Class ASTConditionalExpression

    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.AbstractNode

        beginColumn, beginLine, childIndex, children, endColumn, endLine, firstToken, id, lastToken, parent
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node getFalseAlternative()
      Returns the node that represents the expression that will be evaluated if the guard evaluates to false.
      net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node getGuardExpressionNode()
      Returns the node that represents the guard of this conditional.
      ASTExpression getTrueAlternative()
      Returns the node that represents the expression that will be evaluated if the guard evaluates to true.
      boolean isTernary()
      To be removed in 7.0.0
      Object jjtAccept​(JavaParserVisitor visitor, Object data)
      Calls back the visitor's visit method corresponding to the runtime type of this Node.
      void setTernary()
      To be removed in 7.0.0
      • Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.AbstractNode

        appendElement, findChildNodesWithXPath, findChildrenOfType, findDescendantsOfType, findDescendantsOfType, findDescendantsOfType, getAsDocument, getBeginColumn, getBeginLine, getDataFlowNode, getEndColumn, getEndLine, getFirstChildOfType, getFirstDescendantOfType, getFirstParentOfAnyType, getFirstParentOfType, getImage, getNthParent, getParentsOfType, getUserData, getXPathAttributesIterator, hasDecendantOfAnyType, hasDescendantMatchingXPath, hasDescendantOfAnyType, hasDescendantOfType, hasImageEqualTo, isFindBoundary, isSingleLine, jjtAddChild, jjtGetChild, jjtGetChildIndex, jjtGetFirstToken, jjtGetId, jjtGetLastToken, jjtGetNumChildren, jjtGetParent, jjtSetChildIndex, jjtSetFirstToken, jjtSetLastToken, jjtSetParent, remove, removeChildAtIndex, setDataFlowNode, setImage, setUserData, testingOnlySetBeginColumn, testingOnlySetBeginLine, testingOnlySetEndColumn, testingOnlySetEndLine, toString
      • Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node

        findChildNodesWithXPath, findChildrenOfType, findDescendantsOfType, findDescendantsOfType, getAsDocument, getBeginColumn, getBeginLine, getDataFlowNode, getEndColumn, getEndLine, getFirstChildOfType, getFirstDescendantOfType, getFirstParentOfAnyType, getFirstParentOfType, getImage, getNthParent, getParentsOfType, getUserData, getXPathAttributesIterator, getXPathNodeName, hasDescendantMatchingXPath, hasDescendantOfType, hasImageEqualTo, isFindBoundary, jjtAddChild, jjtClose, jjtGetChild, jjtGetChildIndex, jjtGetId, jjtGetNumChildren, jjtGetParent, jjtOpen, jjtSetChildIndex, jjtSetParent, remove, removeChildAtIndex, setDataFlowNode, setImage, setUserData
      • Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.symboltable.ScopedNode

    • Constructor Detail

      • ASTConditionalExpression

        public ASTConditionalExpression​(int id)
      • ASTConditionalExpression

        public ASTConditionalExpression​(JavaParser p,
                                        int id)
    • Method Detail

      • setTernary

        public void setTernary()
        To be removed in 7.0.0
      • isTernary

        public boolean isTernary()
        To be removed in 7.0.0
        This method always returns true.
      • getGuardExpressionNode

        public net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node getGuardExpressionNode()
        Returns the node that represents the guard of this conditional. That is the expression before the '?'.
      • getTrueAlternative

        public ASTExpression getTrueAlternative()
        Returns the node that represents the expression that will be evaluated if the guard evaluates to true.
      • getFalseAlternative

        public net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node getFalseAlternative()
        Returns the node that represents the expression that will be evaluated if the guard evaluates to false.