Interface NavigateAction<M extends Map<String,​Object>,​L extends List<Object>>

    • Method Detail

      • pathStart

        boolean pathStart​(String path)
        called before navigation of a new path starts
        path - TODO
        true if the specified path should be navigated
      • start

        boolean start​(M objectToNavigate,
                      Collection<String> pathsToNavigate)
        called before any navigation of the NavigateAction starts
        objectToNavigate - TODO
        pathsToNavigate - TODO
        true if navigation should start at all
      • pathTailNotFound

        void pathTailNotFound​(TreePath tp,
                              Object source)
        reached end of branch in source before end of specified path - the specified path does not exist in the source
        tp - TODO
        source - TODO
      • pathEnd

        void pathEnd​(String path)
        called after the navigation of a path ends
        path - TODO
      • failSilently

        boolean failSilently​(String path,
                             Exception e)
        called if navigation of a path throws an exception
        path - TODO
        e - TODO
        true if the failure on this path should not abort the rest of the navigation
      • failFast

        boolean failFast​(String path,
                         Exception e)
        called if navigation of a path throws an exception
        path - TODO
        e - TODO
        true if the failure on this path should abort the rest of the navigation
      • recurInto

        boolean recurInto​(TreePath tp,
                          M sourceNode)
        called when an object node is encountered on the path
        tp - TODO
        sourceNode - TODO
        true if the navigator should navigate into the object
      • recurInto

        boolean recurInto​(TreePath tp,
                          L sourceNode)
        called when an array node is encountered on the path
        tp - TODO
        sourceNode - TODO
        true if the navigator should navigate into the array
      • foundLeafBeforePathEnd

        void foundLeafBeforePathEnd​(TreePath jp,
                                    Object obj)
        reached leaf node (not a container) in source but specified path expects children - the specified path does not exist in the source
        jp - TODO
        obj - TODO
      • handleLeaf

        void handleLeaf​(TreePath tp,
                        Object value)
        called when a leaf node is reached in a M. a leaf in a M is a key-value pair where the value is not a container itself (it is not a M nor a L)
        tp - - the JsonPath pointing to the leaf
        value - TODO
      • handleLeaf

        void handleLeaf​(TreePath tp,
                        int arrIndex,
                        Object arrItem)
        called when a leaf in a L is reached. a leaf in a L is a non-container item (it is not a M nor a L)
        tp - -
        arrIndex - -
        arrItem - - the item
      • recurEnd

        void recurEnd​(TreePath tp,
                      M m)
        called when navigation of an NavigateAction type object ends
        tp - the path pointing to the object
        m - TODO
      • recurEnd

        void recurEnd​(TreePath tp,
                      L l)
        called when navigation of an NavigateAction type object ends
        tp - the path pointing to the object
        l - TODO
      • end

        void end()
        called after all navigation ends, and just before the navigation method exits
      • result

        Object result()
        holds the result of the navigation, as assigned by the action implementing this interface
        - result