Class FontUtil

    • Field Detail


        public static final String EXCEPTION_MESSAGE_KEY_FONT_SET_FAMILY_NOT_FOUND
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • copyNonNullOwnProperties

        public static void copyNonNullOwnProperties​(JRFont srcFont,
                                                    JRFont destFont)
      • getFontInfo

        public FontInfo getFontInfo​(String name,
                                    boolean ignoreCase,
                                    Locale locale)
        Returns font information containing the font family, font face and font style.
        name - the font family or font face name
        ignoreCase - the flag to specify if family names or face names are searched by ignoring case or not
        locale - the locale
        a font info object
      • getFontInfo

        public FontInfo getFontInfo​(String name,
                                    Locale locale)
        Returns font information containing the font family, font face and font style, searching for names case sensitive.
        name - the font family or font face name
        locale - the locale
        a font info object
      • getFontFamilyNames

        public Collection<String> getFontFamilyNames()
        Returns the font family names available through extensions, in alphabetical order.
      • collectFontFamilyNames

        protected void collectFontFamilyNames​(Collection<String> names)
      • getFontNames

        public Collection<String> getFontNames()
        Returns the font names available through extensions, in alphabetical order.
        the list of font names provided by extensions
      • collectFontSetNames

        protected void collectFontSetNames​(Collection<String> names)
      • getAwtFontFromBundles

        public Font getAwtFontFromBundles​(boolean ignoreCase,
                                          String name,
                                          int style,
                                          float size,
                                          Locale locale,
                                          boolean ignoreMissingFont)
      • getAwtFont

        protected Font getAwtFont​(FontInfo fontInfo,
                                  int style,
                                  float size,
                                  boolean ignoreMissingFont)
      • getAwtFontFromBundles

        public Font getAwtFontFromBundles​(AwtFontAttribute fontAttribute,
                                          int style,
                                          float size,
                                          Locale locale,
                                          boolean ignoreMissingFont)
      • resetThreadMissingFontsCache

        public void resetThreadMissingFontsCache()
      • checkAwtFont

        public void checkAwtFont​(String name,
                                 boolean ignoreMissingFont)
      • getAwtFont

        public Font getAwtFont​(JRFont font,
                               Locale locale)
        Returns a java.awt.Font instance by converting a JRFont instance. Mostly used in combination with third-party visualization packages such as JFreeChart (for chart themes). Unless the font parameter is null, this method always returns a non-null AWT font, regardless whether it was found in the font extensions or not. This is because we do need a font to draw with and there is no point in raising a font missing exception here, as it is not JasperReports who does the drawing.
      • resolveDeserializedFont

        public Font resolveDeserializedFont​(Font font)