Class Subsystem

  • public class Subsystem
    extends Object
    Represents a subsystem on the system. Most of the getter methods simply return the cached attribute value obtained by the most recent refresh(). Other than getObjectDescription(), none of the getters will themselves go to the system to get the current attribute value. Prior to the first refresh(), many of the getters will return null or zero.
     Subsystem sbs = new Subsystem(system, library, name);
     if (!sbs.exists()) {
       System.out.println("No such subsystem: "+sbs.getPath());
     else {
       System.out.println("Status: " + sbs.getStatus());
       System.out.println("Number of jobs: " + sbs.getCurrentActiveJobs());
       System.out.println("Maximum jobs: " + sbs.getMaximumActiveJobs());
       SystemPool[] pools = sbs.getPools();
       System.out.print("Pools: ");
       if (pools == null) System.out.println("null");
       else for (int i=0; i
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static int NO_MAX
      Value for the maximumActiveJobs property, indicating "no maximum".
      static int NO_TIME_LIMIT
      Value for the timeLimit parameter of the end() methods, indicating "no time limit".
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void assignPool(int sequenceNumber, int size, int activityLevel)
      Defines a private storage pool and adds it to the list of storage pools defined for the subsystem.
      void assignPool(int sequenceNumber, String poolName)
      Adds a shared system pool to the list of storage pools defined for the subsystem.
      void changeDescriptionText(String text)
      Sets the subsystem description text.
      void changeDisplayFilePath(String path)
      Specifies the signon display file that is used when showing signon displays at work stations allocated to the subsystem.
      void changeLanguageLibrary(String library)
      Specifies a library to enter ahead of other libraries in the system portion of the library list.
      void changeMaximumActiveJobs(int maxJobs)
      Sets the maximum number of active jobs that can run or use resources within the subsystem at one time.
      void create()
      Creates the subsystem on the system.
      void create(String authority)
      Creates the subsystem on the system.
      void delete()
      Deletes the subsystem from the system.
      void end(int timeLimit)
      Ends the subsystem on the system, in a controlled manner.
      static void endAllSubsystems(AS400 system, int timeLimit)
      Ends all active subsystems on the system, in a controlled manner.
      static void endAllSubsystemsImmediately(AS400 system)
      Ends all active subsystems on the system, immediately.
      void endImmediately()
      Ends the subsystem on the system, immediately.
      boolean equals(Object obj)
      Determines whether this Subsystem object is equal to another object.
      boolean exists()
      Determines if the subsystem currently exists on the system.
      int getCurrentActiveJobs()
      Returns the number of jobs currently active in the subsystem.
      String getDescriptionText()
      Returns the subsystem description text.
      String getDisplayFilePath()
      Returns the path of the signon display file that is used when showing signon displays at work stations allocated to the subsystem.
      String getLanguageLibrary()
      Returns the library that is entered ahead of other libraries in the system portion of the library list.
      String getLibrary()
      Returns the name of the library where the subsystem resides on the system.
      int getMaximumActiveJobs()
      Returns the maximum number of active jobs that can run or use resources within the subsystem at one time.
      Job getMonitorJob()
      Returns the subsystem monitor job.
      String getName()
      Returns the subsystem name.
      ObjectDescription getObjectDescription()
      Returns an ObjectDescription instance representing the subsystem.
      String getPath()
      Returns the fully-qualifed IFS pathname of the subsystem.
      SystemPool getPool(int sequenceNumber)
      Returns the storage pool defined at the specified position for the subsystem.
      SystemPool[] getPools()
      Returns the list of storage pools that are defined for the subsystem.
      String getStatus()
      Returns the extended status of the subsystem.
      AS400 getSystem()
      Returns the system where the subsystem resides.
      int hashCode()
      Returns a hash code value for the object.
      static Subsystem[] listAllSubsystems(AS400 system)
      Lists all subsystems on the system.
      void refresh()
      Refreshes the attributes of this Subsystem object, to reflect the current state of the subsystem on the system.
      void removePool(int sequenceNumber)
      Removes a storage pool from the list of pools defined for the subsystem.
      void start()
      Starts the subsystem on the system.