Class KMeansQuantizer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class KMeansQuantizer extends Object implements ColorQuantizer
Uses k-means clustering for color quantization. This tends to yield good results, but convergence can be slow. It is not recommended for large images.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • quantize

      public Set<QColor> quantize(Multiset<QColor> originalColors, int maxColorCount)
      Description copied from interface: ColorQuantizer
      Quantize the given set of colors, returning a set no larger than maxColors.

      The intent is to pick a set of colors which are representative of the original color set, but no specific guarantees are made.

      Specified by:
      quantize in interface ColorQuantizer
      originalColors - the colors in the original image
      maxColorCount - the maximum number of colors to allow
      a quantized collection of colors no larger than maxColors