Class JRHtmlExporterParameter

  • public class JRHtmlExporterParameter
    extends JRExporterParameter
    Contains parameters useful for export in HTML format.

    The HTML exporter can send data to a string buffer, output stream, character stream or file on disk. The engine looks among the export parameters in order to find the selected output type in this order: OUTPUT_STRING_BUFFER, OUTPUT_WRITER, OUTPUT_STREAM, OUTPUT_FILE, OUTPUT_FILE_NAME.

    An important issue is images. The HTML format stores images as separate files, so the exporter needs to know where these images will be stored. If they are stored on disk, the IMAGES_URI parameter will be initialized with a string containing the file name on disk. If they remain in memory, IMAGES_URI must point to a resource that is able to send the images to the browser (such as an image servlet, as shown in the webapp example).

    Teodor Danciu ([email protected])