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ACCOUNT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
ACCOUNT_URL - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
add(E) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.RingBuffer
add - appends an element to the end of this queue
addError(InsertValidationResponse.InsertError) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse
Add an insertion error to the error list
ArrowFlusher - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal
Converts ChannelData buffered in RowBuffer to the Arrow format for faster processing.
ArrowFlusher() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.ArrowFlusher
assertNotNull(String, Object) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils
Assert when the value is null
assertStringNotNullOrEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils
Assert when the String is null or Empty


BackOffException - Exception in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
BackOffException - Exception thrown when we have to back off
BackOffException() - Constructor for exception net.snowflake.ingest.utils.BackOffException
BackOffException(String) - Constructor for exception net.snowflake.ingest.utils.BackOffException
BackOffException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.snowflake.ingest.utils.BackOffException
BackOffException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.snowflake.ingest.utils.BackOffException
BdecParquetReader - Class in org.apache.parquet.hadoop
BDEC specific parquet reader.
BdecParquetReader(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.parquet.hadoop.BdecParquetReader
BdecParquetWriter - Class in org.apache.parquet.hadoop
BDEC specific parquet writer.
BdecParquetWriter(ByteArrayOutputStream, MessageType, Map<String, String>, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.parquet.hadoop.BdecParquetWriter
Creates a BDEC specific parquet writer.
BinaryStringUtils - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal
BinaryStringUtils() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.BinaryStringUtils
BLOB_CHECKSUM_SIZE_IN_BYTES - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
BLOB_CHUNK_METADATA_LENGTH_SIZE_IN_BYTES - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
BLOB_EXTENSION_TYPE - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
BLOB_FILE_SIZE_SIZE_IN_BYTES - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
BLOB_FORMAT_VERSION - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
BLOB_FORMAT_VERSION_DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
BLOB_NO_HEADER - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
BLOB_TAG_SIZE_IN_BYTES - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
BLOB_UPLOAD_MAX_RETRY_COUNT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
BLOB_UPLOAD_MAX_RETRY_COUNT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
BLOB_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
BLOB_VERSION_SIZE_IN_BYTES - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
BUFFER_FLUSH_CHECK_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
BUFFER_FLUSH_CHECK_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
BUFFER_FLUSH_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
BUFFER_FLUSH_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
build() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager.Builder
build - returns a new instance of SimpleIngestManager using the information set in this builder object
build() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest.OpenChannelRequestBuilder
build() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientFactory.Builder
build() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL.SnowflakeURLBuilder
Builder() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager.Builder
builder(String) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest
builder(String) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientFactory
ByteArraySerializer - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.serialization
Serialize Java byte arrays as JSON arrays of numbers instead of the default Jackson base64-encoding.
ByteArraySerializer() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.serialization.ByteArraySerializer


CHANNEL_STATUS_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
clear() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.RingBuffer
clear - effectively empties the array by resetting all of our pointers and clearing our buffer
CLIENT_CONFIGURE_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
CLIENT_NAME - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
ClientStatusResponse - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.connection
ClientStatusResponse - response from a get client status request
ClientStatusResponse() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ClientStatusResponse
close() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.TelemetryService
Flush the telemetry buffer and close the telemetry service
close() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
Closes the resources associated with this object.
close() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientInternal
Close the client, which will flush first and then release all the resources
close() - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestChannel
Close the channel, this function will make sure all the data in this channel is committed
close() - Method in class org.apache.parquet.hadoop.BdecParquetReader
Close the reader.
close() - Method in class org.apache.parquet.hadoop.BdecParquetWriter
closeAllocator(BufferAllocator) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils
Release any outstanding memory and then close the buffer allocator
closeResources() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
Closes the resources being used by RequestBuilder object.
COMMIT_MAX_RETRY_COUNT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
COMMIT_RETRY_INTERVAL_IN_MS - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
COMPRESS_BLOB_TWICE - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
configureClient(UUID) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
Register a snowpipe client and returns the client sequencer
ConfigureClientResponse - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.connection
ConfigureClientResponse - response from a configure client request
ConfigureClientResponse() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ConfigureClientResponse
CONNECT_STRING - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
Constants - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
Contains all the constants needed for Streaming Ingest
Constants() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
Constants.BdecVersion - Enum in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
The write mode to generate Arrow BDEC file.
Constants.WriteMode - Enum in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
constructAccountUrl(String, String, int) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils
Construct account url from input schema, host and port
contains(Object) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.RingBuffer
contains - checks whether or not an object is in this queue
createFlusher() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.ParquetRowBuffer
createKeyPairFromPrivateKey(PrivateKey) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils
Generate key pair object from private key
createProperties(Properties) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils
Create a Properties for snowflake connection
createTempCsv(String, String, int) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.example.IngestExampleHelper
createTimerContext(Timer) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils
Create a new timer context if input is not null
Cryptor - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
Cryptor() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Cryptor


DATABASE - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
decrypt(byte[], String, String, long) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Cryptor
Decrypts input bytes using AES CTR mode with zero initialization vector,this is used in testing only
DEFAULT_HOST_SUFFIX - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
DEFAULT_VERSION - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
DISABLE_BACKGROUND_FLUSH - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
doQuery(Connection, String) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.example.IngestExampleHelper
Try to execute a SQL query and throw if it fails


element() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.RingBuffer
element Returns the element current under the read pointer Does NOT update the read position
ENABLE_PARQUET_INTERNAL_BUFFERING - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
ENABLE_PARQUET_INTERNAL_BUFFERING_DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
ENABLE_SNOWPIPE_STREAMING_METRICS - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
ENABLE_TELEMETRY_TO_SF - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
encrypt(byte[], String, String, long) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Cryptor
Encrypts input bytes using AES CTR mode with zero initialization vector.
ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
EP_NDV_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
equals(Object) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Pair
ErrorCode - Enum in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
Ingest SDK internal error codes
errorMessageResource - Static variable in enum net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ErrorCode


FileEntry() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
files - Variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse
the list of file status objects
files - Variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse
the list of file status objects
findByStatusId(int) - Static method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestStatus
Search file Status given its id
Flusher<T> - Interface in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal
Interface to convert ChannelData buffered in RowBuffer to the underlying format implementation for faster processing.
Flusher.SerializationResult - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal
Holds result of the buffered rows conversion: channel metadata and stats.
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants.BdecVersion


generateConfigureClientRequest(UUID, String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
Given a requestId and a pipe, make a configure client request
generateGetClientStatusRequest(UUID, String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
Given a requestId and a pipe, make a get client status request
generateHistoryRangeRequest(UUID, String, String, String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
generateHistoryRangeRequest - given a requestId and a pipe, get history for all ingests between time ranges start-end
generateHistoryRequest(UUID, String, Integer, String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
generateHistoryRequest - given a requestId and a pipe, make a history request
generateInsertRequest(UUID, String, List<StagedFileWrapper>, boolean) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
generateInsertRequest - given a table, stage and list of files, make a request for the insert endpoint
generateInsertRequest(UUID, String, List<StagedFileWrapper>, boolean, Optional<InsertFilesClientInfo>) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
generateInsertRequest - given a pipe, list of files and clientInfo, make a request for the insert endpoint
generateKeyPair() - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.example.IngestExampleHelper
Generates an RSA keypair for use in this test
generateProxyPropertiesForJDBC() - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.HttpUtil
Helper method to decide whether to add any properties related to proxy server.
generateStreamingIngestPostRequest(String, String, String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
Generate post request for streaming ingest related APIs
generateStreamingIngestPostRequest(Map<Object, Object>, String, String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
Generate post request for streaming ingest related APIs
getAccount() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager.Builder
getAccount - returns the name of the account this builder will inject into the IngestManager
getAccount() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
getAccount - Gives back the name of the account that this IngestManager is targeting
getAccount() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL
getBlobFormatVersion() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
getBlobUploadMaxRetryCount() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
getBufferFlushCheckIntervalInMs() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
getBufferFlushIntervalInMs() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
getCapacity() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.RingBuffer
getCapacity - gives back the capacity of this buffer
getCause() - Method in exception net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SFException
getChannelName() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest
getClientSequencer() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ClientStatusResponse
unique identifier for the client
getClientSequencer() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ConfigureClientResponse
unique identifier for the client
getClientSequencer() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.InsertFilesClientInfo
Gets client Sequencer associated with this clientInfo record.
getClientStatus(UUID) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
Get client status for snowpipe which contains offset token and client sequencer
getCode() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException.IngestExceptionBody
getConnection(String, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.example.IngestExampleHelper
getData() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException.IngestExceptionBody
getDBName() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest
getDBName() - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestChannel
Get the database name
getDefaultTimezone() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest
getEnableParquetInternalBuffering() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
getEndTimeExclusive() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse
endTimeExclusive (timestamp in ISO-8601 format) provided in the request.
getEpoch() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.TimestampWrapper
Get epoch in seconds
getErrorBody() - Method in exception net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException
Getter for error body
getErrorCode() - Method in exception net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException
Getter for error code
getErrorLimit() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Number of errors allowed in the file before it is considered failed (based on ON_ERROR copy option).
getErrorRowCount() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse
Get the number of erroneous row count
getErrorsSeen() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Number of errors seen in the file
getException() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse.InsertError
Get the exception
getExtraColNames() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse.InsertError
Get the list of extra column names in the input row compared with the table schema
getFileSize() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
The size of the file as measured by the service
getFirst() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Pair
getFirstError() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Error message for the first error encountered in this file.
getFirstErrorCharacterPos() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Character position of the first error.
getFirstErrorColumnName() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Column name where the first error occurred.
getFirstErrorLineNum() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Line number of the first error.
getFraction() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.TimestampWrapper
Get fractional part of a second
getFullUrl() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL
getFullyQualifiedName() - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestChannel
Get the fully qualified channel name
getFullyQualifiedTableName() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest
getFullyQualifiedTableName() - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestChannel
Get the fully qualified table name that the channel belongs to
getHeaders() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException.IngestExceptionBody
getHistory(UUID, Integer, String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
Pings the service to see the current ingest history for this table
getHistoryRange(UUID, String, String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
Pings the service to see the current ingest history for this table
getHostName() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager.Builder
getHttpClient() - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.HttpUtil
getHttpMethod() - Method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ServiceResponseHandler.ApiName
getId() - Method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestStatus
id of the IngestStatus object
getInsertErrors() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse
Get the list of insertion errors, the list is empty if no error
getInsertThrottleIntervalInMs() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
getInsertThrottleThresholdInPercentage() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
getIOTimeCpuRatio() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
getJdbcUrl() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL
getKey() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Pair
getKeypair() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager.Builder
getKeyPair - returns the key-pair we're using for authentication
getLastInsertTime() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
getLastInsertTime - converts the ISO formatted lastInsertTime string into a LocalDateTime
getLatestCommittedOffsetToken() - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestChannel
Get the latest committed offset token from Snowflake
getLogger() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Logging
getMaxMemoryLimitInBytes() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
getMessage() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException.IngestExceptionBody
getMessage() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse.InsertError
Get the exception message
getMessageCode() - Method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ErrorCode
getMissingNotNullColNames() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse.InsertError
Get the list of missing non-nullable column names in the input row compared with the table schema
getName() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientInternal
Get the client name
getName() - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestChannel
Get the name of the channel
getName() - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClient
Get the client name
getNextBeginMark() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse
beginMark to use on the next request to avoid seeing duplicate records.
getOffsetToken() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ClientStatusResponse
offset number for kafka connector
getOffsetToken() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.InsertFilesClientInfo
Gets offsetToken associated with this clientInfo record.
getOnErrorOption() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest
getParams() - Method in exception net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SFException
getPath() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
The file path relative to the stage location.
getPath() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.StagedFileWrapper
getPath - returns the path of this file
getPipe() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse
fully qualified pipe name
getPipe() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse
fully qualified pipe name
getPipe() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager.Builder
getPipe - get the pipe for the ingest manager this builder will create
getPipe() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
getPipe - gives back the pipe which we are using
getPort() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL
getPublicKeyString(KeyPair) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.example.IngestExampleHelper
Generate the public key as a string
getRangeEndTime() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse
lastInsertTime (timestamp in ISO-8601 format) of the latest entry in the files included in the response.
getRangeStartTime() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse
lastInsertTime (timestamp in ISO-8601 format) of the oldest entry in the files included in the response.
getRequestBuilder() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
getRequestId() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponse
getRequestUUID() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponse
getRequestUUID - the requestId as a UUID
getResponseCode() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponse
getRowContent() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse.InsertError
Get the row content
getRowIndex() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse.InsertError
Get the rowIndex.
getRowsInserted() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Number of rows inserted into the target table from the file.
getRowsParsed() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Number of rows parsed from the file.
getSchemaName() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest
getSchemaName() - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestChannel
Get the schema name
getScheme() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL
getSecond() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Pair
getShortname(String) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.StreamingIngestUtils
getSize() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.StagedFileWrapper
getSize - get the size of this file
getSkippedFiles() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponse
getStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils
Return the stack trace for a given exception
getStageLocation() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Either the stage ID (internal stage) or the S3 bucket (external stage) defined in the pipe.
getStartTimeInclusive() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse
startTimeInclusive (timestamp in ISO-8601 format) provided in the request.
getStatistics() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse
the statistics reported back by the service
getStatus() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Load status for the file: LOAD_IN_PROGRESS: Part of the file has been loaded into the table, but the load process has not completed yet.
getStatusDesc() - Method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestStatus
description associated to that file Status
getSystemError() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
General error describing why the file was not processed.
getTableName() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest
getTableName() - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestChannel
Get the table name
getTelemetryService() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
Get the telemetry service
getTimeReceived() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
The time at which this file was enqueued by the service ISO 8601 UTC
getTimeZoneIndex() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.TimestampWrapper
Get timezone index, 1440 means UTC.
getTimezoneOffsetSeconds() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.TimestampWrapper
Get timezone offset in seconds
getUnmatchedPatternFiles() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponse
getUrlWithoutPort() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL
getUser() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager.Builder
getUser - get the user who will be loading using the ingest service
getUser() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
getUser - gives back the user on behalf of which this ingest manager is loading
getUserAgentSuffix() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager.Builder
Get the set user agent suffix.
getValue() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Pair
getVendorCode() - Method in exception net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SFException


hasEnabledSnowpipeStreamingMetrics() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
hasErrors() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse
Check whether there is any error during insertion
hashCode() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Pair
HistoryRangeResponse - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.connection
HistoryRangeResponse - response containing all history for a given pipe within a given date range, received from range history endpoint.
HistoryRangeResponse() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse
HistoryResponse - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.connection
HistoryResponse - an object containing a response we've received from the history endpoint
HistoryResponse() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse
HistoryResponse.FileEntry - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.connection
FileEntry - a pojo containing all of the data about a file reported back from the service
HOST - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.HttpUtil
HTTP_PROXY_USER - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.HttpUtil
HttpUtil - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
Created by hyu on 8/10/17.
HttpUtil() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.HttpUtil


IngestExampleHelper - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.example
Helper methods to connect to snowflake jdbc and run queries Created by vganesh on 5/19/17.
IngestExampleHelper() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.example.IngestExampleHelper
IngestExceptionBody() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException.IngestExceptionBody
ingestFile(StagedFileWrapper, UUID) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
ingestFile - ingest a single file
ingestFile(StagedFileWrapper, UUID, boolean) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
ingestFile - ingest a single file
ingestFiles(List<StagedFileWrapper>, UUID) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
ingestFiles - synchronously sends a request to the ingest service to enqueue these files
ingestFiles(List<StagedFileWrapper>, UUID, boolean) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
ingestFiles - synchronously sends a request to the ingest service to enqueue these files
ingestFiles(List<StagedFileWrapper>, UUID, boolean, InsertFilesClientInfo) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
ingestFiles With Client Info - synchronously sends a request to the ingest service to enqueue these files along with clientSequencer and offSetToken.
IngestResponse - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.connection
IngestResponse - an object which contains a successful response from the service for the insert request
IngestResponse() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponse
IngestResponseException - Exception in net.snowflake.ingest.connection
Exception will capture error message when Snowflake encounters an error during ingest or if trying to retrieve history report/ Created by vganesh on 5/20/17.
IngestResponseException.IngestExceptionBody - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.connection
Response exception REST message body sent back from Snowflake
IngestStatus - Enum in net.snowflake.ingest.connection
Status of ingest of a particular file returned by Snowflake in the FileEntry history response per file
INSERT_THROTTLE_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
INSERT_THROTTLE_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
INSERT_THROTTLE_MAX_RETRY_COUNT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
INSERT_THROTTLE_THRESHOLD_IN_PERCENTAGE - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
INSERT_THROTTLE_THRESHOLD_IN_PERCENTAGE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
InsertError(Object, long) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse.InsertError
InsertFilesClientInfo - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.connection
Just a wrapper class which is serialised into REST request for insertFiles.
InsertFilesClientInfo(long, String) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.InsertFilesClientInfo
Constructor with both fields as required.
insertRow(Map<String, Object>, String) - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestChannel
Insert one row into the channel, the row is represented using Map where the key is column name and the value is a row of data.
insertRows(Iterable<Map<String, Object>>, String) - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestChannel
Insert a batch of rows into the channel, each row is represented using Map where the key is column name and the value is a row of data.
InsertValidationResponse - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming
Response for an insert operation into a channel, which may contain a list of InsertValidationResponse.InsertError objects if there is any failure during insertion.
InsertValidationResponse() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse
InsertValidationResponse.InsertError - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming
Wraps the row content and exception when there is a failure
IO_TIME_CPU_RATIO - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
IO_TIME_CPU_RATIO_DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
isClosed() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientInternal
isClosed() - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestChannel
isClosed() - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClient
Check whether the client is closed or not, if you want to make sure all data are committed before closing, please call AutoCloseable.close() before closing the entire client
isComplete() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Indicates whether the was file completely processed successfully.
isCompleteResult() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse
False if the report is incomplete, i.e.
isCompleteResult() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse
False if an event was missed between the supplied beginMark and the first event in this report history.
isEmpty() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.RingBuffer
isEmpty - are there any items we can get from this queue?
isNullOrEmpty(String) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils
Utility function to check whether a string is null or empty
isSuccess() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException.IngestExceptionBody
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Logging
isValid() - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestChannel
iterator() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.RingBuffer
iterator - returns an iterator that allows you to view all elements in this queue This iterator does NOT allow for remove()


JAVA_USER_AGENT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
JDBC_PRIVATE_KEY - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
JWT_TOKEN_TYPE - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder


logDebug(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Logging
logDebug(String, Object...) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Logging
logError(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Logging
logError(String, Object...) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Logging
Logging - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
Base Logging Utility
Logging(Class) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Logging
logInfo(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Logging
logInfo(String, Object...) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Logging
logTrace(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Logging
logTrace(String, Object...) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Logging
logWarn(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Logging
logWarn(String, Object...) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Logging
lookupByName(String) - Static method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestStatus
Given an enum name, find associated IngestStatus
LOW_RUNTIME_MEMORY_THRESHOLD_IN_BYTES - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants


main(String[]) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.example.SnowflakeIngestBasicExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.example.SnowflakeStreamingIngestExample
makeLocalDirectory(String) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.example.IngestExampleHelper
Create directories if they don't exist under directoryPath.
makeSampleFile(String, String) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.example.IngestExampleHelper
Create file under directoryPath with fileName and populate it with test data
MAX_ALLOWED_OFFSET_TOKEN_BYTE_SIZE - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.InsertFilesClientInfo
MAX_BLOB_SIZE_IN_BYTES - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
MAX_CHUNK_SIZE_IN_BYTES - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT_IN_BYTES - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT_IN_BYTES_DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
MAX_STREAMING_INGEST_API_CHANNEL_RETRY - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
MAX_THREAD_COUNT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants


net.snowflake.ingest - package net.snowflake.ingest
net.snowflake.ingest.connection - package net.snowflake.ingest.connection
net.snowflake.ingest.example - package net.snowflake.ingest.example
net.snowflake.ingest.streaming - package net.snowflake.ingest.streaming
net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.example - package net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.example
net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal - package net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal
net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.serialization - package net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.serialization
net.snowflake.ingest.utils - package net.snowflake.ingest.utils


offer(E) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.RingBuffer
offer - attempts to add an object to the queue, if the queue is at capacity, return false
OPEN_CHANNEL_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
openChannel(OpenChannelRequest) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientInternal
Open a channel against a Snowflake table
openChannel(OpenChannelRequest) - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClient
Open a channel against a Snowflake table using a OpenChannelRequest
OpenChannelRequest - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming
A class that is used to open/create a SnowflakeStreamingIngestChannel
OpenChannelRequest.OnErrorOption - Enum in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming
OpenChannelRequest.OpenChannelRequestBuilder - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming
A builder class to build a OpenChannelRequest
OpenChannelRequestBuilder(String) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest.OpenChannelRequestBuilder
org.apache.parquet.hadoop - package org.apache.parquet.hadoop
OS_INFO_USER_AGENT_FORMAT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder


Pair<F,S> - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
Simple Pair class.
Pair(F, S) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Pair
Pair(Map.Entry<F, S>) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Pair
ParameterProvider - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
Utility class to provide configurable constants
ParameterProvider(Map<String, Object>, Properties) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
ParameterProvider() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
Empty constructor for tests
ParquetChunkData - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal
Parquet data holder to buffer rows.
ParquetChunkData(List<List<Object>>, BdecParquetWriter, ByteArrayOutputStream, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.ParquetChunkData
Construct parquet data chunk.
ParquetFlusher - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal
Converts ChannelData buffered in RowBuffer to the Parquet format for faster processing.
ParquetFlusher(MessageType, boolean) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.ParquetFlusher
Construct parquet flusher from its schema and set flag that indicates whether Parquet memory optimization is enabled, i.e.
ParquetRowBuffer - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal
The buffer in the Streaming Ingest channel that holds the un-flushed rows, these rows will be converted to Parquet format for faster processing
ParquetTypeGenerator - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal
Generates the Parquet types for the Snowflake's column types
ParquetTypeGenerator() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.ParquetTypeGenerator
parseEncryptedPrivateKey(String, String) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils
Parse an encrypted private key
parsePrivateKey(String) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils
Parse an unencrypted private key
peek() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.RingBuffer
peek - Returns the element currently under the read pointer Does NOT update the read position If there is no valid element, return null
poll() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.RingBuffer
poll - returns the head of this queue and removes it from the queue.
poolThreadFactory(String, boolean) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ThreadFactoryUtil
PORT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
PRIMARY_FILE_ID_KEY - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
PRIVATE_KEY - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
PROXY_HOST - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.HttpUtil
PROXY_PORT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.HttpUtil


read() - Method in class org.apache.parquet.hadoop.BdecParquetReader
Reads the current row, i.e.
readFileIntoWriter(byte[], BdecParquetWriter) - Static method in class org.apache.parquet.hadoop.BdecParquetReader
Reads the input data using Parquet reader and writes them using a Parquet Writer.
refreshJWTToken(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.TelemetryService
Refresh JWT token stored in the telemetry client
REGISTER_BLOB_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
remove() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.RingBuffer
remove - returns the current head of this queue and removes it This *does* update the read position
reportClientFailure(String, String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.TelemetryService
Report the Streaming Ingest failure metrics
reportCpuMemoryUsage(Histogram) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.TelemetryService
Report the Streaming Ingest CUP/memory usage metrics
reportLatencyInSec(Timer, Timer, Timer, Timer) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.TelemetryService
Report the Streaming Ingest latency metrics
reportThroughputBytesPerSecond(Meter, Meter) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.TelemetryService
Report the Streaming Ingest throughput metrics
RequestBuilder - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.connection
This class handles constructing the URIs for our requests as well as putting together the payloads we'll be sending
RequestBuilder(String, String, KeyPair) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
RequestBuilder - general usage constructor
RequestBuilder(String, String, String, KeyPair, String) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
RequestBuilder constructor which uses default schemes, host and port.
RequestBuilder(String, String, KeyPair, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
Constructor to use if not intended to use userAgentSuffix.
RequestBuilder(String, String, KeyPair, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
RequestBuilder - this constructor is for testing purposes only
RequestBuilder(SnowflakeURL, String, KeyPair, CloseableHttpClient, String) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
RequestBuilder - constructor used by streaming ingest
RequestBuilder(String, String, KeyPair, String, String, int, String, CloseableHttpClient, String) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
RequestBuilder - this constructor is for testing purposes only
RESPONSE_ERR_ENQUEUE_TABLE_CHUNK_QUEUE_FULL - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
RESPONSE_ERR_GENERAL_EXCEPTION_RETRY_REQUEST - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
RESPONSE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
RingBuffer<E> - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
RingBuffer(int) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.RingBuffer
Constructs a ring buffer with a specified size
ROLE - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants


SCHEMA - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
SCHEME - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
SerializationResult(List<ChannelMetadata>, Map<String, RowBufferStats>, long, ByteArrayOutputStream, Pair<Long, Long>) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.Flusher.SerializationResult
serialize(List<ChannelData<VectorSchemaRoot>>, String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.ArrowFlusher
serialize(List<ChannelData<T>>, String) - Method in interface net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.Flusher
Serialize buffered rows into the underlying format.
serialize(List<ChannelData<ParquetChunkData>>, String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.ParquetFlusher
serialize(byte[], JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.serialization.ByteArraySerializer
serialize(ZonedDateTime, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.serialization.ZonedDateTimeSerializer
ServiceResponseHandler - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.connection
This class handles taking the HttpResponses we've gotten back, and producing an appropriate response object for usage
ServiceResponseHandler() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ServiceResponseHandler
ServiceResponseHandler.ApiName - Enum in net.snowflake.ingest.connection
Enums for Snowpipe REST API: Used in handleExceptionalStatus for logging purpose
setAccount(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager.Builder
setAccount - set the account for the ingest manager and return this builder
setAccount(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL.SnowflakeURLBuilder
setCode(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException.IngestExceptionBody
setComplete(Boolean) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Indicates whether the was file completely processed successfully.
setCompleteResult(boolean) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse
setCompleteResult(Boolean) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse
False if an event was missed between the supplied beginMark and the first event in this report history.
setData(Object) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException.IngestExceptionBody
setDBName(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest.OpenChannelRequestBuilder
setDefaultTimezone(ZoneId) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest.OpenChannelRequestBuilder
setEndTimeExclusive(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse
endTimeExclusive (timestamp in ISO-8601 format) provided in the request.
setErrorLimit(Long) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Number of errors allowed in the file before it is considered failed (based on ON_ERROR copy option).
setErrorsSeen(Long) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Number of errors seen in the file
setException(SFException) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse.InsertError
Set the insert exception
setExtraColNames(List<String>) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse.InsertError
Set the extra column names in the input row compared with the table schema
setFileSize(Long) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
The size of the file as measured by the service
setFirstError(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Error message for the first error encountered in this file.
setFirstErrorCharacterPos(Long) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Character position of the first error.
setFirstErrorColumnName(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Column name where the first error occurred.
setFirstErrorLineNum(Long) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Line number of the first error.
setHeaders(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException.IngestExceptionBody
setHostName(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager.Builder
setKeypair(KeyPair) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager.Builder
setKeypair - sets the RSA 2048 bit keypair we'll be using for token signing
setLastInsertTime(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Time data from this file was last inserted into the table.
setMessage(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException.IngestExceptionBody
setMissingNotNullColNames(List<String>) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse.InsertError
Set the missing non-nullable column names in the input row compared with the table schema
setNextBeginMark(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse
beginMark to use on the next request to avoid seeing duplicate records.
setOnErrorOption(OpenChannelRequest.OnErrorOption) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest.OpenChannelRequestBuilder
setParameterOverrides(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientFactory.Builder
setPath(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
The file path relative to the stage location.
setPipe(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse
fully qualified pipe name
setPipe(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse
fully qualified pipe name
setPipe(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager.Builder
setTable - sets the pipe which the SimpleIngestManager will be using
setPort(int) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL.SnowflakeURLBuilder
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientFactory.Builder
setRangeEndTime(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse
lastInsertTime (timestamp in ISO-8601 format) of the latest entry in the files included in the response.
setRangeStartTime(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse
lastInsertTime (timestamp in ISO-8601 format) of the oldest entry in the files included in the response.
setRowIndex(long) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.InsertValidationResponse.InsertError
Set the row index
setRowsInserted(Long) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Number of rows inserted into the target table from the file.
setRowsParsed(long) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Number of rows parsed from the file.
setSchemaName(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest.OpenChannelRequestBuilder
setSsl(boolean) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL.SnowflakeURLBuilder
setStageLocation(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Either the stage ID (internal stage) or the S3 bucket (external stage) defined in the pipe.
setStartTimeInclusive(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse
startTimeInclusive (timestamp in ISO-8601 format) provided in the request.
setStatistics(HistoryResponse.HistoryStats) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse
the statistics reported back by the service
setStatus(IngestStatus) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
Load status for the file: LOAD_IN_PROGRESS: Part of the file has been loaded into the table, but the load process has not completed yet.
setSuccess(boolean) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException.IngestExceptionBody
setSystemError(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
General error describing why the file was not processed.
setTableName(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest.OpenChannelRequestBuilder
setTimeReceived(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
The time at which this file was enqueued by the service ISO 8601 UTC
setupSchema(List<ColumnMetadata>) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.ParquetRowBuffer
setUrl(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL.SnowflakeURLBuilder
setUser(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager.Builder
setUser - sets the user who will be loading with the ingest manager
setUserAgentSuffix(String) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager.Builder
SF_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN_TYPE - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder
SFException - Exception in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
Snowflake exception in the Ingest SDK
SFException(Throwable, ErrorCode, Object...) - Constructor for exception net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SFException
Construct a Snowflake exception from a cause, an error code and message parameters
SFException(ErrorCode, Object...) - Constructor for exception net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SFException
Construct a Snowflake exception from an error code and message parameters
sha256Hash(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Cryptor
Hashes input bytes using SHA-256.
sha256Hash(byte[]) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Cryptor
Hashes input bytes using SHA-256.
sha256HashBase64(byte[]) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Cryptor
Hashes input bytes using SHA-256 and converts hash into a string using Base64 encoding.
showMemory() - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils
Util function to show memory usage info and debug memory issue in the SDK
shutdownHttpConnectionManagerDaemonThread() - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.HttpUtil
Shuts down the daemon thread.
SimpleIngestManager - Class in net.snowflake.ingest
This class provides a basic, low-level abstraction over the Snowflake Ingest Service REST api
SimpleIngestManager(String, String, String, KeyPair) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
SimpleIngestManager(String, String, String, KeyPair, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
SimpleIngestManager(String, String, String, PrivateKey) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
Constructs a SimpleIngestManager for a given user in a specific account In addition, this also takes takes the target table and source stage Finally, it also requires a valid private key registered with Snowflake DB
SimpleIngestManager(String, String, String, String, KeyPair, String) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
Using this constructor for Builder pattern.
SimpleIngestManager(String, String, String, PrivateKey, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
Constructs a SimpleIngestManager for a given user in a specific account In addition, this also takes takes the target table and source stage Finally, it also requires a valid private key registered with Snowflake DB
SimpleIngestManager(String, String, String, PrivateKey, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
SimpleIngestManager.Builder - Class in net.snowflake.ingest
This Builder allows someone to configure a SimpleIngestManager prior to instantiating the manager
size() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.RingBuffer
size - returns the number of occupied slots in this queue
SnowflakeIngestBasicExample - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.example
This sample demonstrates how to make basic requests to the Snowflake Ingest service for Java.
SnowflakeIngestBasicExample() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.example.SnowflakeIngestBasicExample
SnowflakeStreamingIngestChannel - Interface in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming
A logical partition that represents a connection to a single Snowflake table, data will be ingested into the channel, and then flush to Snowflake table periodically in the background.
SnowflakeStreamingIngestClient - Interface in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming
A class that is the starting point for using the Streaming Ingest client APIs, a single client maps to exactly one account in Snowflake; however, multiple clients can point to the same account.
SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientFactory - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming
Factory class used to build a SnowflakeStreamingIngestClient for a specific account
SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientFactory() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientFactory
SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientFactory.Builder - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming
Builder class to build a SnowflakeStreamingIngestClient
SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientInternal<T> - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal
The first version of implementation for SnowflakeStreamingIngestClient.
SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientInternal(String, SnowflakeURL, Properties, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.SnowflakeStreamingIngestClientInternal
Default Constructor
SnowflakeStreamingIngestExample - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.example
Example on how to use the Streaming Ingest client APIs.
SnowflakeStreamingIngestExample() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.example.SnowflakeStreamingIngestExample
SnowflakeURL - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
Snowflake URL Object
SnowflakeURL(String) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL
Construct a SnowflakeURL object from a String
SnowflakeURL.SnowflakeURLBuilder - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
SnowflakeURLBuilder() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL.SnowflakeURLBuilder
SNOWPIPE_STREAMING_JMX_METRIC_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
SNOWPIPE_STREAMING_JVM_MEMORY_AND_THREAD_METRICS_REGISTRY - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
SNOWPIPE_STREAMING_METRICS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
SNOWPIPE_STREAMING_SHARED_METRICS_REGISTRY - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
SSL - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
sslEnabled() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL
StagedFileWrapper - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
RemoteFileWrapper for a file path in the target stage as well as an optional size
StagedFileWrapper(String, Long) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.StagedFileWrapper
StagedFileWrapper - just wraps the path of a file and its size for serialization
StagedFileWrapper(String) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.StagedFileWrapper
StagedFileWrapper - just setting the path without a size
STREAMING_INGEST_TELEMETRY_UPLOAD_INTERVAL_IN_SEC - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
StreamingIngestUtils - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal
StreamingIngestUtils() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.StreamingIngestUtils


TelemetryService - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.connection
Telemetry service to collect logs in the SDK and send them to Snowflake through the JDBC client telemetry API
THREAD_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
ThreadFactoryUtil - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
This class provides support functions for writing a thread factory wrapper
ThreadFactoryUtil() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ThreadFactoryUtil
TimestampWrapper - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal
This class represents the outcome of timestamp parsing and validation.
TimestampWrapper(OffsetDateTime, int) - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.TimestampWrapper
Create a new instance from OffsetDateTime and its scale.
toArray() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.RingBuffer
toArray - builds an array containing all objects in this queue
toBinary(boolean) - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.TimestampWrapper
Convert the timestamp to a binary representation.
toByte() - Method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants.BdecVersion
toByteArray(long) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils
Convert long value to a byte array
toByteArray(int) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils
Convert int value to a byte array
toString() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ClientStatusResponse
toString() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ConfigureClientResponse
toString() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryRangeResponse
toString() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse.FileEntry
toString() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.HistoryResponse
toString() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponse
toString() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException.IngestExceptionBody
toString() - Method in exception net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestResponseException
toString() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.InsertFilesClientInfo
Only printing clientSequencer
toString() - Method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ErrorCode
toString() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Pair
toString() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ParameterProvider
toString() - Method in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL


unmarshallConfigureClientResponse(HttpResponse, UUID) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ServiceResponseHandler
unmarshallConfigureClientResponse - Given an HttpResponse object, attempts to deserialize it into a ConfigureClientResponse
unmarshallGetClientStatus(HttpResponse, UUID) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ServiceResponseHandler
unmarshallGetClientStatus - Given an HttpResponse object, attempts to deserialize it into a ClientStatusResponse
unmarshallHistoryRangeResponse(HttpResponse, UUID) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ServiceResponseHandler
Given an HttpResponse object - attempts to deserialize it into a HistoryRangeResponse
unmarshallHistoryResponse(HttpResponse, UUID) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ServiceResponseHandler
unmarshallHistoryResponse Given an HttpResponse object - attempts to deserialize it into a HistoryResponse object
unmarshallIngestResponse(HttpResponse, UUID) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ServiceResponseHandler
unmarshallIngestResponse Given an HttpResponse object - attempts to deserialize it into an IngestResponse object
unmarshallStreamingIngestResponse(HttpResponse, Class<T>, ServiceResponseHandler.ApiName) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ServiceResponseHandler
unmarshallStreamingIngestResponse Given an HttpResponse object - attempts to deserialize it into an Object based on input type
USE_PROXY - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.HttpUtil
USER - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
Utils - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.utils
Contains Ingest related utility functions
Utils() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ServiceResponseHandler.ApiName
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest.OnErrorOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants.BdecVersion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants.WriteMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.connection.IngestStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.connection.ServiceResponseHandler.ApiName
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.OpenChannelRequest.OnErrorOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants.BdecVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants.WriteMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WAREHOUSE - Static variable in class net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants
wrapFilepaths(Set<String>) - Static method in class net.snowflake.ingest.SimpleIngestManager
wrapFilepaths - convenience method to take a list of filenames and produce a list of FileWrappers with unset size
writeRow(List<Object>) - Method in class org.apache.parquet.hadoop.BdecParquetWriter


ZonedDateTimeSerializer - Class in net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.serialization
Snowflake does not support parsing zones, so serialize it in offset instead
ZonedDateTimeSerializer() - Constructor for class net.snowflake.ingest.streaming.internal.serialization.ZonedDateTimeSerializer
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