Class StepFactory

  • public class StepFactory
    extends Object
    Produces an instance of a set of requirement steps for use in the acceptance tests. Requirement steps navigate through pages using a WebDriver driver.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StepFactory

        public StepFactory​(Pages pages)
        Create a new step factory. All web-testing step factories need a Pages object, which is passed to ScenarioSteps objects when they are created.
      • StepFactory

        public StepFactory()
        Create a new step factory without webdriver support. This is to be used for non-webtest acceptance tests.
    • Method Detail

      • getSharedStepLibraryFor

        public <T> T getSharedStepLibraryFor​(Class<T> scenarioStepsClass)
        Returns a new ScenarioSteps instance, of the specified type. This is actually a proxy that allows reporting and screenshots to be performed at each step.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the scenario step class type
        scenarioStepsClass - the scenario step class
        the instrumented step library
      • getNewStepLibraryFor

        public <T> T getNewStepLibraryFor​(Class<T> scenarioStepsClass)
      • getNewCachedStepLibraryFor

        public <T> T getNewCachedStepLibraryFor​(Class<T> scenarioStepsClass)
      • getUniqueStepLibraryFor

        public <T> T getUniqueStepLibraryFor​(Class<T> scenarioStepsClass)
      • getUniqueStepLibraryFor

        public <T> T getUniqueStepLibraryFor​(Class<T> scenarioStepsClass,
                                             Object... parameters)
      • reset

        public void reset()
      • instantiateNewStepLibraryFor

        public <T> T instantiateNewStepLibraryFor​(Class<T> scenarioStepsClass,
                                                  boolean cacheNewInstance)
        Create a new instance of a class containing test steps. This method will instrument the class appropriately and inject any nested step libraries or other dependencies.
      • instantiateNewStepLibraryFor

        public <T> T instantiateNewStepLibraryFor​(Class<T> scenarioStepsClass,
                                                  Interceptor interceptor,
                                                  boolean useCache)
        Create a new instance of a class containing test steps using custom interceptors.
      • usePageFactory

        public void usePageFactory​(Pages pages)
      • isAssignableFrom

        public static boolean isAssignableFrom​(Object argument,
                                               Class<?> parameterType)