classes
  19. class Entitlement extends DiscordObject
  20. class FollowedChannel extends DiscordObject
  21. class ForumChannel extends DiscordObject with GuildChannel
  22. type ForumChannelId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[ForumChannel]
    Definition Classes
  23. class GroupDMChannel extends DiscordObject with TextChannel
  24. type GroupDMChannelId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[GroupDMChannel]
    Definition Classes
  25. class Guild extends DiscordObject

    Guilds in Discord represent an isolated collection of users and channels, and are often referred to as "servers" in the UI.

  26. class GuildCategory extends DiscordObject with GuildChannel
  27. type GuildCategoryId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[GuildCategory]
    Definition Classes
  28. sealed trait GuildChannel extends DiscordObject with Channel
  29. type GuildChannelId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[GuildChannel]
    Definition Classes
  30. type GuildId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[Guild]
    Definition Classes
  31. class GuildMember extends DiscordObject
  32. class GuildOnboarding extends DiscordObject
  33. class GuildPreview extends DiscordObject
  34. class GuildScheduledEvent extends DiscordObject

    A scheduled event for a guild

  35. type GuildScheduledEventId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[GuildScheduledEvent]
    Definition Classes
  36. class GuildWidget extends DiscordObject
  37. class GuildWidgetSettings extends DiscordObject
  38. type ImageData = data.ImageDataDefs.OpaqueType
    Definition Classes
  39. trait ImageDataDefs extends AnyRef
  40. sealed trait ImageFormat extends AnyRef
  41. type ImageHash = data.ImageHashDefs.OpaqueType
    Definition Classes
  42. trait ImageHashDefs extends AnyRef
  43. sealed trait IntOrString extends AnyRef
  44. class Integration extends DiscordObject
  45. class Invite extends DiscordObject

    Represents a code that when used, adds a user to a guild or group DM channel.

  46. class InviteMetadata extends DiscordObject

    Extra information about an invite, will extend the invite object.

  47. sealed trait JsonOption[+A] extends AnyRef
  48. case class JsonSome[+A](value: A) extends JsonOption[A] with Product with Serializable
  49. case class JsonUndefined(missingField: Option[String] = None, missingObj: AnyRef = null) extends JsonOption[Nothing] with Product with Serializable
  50. class Message extends DiscordObject

    Represents a message sent in a channel within Discord.

  51. sealed trait MessageAuthor extends DiscordObject
  52. type MessageId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[Message]
    Definition Classes
  53. class MessageReference extends DiscordObject
  54. type MissingFieldException = data.base.MissingFieldException
  55. class NormalVoiceGuildChannel extends DiscordObject with TextGuildChannel
  56. type NormalVoiceGuildChannelId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[NormalVoiceGuildChannel]
    Definition Classes
  57. sealed case class OAuth2Scope extends DiscordEnum[String] with Product with Serializable
  58. case class OutgoingEmbed(title: Option[String] = None, description: Option[String] = None, url: Option[String] = None, timestamp: Option[OffsetDateTime] = None, color: Option[Int] = None, footer: Option[OutgoingEmbedFooter] = None, image: Option[OutgoingEmbedImage] = None, video: Option[OutgoingEmbedVideo] = None, thumbnail: Option[OutgoingEmbedThumbnail] = None, author: Option[OutgoingEmbedAuthor] = None, fields: Seq[EmbedField] = Seq.empty) extends Product with Serializable

    An outgoing embed.

    An outgoing embed.


    The title of the embed.


    The embed description or main text.


    The url of the embed.


    The timestamp of the embed.


    The color of the embed


    The footer part of the embed.


    The image part of the embed.


    The thumbnail part of the embed.


    The author part of the embed.


    The fields of the embed.

  59. case class OutgoingEmbedAuthor(name: String, url: Option[String] = None, iconUrl: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    The author part of an outgoing embed

    The author part of an outgoing embed


    The name of the author


    The url to link when clicking on the author


    The icon to show besides the author.

  60. case class OutgoingEmbedFooter(text: String, iconUrl: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    The footer part of an outgoing embed.

    The footer part of an outgoing embed.


    The text of the footer


    The icon url of the footer.

  61. case class OutgoingEmbedImage(url: String) extends Product with Serializable

    The image part of an outgoing embed.

    The image part of an outgoing embed.


    The url to the image.

  62. case class OutgoingEmbedThumbnail(url: String) extends Product with Serializable

    The thumbnail part of an outgoing embed.

    The thumbnail part of an outgoing embed.


    The url to the thumbnail.

  63. case class OutgoingEmbedVideo(url: String) extends Product with Serializable

    The video part of an outgoing embed.

    The video part of an outgoing embed.


    The url to the video.

  64. type Permissions = data.Permissions.Permissions

    A permission to do some action.

    A permission to do some action. In AckCord this is represented as a value class around int.

    Definition Classes
  65. trait PermissionsDefs extends AnyRef
  66. class RawChannel extends DiscordObject with Channel

    Represents a guild or DM channel within Discord.

  67. type RawSnowflake = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[Any]
    Definition Classes
  68. class Reaction extends DiscordObject
  69. class Role extends DiscordObject with UserOrRole

    Roles represent a set of permissions attached to a group of users.

    Roles represent a set of permissions attached to a group of users. Roles have names, colors, and can be "pinned" to the side bar, causing their members to be listed separately. Roles can have separate permission profiles for the global context (guild) and channel context. The @everyone role has the same ID as the guild it belongs to.

  70. type RoleId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[Role]
    Definition Classes
  71. class SKU extends DiscordObject

    SKUs (stock-keeping units) in Discord represent premium offerings that can be made available to your application's users or guilds.

  72. type Snowflake[+A] = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[A]
    Definition Classes
  73. trait SnowflakeCompanion[Type] extends AnyRef
  74. trait SnowflakeDefs extends AnyRef
  75. class StageChannel extends DiscordObject with VoiceGuildChannel
  76. type StageChannelId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[StageChannel]
    Definition Classes
  77. class StageInstance extends DiscordObject
  78. sealed case class Status extends DiscordEnum[String] with Product with Serializable
  79. class Sticker extends DiscordObject

    Represents a sticker that can be sent in messages.

  80. sealed trait TextChannel extends DiscordObject with Channel
  81. type TextChannelId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[TextChannel]
    Definition Classes
  82. sealed trait TextGuildChannel extends DiscordObject with GuildChannel with TextChannel
  83. type TextGuildChannelId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[TextGuildChannel]
    Definition Classes
  84. class ThreadChannel extends DiscordObject with TextChannel
  85. type ThreadChannelId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[ThreadChannel]
    Definition Classes
  86. class TopLevelTextGuildChannel extends DiscordObject with TextGuildChannel
  87. type TopLevelTextGuildChannelId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[TopLevelTextGuildChannel]
    Definition Classes
  88. class UnavailableGuild extends DiscordObject

    A partial guild object.

    A partial guild object. Represents an Offline Guild, or a Guild whose information has not been provided through Guild Create events during the Gateway connect.

  89. sealed trait UndefOr[+A] extends AnyRef
  90. case class UndefOrSome[A](value: A) extends UndefOr[A] with Product with Serializable
  91. case class UndefOrUndefined(missingField: Option[String] = None, missingObj: AnyRef = null) extends UndefOr[Nothing] with Product with Serializable
  92. class User extends DiscordObject with UserOrRole with MessageAuthor

    Users in Discord are generally considered the base entity.

    Users in Discord are generally considered the base entity. Users can spawn across the entire platform, be members of guilds, participate in text and voice chat, and much more. Users are separated by a distinction of "bot" vs "normal." Although they are similar, bot users are automated users that are "owned" by another user. Unlike normal users, bot users do not have a limitation on the number of Guilds they can be a part of.

  93. type UserId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[User]
    Definition Classes
  94. sealed trait UserOrRole extends AnyRef
  95. type UserOrRoleId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[UserOrRole]
    Definition Classes
  96. sealed trait VoiceGuildChannel extends DiscordObject with GuildChannel
  97. type VoiceGuildChannelId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[VoiceGuildChannel]
    Definition Classes
  98. class VoiceRegion extends DiscordObject
  99. class VoiceState extends DiscordObject

    Used to represent a user's voice connection status.

  100. class Webhook extends DiscordObject

    Webhooks are a low-effort way to post messages to channels in Discord.

    Webhooks are a low-effort way to post messages to channels in Discord. They do not require a bot user or authentication to use.

  101. class WebhookAuthor extends DiscordObject with MessageAuthor
  102. type WebhookId = data.Snowflake.Snowflake[Webhook]
    Definition Classes
  103. class WelcomeScreen extends DiscordObject

Value Members

  1. val ImageData: ImageDataDefs.type
    Definition Classes
  2. val MissingFieldException: data.base.MissingFieldException.type
  3. object AckCordInfo
  4. object AllowedMentions extends DiscordObjectCompanion[AllowedMentions]
  5. object Application extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Application]
  6. object ApplicationRoleConnection extends DiscordObjectCompanion[ApplicationRoleConnection]
  7. object ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata extends DiscordObjectCompanion[ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata]
  8. object Attachment extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Attachment]
  9. object AuditLog extends DiscordObjectCompanion[AuditLog]
  10. object AutoModerationRule extends DiscordObjectCompanion[AutoModerationRule]
  11. object Ban extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Ban]
  12. object Channel extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Channel]
  13. object Component extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Component]
  14. object Connection extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Connection]
  15. object DMChannel extends DiscordObjectCompanion[DMChannel]
  16. object Embed extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Embed]
  17. object Emoji extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Emoji]
  18. object Entitlement extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Entitlement]
  19. object FollowedChannel extends DiscordObjectCompanion[FollowedChannel]
  20. object ForumChannel extends DiscordObjectCompanion[ForumChannel]
  21. object GroupDMChannel extends DiscordObjectCompanion[GroupDMChannel]
  22. object Guild extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Guild]
  23. object GuildCategory extends DiscordObjectCompanion[GuildCategory]
  24. object GuildChannel extends DiscordObjectCompanion[GuildChannel]
  25. object GuildMember extends DiscordObjectCompanion[GuildMember]
  26. object GuildOnboarding extends DiscordObjectCompanion[GuildOnboarding]
  27. object GuildPreview extends DiscordObjectCompanion[GuildPreview]
  28. object GuildScheduledEvent extends DiscordObjectCompanion[GuildScheduledEvent]
  29. object GuildWidget extends DiscordObjectCompanion[GuildWidget]
  30. object GuildWidgetSettings extends DiscordObjectCompanion[GuildWidgetSettings]
  31. object ImageDataDefs extends DiscordOpaqueCompanion[String]
  32. object ImageFormat
  33. object ImageHashDefs extends DiscordOpaqueCompanion[String]
  34. object IntOrString
  35. object Integration extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Integration]
  36. object Invite extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Invite]
  37. object InviteMetadata extends DiscordObjectCompanion[InviteMetadata]
  38. case object JsonNull extends JsonOption[Nothing] with Product with Serializable
  39. object JsonOption
  40. object Message extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Message]
  41. object MessageAuthor extends DiscordObjectCompanion[MessageAuthor]
  42. object MessageReference extends DiscordObjectCompanion[MessageReference]
  43. object NormalVoiceGuildChannel extends DiscordObjectCompanion[NormalVoiceGuildChannel]
  44. object OAuth2Scope extends DiscordEnumCompanion[String, OAuth2Scope] with Serializable
  45. object OutgoingEmbed extends Serializable
  46. object OutgoingEmbedAuthor extends Serializable
  47. object OutgoingEmbedFooter extends Serializable
  48. object OutgoingEmbedImage extends Serializable
  49. object OutgoingEmbedThumbnail extends Serializable
  50. object OutgoingEmbedVideo extends Serializable
  51. object Permissions
  52. object RawChannel extends DiscordObjectCompanion[RawChannel]
  53. object Reaction extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Reaction]
  54. object Role extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Role]
  55. object SKU extends DiscordObjectCompanion[SKU]
  56. object Snowflake
  57. object ApplicationId extends SnowflakeCompanion[Application]
    Definition Classes
  58. object ChannelId extends SnowflakeCompanion[Channel]
    Definition Classes
  59. object DMChannelId extends SnowflakeCompanion[DMChannel]
    Definition Classes
  60. object EmojiId extends SnowflakeCompanion[Emoji]
    Definition Classes
  61. object ForumChannelId extends SnowflakeCompanion[ForumChannel]
    Definition Classes
  62. object GroupDMChannelId extends SnowflakeCompanion[GroupDMChannel]
    Definition Classes
  63. object GuildCategoryId extends SnowflakeCompanion[GuildCategory]
    Definition Classes
  64. object GuildChannelId extends SnowflakeCompanion[GuildChannel]
    Definition Classes
  65. object GuildId extends SnowflakeCompanion[Guild]
    Definition Classes
  66. object GuildScheduledEventId extends SnowflakeCompanion[GuildScheduledEvent]
    Definition Classes
  67. object MessageId extends SnowflakeCompanion[Message]
    Definition Classes
  68. object NormalVoiceGuildChannelId extends SnowflakeCompanion[NormalVoiceGuildChannel]
    Definition Classes
  69. object RawSnowflake extends SnowflakeCompanion[Any]
    Definition Classes
  70. object RoleId extends SnowflakeCompanion[Role]
    Definition Classes
  71. object StageChannelId extends SnowflakeCompanion[StageChannel]
    Definition Classes
  72. object TextChannelId extends SnowflakeCompanion[TextChannel]
    Definition Classes
  73. object TextGuildChannelId extends SnowflakeCompanion[TextGuildChannel]
    Definition Classes
  74. object ThreadChannelId extends SnowflakeCompanion[ThreadChannel]
    Definition Classes
  75. object TopLevelTextGuildChannelId extends SnowflakeCompanion[TopLevelTextGuildChannel]
    Definition Classes
  76. object UserId extends SnowflakeCompanion[User]
    Definition Classes
  77. object UserOrRoleId extends SnowflakeCompanion[UserOrRole]
    Definition Classes
  78. object VoiceGuildChannelId extends SnowflakeCompanion[VoiceGuildChannel]
    Definition Classes
  79. object WebhookId extends SnowflakeCompanion[Webhook]
    Definition Classes
  80. object StageChannel extends DiscordObjectCompanion[StageChannel]
  81. object StageInstance extends DiscordObjectCompanion[StageInstance]
  82. object Status extends DiscordEnumCompanion[String, Status] with Serializable
  83. object Sticker extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Sticker]
  84. object TextChannel extends DiscordObjectCompanion[TextChannel]
  85. object TextGuildChannel extends DiscordObjectCompanion[TextGuildChannel]
  86. object ThreadChannel extends DiscordObjectCompanion[ThreadChannel]
  87. object TopLevelTextGuildChannel extends DiscordObjectCompanion[TopLevelTextGuildChannel]
  88. object UnavailableGuild extends DiscordObjectCompanion[UnavailableGuild]
  89. object UndefOr
  90. object User extends DiscordObjectCompanion[User]
  91. object Verifier
  92. object VoiceGuildChannel extends DiscordObjectCompanion[VoiceGuildChannel]
  93. object VoiceRegion extends DiscordObjectCompanion[VoiceRegion]
  94. object VoiceState extends DiscordObjectCompanion[VoiceState]
  95. object Webhook extends DiscordObjectCompanion[Webhook]
  96. object WebhookAuthor extends DiscordObjectCompanion[WebhookAuthor]
  97. object WelcomeScreen extends DiscordObjectCompanion[WelcomeScreen]

Inherited from ImageDataDefs

Inherited from ImageHashDefs

Inherited from PermissionsDefs

Inherited from SnowflakeDefs

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
