Class SignonHandlerAdapter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class SignonHandlerAdapter
    extends Object
    implements SignonHandler
    An abstract adapter class for receiving Toolbox sign-on events. The methods in this class perform bare-minimum default processing. This class exists as a convenience for application writers when creating customized sign-on handler objects.

    Extend this class to create a SignonHandler implementation and override the methods for the events of interest. (If you directly implement the SignonHandler interface, you must provide implementations for all of the SignonHandler methods. The SignonHandlerAdapter class provides default implementations for all SignonHandler methods, so you only have to implement methods for events you care about.)

    Create a SignonHandler object using your extended class, and then register it with the system object using setSignonHandler(). When a sign-on related event occurs on the AS400 system object, the relevant method in your handler object is invoked.

    For all methods that return a boolean, returning true indicates that the sign-on should proceed; false indicates that the sign-on should be terminated.

    In order to avoid hang conditions, the SignonHandler object must not attempt to display a GUI if isGuiAvailable() indicates false.

    In order to avoid infinite loops, a SignonHandler must not call the following AS400 methods:

    • addPasswordCacheEntry()
    • authenticate()
    • connectService()
    • validateSignon()
    See Also:
    AS400.setSignonHandler(, AS400.getSignonHandler(), AS400.setDefaultSignonHandler(, AS400.getDefaultSignonHandler()