Interface EcmascriptNode<T extends org.mozilla.javascript.ast.AstNode>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Object childrenAccept​(EcmascriptParserVisitor visitor, Object data)
      This method is not useful, the logic for combining children values should be present on the visitor, not the node
      String getJsDoc()
      Get the JsDoc associated with the given node.
      T getNode()
      Get the underlying Rhino AST node.
      boolean hasSideEffects()  
      Object jjtAccept​(EcmascriptParserVisitor visitor, Object data)
      Accept the visitor.
      • Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node

        children, findChildNodesWithXPath, findChildrenOfType, findDescendantsOfType, findDescendantsOfType, findDescendantsOfType, getAsDocument, getBeginColumn, getBeginLine, getChild, getDataFlowNode, getEndColumn, getEndLine, getFirstChildOfType, getFirstDescendantOfType, getFirstParentOfAnyType, getFirstParentOfType, getImage, getIndexInParent, getNthParent, getNumChildren, getParent, getParentsOfType, getUserData, getUserMap, getXPathAttributesIterator, getXPathNodeName, hasDescendantMatchingXPath, hasDescendantOfType, hasImageEqualTo, isFindBoundary, jjtAddChild, jjtClose, jjtGetChild, jjtGetChildIndex, jjtGetId, jjtGetNumChildren, jjtGetParent, jjtOpen, jjtSetChildIndex, jjtSetParent, remove, removeChildAtIndex, setDataFlowNode, setImage, setUserData
    • Method Detail

      • childrenAccept

        Object childrenAccept​(EcmascriptParserVisitor visitor,
                              Object data)
        This method is not useful, the logic for combining children values should be present on the visitor, not the node
        Accept the visitor. *
      • getNode

        T getNode()
        Get the underlying Rhino AST node.
      • getJsDoc

        String getJsDoc()
        Get the JsDoc associated with the given node. If there is no JsDoc on this node, it may be associated with a parent node, on more representative of the entire expression containing this node.
        The JsDoc comment for the node, may be null.
      • hasSideEffects

        boolean hasSideEffects()