Class RelaxedEqualsVerifierApi<T>


public class RelaxedEqualsVerifierApi<T> extends Object
API class for EqualsVerifier.forRelaxedEqualExamples(Object, Object, Object...). Its purpose is to make sure, at compile time, that a list of unequal examples is given, as well as the list of equal examples that are supplied to the aforementioned method.
  • Constructor Details

    • RelaxedEqualsVerifierApi

      public RelaxedEqualsVerifierApi(Class<T> type, List<T> examples)
      type - The class for which the equals method should be tested.
      examples - A list of example instances that are equal but not identical to one another.
  • Method Details

    • andUnequalExample

      public SingleTypeEqualsVerifierApi<T> andUnequalExample(T example)
      Asks for an unequal instance of T and subsequently returns a fully constructed instance of EqualsVerifier.
      example - An instance of T that is unequal to the previously supplied equal examples.
      An instance of EqualsVerifier.
    • andUnequalExamples

      @SafeVarargs public final SingleTypeEqualsVerifierApi<T> andUnequalExamples(T first, T... more)
      Asks for a list of unequal instances of T and subsequently returns a fully constructed instance of EqualsVerifier.
      first - An instance of T that is unequal to the previously supplied equal examples.
      more - More instances of T, all of which are unequal to one another, to first, and to the previously supplied equal examples. May also contain instances of subclasses of T.
      An instance of EqualsVerifier.