Uses of Class

Packages that use Board

Uses of Board in net.sourceforge.plantuml.graph

Methods in net.sourceforge.plantuml.graph that return Board
 Board Board.copy()
 Board BoardCollection.getAndSetExploredSmallest()
 Board BoardExplorer.getBestBoard()
 Board BoardCollection.getBestBoard()
 Board Galaxy4.getBoard()
 Board Oven.longTic(int nbTic, Board board, Random rnd)

Methods in net.sourceforge.plantuml.graph that return types with arguments of type Board
 Set<Board> BoardExplorer.nextBoards(Board board)

Methods in net.sourceforge.plantuml.graph with parameters of type Board
 void BoardCollection.add(Board b)
 boolean BoardCollection.contains(Board b)
 double SimpleCostComputer.getCost(Board board)
 double KenavoCostComputer.getCost(Board board)
 double CostComputer.getCost(Board board)
 Board Oven.longTic(int nbTic, Board board, Random rnd)
 Set<Board> BoardExplorer.nextBoards(Board board)
 double Oven.tic(Board board, Random rnd)

Constructors in net.sourceforge.plantuml.graph with parameters of type Board
BoardExplorer(Board init)
Galaxy4(Board board, int widthCell, int heightCell)
Graph1(Board board)
Graph2(Board board)
Graph3(Board board)
Graph4(Board board)
Graph5(Board board)

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