



package requests

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. requests
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class AddGuildMember(guildId: GuildId, userId: UserId, params: AddGuildMemberData) extends GuildMemberRequest[AddGuildMemberData] with Product with Serializable

    Adds a user to a guild.

    Adds a user to a guild. Requires the guilds.join OAuth2 scope.

  2. case class AddGuildMemberData(accessToken: String, nick: Option[String] = None, roles: Option[Seq[RoleId]] = None, mute: Option[Boolean] = None, deaf: Option[Boolean] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    The OAuth2 access token.


    The nickname to give to the user.


    The roles to give to the user.


    If the user should be muted.


    If the user should be deafened.

  3. case class AddGuildMemberRole(guildId: GuildId, userId: UserId, roleId: RoleId) extends NoParamsResponseRequest with Product with Serializable

    Add a role to a guild member.

  4. case class AddPinnedChannelMessages(channelId: ChannelId, messageId: MessageId) extends NoParamsResponseRequest with Product with Serializable

    Add a new pinned message to a channel.

  5. trait BaseRESTRequest[RawResponse, NiceResponse] extends Request[RawResponse]

    Base trait for all REST requests in AckCord.

    Base trait for all REST requests in AckCord. If you feel an endpoint is missing, and AckCord hasn't added it yet, you can extend this and create your own request. I'd recommend you to extend RESTRequest tough for simplicity.


    The response type of the request


    A nicer and less raw type of response created from the response.

  6. case class BeginGuildPrune(guildId: GuildId, queryParams: BeginGuildPruneData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[BeginGuildPruneResponse] with NoParamsNiceResponseReasonRequest[BeginGuildPrune, BeginGuildPruneResponse] with Product with Serializable

    Begin a guild prune.

  7. case class BeginGuildPruneData(days: Int, computePruneCount: Option[Boolean]) extends Product with Serializable


    The amount of days to prune for.


    If the pruned return field should be present.

  8. case class BeginGuildPruneResponse(pruned: Option[Int]) extends Product with Serializable


    The number of members that were removed.

  9. case class BulkDeleteMessages(channelId: ChannelId, params: BulkDeleteMessagesData) extends NoResponseRequest[BulkDeleteMessagesData] with Product with Serializable

    Delete multiple messages in a single request.

    Delete multiple messages in a single request. Can only be used on guild channels.

  10. case class BulkDeleteMessagesData(messages: Seq[MessageId]) extends Product with Serializable


    All the messages to delete.

  11. case class CreateChannelInvite(channelId: ChannelId, params: CreateChannelInviteData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoNiceResponseReasonRequest[CreateChannelInvite, CreateChannelInviteData, Invite] with Product with Serializable

    Create a new invite for a channel.

    Create a new invite for a channel. Can only be used on guild channels.

  12. case class CreateChannelInviteData(maxAge: Int = 86400, maxUses: Int = 0, temporary: Boolean = false, unique: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable


    Duration in seconds before this invite expires.


    Amount of times this invite can be used before expiring, or 0 for unlimited.


    If this invite only grants temporary membership.


    If true, guarantees to create a new invite.

  13. case class CreateDMData(recipientId: UserId) extends Product with Serializable


    User to send a DM to.

  14. case class CreateDm(params: CreateDMData) extends RESTRequest[CreateDMData, RawChannel, Option[DMChannel]] with Product with Serializable

    Create a new DM channel.

  15. case class CreateGroupDMData(accessTokens: Seq[String], nicks: SnowflakeMap[User, String]) extends Product with Serializable


    The access tokens of users that have granted the bot the gdm.join scope.


    A map specifying the nicknames for the users in this group DM.

  16. case class CreateGuild(params: CreateGuildData) extends RESTRequest[CreateGuildData, RawGuild, Option[Guild]] with Product with Serializable

    Create a new guild.

    Create a new guild. Can only be used by bots in less than 10 guilds.

  17. case class CreateGuildBan(guildId: GuildId, userId: UserId, queryParams: CreateGuildBanData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoParamsResponseReasonRequest[CreateGuildBan] with Product with Serializable

    Ban a user from a guild.

  18. case class CreateGuildBanData(deleteMessageDays: Option[Int], reason: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable


    The number of days to delete messages for this banned user.


    The reason for the ban.

  19. case class CreateGuildChannel(guildId: GuildId, params: CreateGuildChannelData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends ReasonRequest[CreateGuildChannel, CreateGuildChannelData, RawChannel, Option[GuildChannel]] with Product with Serializable

    Create a channel in a guild.

  20. case class CreateGuildChannelData(name: String, type: JsonOption[ChannelType] = JsonUndefined, topic: JsonOption[String] = JsonUndefined, bitrate: JsonOption[Int] = JsonUndefined, userLimit: JsonOption[Int] = JsonUndefined, rateLimitPerUser: JsonOption[Int] = JsonUndefined, permissionOverwrites: JsonOption[Seq[PermissionOverwrite]] = JsonUndefined, parentId: JsonOption[ChannelId] = JsonUndefined, nsfw: JsonOption[Boolean] = JsonUndefined) extends Product with Serializable


    The name of the channel.


    The topic to give this channel.


    The bitrate for the channel if it's a voice channel.


    The user limit for the channel if it's a voice channel.


    The user ratelimit to give this channel.


    The permission overwrites for the channel.


    The category id for the channel.


    If the channel is NSFW.

  21. case class CreateGuildData(name: String, region: String, icon: Option[ImageData], verificationLevel: VerificationLevel, defaultMessageNotifications: NotificationLevel, explicitContentFilter: FilterLevel, roles: Seq[Role], channels: Seq[CreateGuildChannelData]) extends Product with Serializable


    The name of the guild


    The voice region for the guild


    The icon to use for the guild. Must be 128x128 jpeg.


    The verification level to use for the guild.


    The notification level to use for the guild.


    The roles for the new guild. Note, here the snowflake is just a placeholder.


    The channels for the new guild.

  22. case class CreateGuildEmoji(guildId: GuildId, params: CreateGuildEmojiData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends ReasonRequest[CreateGuildEmoji, CreateGuildEmojiData, RawEmoji, Emoji] with Product with Serializable

    Create a new emoji for a guild.

  23. case class CreateGuildEmojiData(name: String, image: ImageData, roles: Seq[RoleId]) extends Product with Serializable


    The name of the emoji.


    The image data for the emoji.


    Whitelist of roles that can use this emoji.

  24. case class CreateGuildIntegration(guildId: GuildId, params: CreateGuildIntegrationData) extends NoResponseRequest[CreateGuildIntegrationData] with Product with Serializable

    Attach an integration to a guild.

  25. case class CreateGuildIntegrationData(type: String, id: IntegrationId) extends Product with Serializable


    The integration id

  26. case class CreateGuildRole(guildId: GuildId, params: CreateGuildRoleData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends ReasonRequest[CreateGuildRole, CreateGuildRoleData, RawRole, Role] with Product with Serializable

    Create a new role in a guild.

  27. case class CreateGuildRoleData(name: Option[String] = None, permissions: Option[Permission] = None, color: Option[Int] = None, hoist: Option[Boolean] = None, mentionable: Option[Boolean] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    The name of the role.


    The permissions this role has.


    The color of the role.


    If this role is shown in the right sidebar.


    If this role is mentionable.

  28. case class CreateMessage(channelId: ChannelId, params: CreateMessageData) extends RESTRequest[CreateMessageData, RawMessage, Message] with Product with Serializable

    Create a message in a channel.

  29. case class CreateMessageData(content: String = "", nonce: Option[RawSnowflake] = None, tts: Boolean = false, files: Seq[Path] = Seq.empty, embed: Option[OutgoingEmbed] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    The content of the message.


    A nonce used for optimistic message sending.


    If this is a text-to-speech message.


    The files to send with this message. You can reference these files in the embed using attachment://filename.


    An embed to send with this message.

  30. case class CreateReaction(channelId: ChannelId, messageId: MessageId, emoji: String) extends NoParamsResponseRequest with Product with Serializable

    Create a reaction for a message.

    Create a reaction for a message.


    The emoji to send.

  31. case class CreateWebhook(channelId: ChannelId, params: CreateWebhookData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoNiceResponseReasonRequest[CreateWebhook, CreateWebhookData, Webhook] with Product with Serializable

    Create a new webhook in a channel.

  32. case class CreateWebhookData(name: String, avatar: Option[ImageData]) extends Product with Serializable


    Name of the webhook


    The avatar data of the webhook

  33. case class DeleteAllReactions(channelId: ChannelId, messageId: MessageId) extends NoParamsResponseRequest with Product with Serializable

    Clear all reactions from a message.

  34. case class DeleteChannelPermission(channelId: ChannelId, overwriteId: UserOrRoleId, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoParamsResponseReasonRequest[DeleteChannelPermission] with Product with Serializable

    Delete a permission overwrite for a channel.

  35. case class DeleteCloseChannel(channelId: ChannelId, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoParamsReasonRequest[DeleteCloseChannel, RawChannel, Option[Channel]] with Product with Serializable

    Delete a guild channel, or close a DM channel.

  36. case class DeleteGuild(guildId: GuildId) extends NoParamsResponseRequest with Product with Serializable

    Delete a guild.

    Delete a guild. Must be the owner.

  37. case class DeleteGuildEmoji(emojiId: EmojiId, guildId: GuildId, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoParamsResponseReasonRequest[DeleteGuildEmoji] with Product with Serializable

    Delete an emoji from a guild.

  38. case class DeleteGuildIntegration(guildId: GuildId, integrationId: IntegrationId) extends NoParamsResponseRequest with Product with Serializable

    Delete an integration.

  39. case class DeleteGuildRole(guildId: GuildId, roleId: RoleId, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoParamsResponseReasonRequest[DeleteGuildRole] with Product with Serializable

    Delete a role in a guild.

  40. case class DeleteInvite(inviteCode: String, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoParamsNiceResponseReasonRequest[DeleteInvite, Invite] with Product with Serializable

    Delete an invite.

  41. case class DeleteMessage(channelId: ChannelId, messageId: MessageId, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoParamsResponseReasonRequest[DeleteMessage] with Product with Serializable

    Delete a message

  42. case class DeleteOwnReaction(channelId: ChannelId, messageId: MessageId, emoji: String) extends NoParamsResponseRequest with Product with Serializable

    Delete the clients reaction to a message.

  43. case class DeletePinnedChannelMessages(channelId: ChannelId, messageId: MessageId) extends NoParamsResponseRequest with Product with Serializable

    Delete a pinned message in a channel.

  44. case class DeleteUserReaction(channelId: ChannelId, messageId: MessageId, emoji: String, userId: UserId) extends NoParamsResponseRequest with Product with Serializable

    Delete the reaction of another user to a message.

  45. case class DeleteWebhook(id: SnowflakeType[Webhook], reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoParamsResponseReasonRequest[DeleteWebhook] with Product with Serializable

    Delete a webhook.

  46. case class DeleteWebhookWithToken(id: SnowflakeType[Webhook], token: String, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoParamsResponseReasonRequest[DeleteWebhookWithToken] with Product with Serializable

    Delete a webhook with a token.

    Delete a webhook with a token. Doesn't require authentication

  47. class DroppedRequestException extends Exception

    An exception that signals that a request was dropped.

  48. case class EditChannelPermissions(channelId: ChannelId, overwriteId: UserOrRoleId, params: EditChannelPermissionsData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoResponseReasonRequest[EditChannelPermissions, EditChannelPermissionsData] with Product with Serializable

    Edit a permission overwrite for a channel.

  49. case class EditChannelPermissionsData(allow: Permission, deny: Permission, type: PermissionOverwriteType) extends Product with Serializable


    The permissions to allow.


    The permissions to deny.

  50. case class EditMessage(channelId: ChannelId, messageId: MessageId, params: EditMessageData) extends RESTRequest[EditMessageData, RawMessage, Message] with Product with Serializable

    Edit an existing message

  51. case class EditMessageData(content: JsonOption[String] = JsonUndefined, embed: JsonOption[OutgoingEmbed] = JsonUndefined) extends Product with Serializable


    The content of the new message


    The embed of the new message

  52. sealed trait FailedRequest extends RequestAnswer[Nothing]

    A failed request.

  53. trait FlattenUnflatten[In, Out] extends AnyRef
  54. case class GetApplicationAssetImage(desiredSize: Int, format: ImageFormat, applicationId: RawSnowflake, assetId: String) extends ImageRequest with Product with Serializable

    Get the asset of an application.

    Get the asset of an application. Allowed formats are PNG, JPEG and WebP.

  55. case class GetApplicationIconImage(desiredSize: Int, format: ImageFormat, applicationId: RawSnowflake, iconHash: String) extends ImageRequest with Product with Serializable

    Get the icon of an application.

    Get the icon of an application. Allowed formats are PNG, JPEG and WebP.

  56. case class GetChannel(channelId: ChannelId) extends NoParamsRequest[RawChannel, Option[Channel]] with Product with Serializable

    Get a channel by id.

  57. case class GetChannelInvites(channelId: ChannelId) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[Seq[InviteWithMetadata]] with Product with Serializable

    Get all invites for this channel.

    Get all invites for this channel. Can only be used on guild channels.

  58. case class GetChannelMessage(channelId: ChannelId, messageId: MessageId) extends NoParamsRequest[RawMessage, Message] with Product with Serializable

    Get a specific message in a channel.

  59. case class GetChannelMessages(channelId: ChannelId, query: GetChannelMessagesData) extends NoParamsRequest[Seq[RawMessage], Seq[Message]] with Product with Serializable

    Get the messages in a channel.

  60. case class GetChannelMessagesData(around: Option[MessageId] = None, before: Option[MessageId] = None, after: Option[MessageId] = None, limit: Option[Int] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    Get messages around this message id.


    Get messages before this message id.


    Get messages after this message id.


    The max amount of messages to return. The default is 50.

  61. case class GetChannelWebhooks(channelId: ChannelId) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[Seq[Webhook]] with Product with Serializable

    Get the webhooks in a channel.

  62. case class GetCurrentUserGuilds(queryParams: GetCurrentUserGuildsData) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[Seq[GetUserGuildsGuild]] with Product with Serializable

    Get the guilds the client user is in.

  63. case class GetCurrentUserGuildsData(before: Option[GuildId] = None, after: Option[GuildId] = None, limit: Option[Int] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    Get guilds before this id.


    Get guilds after this id.


    The max amount of guilds to return.

  64. case class GetCustomEmojiImage(desiredSize: Int, format: ImageFormat, emojiId: EmojiId) extends ImageRequest with Product with Serializable

    Get the image of a custom emoji.

    Get the image of a custom emoji. Always returns a PNG.

  65. case class GetDefaultUserAvatarImage(desiredSize: Int, discriminator: Int) extends ImageRequest with Product with Serializable

    Get the default avatar of a user.

    Get the default avatar of a user. Always returns a PNG.

  66. case class GetGuild(guildId: GuildId) extends NoParamsRequest[RawGuild, Option[Guild]] with Product with Serializable

    Get a guild by id.

  67. case class GetGuildAuditLog(guildId: GuildId, queryParams: GetGuildAuditLogData) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[AuditLog] with Product with Serializable

    Get an audit log for a given guild.

  68. case class GetGuildAuditLogData(userId: Option[UserId] = None, actionType: Option[AuditLogEvent] = None, before: Option[RawSnowflake] = None, limit: Option[Int] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  69. case class GetGuildBan(guildId: GuildId, userId: UserId) extends NoParamsRequest[RawBan, Ban] with Product with Serializable

    Get the ban object for a specific member in a guild.

  70. case class GetGuildBannerImage(desiredSize: Int, format: ImageFormat, guildId: GuildId, bannerHash: String) extends ImageRequest with Product with Serializable
  71. case class GetGuildBans(guildId: GuildId) extends NoParamsRequest[Seq[RawBan], Seq[Ban]] with Product with Serializable

    Get all the bans for this guild.

  72. case class GetGuildChannels(guildId: GuildId) extends NoParamsRequest[Seq[RawChannel], Seq[Option[GuildChannel]]] with Product with Serializable

    Get all the channels for a guild.

  73. case class GetGuildEmbed(guildId: GuildId) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[GuildEmbed] with Product with Serializable

    Get the guild embed for a guild.

  74. case class GetGuildEmoji(emojiId: EmojiId, guildId: GuildId) extends NoParamsRequest[RawEmoji, Emoji] with Product with Serializable

    Get an emoji in a guild by id.

  75. case class GetGuildIconImage(desiredSize: Int, format: ImageFormat, guildId: GuildId, iconHash: String) extends ImageRequest with Product with Serializable

    Get a guild icon image.

    Get a guild icon image. Allowed formats are PNG, JPEG and WebP.

  76. case class GetGuildIntegrations(guildId: GuildId) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[Seq[Integration]] with Product with Serializable

    Get the integrations for this guild.

  77. case class GetGuildInvites(guildId: GuildId) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[Seq[InviteWithMetadata]] with Product with Serializable

    Get the invites for this guild.

  78. case class GetGuildMember(guildId: GuildId, userId: UserId) extends GuildMemberRequest[NotUsed] with Product with Serializable

    Get a guild member by id.

  79. case class GetGuildPruneCount(guildId: GuildId, queryParams: GuildPruneCountData) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[GuildPruneCountResponse] with Product with Serializable

    Check how many members would be removed if a prune was started now.

  80. case class GetGuildRoles(guildId: GuildId) extends RESTRequest[NotUsed, Seq[RawRole], Seq[Role]] with Product with Serializable

    Get all the roles in a guild.

  81. case class GetGuildSplashImage(desiredSize: Int, format: ImageFormat, guildId: GuildId, splashHash: String) extends ImageRequest with Product with Serializable

    Get a guild splash image.

    Get a guild splash image. Allowed formats are PNG, JPEG and WebP.

  82. case class GetGuildVanityUrl(guildId: GuildId) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[VanityUrlResponse] with Product with Serializable

    Get a partial invite object for guilds with that feature enabled.

  83. case class GetGuildVoiceRegions(guildId: GuildId) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[Seq[VoiceRegion]] with Product with Serializable

    Get the voice regions for this guild.

  84. case class GetGuildWebhooks(guildId: GuildId) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[Seq[Webhook]] with Product with Serializable

    Get the webhooks in a guild.

  85. case class GetGuildWidgetImage(guildId: GuildId, style: WidgetImageStyle = WidgetImageStyle.Shield) extends ImageRequest with Product with Serializable

    Get the widget image for a specific guild.

    Get the widget image for a specific guild.


    The guild to get the widget for.


    Which style should be gotten.

  86. case class GetInvite(inviteCode: String, withCounts: Boolean = false) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[Invite] with Product with Serializable

    Get an invite for a given invite code.

    Get an invite for a given invite code.


    If the returned invite object should return approximate counts for members and people online.

  87. case class GetPinnedMessages(channelId: ChannelId) extends NoParamsRequest[Seq[RawMessage], Seq[Message]] with Product with Serializable

    Get all the pinned messages in a channel.

  88. case class GetReactions(channelId: ChannelId, messageId: MessageId, emoji: String, queryParams: GetReactionsData) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[Seq[User]] with Product with Serializable

    Get all the users that have reacted with an emoji for a message.

  89. case class GetReactionsData(before: Option[UserId] = None, after: Option[UserId] = None, limit: Option[Int] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    Get users before this user.


    Get users after this user.


    The max amount of users to return. Defaults to 25.

  90. case class GetTeamIconImage(desiredSize: Int, format: ImageFormat, teamId: SnowflakeType[Team], teamIcon: String) extends ImageRequest with Product with Serializable

    Get the icon for a team

    Get the icon for a team


    The id of the team to get the icon for


    The icon identifier

  91. case class GetUser(userId: UserId) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[User] with Product with Serializable

    Get a user by id.

  92. case class GetUserAvatarImage(desiredSize: Int, format: ImageFormat, userId: UserId, avatarHash: String) extends ImageRequest with Product with Serializable

    Get the image of a user avatar.

    Get the image of a user avatar. Allowed formats are PNG, JPEG, WebP and GIF.

  93. case class GetUserGuildsGuild(id: GuildId, name: String, icon: Option[String], owner: Boolean, permissions: Permission) extends Product with Serializable
  94. case class GetWebhook(id: SnowflakeType[Webhook]) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[Webhook] with Product with Serializable

    Get a webhook by id.

  95. case class GetWebhookWithToken(id: SnowflakeType[Webhook], token: String) extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[Webhook] with Product with Serializable

    Get a webhook by id with a token.

    Get a webhook by id with a token. Doesn't require authentication.

  96. trait GuildMemberRequest[Params] extends RESTRequest[Params, RawGuildMember, GuildMember]
  97. case class GuildPruneCountData(days: Int) extends Product with Serializable


    The amount of days to prune for.

  98. case class GuildPruneCountResponse(pruned: Int) extends Product with Serializable


    The number of members that would be removed.

  99. class HttpException extends Exception

    An exception for Http errors.

  100. class HttpJsonDecodeException extends Exception

    An exception thrown when parsing JSON if something goes wrong.

  101. trait ImageRequest extends Request[ByteString]

    Base traits for all traits to get images

  102. case class LeaveGuild(guildId: GuildId) extends NoParamsResponseRequest with Product with Serializable

    Leave a guild.

  103. case class ListGuildEmojis(guildId: GuildId) extends RESTRequest[NotUsed, Seq[RawEmoji], Seq[Emoji]] with Product with Serializable

    Get all the emojis for this guild.

  104. case class ListGuildMembers(guildId: GuildId, queryParams: ListGuildMembersData) extends NoParamsRequest[Seq[RawGuildMember], Seq[GuildMember]] with Product with Serializable

    Get all the guild members in this guild.

  105. case class ListGuildMembersData(limit: Option[Int] = None, after: Option[UserId] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    The max amount of members to get


    Get userIds after this id

  106. trait LowPriorityFlatten extends AnyRef
  107. sealed trait MaybeRequest[+Data] extends AnyRef

    Base trait for all requests before they enter the network flow.

    Base trait for all requests before they enter the network flow.


    The response type for the request.

  108. case class ModifyBotUsersNick(guildId: GuildId, params: ModifyBotUsersNickData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoNiceResponseReasonRequest[ModifyBotUsersNick, ModifyBotUsersNickData, String] with Product with Serializable

    Modify the clients nickname.

  109. case class ModifyBotUsersNickData(nick: String) extends Product with Serializable
  110. case class ModifyChannel(channelId: ChannelId, params: ModifyChannelData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends ReasonRequest[ModifyChannel, ModifyChannelData, RawChannel, Option[Channel]] with Product with Serializable

    Update the settings of a channel.

    Update the settings of a channel.


    The channel to update.

  111. case class ModifyChannelData(name: JsonOption[String] = JsonUndefined, position: JsonOption[Int] = JsonUndefined, topic: JsonOption[String] = JsonUndefined, nsfw: JsonOption[Boolean] = JsonUndefined, rateLimitPerUser: JsonOption[Int] = JsonUndefined, bitrate: JsonOption[Int] = JsonUndefined, userLimit: JsonOption[Int] = JsonUndefined, permissionOverwrites: JsonOption[Seq[PermissionOverwrite]] = JsonUndefined, parentId: JsonOption[ChannelId] = JsonUndefined) extends Product with Serializable


    New name of the channel.


    New position of the channel.


    The new channel topic for text channels.


    If the channel is NSFW for text channels.


    The new user ratelimit for guild text channels.


    The new channel bitrate for voice channels.


    The new user limit for voice channel.


    The new channel permission overwrites.


    The new category id of the channel.

  112. case class ModifyGuild(guildId: GuildId, params: ModifyGuildData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends ReasonRequest[ModifyGuild, ModifyGuildData, RawGuild, Option[Guild]] with Product with Serializable

    Modify an existing guild.

  113. case class ModifyGuildChannelPositions(guildId: GuildId, params: Seq[ModifyGuildChannelPositionsData], reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoResponseReasonRequest[ModifyGuildChannelPositions, Seq[ModifyGuildChannelPositionsData]] with Product with Serializable

    Modify the positions of several channels.

  114. case class ModifyGuildChannelPositionsData(id: ChannelId, position: Int) extends Product with Serializable


    The channel id


    It's new position

  115. case class ModifyGuildData(name: Option[String] = None, region: Option[String] = None, verificationLevel: Option[VerificationLevel] = None, defaultMessageNotifications: Option[NotificationLevel] = None, explicitContentFilter: Option[FilterLevel] = None, afkChannelId: Option[ChannelId] = None, afkTimeout: Option[Int] = None, icon: Option[ImageData] = None, ownerId: Option[UserId] = None, splash: Option[ImageData] = None, systemChannelId: Option[ChannelId] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    The new name of the guild


    The new voice region for the guild


    The new verification level to use for the guild.


    The new notification level to use for the guild.


    The new afk channel of the guild.


    The new afk timeout in seconds for the guild.


    The new icon to use for the guild. Must be 128x128 jpeg.


    Transfer ownership of this guild. Must be the owner.


    The new splash for the guild. Must be 128x128 jpeg. VIP only.


    The new channel which system messages will be sent to.

  116. case class ModifyGuildEmbed(guildId: GuildId, params: GuildEmbed) extends NoNiceResponseRequest[GuildEmbed, GuildEmbed] with Product with Serializable

    Modify a guild embed for a guild.

  117. case class ModifyGuildEmoji(emojiId: EmojiId, guildId: GuildId, params: ModifyGuildEmojiData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends ReasonRequest[ModifyGuildEmoji, ModifyGuildEmojiData, RawEmoji, Emoji] with Product with Serializable

    Modify an existing emoji.

  118. case class ModifyGuildEmojiData(name: String, roles: Seq[RoleId]) extends Product with Serializable


    The new emoji name.


    Whitelist of roles that can use this emoji.

  119. case class ModifyGuildIntegration(guildId: GuildId, integrationId: IntegrationId, params: ModifyGuildIntegrationData) extends NoResponseRequest[ModifyGuildIntegrationData] with Product with Serializable

    Modify an existing integration for a guild.

  120. case class ModifyGuildIntegrationData(expireBehavior: Int, expireGracePeriod: Int, enableEmoticons: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable


    The behavior of expiring subscribers.


    The grace period before expiring subscribers.


    If emojis should be synced for this integration. (Twitch only)

  121. case class ModifyGuildMember(guildId: GuildId, userId: UserId, params: ModifyGuildMemberData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoResponseReasonRequest[ModifyGuildMember, ModifyGuildMemberData] with Product with Serializable

    Modify a guild member.

  122. case class ModifyGuildMemberData(nick: JsonOption[String] = JsonUndefined, roles: JsonOption[Seq[RoleId]] = JsonUndefined, mute: JsonOption[Boolean] = JsonUndefined, deaf: JsonOption[Boolean] = JsonUndefined, channelId: JsonOption[ChannelId] = JsonUndefined) extends Product with Serializable


    The nickname to give to the user.


    The roles to give to the user.


    If the user should be muted. Will return an error if the user is not in a voice channel.


    If the user should be deafened. Will return an error if the user is not in a voice channel.


    The id of the channel to move the user to.

  123. case class ModifyGuildRole(guildId: GuildId, roleId: RoleId, params: ModifyGuildRoleData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends ReasonRequest[ModifyGuildRole, ModifyGuildRoleData, RawRole, Role] with Product with Serializable

    Modify a role.

  124. case class ModifyGuildRoleData(name: Option[String] = None, permissions: Option[Permission] = None, color: Option[Int] = None, hoist: Option[Boolean] = None, mentionable: Option[Boolean] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    The new name of the role.


    The new permissions this role has.


    The new color of the role.


    If this role is shown in the right sidebar.


    If this role is mentionable.

  125. case class ModifyGuildRolePositions(guildId: GuildId, params: Seq[ModifyGuildRolePositionsData], reason: Option[String] = None) extends ReasonRequest[ModifyGuildRolePositions, Seq[ModifyGuildRolePositionsData], Seq[RawRole], Seq[Role]] with Product with Serializable

    Modify the positions of several roles.

  126. case class ModifyGuildRolePositionsData(id: RoleId, position: Int) extends Product with Serializable


    The role id.


    The new position of the role.

  127. case class ModifyWebhook(id: SnowflakeType[Webhook], params: ModifyWebhookData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoNiceResponseReasonRequest[ModifyWebhook, ModifyWebhookData, Webhook] with Product with Serializable

    Modify a webhook.

  128. case class ModifyWebhookData(name: Option[String] = None, avatar: Option[ImageData] = None, channelId: Option[ChannelId] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    Name of the webhook.


    The avatar data of the webhook.


    The channel this webhook should be moved to.

  129. case class ModifyWebhookWithToken(id: SnowflakeType[Webhook], token: String, params: ModifyWebhookData, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoNiceResponseReasonRequest[ModifyWebhookWithToken, ModifyWebhookData, Webhook] with Product with Serializable

    Modify a webhook with a token.

    Modify a webhook with a token. Doesn't require authentication

  130. trait NoNiceResponseReasonRequest[Self <: NoNiceResponseReasonRequest[Self, Params, Response], Params, Response] extends ReasonRequest[Self, Params, Response, Response] with NoNiceResponseRequest[Params, Response]

    A request, with an audit log reason, where the response type and the nice response type are the same.

  131. trait NoNiceResponseRequest[Params, Response] extends RESTRequest[Params, Response, Response]

    A request where the response type and the nice response type are the same.

  132. trait NoParamsNiceResponseReasonRequest[Self <: NoParamsNiceResponseReasonRequest[Self, Response], Response] extends NoParamsReasonRequest[Self, Response, Response] with NoNiceResponseReasonRequest[Self, NotUsed, Response]

    A request, with an audit log reason, that takes no params, and where the response type and the nice response type are the same.

  133. trait NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[Response] extends NoParamsRequest[Response, Response] with NoNiceResponseRequest[NotUsed, Response]

    A request that takes no params, and where the response type and the nice response type are the same.

  134. trait NoParamsReasonRequest[Self <: NoParamsReasonRequest[Self, RawResponse, NiceResponse], RawResponse, NiceResponse] extends ReasonRequest[Self, NotUsed, RawResponse, NiceResponse] with NoParamsRequest[RawResponse, NiceResponse]

    A request that takes no params with an audit log reason.

  135. trait NoParamsRequest[RawResponse, NiceResponse] extends RESTRequest[NotUsed, RawResponse, NiceResponse]

    A request that takes no params.

  136. trait NoParamsResponseReasonRequest[Self <: NoParamsResponseReasonRequest[Self]] extends NoParamsReasonRequest[Self, NotUsed, NotUsed] with NoResponseReasonRequest[Self, NotUsed]

    A request that has neither params nor a response with a reason.

  137. trait NoParamsResponseRequest extends NoParamsRequest[NotUsed, NotUsed] with NoResponseRequest[NotUsed]

    A request that has neither params nor a response.

  138. trait NoResponseReasonRequest[Self <: NoResponseReasonRequest[Self, Params], Params] extends NoNiceResponseReasonRequest[Self, Params, NotUsed] with NoResponseRequest[Params]

    A request, with an audit log reason, that doesn't have a response.

  139. trait NoResponseRequest[Params] extends NoNiceResponseRequest[Params, NotUsed]

    A request that doesn't have a response.

  140. trait RESTRequest[Params, RawResponse, NiceResponse] extends BaseRESTRequest[RawResponse, NiceResponse]

    A simpler, request trait where the params are defined explicitly and converted to json.

    A simpler, request trait where the params are defined explicitly and converted to json.


    The json parameters of the request.

  141. class RatelimitException extends Exception

    An exception that signals than an endpoint is ratelimited.

  142. case class RatelimitInfo(tilReset: FiniteDuration, tilRatelimit: Int, bucketLimit: Int, bucket: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Misc info needed to handle ratelimits correctly.

    Misc info needed to handle ratelimits correctly.


    The amount of time until this endpoint ratelimit is reset. Minus if unknown.


    The amount of requests that can be made until this endpoint is ratelimited. -1 if unknown.


    The total amount of requests that can be sent to this to this endpoint until a ratelimit kicks in. -1 if unknown.


    The ratelimit bucket for this request. Does not include any parameters.

  143. class Ratelimiter extends AbstractBehavior[Command]
  144. trait ReasonRequest[Self <: ReasonRequest[Self, Params, RawResponse, NiceResponse], Params, RawResponse, NiceResponse] extends RESTRequest[Params, RawResponse, NiceResponse]

    A complex REST request with an audit log reason.

  145. case class RemoveGuildBan(guildId: GuildId, userId: UserId, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoParamsResponseReasonRequest[RemoveGuildBan] with Product with Serializable

    Unban a user from a guild.

  146. case class RemoveGuildMember(guildId: GuildId, userId: UserId, reason: Option[String] = None) extends NoParamsResponseReasonRequest[RemoveGuildMember] with Product with Serializable

    Kicks a guild member.

  147. case class RemoveGuildMemberRole(guildId: GuildId, userId: UserId, roleId: RoleId) extends NoParamsResponseRequest with Product with Serializable

    Remove a role from a guild member.

  148. trait Request[+Data] extends MaybeRequest[Data]

    Base super simple trait for all HTTP requests in AckCord.

    Base super simple trait for all HTTP requests in AckCord.


    The parsed response type.

  149. sealed trait RequestAnswer[+Data] extends AnyRef

    Sent as a response to a request.

  150. case class RequestDropped(route: RequestRoute, identifier: UUID) extends MaybeRequest[Nothing] with FailedRequest with Product with Serializable

    A request that was dropped before it entered the network, most likely because of timing out while waiting for ratelimits.

  151. case class RequestError(e: Throwable, route: RequestRoute, identifier: UUID) extends FailedRequest with Product with Serializable

    A request that failed for some other reason.

  152. case class RequestHelper(credentials: HttpCredentials, ratelimitActor: ActorRef[Command], millisecondPrecision: Boolean = true, relativeTime: Boolean = false, parallelism: Int = 4, maxRetryCount: Int = 3, bufferSize: Int = 32, overflowStrategy: OverflowStrategy = OverflowStrategy.backpressure, maxAllowedWait: FiniteDuration = 2.minutes)(implicit system: ActorSystem[Nothing]) extends Product with Serializable

    A class holding all the relevant information to create a request stream.

    A class holding all the relevant information to create a request stream. Also contains some convenience methods for common operations with requests.

    This should be instantiated once per bot, and shared between shards.

  153. case class RequestRatelimited(global: Boolean, ratelimitInfo: RatelimitInfo, route: RequestRoute, identifier: UUID) extends FailedRequest with Product with Serializable

    A request that did not succeed because of a ratelimit.

  154. case class RequestResponse[+Data](data: Data, ratelimitInfo: RatelimitInfo, route: RequestRoute, identifier: UUID) extends RequestAnswer[Data] with Product with Serializable

    A successful request response.

  155. case class RequestRoute(uriWithMajor: String, uriWithoutMajor: String, uri: Uri, method: HttpMethod) extends Product with Serializable

    Used by requests for specifying an uri to send to, together with a method to use.

    Used by requests for specifying an uri to send to, together with a method to use.


    A string containing the route without any minor parameters filled in


    A string containing the route without any major or minor parameters filled in


    The uri to send to


    The method to use

  156. final class Retry-After extends ModeledCustomHeader[Retry-After]
  157. case class SyncGuildIntegration(guildId: GuildId, integrationId: IntegrationId) extends NoParamsResponseRequest with Product with Serializable

    Sync an integration.

  158. case class TriggerTypingIndicator(channelId: ChannelId) extends NoParamsResponseRequest with Product with Serializable

    Triggers a typing indicator in a channel.

  159. case class VanityUrlResponse(code: String) extends Product with Serializable
  160. final class X-Audit-Log-Reason extends ModeledCustomHeader[X-Audit-Log-Reason]
  161. final class X-RateLimit-Bucket extends ModeledCustomHeader[X-RateLimit-Bucket]
  162. final class X-RateLimit-Limit extends ModeledCustomHeader[X-RateLimit-Limit]
  163. final class X-RateLimit-Precision extends ModeledCustomHeader[X-RateLimit-Precision]
  164. final class X-RateLimit-Remaining extends ModeledCustomHeader[X-RateLimit-Remaining]
  165. final class X-RateLimit-Reset extends ModeledCustomHeader[X-RateLimit-Reset]
  166. final class X-RateLimit-Reset-After extends ModeledCustomHeader[X-RateLimit-Reset-After]
  167. final class X-Ratelimit-Global extends ModeledCustomHeader[X-Ratelimit-Global]

Deprecated Type Members

  1. case class CreateGroupDm(params: CreateGroupDMData) extends RESTRequest[CreateGroupDMData, RawChannel, Option[GroupDMChannel]] with Product with Serializable

    Create a group DM.

    Create a group DM. By default the client is limited to 10 active group DMs.


    (Since version 0.13) Deprecated by Discord

Value Members

  1. def hasPermissionsChannel(channelId: ChannelId, permissions: Permission)(implicit c: CacheSnapshot): Boolean

    Check if a client has the needed permissions in a channel

    Check if a client has the needed permissions in a channel


    The channel to check for


    The needed permissions


    The cache

  2. def hasPermissionsGuild(guildId: GuildId, permissions: Permission)(implicit c: CacheSnapshot): Boolean

    Check if a client has the needed permissions in a guild

    Check if a client has the needed permissions in a guild


    The guild to check for


    The needed permissions


    The cache

  3. object BeginGuildPrune extends Serializable
  4. object BotAuthentication
  5. object BulkDeleteMessages extends Serializable
  6. object CreateChannelInvite extends Serializable
  7. object CreateDm extends Serializable
  8. object CreateGuildBan extends Serializable
  9. object CreateGuildChannelData extends Serializable
  10. object CreateGuildEmoji extends Serializable
  11. object CreateMessage extends Serializable
  12. object CreateMessageData extends Serializable
  13. object EditChannelPermissions extends Serializable
  14. object EditMessage extends Serializable
  15. object EditMessageData extends Serializable
  16. object FlattenUnflatten extends LowPriorityFlatten
  17. object GetChannelMessages extends Serializable
  18. object GetCurrentUser extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[User] with Product with Serializable

    Fetch the client user.

  19. object GetCurrentUserGuilds extends Serializable
  20. object GetGuildPruneCount extends Serializable
  21. object GetReactions extends Serializable
  22. object GetUserConnections extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[Seq[Connection]] with Product with Serializable

    Get a list of connection objects.

    Get a list of connection objects. Requires the connection OAuth2 scope.

  23. object ImageRequest
  24. object ListGuildMembers extends Serializable
  25. object ListVoiceRegions extends NoParamsNiceResponseRequest[Seq[VoiceRegion]] with Product with Serializable

    List all the voice regions that can be used when creating a guild.

  26. object ModifyBotUsersNick extends Serializable
  27. object ModifyChannelData extends Serializable
  28. object ModifyGuildEmoji extends Serializable
  29. object ModifyGuildMemberData extends Serializable
  30. object OAuth
  31. object Ratelimiter
  32. object RequestHelper extends Serializable
  33. object RequestRoute extends Serializable
  34. object RequestStreams
  35. object Retry-After extends ModeledCustomHeaderCompanion[Retry-After]
  36. object Routes

    All the routes used by AckCord

  37. object SupervisionStreams
  38. object X-Audit-Log-Reason extends ModeledCustomHeaderCompanion[X-Audit-Log-Reason]
  39. object X-RateLimit-Bucket extends ModeledCustomHeaderCompanion[X-RateLimit-Bucket]
  40. object X-RateLimit-Limit extends ModeledCustomHeaderCompanion[X-RateLimit-Limit]
  41. object X-RateLimit-Precision extends ModeledCustomHeaderCompanion[X-RateLimit-Precision]
  42. object X-RateLimit-Remaining extends ModeledCustomHeaderCompanion[X-RateLimit-Remaining]
  43. object X-RateLimit-Reset extends ModeledCustomHeaderCompanion[X-RateLimit-Reset]
  44. object X-RateLimit-Reset-After extends ModeledCustomHeaderCompanion[X-RateLimit-Reset-After]
  45. object X-Ratelimit-Global extends ModeledCustomHeaderCompanion[X-Ratelimit-Global]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
