Class HazelcastMessageSetStorage<Key,​Message extends PMessage<Message>>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    MessageReadOnlyStore<Key,​Message>, MessageSetStore<Key,​Message>, ReadOnlyStore<Key,​Message>, ReadWriteSetStore<Key,​Message>

    public class HazelcastMessageSetStorage<Key,​Message extends PMessage<Message>>
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements MessageSetStore<Key,​Message>
    Note that the hazelcast message store is backed by the PMessage serializable property, which makes the message fields not indexable. If that is needed, use the HazelcastMessageBuilderStorage instead.

    On the other hand, this type of map is somewhat more efficient, and does not require the message to be generated with hazelcast portable support.

    • Constructor Detail

      • HazelcastMessageSetStorage

        public HazelcastMessageSetStorage​(java.util.function.Function<Message,​Key> messageToKey,
                                          com.hazelcast.core.IMap<Key,​Message> hazelcastMap)