Class ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule

  extended by net.sourceforge.pmd.AbstractPropertySource
      extended by net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.AbstractRule
          extended by
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
JavaParserVisitor, ImmutableLanguage, PropertySource, Rule

public final class ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule
extends AbstractJavaRule

Searches through all methods and constructors called from constructors. It marks as dangerous any call to overridable methods from non-private constructors. It marks as dangerous any calls to dangerous private constructors from non-private constructors.

CL Gilbert ([email protected]) TODO match parameter types. Aggressively strips off any package names. Normal compares the names as is. TODO What about interface declarations which can have internal classes

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sourceforge.pmd.AbstractPropertySource
propertyDescriptors, propertyValuesByDescriptor
Fields inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.Rule
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Object visit(ASTClassOrInterfaceDeclaration node, Object data)
          This check must be evaluated independently for each class.
 Object visit(ASTCompilationUnit node, Object data)
 Object visit(ASTConstructorDeclaration node, Object data)
          Non-private constructor's methods are added to a list for later safety evaluation.
 Object visit(ASTEnumDeclaration node, Object data)
 Object visit(ASTMethodDeclarator node, Object data)
          Create a MethodHolder to hold the method.
Methods inherited from class
apply, getDeclaringType, importsPackage, isQualifiedName, isSuppressed, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visitAll
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.AbstractRule
addExample, addRuleChainVisit, addRuleChainVisit, addViolation, addViolation, addViolation, addViolationWithMessage, addViolationWithMessage, addViolationWithMessage, deepCopyValuesTo, end, equals, getDescription, getExamples, getExternalInfoUrl, getLanguage, getMaximumLanguageVersion, getMessage, getMinimumLanguageVersion, getName, getParserOptions, getPriority, getRuleChainVisits, getRuleClass, getRuleSetName, getSince, hashCode, isDeprecated, setDeprecated, setDescription, setExternalInfoUrl, setLanguage, setMaximumLanguageVersion, setMessage, setMinimumLanguageVersion, setName, setPriority, setRuleClass, setRuleSetName, setSince, setUsesDFA, setUsesTypeResolution, start, usesDFA, usesRuleChain, usesTypeResolution
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.pmd.AbstractPropertySource
copyPropertyDescriptors, copyPropertyValues, definePropertyDescriptor, dysfunctionReason, getPropertiesByPropertyDescriptor, getProperty, getPropertyDescriptor, getPropertyDescriptors, hasDescriptor, ignoredProperties, setProperty, useDefaultValueFor, usesDefaultValues
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.PropertySource
definePropertyDescriptor, dysfunctionReason, getPropertiesByPropertyDescriptor, getProperty, getPropertyDescriptor, getPropertyDescriptors, hasDescriptor, ignoredProperties, setProperty, useDefaultValueFor, usesDefaultValues

Constructor Detail


public ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule()
Method Detail


public Object visit(ASTCompilationUnit node,
                    Object data)
Specified by:
visit in interface JavaParserVisitor
visit in class AbstractJavaRule


public Object visit(ASTEnumDeclaration node,
                    Object data)
Specified by:
visit in interface JavaParserVisitor
visit in class AbstractJavaRule


public Object visit(ASTClassOrInterfaceDeclaration node,
                    Object data)
This check must be evaluated independently for each class. Inner classes get their own EvalPackage in order to perform independent evaluation.

Specified by:
visit in interface JavaParserVisitor
visit in class AbstractJavaRule


public Object visit(ASTConstructorDeclaration node,
                    Object data)
Non-private constructor's methods are added to a list for later safety evaluation. Non-private constructor's calls on private constructors are added to a list for later safety evaluation. Private constructors are added to a list so their safety to be called can be later evaluated.

Note: We are not checking private constructor's calls on non-private constructors because all non-private constructors will be evaluated for safety anyway. This means we wont flag a private constructor as unsafe just because it calls an unsafe public constructor. We want to show only 1 instance of an error, and this would be 2 instances of the same error. TODO eliminate the redundancy

Specified by:
visit in interface JavaParserVisitor
visit in class AbstractJavaRule


public Object visit(ASTMethodDeclarator node,
                    Object data)
Create a MethodHolder to hold the method. Store the MethodHolder in the Map as the key Store each method called by the current method as a List in the Map as the Object

Specified by:
visit in interface JavaParserVisitor
visit in class AbstractJavaRule

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