All Classes and Interfaces

Async parsing RDF on a single node using hadoop
This class bundles hadoop format information: keyClass, valueClass and formatClass.
A class to capture the arguments of JavaSparkContext.newAPIHadoopFile(String, Class, Class, Class, Configuration).
Interface for building chains of transformations over JavaRDDs and JavaPairRDDs.
Consumer interface for JavaRDDs.
Interface for building chains of transformations over JavaRDDs and JavaPairRDDs.
Operations on the RDD[(String, Model)] type.
An interface to represent a SPARQL result set by bundling a (Java)RDD of Bindings together with a list of result variables.
A LinkDatasetGraph implementation that loads files via the sansa parser and sends the data (triples and quads) to a sink.
Source of fixed size tuples of RDF nodes
An RddRdfLoader provides rdf-related methods to operate on paths w.r.t.
A registry for RddRdfLoaders that can supply input of a specific Lang to an RDD of a requested type (Triples, Quads, Datasets, ett).
Interface that captures common operations on RDD<T@gt;
Important: Instances of this class should only be created using RddRdfWriterFactory because the factory is RDD-independent and can validate settings at an early stage.
Core class for configuration and execution of writing RDDs of RDF out using Hadaop.
A factory for RddRdfWriter instances which enables validation of settings at an early stage using RddRdfWriterFactory.validate().
Registry for mapping between jena's RDFFormat and hadoop's OutputFormat.
Static util methods to write JavaResultSetSpark instances out using hadoop.
Utilities common to (but not limited to) Rdf and RowSet output
An RdfSource is a NodeTupleSource with tuple size either 3 or 4.
Turn source references into sources of RDF data.
Implementation of a source factory based on spark/hadoop.
Abstraction of a source of RDF.
The record type of an rdf source
Interface for building chains of transformations over JavaRDDs and JavaPairRDDs.
Interface for building chains of transformations over JavaRDDs and JavaPairRDDs.